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Something a bit different from me this week! Due to my mouldable nature, I have gotten interested in hypnosis potential in content. Specifically of characters into other characters with similar body types. This was the first combo that came to mind, and was really fun to write! More dialogue-based post hynpo stuff like this is something I would love to get to in the future. So hope people enjoy this!

Text for Mobile Users:

"Ruby! This has gone on long enough! You need to go back to Beacon already!"

"And I've told you, I have never heard that name in my life. Honestly, all of those brains must have gone into that chest of yours, brute."

"You think I don't recognize my own sister!?"

"I think you're clearly delusional." 

"Q-quit playing around! This isn't funny Ruby! Just stop talking all posh and put on that higher pitched voice you do again! T-this is freaking me out a little! Your Ruby Rose! Not some... goth chick with a really long name!"

"Celestia. Celestia Ludenberg. Try harder to remember it already."


"My, my. You have such a lack of a poker face. I would certainly have remembered that if I was the girl you speak of."

"T-that's- no! You are Ruby! R-Roman and Neo just did something to you when-"

"Oh Torchwick and his friend? I see them around here time to time. Fun to have the causal poker game against. Speaking of, I have another around now. And as entertaining as it is to listen to your crazy rambling, I'm afraid I must be going." 

"W-wait Ruby! You can't! I'm your sister! What are some clip ons going to cha-"

"Don't. This is my natural hair you bitch! You don't get to say things that aren't there! You got that!?"

"R-Ruby! Did you j-just-"

"Is this bimbo bothering you Celestia~?"

"Oh Miltia. Melanie. Yes, I believe she was just leaving. Must of had too much to drink. She stormed over here claiming I was her lost sister. Rather childish really."

"S-since you are! R-Ruby plea-"

"Oh wow sis, it's that girl that thrashed the place a while back."

"Huh, you're totally right sis. Didn't we always say she would get what was coming to her?"

"We did, didn't we! Oh I do love the sweet taste of payback, and the benefits of mutual grudges~." 

“Y-you! Change R-Ruby back! Change her back right now or I- HNGH!?”

“Hmm. Inelegant but affective. I’ll leave you to cleaning up this trash then.”

“You can count on it miss Ludenberg. We have a new maid employed recently. Not one of the annoying fan service ones. A proper maid fitting for a lady like you. She should be able to get this bimbo in line~.”

“Excellent. Now, get someone to prepare my milk tea. I have a game to win~.”



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