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"I'm telling you no, Liam!" Ross stomped, "we're doing the show as we planned it!"

"Nobody's going to care about those tricks though!" Liam scoffed, "trust me. My plan for the set is going to blow everyone away!"

"That's not the issue! I don't care how good your set is! The problem is that you waited until the day we’re performing to suggest it, and it's just you trying to upstage me! Again!"

The two friends had been arguing ever since they arrived to set up their magic show, the result of countless mistakes, pettiness, and rivalry all coming out at once. They had wanted to be magicians ever since they were kids, having spent hours and days practising with old kits before eventually moving on to the real thing.

It was a passion that lasted far longer than childhood; Ross being the most charismatic was the obvious choice for the lead, and since Liam was better and quicker at operating equipment behind the scenes, it was only natural he would be the assistant.

There was only one problem with this arrangement. Liam's ego.

Despite not being as skilled of a performer as his partner, Liam seemed to be convinced he could run the show better than his friend. He began to act loud and boastful during shows, requesting last minute changes to get more important appearances, and even messing up the set and ruining performances altogether in an attempt to overshadow his partner.

Ross had done his best to help him until now, but everything had finally boiled over into a full-on argument, the duo shouting at each other for at least five minutes until a polite cough broke them from the fight.

"Oh my, trouble in paradise?" the red haired girl giggled, "which act is this a practice for? Making strife disappear?"

"M-Miss Jade!" Ross blushed and shivered, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!"

The woman who had hired them smirked and rolled her eyes, something about the woman putting Ross on edge. They'd only agreed to take the job since the pay was so good, but while Liam was thrilled to be performing in "some hottie's business", Ross couldn't sense anything that wasn't a bad vibe.

"Don't be. I was just passing through and wanted to see how you two were doing. I would have sent my assistant to do it, but she's preparing for... other matters of the performance. It won't interfere with your section though! Don't you worry~."

"That's good to hear. We wouldn't want any last-minute curveballs after all, would we?" Ross glared at Liam.

"Well, maybe the audience would enjoy being blown away by one of our shows for a change!"

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! Please, calm down," Jade interjected, still smirking, "if you have any internal conflicts, I'm sure that I can find a… replacement in due time~."

“That won't be necessary!" Liam answered quickly, both of them panicked at the thought of losing a job this big, "I'm sure we can figure something out!"

"Wonderful!" Jade clapped her hands together, "I'm glad you both understand what's important! I'm certain that your show will be an exciting one! Now I really shouldn't keep you, I hope all goes well!"

She turned to leave, subtly pointing her finger at Ross's wand, the plain plastic seeming to shine for a moment as she smirked, "but feel free to make any changes for the good of the show~."

Ross breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she left, turning to his blushing partner and sighing, "I'm sorry man. I know you just want to get more recognition. But we have these roles for a reason! I'm sure we can figure something out, but tonight has to go well!"

"What!? You don't trust me to plan a good show then!?"

"Liam. I never-"

"Oh I get it! You want to impress our employer more than me, don't you?! Since you're going to be the only one on stage! You're just underestimating me! I bet you're afraid I'm the better- OW!"

Ross sighed, putting his wand down after using it to bonk his partner on the head. "Don't be a moron! Can you focus on anything but your ego for more than a minute?!"

Liam groaned, rubbing his forehead as his magician's hat tilted off balance, about to snap back before suddenly twitching as if he'd been shocked by electricity, "G-GAH~!?"

"Um, dude? I didn't hit you that-"

"W-what was in that w-ahhhhhhhhnd~!?" he gasped, "m-my head is- my head- g-going to M-MEOOOOOOOHHHHHW~!?"



"P-purrrrrrrrrrrr-"  the man slurred, his eyes glazed over after two intense bucks, Ross looking at him in shock from the display.

"D-dude, did you just purr?" Ross gaped, Liam blinking as awareness returned to him, his hat moving strangely as he panted and blushed. "Ok no judging if you’re into stuff like that, but I'd rather you had mentioned it before I-"

"S-SHUT UP!" he shuddered, feeling his throat tingle unnaturally, as if someone was rubbing sandpaper against it, "w-what did you- DOOOOOH~!? S-STOP IT PLEASE, F-FEELS- FEELS SO- N-NGHHH~!"

Liam bucked forward, his top hat tumbling off as Ross laid eyes on the source of his friend's irritation, the set of fluffy, twitching cat ears that had emerged from his scalp.

He couldn't believe his eyes, Ross was certain he was seeing things. It obviously couldn't be real! They looked too real to be fake; it was like someone had just photoshopped a set of cat ears onto his head, and they wouldn't stop twitching! The man was shuddering, gasping as the pale colouration bled from the new ears into his hair, the short, rough strands straightening out, styling themselves into a short, almost cute appearance.

He was transfixed by the sight, lost for words as Liam's features began to soften and shift, painful cracks and pops echoing through the backstage as his jaw crunched inwards, then his nose, before his cheekbones arched inwards, a small star appearing on his left. He recoiled from each change, screaming not from agony as Ross first assumed, but based on the sudden and very clear erection bulging against his jeans, a sensation that was quite different.

"DON'T J-JUST STAND THERE! D-DOOOH SOMETHIGGGGGG~! M-MAKE IT STOPPPPPPP~? MEHOOOOOOOOWWWWWW DOES IT FEEL SO- HNGH~!" his friend’s pleasured cries broke him from his shock as they slipped from plumping lips, his tear-filled eyes staring at him pleadingly, widening and sparkling with specs of purple.

"H-how am I supposed to do anything!? I don't know what's happening at all!" he paused, something occurring to him as he sighed, "wait hang on, is this some kind of prank Liam? Well this new trick is really realistic but can you just-"

"OH L-LORDDDDDDDDDD M-MY HEADDDDDDDDDDD~!? W-WHAT'S HAPPENING W-WHAT-  meow~! T-thoughts~! Remodelling my- changing how- my voice!?" he gaped, his shouts giving way to an adorably stoic, feminine whisper, Ross unable to believe his eyes as Liam clutched his newly feminised face.

"Nonononono why aren't I shouting anymore why do I sound like a cute girl why- NGH~!" He shuddered, shoulders collapsing with a brutal CRUNCH, precum staining his pants as every inch of him shook from raw delight, his body having no idea how to cope with such unnatural delights.

His ears wouldn't stop twitching, tying his brain in knots, shifting his thoughts, his voice forced to remain calm outside of his shouts as the idea of putting effort into the cries for help felt silly. Ross was right there! He could obviously hear her?

"B-but- I'm not- I c-can't- entering standby mode!?" he blurted out without thinking, from the instinct of avoiding a conversation, something about that feeling really troublesome as mental scissors cut away his boisterous gusto. He was yowling like an alleycat as his spine collapsed, and forced him to push out his flat chest and rear, the tip of it burning and twitching in the aftermath as his cock leaked more and more of his seed, the kitty pleasure blowing his virgin mind.

"Why did you just say-"

"I d-don't fucking know! I don't- oh god it's in my head!" the catgirl's head on Liam's body begged, "I-I'll do anything! I won't upstage you again! I'm happy being the assistant p-please! G-GET IT OHHHHHHHHHHUT~!"

He hugged himself, squealing as he felt the ears twitch even more, every movement resulting in a subtle shift, his thoughts like cables and wires that were slowly being crossed and rewired by an invisible puppet master. He was panicking, but the thoughts didn't want to panic, or scream, they just wanted people to leave them alone and let him rest before the show alrea-

It was a struggle to keep control, to keep what Liam considered himself from falling into a permanent standby mode, moaning meows slipping from his lips as the muscle in his arms began to decay, melting away as they went from the biggest muscles in the troupe to the biggest nothing. They were slim, slender, and unmistakably feminine, a complete contrast to their former state, the set soon joined by equally tiny, girly hands.

He wanted to scream and hide, but Liam couldn't escape from it, powerless to the very real magic that was rushing through his body, the tip of his spine pulsing further as he twitched and purred. Ross, finally processing his friend's pleas, leapt towards him, panicking while his friend grabbed his chest and screamed in conflicted delight.

"Oh god- oh shit- what- what do I-"

"I d-don't know~! A-anything! I don't- I don't want this- I want my old hands back, even if these would be so much more useful backstage helping you since I'm the assistant~? Yes I'm the assistant that's my- I love- GET OUT OF MY- WAHHHHHHHHH~!"

He bucked forward, the invading thoughts pouncing on his weak, egotistical mind, digging their claws in deep as it was corrupted to the core. But that was nothing to the raw bliss pumping through his chest, fat sloshing inside like water balloons as fat fed into them, Liam screaming as he came all over his pants, a set of b-cup tits bursting forth and bouncing invitingly, his shirt doing nothing to hide them.

Lyim gasped, his brain pulsing as he groped himself, moaning softly, ears twitching as he basked in addictive feminine pleasure. It felt good, far too good, his own way of thinking almost washed away with the tide until he noticed his friend’s blushing face, and similar bulge in his pants.

"A-are you getting off on this!?" he whispered in fury, "y-you pervert! You can't watch me when I'm pratice-'' he paused, horror dawning on his features, "I MEAN REVERSE THIS ALREADY PLEASE- I-I KEEP SLIPPING PLEASEEEEEEE~!"

"I can't help it! Just stop sounding so cute and hot when you moan!" Ross tried to justify, wracking his brain for anything he could do to try and stop this. Neither of them could actually use magic! So how had-

"Wait... did I do this!?" he exclaimed, looking down at the wand he had bonked his friend on the head with, right before the cat ears had burst out, "so maybe if I-"

"OH LOOOOHHHHHRD~! GAH~! HNGH~! SO GOOD~! WHY DOES IT FEEL SOOOOO- OHHHHHH I LOVE HAVING S-SOFT BEAUTIFUL TITS~!?" he garbled, his ears twitching, spine tingling, his cock spasming as his male fluids were ejected, disappearing as they splattered all over the floor.

But the pleasure in his spine was even worse, building and building with each passing second as it began to extend, a fluffy tip bursting out as his pants were filled with two wriggling bulges. Ross could tell time was running out, panicking as he hit his assistant on the head again, hoping it would somehow undo what was happening.

It instead had the opposite effect, magical dust spreading all over his clothes, Lyim squeaking out sneezes as his clothes began to morph and melt together, the bright colours giving way to darker shades. His white shirt floofed out into a skirt, a cleavage window forming to showcase his new breasts, his slender hands covered with skintight leather as he fought against the crushing sensation in his brain.

It was trying to convince him on things he knew weren't true, that he had worn this outfit before, that he loved being the assistant, that showing emotion was tiring and bothersome, and that Ross was really cute when he worried so much about her. Why was he watching her get changed? She didn't know, but he looked so red she couldn't help but-


"M-MEOOOOOOH~!" he cried in a daze, the bulge in the back of his boxers slipping free as the tip of his kitty tail shuddered in delight, the squishing feeling in his brain reflected in reality as his pants melted and compressed into crushing tights. He shook, his cock similarly flattened under lacy panties, the throbbing outline poking out from under the tiny skirt, little bows popping into existence all the way up as his core felt like it was being crushed.

It was a struggle to even breathe, the changing boy gaping like a fish as the corset forced his muscles into shape, each bow prompting another increase in the tightness, the bones slowly giving in to beautiful curves. They looked truly magical outlined before Ross, his own cock just as hard as Lyim's hard-earned muscle proved to be the next to disappear, the crushing latex forcing it down and breaking it until it was slim and feminine, the remains sent rocketing from his shaft.

"T-TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~!" he wailed, eyes clouded from bliss, his forming boots knocking together as they climbed up his legs, a bow POOFing into existence on the back of his neck as he found himself seeing stars, Ross watching in shock.

"Shit I'm sorry! I’ll try something else! J-just stop doing weird things like-"


It felt like it was being cut apart by saws, the pieces being glued back together to form something- someone new, the changing man gasping and shaking as he felt himself fall deeper into the catgirl. His panic was smoothing over as the growing tail burst further outwards, Ross watching as his friend visibly began to shrink.

The skirt soon found itself concealing his bulge perfectly, his height decreasing dramatically as the cat tail fed on it like a parasite, his body crunching and shifting into a tighter package, as if he was being stuffed entirely into a box. His feet curled and shrank under the tightness of his boots, the feeling of them crushing, his ego battered to pieces by the hands of an assistant that was far too done with his annoyances to care anymore.

His attitude was ruining their performances! It was so clear to see now! So obvious that the problem came from him and only him! B-but he wanted to be a proper performer and-

He wailed, his panties tightening on his cock like somebody was squeezing them, punishing him with nonstop waves of painful pleasure. It was edging his balls further inside him, his breathing growing heavy as he blushed and shuddered, realising what was to come.

"NOOOOOOO DON'T- PLEASE- PLEASE DON'T- commencing deletion~. W-wait nononononono- YES~!" he bucked, fucked by his own balls as he fell onto his back, reduced to a writhing mess, bucking in time with the destruction of every stuck-up, boastful thought.

His resistance was falling apart as fast as him trying to work a washing machine, his eyes spinning as the new colour only shined brighter, meowing happily as he pressed annoyingly flat thighs together, for once relishing the feeling of somebody's eyes on her. Being an assistant was a badge of honour, so she could live without the attention... right? I mean you'd have to be really dumb to get jealous over the way magic shows were supposed to go!

She let out smug, pleased moans as her flat thighs began to plump out like balloons, filled with dense, thick fat, pushing out the tights and squishing together pleasantly as they gradually gained thickness. It was rewarding her for the good girl thoughts, for thinking calmly and stoic, punishing each rebellious one with a painful crunch in her hips, forcing them to widen.

It was getting hard for her to think straight, her cries reduced to a mess of cat noises and moans, cumming out her mind as her partner could only watch. He'd been taller and more muscular than him only minutes ago, but now Lymette barely reached his chest, not that the changing assistant cared, too busy grinding her leaking shaft into the floor, riding the waves of her final changes.

If there was anything major left of the boy still in this forming girl's head, it was clear they had completely lost control, or no longer cared enough to even attempt to keep it. Each little buck was forcing his hips out wider, his thighs fatter, all perfectly shown off by the skintight pantyhose.

His growing tail was wrapping around his thigh, squeezing and digging into the fat, his tongue lolling out from delight as he was further suppressed by the changes. She was finally accepting her role, her ass raised as each burst of fat forced her to push it out, purring in delight as it got thicker and thicker by the second.

It was so clear what the issue in their shows was now! How could it be Ross when he put so much effort in!? It was always Lymette's attempts to upstage him that caused the problems! She was the problem! That was why-

"I'M BEING MADE BETTERRRRRRRRRRRRR~! MEOOOOOOOOW~!” She gasped, her tail bursting outwards into its final size, the muscle in her legs wrapped around before being completely crushed by the new fluffy feature.

Now it was only her shaft that remained, the bulge annoyingly pushing out her skirt, the almost-girl shivering from excitement as she processed just how close she was to completion. All the annoyances in her mind were finally going away so she could do her job already! She could be helpful for Ross again and be the good kitty assistant he always deserv-

"Nyyyyyyyyyoooooooooohhhhhhhhhh~!" she mewled, her heart now pounding with love rather than fear, "R-ROOOOOOOHHHHSSSSSSS~!"

"Liam! I-I um- are you ok!? I don't know how to stop this but please just-"

"S-shut upppppppp~! I’m not L-Liam~! B-better~! Hotter~! More i-important~!" she gasped and shook, feeling the annoying shaft start to soften and give, "I-I'M- I'M- I'MMMMMMMM-"


"LYNETTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!" the new girl screamed from bliss, her cock inverting with a glorious burst of pleasure, her body spasming wildly as everything she had been was utterly purged from her mind. As if to symbolise this, there was a breeze and a bright green glow, Ross watching as a shining gem appeared on the new girl, pulsing with light in sync with her breathing.

He was lost for words, staring in shock at the new girl, who simply blinked as she slowly recovered from her orgasmic high. She was silent for a while, simply laying flat on the floor and purring until she got to her feet, awareness slowly returning to her.

"L-Liam?" the man asked in shock, having no idea how he was supposed to react to this strange girl, one he had to remember had once been his partner.

"Who's Liam?" the girl asked in confusion, before scowling, "wow. Did you really get me confused with someone else? I'm hurt."

"H-hey what are-"

"And a guy no less? If I didn't know you better I'd say you'd gone drinking." She rolled her eyes. "You're lucky I know how important your shows are to you."

She was right. This girl somehow knew something he’d told Liam before! That he never drank on the night of a show! Was she just a girl version of his partner then? What was going on!?

He wanted to think of some theories, but all he did was gape dumbly, the girl in front of him raising an eyebrow as she sighed, "ok seriously. What is your problem today?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all L-Lia-"

"Lynette! Ugh, considering all the work I do to keep this show afloat, the least you can do is remember your girlfriend's name!" she snapped.

It took a moment for her words to fully register, the man's face turning beet red as the meaning of them hit him like a truck, stuttering and stammering in confusion as the girl glared at him in annoyance.

"What are you so flustered about! We've been dating for years! What is with you today!?"

"I-I... well! But you-"

"Ugh! I know you're stressed about this show but you just grind my gears so much!" Lynette stomped her foot, walking closer to her boyfriend with a huff, "just- you know you can come to me if you need to! Besides, the show will go fine! Quit worrying so much, dummy!"

Then she kissed him on the cheek, turned on the spot, and walked off.

She left behind a very confused Ross, the magician bright red as he touched where the pretty cat girl had kissed him, realising he had no idea what to do in the face of this sudden transformation.

Jade smirked, leaning back as she enjoyed the magic show before her, watching as Ross performed every trick flawlessly, the show not messed up at all despite the bundle of nerves he must have been feeling. She could respect that; she imagined it was quite hard to perform after a close friend was so suddenly changed!

She chuckled at the thought, clapping as the performer managed to pull a bunch of flowers out of his hat, no doubt only possible thanks to the assistant her well trained eyes could keep catching glimpses of from behind the scenes. It was clear the performer had potential, but the previous assistant really had to go; she would have never employed someone that egotistical! It was why she made her own hires herself, so it didn't hurt to give the magician a free sampling of some real magic.

Sure he could have tried harder to find a way to undo what had happened, but she had expected that, so instead, she ensured the two's... close working relationship would tempt Ross away from logic~.

She wouldn't expose her own involvement of course! Better Ross knew as little about this as possible, especially when he had the stoic, yet mischievous Lynette to please. Young love could be as fun to watch as any magic show! Jade clapped with the rest of the audience as the beautiful cat girl escaped from the water tank, the magician and his assistant bowing as they prepared the next trick.

It was obvious the duo were far happier than before, their chemistry having turned up to maximum, the two working in almost perfect unison that would make every trick be performed to perfection! There was no need to tell them she had anything to do with it though. Besides, as far as Lynette was concerned, this was her life!

With that she leaned back, fully immersing herself in the show as the catgirl kissed her partner on the cheek, Ross blushing intensely as Lynette's tail coiled around his leg possessively. Unlike her past self, she didn't interrupt the magician while he set the stage for the next act, or try and beat him to perform it. Instead she stayed in the shadows, out of sight and mind of the audience, only giving a small smile at the sight of her boyfriend enjoying himself, not an ounce of stress visible after the last few shows had gone wrong.

She wasn't sure why they had been messed up, but she was confident that they wouldn't be again, sneaking back to set up the next trick without a word.

As a good assistant should.


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