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You sighed to yourself, thoroughly bored out of your mind as the show continued in front of you, the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd doing little to improve your mood. You had no idea how your friends had managed to persuade you to come to a magic show of all things, but you did owe them a few favors, and at the time you assumed it wouldn't be too bad, the two magicians performing at least ensuring you had some decent eye candy.

But now the show had started, and it was just so predictable! All of their "tricks'' were almost painfully fake, with setups that could be seen from miles away! You had no clue how everyone else seemed to be enjoying it as much as they were. You weren't sure how much more of this you could take, your frustration growing when there were so many better things you could be doing.

"For our next trick from the wonderful De Famme twins, we're going to perform live teleportation~!" One of the bunny girls declared, the meeker looking one that seemed more appealing, the other twin a bit too short-tempered for your tastes.

"It's quite the feat! So hold onto your seats! And try not to let it blow your little minds!" The short-tempered one shouted, her more spiky hair the only way to tell them apart from such a distance.

You checked the program again, swearing under your breath as you realized just how much was left of the show. It wasn’t even the end of act one yet! How much more of this half-assed stuff was left!? All the tricks were fake as shit. And for a seemingly adult performance, the only thing that was interesting was the skimpy bunny outfits the performers were wearing! How did these girls even get a show with tricks like that?

It was then you noticed the silence, suddenly realizing how many eyes were on you, including a taken aback glare and furious stare from the stage. Oh crap had you just said all of that out loud!?

"HALF-ASSED!?" the short-tempered bunny girl shouted, "do you have any idea how much effort goes into these?"

Fuck it, you'd already made a scene, couldn't hurt to say what everyone in the crowd was thinking.

"Well, you clearly didn't do a good job of it! That water tank at the start clearly had a hidden hatch in the back. That card trick was obviously just a deck of the same few kinds with noticeable marks on the back! And I bet that teleportation involves you two obviously being twins!"

Y-YOU! You utter fucking jerk! Do you know how long it takes to plan one of these!? Revealing a magician’s secrets is like the one thing you don't do!" The woman looked like she was about to snap her umbrella in half as she glared at you in pure malice, her meeker sister hiding behind her more confident partner.

"What did you expect!?" you snapped back, "it's not like anyone else actually believed this was possible anyways!"


"I mean obviously there's no such thing as magic. But you could at least have put more effort into making this all believable!" You rolled your eyes, the bunny girl almost looking like she might storm off stage and assault you herself. You knew she couldn't though; that would be bad publicity for the show.

You were certain there was nothing she could do right now.

She knew it too, grinding her teeth before her sister leaned in close, a curious look in her eye as she whispered in her ear, her words picked up by their microphones.

"W-wait Betty! I-I have an idea!"

"Oh what is it Bonnie!? I’ll be honest, unless it involves tearing this fucker a new asshole, I’m not interested!"

"W-well... not exactly. But maybe we could t-try... you know. That!"

"That..?" Betty looked confused for a moment, before the realization hit, her eyes widening as an evil smile filled her face, "ohhhhhhhhhh... "that". You know, you actually can have good ideas when you feel like it sis. We'll have to move a few things around to make it work. But I'm sure it will be worth it!"

You didn't care what they were talking about, likely some desperate attempt to salvage their lame show after you pointed out the obvious flaws within it. So you were obviously more surprised than anyone when you suddenly found the spotlight on you.

"Sorry for the delay folks! But change of plan~!" beamed Bonnie, "this kind gentleman here is complaining about our lack of magic! So how about we give him what he wants?"

Were they serious? How was letting you see the obvious setups for their tricks even more up close supposed to help them? They must be really desperate. But there was no harm in doing it though, you decided, heading down to the stage with a shrug.

"Yeah, guess some fucks literally can't wait until the second act!" Betty added in anger, "but don't worry! Now we can show you a special preview for the next act of our wonderful show~!"

You got to the stage without any trouble, crossing your arms and hiding your blush to the best of your ability as both magicians moved in close, both girls standing on either side.

"We hope you understand. We usually save the really impressive stuff for later on in the show! But we're not magicians that just sit back and take baseless slander like this!"

"Oh just get the lame ass tricks over with. I'm prepared to be unimpressed." you almost laughed at the annoyed pout on Bonnie's face, her sister scowling as she lifted up a magician’s hat from the table.

"What are you going to do? Pull a rabbit out?"

"Nah. Just shutting you up." Betty smirked, putting her hand in and squeezing whatever was inside, an evil glint in her eye as you suddenly squeaked in shocked, confused bliss.

T-there was a hand rubbing your cock. A tiny, feminine hand, stroking up and down, the pleasure forcing you to gasp and blush, hearing the crowd murmur amongst themselves as you found your growing erection was the first show stopper of the act.

It was uncanny, your body wobbling as you swore you could feel every pleasurable pass of the hand, every little stroke and rub that pushed you closer to the edge. Y-you couldn't though! You were on stage for god's sake! H-how was this happening!? There had to be a simple explanation! D-did they slip a vibrator in your pants when you went on? No, there's no way they had the chance for that! Then how was this even possible!?

"Oh wow Betty! He looks really confused, I think he's finding this one harder to figure out than the others!"

"What a fucking shame! Awwww come on! You were so confident when you were behind the others! You can't be getting stage fright now! Tell us how we're doing this! Have to say, you are bigger than you look though~."

Your only response was confused moans of conflicted delight, unable to think what to say as you hopelessly willed not to orgasm, only to fail in spectacular fashion as you squeaked and gasped in eager delight, cumming all over the floor as your eyes spun. You instantly felt ashamed, utterly humiliated as you felt every set of eyes on you, wishing you could just sink into the ground to escape as you swore a few people were even laughing.

The orgasm was going on for quite a while though, more than it should have been, almost as if something else was draining away with it as you staggered forward in a daze. Your head was throbbing, but you still had enough sense to be angry once the aftershocks died down, turning back to face away from the judging almost mocking stares and towards the bunny girls.

"O-ok, that one w-was harder to figure out! But that doesn't mean anything! Y-you just c-caught me off guard by putting me on stage!" You insisted, standing on wobbly legs as you looked up at the two magicians in what was supposed to be defiant, something that didn't come across well when they were so much taller than you.

W-wait but weren't you taller than them a moment ago?

"Sure, sure. We can't ask too much of someone oh so skilled at seeing through our tricks right now, can we Bonnie?"

"O-oh of course~! We have plenty more we need help with too~! We're certain you'll be able to see through them~!" she smiled, the expression looking a bit more sinister than it had at the start of the show.

"W-well it's n-nice to have the offer, b-but I really should get back to my s-seat! I wouldn't want to derail the show more!" you began, suddenly feeling a little on edge, like you might have gone a bit too far with your confidence,"I-I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away so-"

"Oh but we insist~! Do you really want to waste such a major opportunity? The crowd wants a show after all~. And there's so many tricks left to perform~!" Betty grabbed your arm, squeezing it tight as you gulped and shivered.

"Allow me to start~! Here's that teleportation spell we promised!" announced Bonnie with a smile, giggling as you swore you could see sparks between her fingers, only to be hit with a sudden feeling of disorientation and a face full of smoke. You coughed, choking on the tingling smoke as you staggered forward, almost tripping off the side of the stage as you opened your eyes.

"W-what the hell?" you cried, finding both yourself and the bunny girls on the total other side of the stage, almost as if you had actually...

"No! W-we didn't teleport! Y-you just moved me while I couldn't see!" you argued, eyes narrowing further as both girls snickered, as if they were struggling to take you seriously.

"Wow, what a moron. Think I should tell him, our loving audience?" you could feel their glares harden, feeling meek as you recoiled a little from the eager cheers, "well that answers that! How about you do the honors Bonnie~?"

"Sure thing sis~!" the other girl smiled, raising a makeup mirror to your face so you could see your reflection, the sight you were met with making you scream in terror.

It wasn't your face. It wasn't your face. It was your hair. Your clothes. But it was certainly not your face. Bright, sparkly blue eyes, paired with cute cheekbones, plump lips and tiny jaw and nose all combining to make the young girl look extremely adorable.

You would be able to appreciate just how cute she was if she wasn't you.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK!?" you screamed, scrambling for your phone, having to confirm it with something they couldn’t have tampered with, your heart pounding as it too showed the girl's face staring back.

"T-this is a trick. This isn't r-real- this isn't-" you muttered to yourself, cock involuntarily twitching as you felt the girlish features, taking a deep breath of the remaining smoke while doing so, "this is real. This is r-real. Cough~! This is f-fucking... cough~! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE!? H-HOW DID YOU DO THIS?"

"Why, magic of course~!"

"N-NO! N-not magic! T-this is- cough! anything but magic! T-that’s a fake mirror! O-or the gas making me see things! O-or- c-cough! A-any- cough- SINCE MAGIC ISN'T REAL~!"

There was a pause. Then followed by your eyes almost bulging from your skull as you cried out in terror, shooting your hands over your mouth as you turned red, stammering as you stepped back from the girls in fear.

"W-what... what the hell happened to my voice!? P-please! I'm s-sorry! I d-don't want to do this any-"

"Oops! We're very sorry! But no phones are allowed during the show!" Bonnie giggled, snatching it out of your hands before you could even think to call for help, her twin sticking her tongue out at you and plopping a magician’s hat right on your head.

"G-get this off!" you tried to sound threatening, but your new voice was making every panicked shout come off as whiny at best, your hands struggling to get the hat off as you found it stuck. "W-why won't this fucking thing move?!"

"One guess, idiot." Betty smirked, not even hiding her sadistic enjoyment as strange tingling dripped down your hair, the bulge in your too-large pants twitching back to life.

You blushed, eyes widening as brown strands fell in front of your eyes. H-had your hair just shrunk or grown? You were too panicked to figure it out.

"S-STOP THIS!" you pleaded, "I-I'm s-sorry! I-I'll shut up! I w-won't ruin your act again! J-just c-change this stuff back!"

"And waste all our hard work~!?" gasped Betty in mock offense, raising a hand to her bouncy chest before narrowing her eyes. “Not a chance you fucker! You reap what you sow! Besides, we wouldn't want to let our adoring crowd down, would we~?"

You squeaked and jumped from the cheers, shaken to the core by the enthusiasm on display as you shivered like a scared animal. T-they were enjoying this? D-did nobody care about y-you being changed? Was nobody going to try and help you!? What about your friends!? Surely they were going to try and stop this! R-right?

"S-screw this! I-I'm not going to let this h-happen anymore!" you cried, wobbling as you ran towards the exit, determined to escape this fucked up situation as soon as you could. You didn't notice the amused eye rolls from the girls behind you.

"Oh nooooooooo. He's running away! Whatever are we going to do?" mockingly laughed Betty, Bonnie giggling as she waved her umbrella, the tip making sparkles as you shot backstage. You found yourself in darkness all of a sudden, restrictive darkness, crying out in high-pitched terror as you struggled, the tiny room you were in shaking along with you.

You had no idea where you were, but despite how impossible it seemed, you knew you couldn't be backstage, the crowd too loud, the atmosphere too heavy, your cries likely muffed to the outside world while you could hear the bunny girls as clear as day.

"It's time for our next act! Introducing! The box of change~!"

"Ok wow. I am 100% renaming this act later..."

"Well it is fitting..."

"Ugh, let's just get on with it. Pass me that sword, will you?"

S-sword!? Did she just say sword!? You tried to struggle more, breathing heavily in the claustrophobic prison, trying to find a way out, crying as you felt something metal pierce in front of you, barely missing your body. You gulped, letting out a gasp as the barely missed cut felt like it actually did hit your legs, strange feelings bursting within.

You couldn't see it, but they felt both amazing and wrong at the same time, flooding you with strange, addictive pleasure as you gasped and squirmed, the shape shifting towards the girly as you cried out in protest. Your feet felt too small for your own shoes, unable to kick them off due to the limited space, squealing in terror as another blade barely missed your arms.

But something was cut away regardless, whatever muscle you had in those limbs starting to waver, broadness cut away in pleasurable fashion as you squirmed in protest. You tried to hold onto it, to will hard enough so it wouldn't fade. But nothing happened, nothing except the continuing decline in strength as you grinded your cock into the wall with some desperate, horny moans.

They were changing you, they were actually transforming your body, something that should only be possible in deviantart stories you read torn into existence. Y-you never wanted something like that to happen in real life though! Even if it d-did feel this good! More and more swords were stabbing inwards, bringing your limbs to increasingly slimmer forms, your hands shrinking as the blades slid in between your fingers.

"A-AH~! NO~! L-LET ME OUT~! LET ME OUT~! I-I'M SORRY PLEASE- PLEASE- PLEASE STOP IT-" you pleaded in panic, your head pounding as they cut at your clothes, the layers shifting and morphing as you hopelessly struggled.

You think your pants might have fallen down, a breeze on your legs making you shudder as you pushed and slammed wildly, feeling small and vulnerable as a final shove sent you falling out of the box and onto the stage once more.

You squeaked, shutting your eyes from the sudden light, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable as you heard the cheers of the crowd, someone even wolf whistling for some reason. You wanted to go home. You really wanted to go home. Y-you were dreaming. This was a d-dream. And any moment now you would wake up and it would all be over!

That's what you told yourself, but as a few tears formed in your eyes, you knew it wasn't true, weakly getting to your feet as you fully processed that your height had diminished even more than it had already.

"See! Not only did it change his body more, but also his clothes! Double meaning, see!"

"Ok, that's actually pretty clever…"

"C-clothes? W-what do you mean my- EEP!" you went bright red, the earlier whistle making much more sense as you looked down, finding your ordinary outfit completely unrecognizable.

Your pants had fallen away, your shirt now a short black dress that did nothing to hide your now smooth, flawless legs. Your shoes had extended into boots, a short blue cape draped over your shoulders as you shot to your feet, uselessly trying to hide your legs and even more obvious bulge in shame as the crowd laughed.

You were dressed as a magician, something that was the cherry on top of the humiliation. You couldn't take any more, turning to the bunny girls in panicked fury as you stomped towards them, your anger only coming off as adorable.

"Aw, our new assistant is all mad! I think she's annoyed that she can't see through our little tricks! And she was so confident earlier too!" Betty laughed with a mocking glance at your shaking form.

"S-shut up! J-just be quiet already and c-change me back!" you tried to shout, the meek little cries not coming off nearly as serious as you intended.

"Awwwwwwww, but you're so cute~!" Bonnie giggled, suddenly behind you as you looked up at her breasts, coming up just below them. "You're just like our little sister or something~!"

"I-I don't care! J-just unmagic me! Turn me back to normal y-you fucking bitches!" you begged, Betty rolling her eyes as you stomped and threw your arms down childishly, "f-fucking answer me!"

"My, my. What a mouth on her. So unfitting for a girl of her age. Shouldn't she know that our magic is permanent~? I mean if it wasn't, it would look rather fucking fake wouldn't it~?" laughed Betty, taking great pleasure in the way your face twisted from terror.

"W-what- no! Nononono! Y-you're lying! Y-you're just trying to f-fuck with me! I-I said change me back al- HMPF~?" you choked, covering your mouth as you found your throat clogged, eyes wide as you felt something solid and long fill it, seemingly linked to the rest of your body.

Betty swayed towards you, giggling as she casually removed your hands, Bonnie taking the lead as she grabbed the magically formed cloth from your mouth and began to pull. The crowd was going wild, cheering as the bunny girl pulled a seemingly endless supply of cloth from your drooling mouth, your role being reduced to a mere prop as you gurgled in bliss.

Your cock throbbed and twitched, release dripping to the floor as you felt your core shake, the unnecessary fat sacrificed for the glory of the performance as it was converted into more multicoloured cloth. You hated to admit it but it felt magical. No other word was fit to describe it, part of you almost enjoying the pleasure as the constant pulling sent your spine creaking inwards, your hips expanding as you moaned in reluctant bliss.

The eyes on you were making you tingle, your legs wobbling as you started to wonder if they were enjoying the performance. W-were you doing your role well? O-oh you r-really hoped so...

Those thoughts brought new pleasures with them, right as the ribbon pulling finally ceased, all of it thrown to the side as you were left drooling with glazed over eyes, your massive bulge on full display as you stuck out your flat chest. The crowd was going wild, and you couldn't stop yourself from feeling pride at their enjoyment, rubbing your thighs together subtly as the bunny girls smiled.

"Thank you so much everyone! We're so happy you're enjoying the performance so much~!"

"We sure are~! And looks like our little friend here is having a change of heart herself~!"  Betty’s comment broke through the daze that had fallen over your mind. You shook your head to regain focus, shaking and shivering as you glared at the o-older(?) girls.

"C-CHANGE ME BACK! CHANGE ME BACK RIGHT NOW YOU FUDGING MEANIES! S-STOP TREATING LIKE A DANG K-KID?  you paused, flinching at the laughter from all around you. "N-no! Fudge! D-dang! G-gosh! W-why can't I s-swear anymore!?"

"Ohhhhhhhh you cast the censorship spell on her?" Betty smirked at her sister, "nice touch."

"Couldn't resist, sis. Anyways, what do you think folks? Should we give our favorite volunteer a chance to win back her masculinity?" Your tear-covered face perked up at that, hope finally returning as Betty pulled out a pack of playing cards, just like the ones she'd used to start the show off, the same ones you claimed were all marked.

"Alright, we're going to play a little game," Betty taunted with a grin, "if you find the king out of this deck of hearts, you'll be turned back to normal with no questions asked. But if you fail three times, you lose, and will be stuck like this forever. Sound like fun~?"

"W-wait!" you cried, "h-how am I s-supposed to know w-where the right c-card is!?"

"Oh but that should be easy for you~! You said we marked them, so you should know exactly what those are and which cards they'll be linked to~! If you really were that good, this will be a walk in the park~! Have fun~!" she grinned as she tossed a bunch of cards into the air, scattering them all over the floor as you looked around frantically.

"W-well... u-um... I-I'm sure..." you began, growing increasingly alarmed as it became all too obvious that if there was a tell, it was almost impossible to notice what it could be, the backs of the cards all close to identical.

There had to be something though! You was sure there was! You didn't know if it was false hope or a stubborn insistence that this could still be explained logically, but you picked up a card you thought had a small mark on it.

"Oh too bad! That one was just an ace! Keep trying though!" Bonnie smiled, her words spurring something in your thighs as you let out a wobbly moan.

You suddenly realized why you had three attempts as fat was drawn into them, pushing them out with plush layers of mass that brushed sensually against your shaft. There were tears in your eyes, hating how part of you was almost disappointed at how small the thighs ultimately ended up, not even holding a candle to how big the bunny girls were.

You whimpered, squeaking in shame as you came on some of the cards, staggering unevenly towards one you swore had a different pattern, your heart plummeting as you flipped it over.

"Wrong again I'm afraid! Don't be so against asking for help down there~! You can always ask us if you need some ASSistance~!"

"Dammit Bonnie I said no puns during the show!"

You barely even processed their words, not when even more intense bliss had consumed your ass, squeaking as it exploded outwards with such force that you fell on all fours, forced to raise your expanding rear in shame. Like your thighs, it didn't get anywhere close to the size of the main attractions, but it still was a nice, plush addition to your cute form.

You groaned in conflicted bliss, knowing there was only one more chance to save yourself, desperately crawling across the floor in search of salvation, your eyes blurry from your tears. It was a struggle to focus, the pleasure and arousal making it harder to think through each choice though, finally feeling relief as you found one with a clear blue mark on the corner, grabbing it as fast as you could.

It was a queen.

"Awwwwwwww, too bad~!" Betty laughed mockingly, "guess you weren't so good at this after all, punk! Time to make you even more of a girl~! Oh and in case you were wondering, this deck did have some tells to make it fair~. The ones with marks were the wrong ones. Too bad~!"

"W-what? N-no! That's not fair! T-THAT'S NOT F-FAIRRRRR~!!!!!!" you screamed as loud as you could, your breasts surging into b-cups and directly squishing into the ground, your eyes left spinning as you gasped for breath. You had tits. You had g-goshdarn t-tits!

"I-I can try again!" you looked up pleadingly, sniffling as you continued to beg, "g-give me another c-chance please! I d-don't want to be a g-girl! I don't w-want to be tiny and cute and a m-magician! J-just change me fudging back!"

"Oh dear, I think we broke her sis."

"My, this is a problem... oh I know!" Bonnie beamed, pulling out your phone that she took off you earlier, giggling as she removed your ID from its case, "she just needs a few alterations~."

Betty passed her a pen, the bunny girl humming to herself as she wrote over your information, the actions making your brain squeeze as you cried out in confusion. It was forcing cheerfulness into your brain, panicked cries rising into giggles as the small urges to work the crowd.

A smile was twitching onto your face, a desire to perform forcing you to your feet as you flicked your hair in a confident, cute manner. The crowd didn't seem to be scaring you, even if something inside made it feel like they should, your mouth silently mouthing pleas for help as your eyes were forcibly sparkled. The magic was changing how you thought, removing what you were now interpreting as stage fright, your memories untouched as you were instilled with the personality and charisma of a true performer.

You wanted to fight it, but there was no contest which was stronger, your whole body twitching as even your instincts seemed to change, forced to match the new personality within as you giggled in increasing joy. W-were people smiling? W-were they enjoying w-watching you!? T-they were! They were!

You felt giddy, your attempts at resistance washed away as you wondered just why you had gotten so worked up before. Oh well! It probably added to the show more! Your fear was slowly buried under this new personality, all while Bonnie wrote more and more traits, finally finishing with a giggle as you almost leapt up in delight.

"All done~! That should make her more eager to please our audience~!" Bonnie smiled, putting away her pen as you giggled and twirled, your bulge throbbing in desperation in reaction to your natural yet unnatural cheery behavior.

"Um, hate to burst your bubble sis. But she kinda still has the wrong equipment down there. And I sure as hell am not going to touch that."

"I-I'll do it!" you beamed, the cheerful tone making your cock throb harder as you giggled. "I-I can finish the p-performance all by m-myself~!"

You skipped into the center spotlight, smiling wide as you soaked up the wonderful atmosphere, the eyes of the crowd, and the thrill of the show! You know exactly what to do to finish it off, magic dancing between your fingers as you twirled, waving a finger and squeaking as the entire needy cock collapsed like a falling building.

It was instantaneous, the feelings sending you falling into a squeaking and shaking mess as the one remnant of your former masculinity was crushed in your forming pussy. Your eyes sparkled, seeing fireworks from the pleasure, although that might have just been the pyrotechnics...

You giggled, your body shivering with the aftershocks of the first drive into feminine bliss, smiling and winking to the crowd, tilting your hat as they went wild.

"And with a wave of my finger and a wriggle of my ear, I've made this icky little cock disappear~! Ta-da~!"

You soaked up the cheers, never feeling happier as you concluded the opening act with style and grace, finding it fitting that you'd been the one to save the show after so rudely coming close to ruining the whole thing.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Bonnie beamed, "thank you so much for witnessing the debut of our new helper, Trucy~!"

"Hmmm, not a bad name. Anyways you fucks, let's get right into act 2! Trucy can help us with this first trick~!" Oh dear, Betty had that evil glint in her eye again, the kind that suggested your role somehow wasn't yet over. But how? You already loved your new role, your new self, even that new name! What else was there left to do?

"Ummmm... ok! I'm always happy to make a show better I suppose!" you smiled, skipping over, using your cheerfulness to hide your uncertainty.

"W-what's the first trick of this act again?" asked Bonnie with a confused look.

"Oh you'll see~. I let you have your fun just now, but you and I both know that the cutesy teen look isn't exactly what the crowd wants~." Betty smirked, grabbing your altered ID, and writing a three over the one that had been drawn on, the card now proudly displaying your age as thirty eight.

"O-OH~!" you squealed, Bonnie's eyes wide as she watched you shake, hugging yourself and sticking out your ass as your whole body erupted with a deeper, more primal pleasure than ever before. "B-Betty w-what did y-you- w-what's- o-ohhhhhhhhhh f-fuddddd-ckkkkkkkkkk~!"

The spell restricting your language was broken as you sprouted upwards, your rear finally matching the bunny girls’ as it burst into a massive bouncy ass, your thickening thighs squishing sensually as the crowd watched in awe. You blushed, soaking your new panties as you realized just how much of your legs were being shown off and all the extra eyes on you.

You were taller than the sisters now, biting a fuller lip as your age continued to rise, feeling the maturity seeping through you as Betty grinded against you, assets squishing together as thick bouncy breasts almost overflowed from your uniform. You giggled, the sound filled with an allure of confidence and sexiness as the bunny girls squished against you, both of them blushing at their newly matured protege.

"Ara ara~. Well, this is certainly a welcome change~," you smirked, "I'm starting to see why this show was for adults only~."

You were still a cheerful, bubbly woman of course, but now had the teasing confidence to be expected of a woman your age, something both the bunny girls clearly couldn't get enough of.

"W-well... w-we w-wanted to make sure that people g-got what they wanted and..."

"Y-yeah! Adult magicians a-are more popular! That was it!"

"Awwww how cute~. Don't be so shy, you both! I certainly don't mind this after all~. So how about I show off this lovely new body to this amazing crowd? Maybe I can give you both a private show late too~."

Both girls blushed and nodded, another smug giggle leaving your lips as you turned towards the crowd, props in your hands as you steadied your hat, your body jiggling invitingly as you savored the eyes on you, content to give them a show to remember.

"Alright everybody! Time to act two! I’m going to need some more volunteers for this one~! So… anyone else fancy seeing some marvelous magic up close~?"


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