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Weiss Schnee had found that Beacon Academy, and as an extension, the entirety of Vale, was far from the idealistic freedom she craved.

The first hint of this was the run in with that dolt near the landing bay, then the encounter with her future faunus teammate, all topped off with a meeting with the eternal blonde headache Yang Xiao Long.

Safe to say, it had all spiralled out of control from there.

It would have been... manageable if the problems had ended there. But it seems whatever misfortune she had racked up in a past life had all gone back to bite her at once. Whether it was the annoying advances of Jaune, the total obliviousness of Neptune, or at the very top of her list, Coco Adel.

Oh how that second year got on her nerves! She not only strolled around like she owned the place, but she acted like it too! She was almost inhumanly confident in herself, flirting with every girl she met, and wrapping everyone around her finger without even trying.

If there was a god, Weiss silently thanked them Coco wasn’t a noblewoman in Atlas. The thought alone made her shudder.

No. Instead, Coco made it her mission to cross the Schnee as much as she could. Constantly criticising her fashion. The condition of her weapon. Even her attitude! What did she know?! It was getting almost concerning how much they “accidentally” bumped into each other in the corridors.

“Stupid Coco!” Weiss grumbled at her table, brewing her tea with a scowl, “as if her sense of fashion can compete with a noblewoman like myself! She’s worse than the dolt! How can one woman be so... infuriating?!”

“I don’t know Weiss,” Yang sighed from across the room, really regretting not saying “not it” for the “checking on their prissy teammate” duty, “don’t you think you’re sorta taking this out of proportion?”

“I most certainly am not!” Weiss gasped in offence, “that woman is a Grimm in disguise!”

“Right...” Yang groaned, “you know I’m friends with her right? She’s just messing with you! She likes seeing people squirm, that's all. You really need to chill out Weiss.”

Yang wisely decided to leave out the part about Coco laughing for a few minutes while pointing out every negative trait and poor outfit decisions her teammate had ever made.

“Oh of course you would choose that she-devil over your own teammate!” Weiss scowled, “just leave me alone already! I need to have some tea to help clear my head! Now where did that dolt leave my milk... she’d better not have drank it all again!”

It was while Weiss was searching the fridge that a thought crossed Yang’s mind, the blonde furrowing her brow in thought as she pulled out a small packet from her pocket. Coco had given it to her the last time they met up, right after she had complained about Weiss’s increasingly short temper. The brunette had smirked and pulled it out, her chocolate eyes gleaming as she stared at the blonde over her glasses.

“I’ve got just the thing. Slip this to her. Food, drink, doesn’t matter. Just get it inside her and that stuck-up rich girl will finally chill out and get off your backs.”

“I hope you know what you're doing Coco...” Yang muttered, quickly opening the packet and pouring it into the mixture before Weiss returned with the milk.

“Hmm? What are you still doing here brute?! This is my time to relax!”

“Ok ok, I’m going!” Yang groaned, leaving the room without looking back as Weiss scoffed in annoyance, mixing her tea before sitting down with a smile.

“Finally, some peace and quiet~!” She smugly thought aloud, taking a gulp of her well-earned drink that would finally make the headache of a day worth it.

The taste she was met with though was far from what she expected, the girl coughing and choking as she swallowed the mouthful of drink with a furious glare. That... that wasn't tea at all! It tasted like...

"Coffee!?" she hissed in confusion, shaking in anger, "how does it taste like that awful drink!? I prepared it perfectly! This is utterly non-"


Weiss gasped, her eyes widening as a shiver shook through her entire body, the tea cup dropping back onto the saucer as the poor girl breathed heavily. She was blushing, a strange feeling stirring inside her, one that was making her knees weak, her body buzz, and brain ache.

It was pleasure. Pure, sexual pleasure, and it took every bit of Weiss's willpower not to moan like some common harlot. She covered her mouth to stop it, the warm, disgusting drink feeling like it was heating her up from the inside, dissolving like a bath bomb as it flooded her with strange yet appealing sensations.

"W-what is this!?" Weiss managed to gasp out, her composure barely hanging on as she fought the instinct to remove some of her clothes, "did I put something wrong in it? Or... or... or?"

It was then she noticed something that defied all explanation, her mouth falling open in shock as she noticed the strands in front of her eyes. Were they... shorter!? She had to be seeing things, the girl dashing to the nearest mirror and almost shrieking in terror at the sight of her hair shortening rapidly.

The locks grew out of reach of her eyes in seconds, her ponytail sinking back into her head as the ring keeping it in place fell to the floor uselessly, her perfect Schnee hair now looking far closer to her partner's in length. It was already bad enough, but it didn't end there, Weiss actually screaming in shock as brown spilled across her strands, like coffee staining tablecloth, one that would never be able to get out.

Within seconds her entire hair had been corrupted, every last bit burnt brown, although one strand that curled down to her chest was a much lighter shade. It wasn't her hair. It wasn't her hair at all! But something about it looked familiar... where had...

It hit her with a terrible start, her face blushing in a mixture of rage and bliss as she clenched her rival’s hands, huffing in fury. "C-COCO!? What is this!? Are you trying to t-torment me again? Hmph! Well as a Schnee I r-refuse to respond to such- OH D-DEARRRRR~!!!!"

Her muscles bursting outwards put an end to her annoying protests, new power and strength suddenly pushing her to the brink of her composure, her shoulders crunching into new formations. It felt good, why did it feel good!? What was Coco doing!?

"S-SHOW YOURSELFFFFFFFF~!" she cried, hugging herself as the caffeine lit a fire of bliss deep in her core, "I-I WON'T- WON'T LET YOU GET A-AWAY WITH-"

"Hmm? Awwwwwww but Weissy- I already have~!"

Weiss bucked, her heart pounding as her legs began to go through a similar metamorphosis to her arms, tightening and shifting with more apparent muscle, while also... looking sexier? No that was silly of course they weren't- she was perfectly attractive as-

"No that doesn't matter! Of course it doesn't!" Weiss stammered, looking around in panic, realising there was nowhere she could have been hiding, "w-where are you Coco!? I h-heard your voice so I know you're here!"

"Oh you know, around~. You should know where I am though! It's boring, stuck up, annoying and thinks it's better than everyone else! Sound familiar?"

Her words were tingling though the poor girl's body, everything she said feeling like it was pushing a dial up that made the pent up bliss go ever higher. It was stirring her mind, brewing and bubbling it into a pleasured soup of a brain, Weiss gasping and blushing as cyan eyes drowned in coffee brown.

"But-! That d-doesn't! It doesn't mean a-anything! You c-can't- you’re not- I-INSIDE MEEEEEEEE~!?" she squealed in disbelief, the older girl's voice laughing in smug delight right as her spine was annihilated.

It was like an Ursa had sent her flying into a tree, only the shattering had somehow broken her pleasure receptors to only experience the most intense delight imaginable. It bent inwards, her body turning against her, the heiress crying out in protest as she was forced to stick out her ass and chest like she was begging for attention, blushing like crazy. She had never felt more humiliated!

"Got it in one! Man, guess you have more brains than I thought! Although up here, it really doesn't look like there's much useful stuff. Wow, looks like Miss Schnee wants to get the boys’ attention after all!" Coco's voice sniggered, "here, I can help you with that. Don't worry, big sis Coco can help you get the attention you want~."

"N-NO STOP IT- S-STAHP! I- I'M BEGGING YOU JUST- WAHHHHHHH OH F-FUCK ME~!" she let out a very unladylike curse as her chest buzzed from pure euphoria, her flat chest earning a much needed upgrade.

Fat was pounding behind them, the mass rapidly building more and more as the Schnee's chest began to strain against her own clothes, bouncing and wobbling for the first time in its existence as Weiss screamed happily in a voice that wasn't her own. Her screaming face was shifting from the pressure, the scar over her eye healing as she was gifted the features of a sexy bombshell to match her changing form.

The bigger her tits got, the deeper her curves were becoming, Weiss wailing as she uselessly attempted to keep a clear head, something that was all but impossible in response to such feelings, the girl never feeling more turned on in her life.

"S-STOPPPPPPPP~! I-I WHAT ARE YOU DOING~? YOUR VOICE~!? N-NO, NO I WON'T- I REFUSE- I DON'T WANT TO BE- OH GAWDDDDDD~!!!!!!" it felt like someone had poured a coffee machine onto her brain, the hot, sticky fluids dripping into the cracks, forcefully drenching it with confidence, fashion knowledge, and the experience of the hottest girl in Beacon.

With a final gasping cry, her breasts finished their hefty growth, her outfit revealing an enchanting valley of cleavage to anybody who looked, the sight both horrifying and arousing the changing girl as she stammered and blushed in shock.


"What does it look like Weissy~? I'm making you queen of the school~! Not my fault you were lacking in certain "assets" before I came along~."

"B-be quiet!" Weiss clutched her changed face, feeling the alien features as she realised just how at the mercy she was of the forces corrupting her, “g-get out of my head!"

"Huh? Oh but I don't see your head Weiss! I only see mine! So how about you do me the decency of getting out instead?"

It was a struggle to even say her thoughts when Coco was whispering like that, as if daring her to fight, utterly confident that she would be able to crush her. She already was, Weiss realising she could remember starting second year, her refined life in Atlas fading, suddenly feeling self-conscious about every outfit she had ever worn. H-how... how could she have been so fashion-blind!?

"NO! I-I'M WEISS! I'M NOT THAT BITCH!" she forced out, admiring the tea in panic as she held it up, as if whatever had caused this would somehow hold the answers that would save her.

It was another mistake, Coco's annoying yet enchanting laughter bringing forth a surge of bliss in her plain rear, the poor girl screaming as she fell to the floor, spilling the spiked tea all over her as she was reduced to a convulsing mess. The liquid sank into her clothes, her dress splitting in two, the expensive silk going down in value as fashion infected the shifting fabric, Weiss gasping and shivering as she was pleasured along.

She had lost track of how many times she had orgasmed, her high heels kicked off as they burst into designer boots, her tightening jeans hugged her thickening rear. Her exposed midriff tightened with newfound muscle as Weiss found herself truly overwhelmed, unable to think of a way she could fight this, and worst of all, as she relished in the highs of pleasure, grinded her gigantic queen of the school ass into the floor, and groped her sweater-covered breasts, she didn't think she wanted to.

Weico whined like a wounded animal, her pride falling as she smelt the drink that had covered her in Coco's p-perfect outfit, wondering if she always came across as so whiny. Maybe Coco was right to...?

She gurgled, shuddering as her plain hips burst into wide, sexy handlebars for any girl to grab hold of as she... as she...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~? No... I... t-this is... improper and... ohhhhhhhhhh s-shittttttt~."

Her refined, elegant mind was being corrupted, flooded with fantasies and ideas that the heiress would never have imagined otherwise. They shouldn't have been affecting a straight girl like her so hard, her breath hitching, a blush filling her face, all while Coco's alluring laughter filled her mind.

Had that always sounded so... appealing? Attractive? It never occurred to her that this could be a reason so many girls and students couldn't get enough of Coco, Weico suddenly wanting more than these tantalising sips as she shuddered in need.

"B-but... I thought I was... s-straight?" she protested weakly, not even sure if she believed what she was saying as Coco drank the poor girl's resistance like an afternoon coffee.

"Pfff, I've heard that one before. Relax girly~. This is where the magic happens~. Just let go now ok? I know you want to~."

Weco did. She really did. She felt tired and sluggish. She felt like she'd been listening to a whiny brat for far too long, her hands spasming as more of the spilled drink morphed into fashionable fingerless gloves and a stylish pair of sunglasses. She looked down at them and shuddered, remembering how she picked them out, when she first put them on, and just how good and in control it felt to wear them.

Her ass squished into the ground, her breasts rising and falling enchantingly with each breath as the separation between Weiss and Coco grew too small to notice, the barrier breaking as what remained of the bratty girl gurgled from bliss. She wanted to put them on! She wanted to feel like that again! She wanted to get out of this funk and f-feel like herself again!

Woco clenched her thighs, moaning in drawn-out bliss as they wobbled and expanded in both size and thickness, rapidly growing in mass to match the rest of her dreamboat body. She was less falling and more being dragged down, any protest she could muster snuffed out by the confidence and sexiness that was Coco.

She let it happen, unable to think of a good reason to fight anymore, letting out a final squeal as her thick thighs squished together, her mind washed away as a new persona took hold, Coco screaming as she entered the world with a gloriously intense orgasm.

Coco was left gasping in a heap, shuddering as she got to her feet with a groan, clutching her head and shaking away the grogginess.

"Ugh... the hell? Was I out all night partying again or some shit?" she muttered, raising her sunglasses towards her face as her brow furrowed in thought.

She had no idea what she was doing lying on the floor like this, let alone in a break room. Coco got to her feet as she slipped on her boots and sunglasses, putting the teacup that had fallen to the ground back onto the table. Was she masturbating in the break room? Pretty daring even for her she had to admit; she wondered if her sister had done anything like that before…? Nah, she'd probably have bragged about it by now.

"Well, the rest of my team isn't here. Guess I can hang out with Rubes and Yang later. We've been doing great lately! It's about time we got to relax!" she smirked, strolling away with a huge sway of her hips, looking forward to hanging out with her twin sister and both of their teams. She could cause a little scene on the way there of course, after all, she couldn't help the attention when she was one of the queens of the school and all!

She wasn't sure why part of her felt so excited at that thought, as if being the talk of the school was unusual. Strange, she'd always been popular. Meh, maybe it was all that booze from the party last night.

"Hey kitty cat," she smiled as she walked past her teammate, "I'll see you back at the dorms later~!"

Blake blinked, her eyes following Coco in confusion, before shaking her head. She'd probably not been listening when Yang invited her over or something. Guess that meant tonight was going to be noisy again...

She groaned at the thought as she entered the room, breathing an internal sigh of relief that Weiss seemed to be gone. She really wasn't in the mood to try and calm her down after seeing if she had cooled off yet.

The room did seem to be in a bit of a state though, had something happened? The chairs were knocked over, and the teacup seemed a little bit broken. The catgirl set about investigating right away, smelling something strange from the cup, almost like... coffee? But Weiss always drank tea!

Fully aware that she may be overthinking what had happened, Blake took a closer look at the cup, drinking the little contents remaining before licking her lips. It just tasted normal! What could have-

"Ooooooohhhhhhhh~? W-wait why... why do I... oh. OH. OH! OHHHHHHHHHH~! OH F-FUCK WHAT- WHY DOES IT- AH~! AH~! AHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!"



Blake blinked, two massive brown bunny ears drooping down in front of her eyes.

She gulped.

It was a very transformative day for Beacon, to say the least.


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