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"Yes! This will be the final piece to complete my look!" exclaimed Joey, smiling smugly as he entered his home, his spirits remaining high despite another boring day at his dead end job.

Obviously, it wasn't that which was the source of his newfound happiness, rather it was the golden ring that was glimmering in his hand, the purple gems shining invitingly under the light. He had been walking home after working overtime when he found it on the path, completely abandoned.

Though he didn't look it due to his plain appearance, Joey had always admired the dark and gothic, especially in fantasy. But every time he shared his passion, the man had found himself faced with judgement, everyone who hung out with him thought it was too weird, and everyone who was into it couldn't imagine someone as boring as him being interested in it to begin with!

He needed a way out of this stalemate that had haunted him since college for years now, and reinventing his image seemed like the most simple way of doing it. Unfortunately, the outfits he wanted were rather expensive, and with the money he earned, getting the things he wanted was more of a pipe dream than anything.

"But now the fates have shined upon me! Even this simple ring might be enough to persuade people of my interests in dark magic! It won't be long until they cease their complaints of me being "cringey" or "tryhard"! For it is I who will have the last laugh!" he claimed, honestly feeling rather silly he was getting so excited over what was most likely a normal ring.

Something about it gave him a good feeling after the recent streak of annoying days though, Joey believing this would be the kickstarter for fortune that he needed. If he was lucky, by tomorrow, everyone would see that he really did have those interests! Then he wouldn't be considered weird anymore and actually have a social life!

It was the answer to all of his problems! The start of his turn to popularity was undoubtedly imminent! This ring was the first step of many to reach the heights he craved! With those thoughts going through his head, he gently put the ring on his finger, smiling as he admired it, already starting to dream up what else he could wear to add to it.

It was ironic that with all the hype he had built up for the simple item in his head, the last thing he expected was for something to actually happen.

It happened without warning, the gem within the ring suddenly shining brightly before, to his shock, white fabric suddenly came into existence, shooting out until his lower arm was covered.

"W-what the-!?" he gaped, clenching his fist under the tight, soft material, "where did... WAH!"

There were two sources of his surprise; one being the crimson spike bursting from the glove, the other being the brutal, sudden spread of the strange phenomenon. His sleeve dropped away, his shirt suddenly tightening as the collar lowered, straps shooting up as the plain shirt was consumed with blues and reds.

He squeaked from the sudden exposing of his bare chest, finding it hard to breathe as the morphing shirt crushed his core like a corset, the bottom exploding outwards into sparkling, flowing fabric, pooling at his feet. Joey almost toppled over as the heels of his shoes burst outwards, his trainers tightening to fit someone with far smaller feet than his own while red spikes burst from each one.

The man cried out in embarrassed shame as his boxers unravelled, rose-coloured panties suddenly hugging his manhood as it tented the new dress, his eyes filled with tears. To his horror, his pants lowered to expose his thighs to the world, holes forming in them like someone was cutting them with an unseen pair of scissors. He winced as they too began to tighten, the skin of his legs soon bulging through what was unmistakably fishnet stockings.

He had no words, only able to stutter in confusion as his other arm found itself covered by the same combo of clothing as its twin, letting out a squeak as a cape suddenly cascaded down his back, topped with forming, soft feathers behind his head. To finish, he found his vision blocked by a black circle, filled with holes not unlike that of his new fishnet stockings. Was it some kind of headdress?

Joey gaped, looking down at himself in shock, blushing as he took in the ridiculous outfit he had suddenly found himself in.

"Why does it have to show so much skin..." he managed to whisper, his attempts at hiding his exposed thighs with the dress all resulting in failure, "this style is nice but I don't fit it at all! Bet it would look hot on a girl though..."

"Wait, that’s not important!" Joey shook his head, "what matters is how this is even possible! Clothes don't just change like that! I feel ridiculous! I need something cooler in this style instead of looking like some... whatever this is!"

He stomped his foot, his arms lowered in annoyance as he attempted to tear the strange clothes from his body, groaning in annoyance once he discovered the extent of their tightness, like something was keeping it magically pressed against his flesh. It wasn't long before his groans came out more pleasured than he intended, Joey pausing as he raised an eyebrow, wondering why every movement and pull felt just a bit more pleasant than before.

He found his answer just by looking down at himself, suddenly aware of how... smooth his body looked. It was hard to miss with just how much skin he was showing off, but it couldn't be! It had looked normal only a few moments ago!

His heart pounded in panic... at least he thought it was that at first, the reality proving to be far different as his chest suddenly exploded with sharp, intense pleasure.

"G-GAH~!?" he cried, lurching forward as what felt like thorny vines coiled around his insides, digging into his nerves as he twitched from bliss, "w-what... m-my chest! Feels so... so sensitive~! Fuck something’s trying to g-get OUTTTTTTTT~!?"

He screamed, his hardening cock tenting his dress as the pressure was released in brutal fashion, the euphoria almost frying his insides with roasting delight. It was as if the wild, untameable dark magic had been let loose inside him, worming and wriggling with no concern for its host.

Joey bucked hard, pushing his chest out as it suddenly burst like an airbag going off, two of them to be more accurate, each tit filled with thick, plush fat brought forth by whatever force was changing him. It was already too much, the man unable to stop himself from shrieking, his rock hard cock spurting seed like he'd just jacked off to an anime waifu, his sensitive nipples brushing against his soft velvet dress as they jiggled sensually.

"W-WHY DO I HAVE FUCKING BOOBS!?" he screamed, groping them in panic, his eyes glazing over as his fingers dug into the soft and squishy flesh, "w-why do they feel s-sooooo nice?"

He almost forgot what was happening when faced with the joint sensation of touching his first pair of boobs, and being groped by his first set of hands, Joey's eyes clouding with conflicted enjoyment as sparks of purple blossomed in their blue depths. The reminder came instantly, the man letting out a blubbering wail as the gloves tightened further, the dark influence completely annihilating his hard-earned muscle.

"No! C-cease this!" he stammered, squeaking pathetically as his shoulders were lowered with a sickening crunch, looking far more appealing when shown off by the dress. "I am a master of dark magic! If I tame you, I'll become the most respected and feared in the land please just-"


"AHHHHHHHEEEEEE NOOOOOOOO~!" he wailed in shame as his spine broke under pressure, the magic breaking and reforming it into a sensual, sexy curve. The changes were only seeming to emphasise his personality, the inner dorkiness and constant failing he always tried to hide behind a "cool" aura, the changes causing it all to bubble to the surface, no matter how hard he fought it.

His fighting to keep a level head was taking all he had, the effort to try and seem impartial to earn the favour of dark arts a struggle to maintain, and clearly having no results.

"N-nooooooooooh~! I C-COMMAND YOU~! U-um, it said d-dark magic did this in that old tabletop game right? I just have to.. no wait it was that movie. That manga? No! I mean my studies! Of c-course I know how magic works don't make fun of EEEEEEEEP~!"

His true personality was emerging whether he wanted it to or not, the ability to put on a calm appearance impossible under such pleasure as his feet collapsed, the man waving his arms as he fell to the floor. He groaned, blushing as he wriggled his large breasts and hard cock into the ground, rear raised high as his face awkwardly pressed against the headdress.

"S-seriously what is that even supposed to be?!" he grumbled, hugging himself as his body buzzed like he was conducting electricity through him, which to his horror was becoming focused in his face.

"N-NO~! NOT MY- NOT MY FACE YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT NONONOOOO~!" he whined, no semblance of his confident front on display as he was forced to press it harder against the headdress and grind.

It was like he was grating away his male visage, working away at his broad jaw, too-large nose, and defined cheekbones, only the soft and feminine left behind in its wake. His fully purple eyes fluttered with lengthened eyelashes, his plump lips gaping open as he looked up at the full body mirror across the room, the sight he was met with looking far more like a beautiful woman than himself.

He raised a hand in speechless shock, shuddering as he ran it down his cheek, calling it that feeling surreal when it had nothing in common with what was there before. It couldn't be real. The dark magic surely couldn't be this powerful! Maybe he could still fight it! If he focused enough he could surely-

"MMMMMM~! W-WAIT NO~! I C-COMMAND THEE~! I S-SHOW NO FEAR~! S-SO YOU MUST- WAHHHHH~!" he sobbed, the changes breaking through his emotional walls as his hair cascaded downwards in waves of violet, the plain blonde burning with the magic’s influence as it corrupted each strand from the root.

Joey shuddered, hiccupping happily as his gorgeous mane fell over his curved back, falling over his eyes as he clenched his changed hands into tiny fists. This was all wrong! He was supposed to be stronger than this! He couldn't let this p-perverted spell have its way with him! She was the Crown Princess of Elusia! It was her duty to her people to-

"W-what?" he gasped, giggling in confusion, "w-what am I thinking? P-princess! I'm not a princess! Am I losing my mind?"

Sure he was a little over the top, but he wasn't delusional! How could he be a princess? He was a normal guy! He just liked dark magic! He'd been obsess- taught it since she was a little girl after all. And all her royal duties. Yes of course she was a princess, that was obvious. She was Princess Ivy and only she could restore the honour of her-

He screamed, clutching his head, shuddering in terror as he felt the magical tendrils forcefully dig into his all too malleable brain, plumping it full of poisonous Ivyness. It was corrupting and spreading fast, childhood fantasies of being a knight morphing to the reality of being a princess, even the history he was forced to learn at school starting to be confused with what looked like a fantasy novel background.

Joey clutched his head tight, eyes rolling into his skull as he found the divide between himself and the changes growing narrower by the second, his brain finding it almost impossible to tell it all apart. His head was pounding from the shear strain of it, his eyes watering as there was a sudden CRUNCH from his hips.


His pleas were ignored, something popping in his throat as he ran a hand down his dislocated hip, realising to his horror that it wasn't broken, it was simply supposed to be that wide now. He didn't like it, he was certain he didn't, the pleasured gasp when the other snapped out to match certainly just a fluke!

Jovy was seeing stars, feeling the thorns of bliss claim every part of him they could, pleasuring his insides, his brain bubbling with appealing, rosey thoughts, tempting him to give in and sink to the infecting princess. Even his voice was twisted, his cries sounding even more panicked and desperate now that they came out so high-pitched and feminine.

It was a wonderful voice to lose himself too, the cries of this fantasy woman from his dreams bringing forth load after load of seed from the magic-obsessed man's cock, his eyes wet with tears as giggles continued to mix with his pathetic screams for help. It was getting worse; he couldn't remember what his job was, he didn't know what half the stuff laying around his room did, he didn't even know where he grew up! No of course she did. In the castle of course!

"HAH~! NO~! Y-YES~! FUCK~! CHANGES~! TOO MUCH, I AM! I AM LOSING MY FUCKING MIND~!*" he sobbed, "Nonononono- I- I have to be brave I have to- EEK~!"

The sensations had rushed into his rear, his eyes widening as it almost felt like a set of hands were tightly grasping his asscheeks and drawing mass into them, his tummy slowly flattening as fat was sucked free. Was someone touching him? But there was nobody in the mirror!

"C-could it... could it be a GHOOOOOHHHHST~!?" he screamed in a mixture of panic and delight, raising his ass higher as he bucked happily, all while constantly grinding his cock and breasts into the ground.

Each buck brought forth another burst of fat into his thickening rear, his core tightening alongside the impressive growth of his ass. Jovy was constantly cumming, gasping with each intense spasm, the thorns of magic violently digging into his mind, piercing whatever defences he could muster alongside the sudden fear of ghosts, the violent frenzy of fear of that alone making it impossible to fight.

His sides dipped into curves as he flipped onto his back, unable to help himself from gasping as he sensually squished his thick princess rear into the ground, drooling as it continued to expand. He ran his hands down his curves, all while curling in on himself, still feeling the phantom groping as the coils around his mind grew ever tighter.

"N-no~! Go a-ahhhhhhhhhway~! Leave me be foul spirits! Leave me beeeeee!" she whined and pleaded, too focused on her fear to properly shake away the invading thoughts borrowing deep into her head.

If it was hard to tell the identities apart before, Jvy was struggling to even find a barrier anymore as he desperately pulled himself to his feet. He remembered being a princess, learning to tame the beasts of his home, to wield dark magic in battle, but also... trying to learn magic and not getting anywhere? Enjoying stories of ghosts? They were faint but still present, a presence that was fading more with every second, falling away like sand in between his fingers.

The man who entered the house was already virtually unrecognisable as the femboy who stood in it now, almost every part of him altered in some way. All except the constantly throbbing bulge in his dress, bulky legs, pitifully flat thighs, and all that remained of his old self, hanging on with one last thread of decorum.

And that thread... was about to snap.

His legs slammed together as bolts of bliss shot through them like lightning bolts, the muscle meaning nothing to the magic, Jvy gasping as it was transmuted into soft, powerless fat. It rushed into his exposed thighs, sending them bursting outwards into plush pillows that smothered his shaft with thickness.

He gasped, wincing through the harsh pleasure as he shook, his juicy assets jiggling with even the smallest of movements, his newly thickened thighs bulging from the fishnets as the thread keeping him afloat grew closer to breaking altogether.

His vision was blurry from the intensity of the feelings alone, Jvy forced to press his thighs together as even tighter, his shaft straining in a chokehold of thickness. He could hear the thread in his mind being torn in opposing directions, the last pieces of string holding the two halves together straining as he hyperventilated in panicked bliss.

W-what was going to happen if it snapped? He couldn't let it happen! He had to hold on! But what did he need to hold onto? Was he a guy turning into a princess or a princess being turned into someone else? Was he a guy or girl? Shouldn't he call herself a she then? None of this was making sense!

Instead she simply clutched her head, her eyes shut in panic, all her willpower focused on somehow keeping a clear head through the overwhelming magical pleasure. She needed something, someone to hold onto, and her mind provided it, Jvy gasping with a blush as a blurry image came to the forefront.

She couldn't make it out exactly. A sword, cape, along with distinctive red and blue hair, the best she could recall. But what she did remember was the feelings. The hope, peace and light, and later companionship she felt with this...

"D-Divine One~!" she gasped, her heart aflutter, "A-Alearrrrrrrrrr~."

The blurry image alone was the anchor she needed, the emotions, history, and memories related to them enough, the thread in her mind pulling harder and harder until the inevitable...


She bucked, her mind exploding with newfound delight, flooding her thoughts with worship, admiration and everything that made her Ivy. The last traces of Joey were sent splattering to the ground, the new princess shrieking as the magical vines within tugged at the persistent shaft.

It was playing tug of war with it, each pull inwards only making the struggling worm force its way out again, Ivy crying out like she was being fucked as she collapsed against the wall. Magic sparkled between her fingers, the woman not even realising she was casting a spell through the mind-numbing euphoria that had descended over her.

Her surroundings began to shift and blur, just like the edges of her vision as she was relentlessly pounded by her own shaft. T-this was unacceptable! She was a princess! S-she couldn't be seen screaming like a common harlot!

Despite her reservations, she couldn't stop herself, face red with shame as each thrust only grew more intense, the poor girl feeling like she was splitting open as she stammered and gasped.

"I CAN'T H-HAAAHNDLE IT~! NO MORE~! STOP~! I-I COMMAHHHHHHHND~!" she wailed, clear fluids dripping onto the new carpet, the plain room she had been in seconds ago having morphed into a bedroom fit for a princess. So of course, there was nothing strange about her being there.

She tripped on her soft sheets, spasming and twitching as she felt her manhood slip away, a new class engraving itself into her core, a greater purpose calling for her! All she had to do was let go, and with a final overjoyed squeal, she did.


"KYAH~! Y-YES~!" she screamed out, her eyes wide, "I-I'M READYYY~!!!!"

She wasn't sure why those words came to mind first, but she couldn't think of anything else that felt more fitting, her new pussy squirting clear fluids down her slender legs as she rode the waves of her first female orgasm. It felt like heaven, the pleasure too much for her to bear, groaning softly as she sank into a peaceful slumber.

Ivy didn't awake until hours later, sighing happily as she snuggled into her pillow, a dazed smile on her face as her foot kicked one of the see-through curtains. God she needed that nap. Everything in the Somniel had been so stressful and crazy lately! If it wasn't for moments like this, she'd have gone insane ages ago!

"Wow... this place smells like... the Divine One?" she paused, her dozy mind whirling in confusion, "wait a minute..."

Her eyes shot open, Ivy shrieking as she leapt to her feet, her face completely red as she fully processed just where she was. "This is the Divine One's... oh no... oh dear... I just slept in their bed! I just... p-pleasured myself..."

Ivy looked like she was about to pass out.


She dashed from the room, slamming the door shut behind her and getting as far away from the room as possible before anyone could even associate her with the location. She steadily rebuilt her composure in the process, her expression turning neutral, her panicked steps slowing to a calm and collected sway, even her breathing slowing as she opened her spellbook, sensing someone coming as she instinctively posed in panic.

"Oh hiya papaya Ivy!" Yunaka beamed, before frowning, "what are you posing for..?"

"Nothing!" she answered far too quickly, adjusting into a far more natural position while cursing her unhelpful instincts

The redhead blinked.

"Okkkkkk... anyways I was just looking for you! We wanted-"

"I didn't do it! It wasn't me! I wasn-"

"To know if you wanted to join us for a pool party?" Yunaka raised an eyebrow, "um, are you sure everything's alright?"

"Of course! What could ever be wrong on this fine day!" she laughed, "it's not like you to be so concerned, Yunaka! Come on, you should be more... zappy! Besides, I'd love to hang out near the pool and very far away from the Divine One’s room!"

"Um, ok! Let's go then! I think the others have already chosen their swimsuits!"

"W-wait chosen their wha-"


An hour later, Ivy was finding herself regretting various decisions, mainly every single one she had made today.

She had given up trying to hide her shapely body with her hands, cursing the peer pressure that had driven her into wearing such an... exposing outfit! She felt almost naked in it! What would happen if she ran too fast and one of her breasts fell out of her top? She'd be the laughingstock of the army for weeks!

No, that wouldn't do for a princess. Instead she stationed herself on a deck chair far out of splashing range, instead near the realistic beach cutout that someone had put up, complete with real sand exported from Solm.

"Though I have no idea why anyone would bother with making such a thing..." she admitted, adjusting her hat to better block the sun's rays as she watched the other members of the army relaxing. It had been a tough couple of battles lately, and it was... nice to share in the victories with a group of people she could call her friends.

And most importantly, she was far away enough from the Divine One's bedroom that it could not be associated with her whatsoever. Wait... did someone invite Alear to this party? Then would they see her in this swimsuit!?

"Oh no. Oh dear. Stay calm Ivy. There's no certainty of that! But they always seem to take part in these sorts of things and- no. You are a princess Ivy! But a princess is only human after all! No, I can't freak out yet! Not before they even get here! If they are! Oh gods, this day is a disasterrrrrrrr!"

And so Ivy spent almost the entire party in an internal panic.


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