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Ross gulped, wondering where it had all gone wrong as he stared down the barrel of a gun being pointed at him by those he had seen as friends.

The man had always been studying ever since he started university, the long, stressful nightmare not resulting in any of the excitement and adventure he longed for. No, instead all he found was paperwork, boring research, and uninteresting reading the exact same things he had despised so much in high school haunting him long after he thought he had escaped.

He wasn't sure what he was hoping for in hindsight, just... something! Some kind of calling! A greater purpose that the experience could reveal! Filling his life with some sort of excitement. But instead he'd just found boredom, and a sense of hopelessness. It didn't help that he was rather unremarkable in appearance, his body never as muscular as his friends, cursed with plain hair and the kind of face that blended in with the crowd, usually wearing clothes that were never that interesting.

It was his persistent yearning for excitement that sent him falling back into old habits, the group he called friends always more judgmental over education compared to him. They were basically a wannabe gang, ones that had ambitions of being a centre point in the city's underworld. He’d always distanced himself from that part, not having any interest when it came to illegal stuff like that, far more interested in things like literature and making an actual career for himself.

Still, they were good people. Most of the time at least. His childhood friend was one of them after all, and Mary was usually someone that had common sense. So when he was invited to hang out with them after an incredibly stressful exam period, he didn’t give it much thought.

In hindsight, that was his first mistake.

Mary had assured him that things would go fine, that it wasn’t anything too illegal, something that had comforted him enough to give it a shot. Truthfully, he missed hanging out with his friend, someone he always wished he could get closer to, if he had the courage to make a move.

But things had gotten out of hand as soon as he arrived. Johnny, one of the more annoying members, had found out that an old crime lord had recently gotten himself arrested, and he happened to personally know the guard for his private collection. One thing led to another, and now Ross was standing in the corner as the whole group excitedly explored the area, eyes sparkling as they admired the various artefacts on display.

“I’m telling you, we really shouldn’t be here!” he insisted, shivering nervously, “this feels like breaking and entering!”

“What? Don’t be stupid! You were here when we got permission from the guard!”

“Ugh. Did we have to bring this idiot along? He was always too stuck-up to get stuff like this.” Another guy rolled his eyes, admiring a Japanese katana for a moment.

“Oh give it a rest,” Mary chimed in, the girl staying to the sidelines unlike the three other men. “He’s right though. If the guy gets out of jail and finds his shit missing, he’s not going to ask politely for it back!”

“Oh you don’t need to worry about that,” Johnny laughed, “with all this stuff, the other gangs will think we’re that boss's successor! We’ll have enough money to keep us all safe if he ever leaves!”

“What?” Ross blinked, barely able to believe what he was hearing. “You just said we were going to just have a look at this stuff! You didn’t say you’d be fucking robbing the guy! You all told me I wouldn’t be doing anything illegal!”

“Oh calm down. We’ll be doing the robbery. You’re just watching us. Totally different.”

“That doesn’t make it not a crime, you idiot!” Mary came to his defence with a harsh stare from under her long black hair. “You’ve always been impulsive, but I didn’t take you for crazy! I mean, stealing from the biggest crime boss in the city!?”

"It’ll be fine Mary! Stop stressing so much. We don't know that the fucker will get out anyways!"

"You don't know that for certain! You can't take that risk. If you're wrong, all of us could be killed! Including Ross! He never wanted anything to do with this!"

The other two guys looked at one another nervously as the two leaders argued, Ross not even remembering their names as he shivered, feeling more and more uneasy in the strange room. The items around him didn't help, most of them weapons of some kind. Whether it was guns, swords, or even a few hammers, the guy certainly had an interesting collection.

But what was scaring him was tucked in the far corner of the room, a long, dangerous looking scythe, the blade coated with blood red metal, adorned with bones and a skull that he hoped was fake. Of course, the fact it looked so deadly didn't help, but something else about it scared him. Some kind of aura that chilled him to the bone.

"Mary's right," he muttered, "I-I don't want to stay here. Please Johnny, we really need to go. What if the police sho-"

"Who cares what you think!? I don't listen to spineless wimps like you! Come on, Mary! This is our chance! We can finally get power in this city!"

"Don't be an idiot! We're a bunch of teenagers for god's sake! I know you've had your differences with Ross, but he's being sensible! We aren't robbing this guy! We are leaving! IS THAT-"


Ross screamed, mouth agape as Johnny moved to point his gun towards him, Mary falling to the floor with a shocked expression on her face, blood pooling from the wound in her stomach. "WHAT THE FUCK!? M-MARY! MARY ARE YOU-"

"Shut up!" Johnny hissed, grabbing the man and forcing him back. "You always thought you were better than us, didn't you?! You probably turned Mary against us from the start! She always cared more about you than our goals! Well I'm tying up these loose ends before they bite me in the ass! It's a crime boss thing. You wouldn't understand!"

The other two men stared dumbfounded, one of them checking Mary's body while the other looked to be on the verge of a panic attack. Ross felt like he might cry, convinced he was trapped in a nightmare, the only thing stopping him from running towards his friend being the threat of death hanging in front of him.

"Y-you're insane! That d-doesn't even make sense! You didn't have to shoot her! P-please take her to a hospital before-"

"Shut up! You two! Make yourselves useful and grab all you can! Or I'll drag you both with me if I get caught!" Johnny's words shot them both into action, the two far too concerned to save their own skin as they gathered as many weapons as they could.

Ross backed away, too scared to think what to do, fear and panic consuming his thoughts, not realising where he was until Johnny pushed him back. He didn't scream. The pain was too sudden for that, Ross blinking as he looked down, the tip of the scythe having pushed through his chest like a knife through butter, blood dripping free as his eyes widened in shock.

The reality of the situation took a moment to fully register, the man coughing up blood as Johnny scoffed and turned away. "Let's go! Whoever's left to manage this place can handle the clean up."

The other two followed, hands filled with weapons as the door slammed shut, Ross doing his best to stay awake as he cried in despair and pain. "I-I'm... I'm going to die. M-my phone's in my bag and... M-Mary! Mary are you ok!?"

There wasn't an answer, the man swearing as he used the last of his strength to pull himself from the scythe's blade, falling to the floor with a thud, the weapon falling down next to him in the process. He was certain blood would be pouring free from the massive wound, but strangely, there was nothing. Did part of the weapon get wedged inside to stop the bleeding?

He gently felt the source of the pain with his hand, at first careful not to disturb what was preventing him from certain death, but only finding confusion. "W-what... where... where did it go!?"

The wound was gone, the hole the scythe had pierced nowhere on his body. The pain was still present, but the feeling seemed to be phantom, no longer having any clear source. He should have been more relieved, but something so lacking in logic was only making him more afraid, just like he instinctively felt when staring at the weapon to begin with.

There was something else too. When he was feeling his body for the wound... was his flesh oddly... smooth? It had to be his imagination playing tricks on him, but was there a strange, almost pleasant sensation mixed with the pain?

"Ok, this is freaking me the fuck out. Mary! Are you alright! Shit, we have to get out of here befo-"

"Ugh, I heard you the first time Ross! Ow, my fucking head..."

At first, he was relieved to hear his best friend's voice again, Ross letting out a sigh of relief before pausing in confusion. "M-Mary? Is that-! Wait... where... where are you?"

"What? Where are you?! I'm stood on the other side of the room for some reason! Did Johnny push me? Ugh, that dick. Please tell me he didn't do anything stupid while I was..." the echoey voice paused, right as Ross turned to look back at Mary's body, the man groaning as his insides churned strangely.

"R-Ross. Is that... is that... w-why am I over there!? W-why am I bleeding!? W-what- WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"What are you talking- wait. A-are you in my head!?"

“Nononononono, it's not real. He couldn't be that stupid. He c-couldn't have shot me. He isn't that stupid. He isn't that-"

"M-Mary! Try and stay calm! W-we need to-"

*"HOW CAN I STAY CALM ROSS!? I'M FUCKING DEAD AND IN YOUR HEAD! THIS ISN'T SOMETHING I CAN BE CALM ABOUT!"  she screamed, her echoing voice sounding like it was coming from everywhere at once.

"I k-know! I-it's just- j-just- A-AGH~!?" he cried, the pain returning with a vengeance as something CRACKED, Ross falling back to the ground as he writhed in confusion. It hurt, it hurt so bad. But alongside it was something he never expected, faint but clearly apparent pleasure. "G-GYAH~! HAH~!? W-WHAT THE SHIT~!?"

"R-Ross! What's wrong! W-what's h-hAH~! OH GAWD I CAN F-FEEL IT TOO~! W-WHAT IS THIS~!?" Mary cried, Ross only wishing he had the answer, his back arching from the strange feelings, echoes of bliss buzzing through it.

H-had something changed? It couldn't have, right? That was stupid to even consider! That's what he told himself at least, desperately trying to deny that his back felt unmistakably different. "Y-you're just imagining things, you're just-"


She was right, both of them moaning and gasping as Ross's blonde hair was burnt with violent ecstasy, every strand and lock flooded with strange feelings as he screamed to the heavens.

Every inch of his strands were tingling, the blonde sea of locks corrupted by a spill of corruptive black, the hair falling in front of his eyes as it flowed down beautifully, tickling aching shoulders as he gasped and panted. It felt so good, the man having no idea why as he fell to the floor, eyes watering while both minds tried to figure out what was happening.

It was then that his eyes were drawn by a SMASH, his sudden fall sending a mirror falling to the floor, glass shards scattered everywhere as Ross looked down at the hundreds of tiny panicked reflections. He stared at the unfamiliar hair, the sight of it on his body utterly alien, the man feeling more terrified by the second.

"Is t-that... is that my hair?” Mary whispered, Ross blinking as he held the locks in his hand, the soft texture making his cock harden and throb as he shuddered in confusion. She was right, it looked just like her hair. B-but... what did that mean?

His skin was paler too, his flesh looking like it would be much more fitting on a goth like Mary than him, his eyes burning with tears as a bloody, deadly red flooded his blue pupils. "U-ugh! Why are you s-so hard!? This feels weird! S-stop enjoying this you sicko! W-we need help!"

"I c-can't help it!" he gasped, the sound turning to a squeal as another surge of bliss only made his shaft stiffer, his eyes wide as eyelashes extended beautifully. "I-it feels f-fucking g-good~! G-god~! M-my b-body~! O-our b-body~! I-it's tearing us a-aPARTTTTT~!!!"

He bucked back as both minds screamed, his face wriggling painfully as the blood within sucked and pulled at his features, his body twitching in a mixture of agony and bliss with each drastic shift.




"U-UGH~! NGH~! A-AH~! S-SHIT~!" Ross cried with each one, his features morphing with each wave of bliss, pushing them further towards an androgynous appearance.

"Oh god, oh fuck, oh fucking shit!" Mary cried, barely able to keep herself together through the confusing, alien sensations of Ross's body, let alone the strange pleasure. None of this made sense, Mary half-convinced it had to be a nightmare, denying just how real everything felt and-

"W-wait," she muttered, suddenly aware of something, a strange pressure, an alien feeling that something was watching her. "N-no. I-I have to be imagining things I have to- OH FUCK!"

She was cut off by a burst of the presence, both Ross and Mary's vision clouded by a surge of red for a moment as something in their shared brain pulsed violently in sync with his cock.

“W-what... what the shit was-!? O-oh god Ross, there's s-something else! There's something else in here with us!”

"W-what are you t-talking about?" Ross gasped, his whole body shivering as he struggled to keep himself together after each blow of pleasure. "T-THERE CAN'T B-BE- OH FUCK~!"

The pulsing grew stronger, thick cum busting all over the floor as the man screamed from conflicted delight, something in his throat burning as to his horror, a stranger's voice left his lips. It was an echoey, androgynous tempo, a hint of allure with every sound as he gasped. "T-this is too much~!"

"I-I'M SERIOUS THOUGH! I-IT'S HERE! W-WATCHING US! IT'S NOT HUMAN, I-IT ISN'T-" she screamed as she felt tendrils of bloody essence wrap around her spirit, forcing it towards Ross's soul as the two mentally struggled, Ross grabbing his head and squealing as he flopped onto his back wildly.

He could feel the alien essence now, both of them struggling to stay afloat in its overwhelming and corrupting aura that had flooded the shared mental state. It was trying to absorb them, both minds fighting in panic, the process having an unintended side effect as pieces of knowledge were pumped into their minds,

"HNGH~! GAH~! S-SHIT~!" they cried in unison for a moment, bucking as each section of information sent Ross's thighs surging in mass, bouncing with additional fat and muscle as his cock throbbed happily into one. The presence was the scythe. They knew that now. It was forged in an era long ago, from minerals and material that no longer existed, charged by magic of ages past.

It could control blood with its power, summon succubi, teleport, but it was more than a weapon. It had a mind. A curiousity. A will for adventure just like Ross. It wasn't human yet, but soon it would be, Ross and Mary gasping as they felt the will pull at their psyches, horror flooding them both in unison as they realised what was happening.

They were the material, the scythe's will seeking human understanding and identity through the use of Ross' body and whatever bits of their brains happened to survive the pleasured metamorphosis. And no matter how limited the scythe's mind was, it had still been around far longer than both friends.

"K-KEEP BACK~!" Mary begged, a hand slamming into the ground as the muscles in Ross's arm wobbled before bursting with strength. "K-KYAHHHHH~!!! T-THIS POWER~! OH S-SHIT NOOOOO T-TOO- TOO-"

"GOOD~!" Ross finished, his other arm spasming as it too was flooded with newfound strength, his already changed one desperately pulling at his shirt as his heart pounded faster and faster. "THE PRESSURE B-BUILDING NO I- WE REFUSE W-WON'T LET YOU- OH GAWDDDDDDD~!!!!! I FEEL LIKE WE'RE GOING TO EXPLODE~!"

He gasped desperately, tearing open his shirt as the pressure was released all at once, the muscles swelling with newfound strength, Ross feeling it in disbelief as he wriggled and groaned. “POWERFUL~! POWER~! SUCH STRENGTH~! T-TOO MUCH~! GAWD~!”

MY MIND MY HEAD, OUR- FUCKING SHIT WE CAN’T TAKE ITTTTT~!!!” Mary cried, both sets of thoughts scattered by the intense pull of the alien force that was festering within, each little blast of bliss sacrificing another part of themselves. There was no end in sight, only more and more of the endless pleasure, the intensity driving them mad with lust.

They came hard, panting with a blush as Ross’s red eyes spun, a final surge of euphoria blasting into his thighs, a squeal slipping free as their sheer mass burst through his pants with a rip. “GAH~! HAH~! WAHHHHHHHH~!”

“H-HOLD ON~! We have to- no don’t~! We have- no I need to- Mary! Ross! Oh shit~! Stay back~! STAHP~!” they were speaking as one now, the different voices wobbling together in their head, the long hair flowing and bouncing with each thrash.

Ross... Mary? It could have been one of them or both at once that noticed the small swelling in their rear first, gaining a little more bounce as they squirmed wildly into the ground. They grunted and moaned as they kicked their legs upwards, each action sending the muscles bulging within swelling with newfound power, toes and fingers curling from the flooded strength.

That desire to know more about the world from the scythe was reacting to Ross, the man's desire for adventure pounding as he was tempted further to just let go, his body violently rolling back and forth in conflict.

"N-NO YOU HAVE TO F-FIGHT IT ROSS! W-WE CAN'T LET IT- B-but Mary! I w-want! I want it to! I w-want an-adventure~!" he gasped out some squeals, the dividing line between both minds growing smaller by the minute, both of them mixing wildly. But it wasn't a simple fusion, they were becoming something, someone... new, a being birthed from the ashes of all three beings in the new body, one that included traits from each psyche.

The desire and will to explore was eating away at the resistance, even if part of them really didn't want to let go, Ross shuddering as his fully changed body buzzed with bliss, an explosion of it imminent.

“N-NO! YES~! PLEASE~! STOP~! I- WE- I- WE~! GAH~!" they bucked harder, the scythe’s will pulling them in one last time, a new personality claiming every thought that survived as their cock throbbed harder, tears forming in their blood red eyes. "HOLD ON~! NO~! TAKE ME~! F-FINISH FORMING ME~! NO, I'M SCARED~! I'M F-FREE~! I HAVE A BODY~!? I-I'M A PERSON~!? NO~! L-LET ME OUT PLEASE- OH GAWD YES WE'RE- I- THINK THAT-"

There was an explosion of euphoria, all three beings screaming for the last time as themselves as a new mind was forged, showering their legs with cum, their new body thrashing like a rag doll as they cried. “WE'RE BECOMING ONEEEEEEEEEEE~!"

It was the last cry of all minds in their previous state, someone new left to gasp as they awoke in the most intense orgasm of their life. Well. Any orgasm would have been the most intense since it was the first thing they experienced. But they had a feeling it was intense by normal standards.

"Well... that was p-pleasant..." they managed to form words, groaning as they pulled themselves upwards, shaking their head as their thoughts raced wildly. They remembered being the scythe. A spark of curiosity and mind trapped alone for what had probably been centuries. But at the same time, they also remembered being Ross. The college student that was tired with his life and wanted adventure beyond it. And they remembered being Mary, the girl that always seemed to resent her position in life, and almost had it taken away if it wasn't for the scythe's magic.

Oh and they also recalled having a crush on Ross, and another on Mary. It seemed they didn't have the memories of people good with communication.

"Oh I do hope that won't make me a narcissist..." they sighed, the thoughts finally settling as they picked up the scythe, admiring their reflection in the blade.

“Hm. I do look most pleasing though. It appears my appearance turned out to be quite satisfying in the end. I’m not certain how much effort went into creating it on the changes part. But I can’t help but be pleased with the result.” They smiled, keeping hold of the scythe and carefully avoiding the shattered glass.

Although they didn’t show it, it felt amazing to have a body. Both in the physical and mental sense. Their thoughts were able to exist beyond the simple state they were trapped in before. They remembered so many exciting things about the world! So many activities they could go and do! Some done by their previous selves and others not, the possibilities were truly open!

There was some debate on what to call themselves though, the new person not interested in labelling themselves with a gender or sex. That felt too restrictive, and besides, they had more important things to work out! Like what to call themselves!

That came easily though, an inspection under where the scythe had been displayed catching their eye, not caring about the quote itself, but rather where it had been taken from. “Testament? That is a rather unique name. Different, and not like anyone else’s... my, it’s perfect!”

The newly christened Testament smiled, slowly walking towards the door, flinching as they noticed Mary’s body laying on the ground. “Ah yes. That wasn’t exactly the best experience to remember. But a suitable reminder that I do have one loose end to take care of before I have some fun. But first...” they looked down at themselves, pouting at the ruined clothes that were barely hanging off their body. “I may need a new outfit...”


“Come on, you both!” Johnny smiled, finally finishing packing all of the weapons into the back of a rented out van, even if most of the work had been done by the other two guys. “We need to get out of here until the cops show up!”

He made a mental note to hire people with more stamina next time. It’d been almost an hour since he left those bodies in the old man’s weapon vault. Even if it was deep in the underworld, there was still the risk of discovery that was increasing by the second!

Johnny really should have planned it out more in hindsight, the man starting to wonder if his impulsiveness might have backfired for once... nah it would work out. It always did!

But now everything was loaded up, and he could finally get out of here! Johnny smiled, the other two guys deciding to make their own way back, still looking a little uncomfortable with the whole thing. Well, they’d better get used to it! Now, nothing was going to stop him from-


He blinked, looking around with a start, swearing he had just heard something like a stick press on the ground, the sound kickstarting a chain of clinks as it steadily grew closer. Johnny assumed it was an old man or woman, so was unprepared for the tall, darkly dressed figure to emerge from the fog, holding a strangely familiar scythe, their face mostly concealed by their top hat.

It took him a moment to realise where he’d seen the scythe before, his heart almost stopping from shock as he narrowed his eyes and stormed over to the figure, wondering why someone in such a stupid outfit was out this late in the first place. They weren’t even covering their thighs!

“Hey! You! Where did you get that!?” he barked, coming to a stop behind the shadowy figure who paused, before chuckling, the sound strangely echoey.

“Hmm? Oh I acquired this outfit nearby. I needed something to stand out, you see. As well as something that actually fit. Judging by someone already coming to me... I think it’s fair to say that I’ve succeeded~.”

“Outfit!? I don’t mean that you idiot! I mean that scythe! I was going to go back for that tomorrow!”

“Then I’m quite afraid to say that you are out of luck friend,” they laughed, turning slightly so Johnny could see one of their narrowed red eyes, “this scythe is most certainly mine. You made quite sure of that. I’m rather... close to it now, you see.”

“What are you... I’ve never seen you before! Are you drunk or something!?” Johnny snapped, hiding his fear behind false bravado as the figure chuckled lightly.

“No, no. Part of me enjoyed a good drink, but the other was admittedly against it. I always had to stop you making a fool of yourself when you were drunk though. If only I’d had the sense to see how delusional you had become before today...” they commented, sighing before pouring something into a tea cup, gulping down some warm tea with a smile. “Lovely night for it though. For rebirths. Second chances. And most certainly tea~.”

Johnny backed away, the figure always seeming to keep their eyes on him as he searched for the key in his pocket. “But I only went drinking with the gang you d-delusional freak! And the others just left! Nice try! I’m going to g-go no-“

“But that’s not quite true, is it Johnny? We both know there’s one other person who would know that,” Testament smiled, a smug gleam in their eye as Johnny froze, “the same person you left for dead. The same person you shot before stabbing with this very scythe. Quite rude if you ask me.”

“W-what are you talking about!? I’ve killed them both! You don’t look like either of them! D-did Mary know what I was doing!? Did she put you up to this!? What am I supposed to believe, y-you’re one of their ghosts!?” Johnny cried almost hysterically.

“Oh I’m far more than that. I’m Mary. But I’m also Ross. And also the will of an ancient scythe from centuries past. I’m all of these things, yet I’m also none of them. But I go by Testament now. How do you do?” they asked, nails tapping the scythe as they eyed the man like a predator staring down some prey.

“Not real. Not human. I-I’m dreaming, this is just my damn consciousness being a pussy!” He attempted to rationalise before screaming as Testament vanished, before appearing right in front of him.

“I suppose I've transcended human existence then. In all honesty, I’m not sure what kind of person I’ll be yet. I can’t even say that I was born yesterday! But I think I’m going to enjoy life and all these hobbies that make it worth living. Although, I have to confess it doesn’t feel right to start it off without wrapping up one last loose end~.”

A few minutes later, Testament smiled as they dropped Johnny’s unconscious form to the floor, right next to Mary’s body, with every weapon returned. Well, almost every item, Testament giving a small smile as they kept hold of their scythe before slowly walking away, certain their tip off to the police would serve some justice to the unfortunate end of their old existence.

But now, now they were free to live a life filled with excitement and adventure, one that they had always wished for. The possibilities open to them felt almost limitless.

“And I must say.... I simply can’t wait to get started~.”


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