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(This is a collab with the great HarmonyProhibit! Check out their DA if you haven't already! https://www.deviantart.com/harmonyprohibit)

In the endless halls of the Garreg Mach Monastery's library, normally inhabited at such an early hour, stood a lone figure. No sane person would have woken up before the sun even rose to study the numerous tomes available to all students, but perhaps it wasn't the most accurate statement to call Valynand a sane person.

Having known years of torment due to his family not having a Crest to their name yet still being granted the title of noble thanks to their ancestors' successes, they had taken flak from nobles and commoners alike in light of not being able to live up to the tales of yore.

Valynand was no exception, and his admission to Garreg Mach had perhaps worsened the situation. While he did have a certain talent with spells and curses alike, his constitution had suffered as a result. Noodlish arms, trembling legs, ribs that showed through the skin and unkempt raven hair, he might as well have been sporting a paper slip that asked others to bring him down just for the sake of it.

Months of endless bullying had finally cost him his mental stability, especially in the tense period of time where the house leaders had been nominated and the different classes were being formed... He had no expectation of being picked by any of them, and even in the unlikely event that it would happen he figured he would just end up in a dark corner of his own.

Hence why the scraggy mage had dove into the Monastery's books. He had heard rumour after rumour that there had been a few unnatural experiments done in hopes of strengthening warriors while avoiding the threat of a neverending training that might not even bear fruits... Should Valynand find the recordings of such experiments, surely he could potentially rewrite the magical formula and convert it into a spell that'd strengthen himself while not being anchored by the curse of his family and those weakened genes!

"Come on... I just know they have to be there..."

He felt like he'd been looking for hours now, the books all filled with spells and formulas that would be pointless to even try and rework into what he needed. He had started to lose hope by the time he found what he had been looking for, his eyes widening as he found the records of past experiments in strengthening warriors, the results of before and after undeniably positive along with the formula used.

"Yes! This is exactly what I'm looking for! Now let's see... if I alter the magical inflow... swap around magic to get more strength... maybe some charm to balance out the rest?"

There were some side effects listed, but Valynand was too excited to notice them, shaking as he wrote down a new formula on some paper he had brought with him. It took him a few minutes, but he finally had something that could change his fortune for the better, smiling as he stared down at the spell that would free him from his torment and bloodline.

Logically, it would have made sense to try it out on something else first, or perhaps have another read to make sure he hadn't missed anything just in case. But after so long of trying and hoping combined with his lack of mental stability lately, he was all out of patience, the mage taking a deep breath before shutting his eyes in focus, muttering the enchantment to himself as pink magic formed in his hand, surging out as he cast it with all his magical ability.

The weak mage was left blinking, not feeling much different at first, about to try and cast the spell again when a strange feeling began to stir deep in his core.

His eyes shot open. Yes. YES! It was finally time! This feeling of runes churning deep within, unfurled by the mage's own magic essence as they feasted on his desire for better change... Until it hit its critical point and began spreading all across his body. It was like the rare warm showers he was allowed whenever he could infiltrate the hot springs without his class"mates" locking him out of them, a wave of heat that swarmed every pore and muscle of his body.

Slowly but surely, he could feel the muscles beneath the skin getting stronger, their bulk thinning yet strengthening at the same time to make the already thin limbs much lither in rather sensitive bursts... Wait, thinning?! Wouldn't muscles bulge out if they got stronger? No no, surely this was only because of the added charm effects to the spell...

As if trying to back up that statement, the surface of the boy's skin began pulling itself, like invisible strings trying to stretch the surface as taut as could be to erase any faults on a body that was destined not to have any. Bruises from training found themselves healed, the lingering pain gone in a wink, rashes and acne smoothed over, bulging veins receding back within the epidermis, and-


An unexpected side effect happened; while normally the skin should have simply turned flawless, the spell seemed to be considering body hair as one of those hitches that needed to be purified. Now more than the skin, each singular hair was being plucked from its shaft, the latter of which immediately sealed as soon as the corresponding hair successfully pulled itself out and vaporised in a little burst of pink sparkles.

But worst of all was how pleasurable this all felt, nobody- especially not Valynand- would have expected their body getting modified to be such a pleasurable experience! But he couldn't raise his voice, it was so early in the morning and it'd just bring the guards over... He bit his lip and kept his voice in as much as he could, even though beneath the wave of sparkles a certain tent was beginning to rise within his pants...

He blushed, his legs shaking as strength swelled within, their new slender shapes making them look almost shapely and curvy, the mage too distracted by pleasure to notice as his knees knocked together. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from moaning, his fingers twitching as his shaft throbbed within his pants, desperate for attention.

Valynand knew he couldn't act though, the arousal likely an unintended reaction to the strength boost that would fade away before it grew too troublesome. He could feel the pulling deeper now, the spell travelling inside him, pink sparkles teasing his insides, building towards something bi-

"GAH!? HNGH~! W-what the-”

He swore under his breath as his bones buzzed with magical charm, the boy's entire body shaking as his bones were almost painfully grinded down, the harsh noises echoing through his body bringing only pleasure. His cock had never been so hard, the mage lost for words as imperfections in his figure were fixed, the standards of the spell confusing him more and more by the second.

His hands were shrinking, the broad shapes eroding rapidly, Valynand assuming it was for easier combat, but as the warm feeling soaked through his veins, he realised it didn't make sense. Why would he need smaller hands? They looked as delicate as a flower! It just didn't-



He muffled his cry with his hand, an explosion of pure pink charm hitting his pelvis, the sides of his pants ripping as his hips tore loose from their old foundations, widening dramatically as they almost looked... sexy? A girl who had these could probably charm the entire school...

"W-wait, why am I thinking of that? Did I cast the spell right? I feel stronger, sure, but something isn't quite... o-ohhhhhhhhh noooooooooo... i-it's still gohing!?"

The mage was convinced now, something had gone wrong with this spell! For one, runes that were oriented towards bodily modification were supposed to be a dark blue and not this obnoxiously pretty pink! And two, like he had just thought, those spells weren't supposed to affect the mental state of their target all that much! Yet with each pink sparkle that fluttered within his vision, he felt his attention diverted right to it, especially with how cute that colour was-

"W-What is my wrong with my heaa-aaaad~?!"

He could only squeal in his hand as he came to the awful realisation, had he upped the charm too much?! Sure enough, appearance was part of the charm but trying to increase one's charm too much would eventually even make their behaviour more charming, cuter even!

But before those behavioural changes could settle in too much, the mage would need a body fit for this charming personality! Shimmering pink energy swirled around his malnourished body, the sheer energy emanating from the runes lifting his body away from the floor as he became trapped in this violent tornado of magic unleashing on his body.

The already torn clothing found its gashes widened as his hips burst to what could only be described as child bearing sizes, which however came at the cost of another area of his body narrowing.



Without a single warning, his shoulders felt as if they had turned into raw silver, their weight making them cave in as the bone structure nearby had no choice but to snap and reform into a much lither form to adapt to the narrowing. In mere seconds, the drooping wide shoulders had been forced inwards to become even leaner than the rest of his body, something that'd only be seen on the most fragile of noble women... An obvious indicator of someone who needed protection from a knight much stronger, some might say even! Yet the muscles pulsing with force beneath those misleadingly petite shoulders told a much different tale about their owner...

The magic was attacking him now, the surrounding tornado hitting him with blissful blows, each one making his head spin as he tried to make sense of it all. How could his shoulders be so fragile, yet his muscles so strong? It simply didn't make any sense to him! It wasn't like he had much of a chance to focus on a realisation though, each pink sparkle instantly distracting him from his thoughts, the magic seeming to concentrate in his core for some-



He internally screamed as his waist cracked inwards, his bones feeling like they were made of clay as the magic remoulded him, the fat of his stomach in flux as it moved wildly, his cock throbbing even more until some mass was determined to be useless. Valynand cummed it out, squealing as the mass was sprayed all over his pants and the floor.

It was the most intense orgasm of his life, his body shaking from the aftershocks as he staggered in confusion, his brain starting to feel fuzzy and p-pink, the sparkles dancing in his eyes as his nipples perked up under his shirt. He couldn't stop his hand from feeling them, orgasming again as his eyes rolled into his skull, his panic growing as he realised just how drastic the changes were getting.

This spell was definitely trying to do much more than make the mage more charismatic outwardly, he could feel the waves of magic entering through his ears and fiddling with whatever connections had been made within his brain, making him even more aroused than he already was! It was starting to be completely unbearable to not shout his ecstasy out loud, drooling all over his hand as he failed to endure the waves of delight crashing against his fortitude.

Soon enough, the simple act of rubbing his legs together became a deadly trap, the gathered fat he was sploshing out near his crotch instead shifting to his thighs for a more optimal way of expelling his old self. Wet sloshing could easily be heard as his legs jerked around, the stronger muscles that could be seen beneath the skin now thinning and being almost instantly covered with plenty of fat right afterwards.

Pulse after pulse, the skeleton-like legs turned into hefty pieces of meat, slickened by a soft layer of sweat that had appeared as a result of the all too intense experience, ones you'd only find on a cute and sexy girl... Gahh, more of those thoughts!


The worst consequence of this slight change however, beyond the deeply changed legs, was that those thick legs had now closed the formed gap from his hips flaring out, the fat perfectly shaping a little chamber for the poor mage's shaft to fit into... A very sensitive chamber in fact! The sweat had made the entire area so wet that his legs squirming had now turned into an impromptu massage of his exposed member, the feminine thighs ruthlessly stroking simply being too much for him to bear as shot after shot released within the thick trap. It was too much; he felt like he was losing himself in this pink ocean of jolly and feminine pleasure every time he came!


He really couldn't, the once weak mage unable to fight against the ocean that he was sinking into, drenching his brain with pink, pink, pink, pin-


His voice cracked in his scream, his eyes glazed over as more drool gathered on his hand, his eyes turning pink as his hair flowed down. He couldn't stop cumming in the trap, his thighs grinding against his manhood to give it the pleasuring of a lifetime, his thick thighs far too good at shutting his pathetic whining up.

He was slipping, unable to stop the charm from taking over, the sheer effort of the mental resistance starting to get annoying, it was such hard work! She’d rather be sleeping or resting or-


His hair had bleached pink, not even a trace of the former colour remaining as he cooed happily, making a final attempt to somehow undo this as he tried to reverse the spell. It was no use though; there wasn't a magical bone in his body anymore, something he found himself caring very little about as fat started to build in his chest that only made him cum harder as he was submerged.

Was he even caring anymore? After all, it all felt sooooo good, and trying to mutter all of those runes while also gathering magic at the tip of his hands was such a long and troublesome process... He could use his hands for something better in fact. With a slightly higher pitched giggle, the saliva riddled hand finally let go of his mouth to bring itself to his strained shirt under the pressure of the rapidly growing mounds. So what if he moaned out loud? Who was going to go and tell him he couldn't do what he wanted?

Who was going to call out the Hild-


But it definitely was him; however, rather than a spirit trying to invade his headspace to occupy it, this entire mental endeavour had been a result of his own tinkering. He had wanted to have more charm, he had wanted to be more charismatic, he had wanted to be more popular, he wanted to be cuter and sexier! His skull was starting to shrink, forcing the all too full brain to shrink and crunch in on itself to fit his new mindset.


Knowledge had been his only weapon at Garreg Mach, and now it was being turned into nothing but sweat and drool as years of studies rolled down his cheeks. It felt wonderful to have his head empty itself of this useless knowledge about rune building or spell casting, freeing this space to allow it to think more about ways of prettying himself up or the best spots to laze about. The glaze in his eyes was gradually starting to fade away, bags under the eyes straightened and completely disappeared... He couldn't have anyone look at his eyes and have them focus on his bags rather than his wonderfully coloured irises of course~

As if to emphasise that aspect, his brows thinned while his eyelashes lengthened greatly, turning the same lovely pink his hair was adopting. The dirty brown in his eyes was starting to get washed away by a wave of shiny pink, a curious and joyful glint accompanying the new coloration while his cheeks fattened to give his face an even cuter aspect. It was his greatest pride after all, that and those two babies that were starting to really want out of this dirty rag of a shirt-


His knowledge was slipping, his brain simplifying as the pink ocean broke it down, anything too complex for Hilda dying as it made room for all the air that had to fit instead. He wanted to be scared, but he couldn't see this as a bad thing anymore, utterly loving how it felt to become a total airhead.

His worries and anxieties were being used far better now, adding to the already impressive mass that was gathering behind her babies, his shirt about to give, as he was shown just how amazing it felt to be a sexy airhead.


He screamed as they burst free, the fabric parting to reveal his bust in all of their glory, bouncing with every breath as he giggled and moaned from delight, groping them in need as he came over and over. Each orgasm drained his brain even more, his studies and hard work reduced to wet stains on the library floor as he giggled.

"H-heheh... d-did I need that? I d-don't... g-giggle... remember..."

The former mage staggered around the room, his smaller brain barely able to remember who he even was anymore, her tiny toes curling as her cock and ass tingled, the school's new airhead almost complete and ready for her debut.

Thinking about that past was starting to get bothersome and headache inducing, Hildynand was starting to take shape finally... A shape that'd need him to expel those last boring bits out once and for all!

The ever changing waves felt much more intense now that his mind had begun letting go, it felt even better, even more tempting to completely lose him... Her...? To lose himself in this endless ocean of pink glee and carefreeness! Naturally, this meant the changes themselves were allowed to ramp up in kind! Just in time in fact, for Hildynand was definitely known for three things. His adorable face, his bouncy chest, and most eye-catching of them all...


A shift of unmatched strength happened in his entire body, fat and smarts alike moving as fast as they could to her ass to make it grow fast and well! That was what he would truly be recognized as, the sexiest and finest ass in Garreg Mach, perhaps all of Fodlan in fact! His body squirmed in utter ecstasy within the intensified pink hurricane, butt jerked out for the world to see, spinning around as if he wanted this fat to gather there!

The mage's back arched under the motion, his legs losing some of their height to make him end up at a rather small stature fit for a lady like herself while all excess height worked to make the two expanding mounds even bigger and better. His arms finally thinned to match his flower-like hands, while the last of his jet black hair and dirty brown irises was sucked right down his body. The full splendour of his bright pink eyes opened for the first time as tears of ecstasy made them shine in the waking sun's light while the coral coloured hair finally had the freedom to lengthen to its full size, tickling her shoulders as it tied itself into a pair of adorable pigtails that tickled her shoulders.


Only her pathetic cock was left, long since emptied of any fluids it had to give, none of them needed in this ocean she had lost herself in. Clear fluids were the new standard, and she prided herself on following the trends, the almost girl squealing as her cock spurted out girlcum all over her legs, her impressive sexy breasts and ass jiggling and bouncing as she shook from delight.

It was straining, the last traces of her old self almost desperate to please the sexy, curvy girl he was becoming, Hilda giggling as she let it take care of herself, far too lazy to help out~. She simply squeaked and squealed as it worked its way inside her, chunks of it sliding inside every second, the magic spreading across her clothes as she cooed happily.

The makeover was long overdue, the ruined, loose outfit repairing itself as it compressed in on her, tightening until every single curve was on display, along with the entirety of her bouncy, massive breasts. The long trousers were unnecessary, the entire thing instead shrinking and floofing out into a tiny skirt, her growing boots and tights covering the rest of her legs, save for her wonderful ass and thighs of course.

It was these changes that were the final push she needed, her cock unable to hold on any longer as her forming pink panties crushed it, Hilda crying and screaming as loud as she could as she finally came for the first time as a woman. The tornado vanished as she collapsed, overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of the changes that had brought her to her knees.

She was still for a few moments before slowly getting to her feet, giving a sexy grin as she put a hand on her chest, another to the side while her juicy asses bounced invitingly. It was hard to believe she had been such a waste of a human before, the girl finding it ironic that in the end, he had made himself better than he and his bloodline could have ever imagined~.

Hilda had no interest in dwelling on a forgettable past like that though, far more focused on the wonderful future that she had ahead of her. She giggled to herself as she strolled out of the room, making sure her skirt was up enough to show off a small peek of her ass for any lucky people who walked by, swaying her hips as she looked forward to another day of lazing around.


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