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(Collab and companion piece to this upload by the amazing Lazyusername1! Check out his stuff if you haven't already! Linktober 2023 #3: Link to Megan TG/TF by LazyUsername1 on DeviantArt)

Link panted, wiping the sweat off his brow and raising an arm to try and wave away the heat, the exploration of Death Mountain proving to be more of a struggle than he first predicted. But still he continued his journey, intent to complete his quest, even if getting out of this heat proved to be a good motivation…

The hero wondered if he should perhaps remove a few layers of his tunic, the heat seeming to bear down on him nonstop as he slowly advanced. Each and every step reminded him of all the gear he had brought, Link wishing he had an easier way to carry it all as he clutched the Master Sword tight, swearing the heat almost felt like it was inside him...

He brushed it off as a side effect of adventuring through the harsh climate for so long, despite the heat feeling different. Almost... pleasant? He shivered, hoping he hadn't caught a cold back when adventuring through the icy regions of Hyrule, leaning down to pull up his trousers a little.

"Hyah?" he blinked, running a hand down the exposed skin of his leg, only now noticing how smooth and hairless it looked, even slightly tanned in the sunlight. He got back up with a start, blushing as he found no sleeves to pull up. B-but he could have sworn that... well it would have been dumb to go long sleeves in this weather anyways! As if he would wear them at all!

There was a pulse in his chest, a strong thump in response to the thought, Link letting out a confused groan as he crossed his arms, frowning with a blush. D-did... did his muscles look a little... jiggly? Did he have too much food again? Ugh, it wasn't her fault! Every time she's not paying she just feels like having as much as-

It happened again. Link grew increasingly concerned as weird thoughts continued to break through his train of thought, his strands seeming a bit darker, giving the strange growth on his chest a little poke to see if it was truly-

"A-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~"* It took him a moment to realise it was him moaning, his body shuddering as the pillows pushed further outwards, an unfamiliar, high-pitched cry all he could do to react.

"W-wait? Those are t-tits!?" he gaped, the realisation hitting him with a start, fully processing the sound of his voice as his eyes widened in terror, "T-THAT'S MY VOICE!?"

This had to be some kind of trap. He knew that now. Some kind of trick cast upon him by Ganon's forces! Which was making him think he was turning into a girl! He had to stop it before- nonononono! That's the most unoriginal TG trigger in the book! If I'm going to post it, I have to make it look like I thought this though for more than five minutes!

"S-STOP!" he cried, breaking out of the thoughts and trying very hard not to focus on just how... real everything felt, "S-SHOW YOURSELF MONSTERS! I-I'LL- I'LL?"

Link's heart stopped, only now becoming aware that the Master Sword was no longer in his grip, or anywhere on him. It was the same with all his weapons! Even his belts looked like they were vanishing from existence!

"N-no! Stop! Bring them back!" he cried in panic, half hoping this was some kind of nightmare and soon he would wait nightmare? Any dream with TG in was a fucking miracle! Maybe she would get to the good part this-

"What does that even me- A-AH~!" there was a pulling on his cock, his body shuddering, plumper thighs pressing tight against... shorts? Wait, where was his hat? Why did his tunic feel so... loose? Well loose clothes were always more comfy so...

His face felt funny, his ears aching with pleasant bliss as he noticed how slender and powerless his legs looked, and how devoid of muscle his core was! He could even see it bulge out a little and- w-well she didn't have a perfect figure! So what!? Not like she was a supermodel! Or an anime character! Her figure was quite good considering!

Link knew he had to fight it, even as whatever force that was changing him slowly stripped him of everything, both mentally, and physically. He clenched his fist, noticing his gloves still had their gauntlets attached. If he could find whoever was doing this and fight them off, he was sure to-




His gloves were shredded in an instant, exposing the lithe hands and slender arms of a perfectly normal woman beneath.

"T-this isn't possible!" he protested, "this c-can't be rea- K-KYAH~!"

Thighs fattened further, lightening strands gently falling over a softening face, Link shuddering as he felt a tug on his cock. It was taking all of his willpower not to scream, or further grope his breasts, more of his clothing taken away to reveal more of an increasingly girly, feminine form.

He did his best not to freak out, to keep his thoughts focused and on track despite the interruptions that kept breaking through his brain, desperate for a solution that could save him. The answer soon occurred to him, Link desperately pulling up his left hand as he realised what he needed to do. The Triforce! Surely that would- shit she had to change that as well. She totally forgot!

His heart almost stopped when he found his hand completely plain. That wasn’t- it was impossible! Why was it gone!? Well she wanted to have a detail of it becoming a normal tattoo, but why would she have that? She couldn’t just make stuff up about herself for the sake of a story-

“NO~! SOMEONE H-HELP ME SOMEONE~! I need to save Zelda~?” he blinked, confused why that came out so half-heartedly. Saving Zelda was the whole point of his quest! Without her- ughhhhhh game she gets it! Zelda is so important! But at least get her a better design!

“W-well... um... ah... she can be a little... gahhh.... complaining sometimes?” he moaned, his eyes starting to grey out as his cock began his retreat inside him. Link knew Zelda was important, but he was feeling less attached to her by the second, even starting to nitpick her outfit, her... design? And... how overused she was?

In fact, he was feeling less attached to Hyrule altogether, those secret shames he had about Purah looking hot suddenly not feeling shameful at all. Like why would the devs have made her look so sexy otherwise? Wait, d-devs?

Link really didn’t want to save Zelda anymore, the core of the hero corrupted as a new girl came to mind at that name instead. He blushed and drooled, imagining the other princess, with her long hair, pretty dress, adorable high-heeled sandals and amazingly cute-

Ohhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkk... w-why can’t I be saving b-best Zelda~?” he questioned, fully agreeing with the new thoughts, shuddering as his boots were shredded to pieces, exposing slim feminine legs and feet, “f-for real for real~...”

That was probably the reason she had been putting off playing this game so long! Well that and dying on a hill the first time she gave it a shot. No it wasn’t a skill issue- he was stronger than- she was way better at games than that!

“I could have kept going if I- I CAN STILL- KYAH~! HNGH~! N-NOOOOOOHHH~!!!!” his cock was hammering inside him, each thrust parting his hips further, eyes shining brown as the hero’s mind was clouded with pure bliss.

While he was gaining inches in height, he only seemed to be getting weaker and less imposing, Link gasping and choking as breasts surged out even further, j-just how big were these going to get he would think, that stupid hero flabbergasted by her own boobs! Fuckkkkkkkkk that shit was hottttttttt~.

Please no he would think, realising his very way of thinking was starting to shift from my influence, that's right Link you’re my bitch now and I'm in control! Oh charo, mith, and Waver would say I could never dom anybody! But jokes on you! Now I can-


"JNHBGYHUJNHBGYHUJNHAHHHHHHH~!" he screamed, breaking out of the strange thoughts with a start, even more unusual fantasies filling his mind while he verbally text smashed, his vision turning blurry from tears as even his eyesight began to be torn away from him.

He couldn't stop fantasising, drooling as woman after woman emerged to the forefront of his thoughts, busty, imposing d-dommyyyyyyyyy-

"R-Rosaria? Sara? Sabrina? Karai? Mahiru? S-SUNSET!? M-MIMI~!?" he knew all their names, imagining them leaning down, stroking his chin, groping his breasts, hugging him close as they whispered sweet nothings into his ears.

"You're such a good girl~."

"Our favourite plaything~."

"We don't want that little hero~."


"Stupid boy! Jeez! Give up already!"

"Be our good girl instead Megan~."

"Teehee~! Come on Megan~! I want my little simp back~!"

Each imagined comment was another blow to Link, his shirt shrinking further as Link was erased from his own mind, his presence reduced to nothing more than a fictional character, all while Megan blushed and giggled in a daze.

"H-hehe... I'm a g-good girl..."

She came for the first time as a woman from her own fantasies, giggling to herself as her shirt shrunk to its final size, the magic tunic finishing its descent into her loose underwear, symbolising the worth it held to the perfectly ordinary fetish writer. She shuddered, her own cock gone, finding herself in her room, not one that held swords or other weapons, but figures, books and... more figures and books, and soft toys and-

"My stuff! My stuff that I like having!" Megan huffed, almost feeling self conscious as she looked down at the laptop on her bed, a fully written TG story now before her. "Oh god this turned out way hotter than it should have! I mean... Link turning into me? Godddddddd the way he just loved turning into me~. Like I had control for once was just... fuckkkkkkkk~."

She drooled a little, already horny for the concept as she wondered what to write for the ending, deciding to figure it out later as she giggled once more, "I mean if it did happen to him, of course he would love it! I'm pretty hot hehe~. I mean, Raph was begging for the TG into me as soon as I showed him pics of my "OC"! Cute little brat~."

It really was a wonder just how much a voice changer and kisekae models of yourself could do, yet Megan had managed to pull them off perfectly! And nobody suspected anything! It made her so smug to think about, especially once she unveiled her new “OC”, and then Lazy had the idea of turning Link into her and how was she supposed to say no!?

Of course she had a certain other inspiration from the other day when...

"Oh fuck this! This game sucks! How am I dead from climbing up this hill! Why do I have to save this Zelda! Why didn't I just play the sequel like Red said?! Whatever, I'm just gonna turn this loser into me to take out my frustrations."

"Well the DA watchers don't need to know that part Megan!" she chuckled to herself, scrolling through Discord as she noticed two DMs from Redrocian. "Huh, what does my BFF want? Is her voice changer on the fritz again?"

Strangely, it was just gushing about BotW Zelda, almost mindless and badly formatted, eventually devolving to her typing "sub", "writer", “snuggable”, “cuddleable” and "ordinary" a bunch for no real reason. She wrote it off as a prank and moved on, groaning as she waved a hand to her face.

"Oh fuck me I forgot to set up the fan didn't I! Ughhhhhhh why is it soooooooooo hot today!"

Even going upstairs and stripping down to her underwear had done nothing to diminish it! She might as well be on an active volcano with how boiling it was! Megan simply sighed, hoping it would blow over after gulping down some water, getting a google doc link ready and heading to the DMs of the one who inspired the story in the first place.

She'd send this and the story would be done! Hard to believe when it took her this long to write it, but hey she still had a few longer projects to do. And other important stuff! Like playing Genshin and shit! Not Breath of the Wild though. She was never going to bother revisiting that Hyrule again. Maybe the second game though. Purah dommy and hot. What she was going to do though was send this message, leave this story and Link behind, and have some time to fantasise about her waifus and best girls! With that, Megan smiled. And hit send.



Well that was more meta than I expected.