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Jack chuckled as he read charo's latest reply, leaning back in his desk chair. Charo had just finished writing a quick lewd for him and James, and now was doing his usual teasing. Sure enough, right at that moment a picture of Zelda from Breath of the Wild, specifically the short-haired variant, was sent by charo with a message saying how it was Jack. After typing his reply, Jack added another message, appreciating how nice charo had been to him and James with all the lewds he had written for them.

"Thanks again so much for that charo, I wish I could pay you back somehow"

James quickly added on a "^^" as charo started typing his response, showing he felt the same way.

"Become my sexy writing slaves and write all my stories for me then :stuck_out_tongue:"

Jack laughed again at the typical response, one they had gotten several times before for similar situations, replying with a "lol XD" before changing tabs, having no idea that after he had typed it, charo had also written that statement on a piece of paper, using a particular pen colored a bright pink. Distracted by something on his computer, Jack scratched an itch on his head, not noticing his fingers actually scratching away his hair's brown color, leaving a small patch of red as he returned his fingers to his keyboard.

Meanwhile, James was feeling a bit stranger, assuming he had contracted some sort of cold as he felt hot and feverish all over, sweat starting to roll down his body as he groaned in discomfort.

The sweat pulled hair and grime down with it, leaving silky smooth skin everywhere it passed. His sensitive new skin brushed up against his rough clothes, James simply assuming the strange sensation was another symptom of whatever he had. Suddenly he lurched forwards and let out a loud sneeze, sniffling and wiping his nose a moment later, failing to notice how much smaller and cuter it was now.

Jack was oblivious to the change in his hair, idly scratching without thinking much of it, every movement removing more brown from his locks, exposing a bright red beneath that seemed to be slowly spreading across them.

It felt almost softer, nicer, a bit more cared for than it usually was, confusing him slightly as he tried to figure out why. The itch just wasn't going away, Jack growing more and more irritated that something kept breaking him out of his train of thought as he continued to scratch it.

It didn't seem to do much though, if anything only spreading the odd feeling to the rest of him, a weird shiver going through his body as he groaned in discomfort. Something was off, Jack's confusion growing as he tried his best to pinpoint it, his skin feeling oddly sensitive, almost softer beneath his clothes, not having any idea that all the hair on his body had dissolved away, leaving no trace behind.

He did feel good though, a confused moan slipping out as his movements caused his new soft skin to directly rub and brush against his clothes, the feeling almost erotic to him as he was filled with further confusion, hints of a dull violet slipping into his eyes while he was lost in thought.

Jack idly tapped his finger against his desk, oblivious to the gentle pleasure climbing up his hands, his fingers gradually slenderizing as the pen unknowingly began to affect him more and more.

The symptoms of the "cold" were getting harder and harder to ignore, his face scrunching up as a few more successive sneezes crunched it down a cute, girlish structure. James groaned, assuming the slightly higher pitch of his voice was just the result of a sore throat as he reached over and grabbed his new headphones. He was usually able to relax with music and was going to try and do so again to distract himself from his discomfort, leaning back and sighing contentedly as he started one of his playlists.

The magic of the pink pen was not contained only in the body of the victim however, also being able to affect clothing and items on their body, which now included the headphones. As such, the headphones began changing, shifting design slightly as the inner rim turned red, the outer parts remaining black. They now resembled a pair of headphones belonging to a specific character, a trend that was continued as his glasses grew larger. There was a moment of blurriness as James's eyes adapted to the new glasses, growing wider to match them, their color changing to brown as they regained their focus.

"Ugh, that was weird, I- cough w-wonder what caused that?"

He rubbed his throat, attributing the voice cracks to his coughing, not noticing how the pitch of his voice grew higher with each one, a lump in his throat growing smaller in unison until it finally disappeared with a feminine squeak.

James brushed some lengthening hair out of his face absentmindedly as he began tapping his foot to the music, failing to notice every impact with the floor was causing it to shrink more and more, becoming dainty and cute as his new tiny toes wriggled happily in the now oversized shoe.

Jack moaned as the change advanced up his limbs, his body feeling oddly tingly as the muscle and mass in them was burnt away by the pen's influence, slimming down dramatically as they were drained into slim femininity, remaining unnoticed under his sleeves.

The rest of the transformation wouldn't remain as hidden though, a faint, gradually increasing pleasure breaking out in his core as Jack let out a confused moan, unsure just what was causing these confusing feelings.

His thoughts soon became focused elsewhere though, the euphoric feeling skyrocketing in intensity as he moaned, his hands scraping against his stomach in a confused attempt to find the source of the pleasure.

The results of this were far from what he wanted though, another confused and aroused cry slipping out from the sensations that followed, his eyes wide as he literally felt the fat that was within drain away, his cock rising to attention while his stomach shrank and slimmed more and more.

What was left seemed inconceivable as his own, unmistakably a slim, sexy, womanly core on his own body, the realisation causing him to jump from his seat in alarm.


It was then he noticed all the other changes that had taken place, the sight of his slim arms and frightfully smooth skin only making him panic further as he desperately tried to process what was happening to him, barely noticing a faint tingling in the back of his mind.

While Jack panicked, James still had yet to notice something wrong, his foot tapping continuing as his shoe dangled, threatening to fall off. The change spread up his leg, ankle and calf slimming and shrinking as more and more hair continued falling across James's face. He grumbled, deciding he'd go get a haircut as soon as he could, maybe at that new place Jack had recommended...

Suddenly, he was broken out of his thoughts as pleasure exploded within his thigh, causing him to gasp and grab at it as his cock instantly got hard. He moaned as plush, feminine fat was pumped in, squishing and rubbing against his cock on one side. He stared at his new thigh in shock, poking at it as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was then that he noticed the other changes across his body, causing him to freak out.

"AH! W-WHAT'S GOING- wait... i-is that my... v-voice?"

His voice was undeniably feminine and cute now, the realization making him blush. He tentatively put a hand against his soft lips, before moaning as a bit more fat rounded out his thigh, finally forcing his hip to crunch out wider. He squirmed in his chair, strange sensations running through his whole body, unable to help himself as he began rubbing a hand against his erect cock, moaning louder and louder as his other thigh began swelling as well.

As his other hip began creaking out to match its twin however, the music coming through his headphones suddenly stopped, being replaced by a repeating chant of a few phrases.

"You belong to your master. You belong to charo. You love your master. You love being owned. You are charo's sexy, nerdy writing slave."

James squealed as the voice pierced deep into his brain, squeezing his eyes shut and thrashing as he tried to yank the headphones off, to no avail. Every repeat was making him feel stranger, his mind starting to feel a bit fuzzy as both legs finally matched each other, his attempts to remove the headphones growing more and more desperate.

Jack gasped in alarm, growing increasingly more panicked as he realised what was happening, squeaking in confusion as his shoulders suddenly gave way, crunching down to become tiny, narrow and girly as his cock uncomfortably pressed against his jeans.

He couldn't help but moan, his eyes looking more violet by the second, while the rest of his face was starting to feel just as good as it shifted and morphed to match his arms and core, his cheekbones and jaw snapping inwards as they lost their broad sizes and gave way to the growing girliness.

His lips grew into a cute pout soon after, the pillows perfectly soft and kissable as he finally realised what was happening.

"W-wait! I look like a-a girl!? I-I'm being turned into a g-girl!? How is this happening!? I-I need help!"

He quickly turned back to Discord, groaning as he quickly wrote down something in a desperate cry for help, coughing near the end as his Adam's Apple slid down his throat, a sexy, needy, womanly moan leaving his lips as he grew even more turned on.

Jack pressed send as soon as he could before moaning even louder, the pleasure suddenly becoming focused in his chest as he desperately gasped for breath, having read enough TGs to know what was going to happen.

He begged for it to stop, hoping he could somehow prevent the approaching growth of his breasts, something that was all but useless as pleasure simply continued to build, his panic growing as a breaking point became all but inevitable.

James's cock was trapped between the two soft pillows of fat that were his thighs, and they were rubbing against it with every small movement he made, sending shockwaves of bliss directly into his brain and eroding away at his resistance. The messages felt like they were getting stronger, bouncing around in his brain like an echo chamber, his pulling at the headphones getting weaker and weaker as his eyes started to glaze over.

"You love your master. You are charo's sexy, nerdy writing slave."


He screamed, cumming so hard that one of his balls inverted as his back snapped into an alluring arch. He felt like he was melting, and his body looked like it too, sweat pouring down him as his muscles faded away, his whole body starting to look more and more girly. He squealed as he felt a tug on his remaining ball, shooting a hand down to grab at it even as the messages urged him to give in and let it happen.

Even as he did this however, the sweat started seeping into his clothes, causing them to first darken with moisture before growing darker still, turning pure black and then starting to shrink and constrict to fit his new, slimmer body. His shoes flew off as he kicked his legs in bliss, his clothes shrinking to a bra and tight pair of panties. His new panties forced his hand to press down, inadvertently causing him to push in the ball he had been trying to save.


He felt something dislodge from his brain as the sheer ecstasy of his new ovaries forming pierced his mind, Jamesaba bucking and screaming as now needless memories streamed down his thighs. All while the messages continued, taking advantage of his vulnerable mental state to enforce themselves deeper into the core of his new identity.

"You belong to your master. You are charo's sexy, nerdy writing slave."

Jack tried his best to fight it, to somehow hold back the incoming influx of pleasure, but it seemed doing so would be impossible, his screams soon filling the room as leftover fat from his body rushed into them, his eyes watering as breasts began to slowly form.

He thrashed and shook from the feelings that followed, Jack briefly losing himself to the pleasure as he mindlessly clawed at his shirt, tearing it off just to reach and grope his growing breasts, his eyes glazing over as they inflated against his feminised hands.

His mind was being bombarded with a constant pleasure, the feeling all encompassing as the pen's influence made its way to it, new thoughts and desires forced into his brain and dislodging his thoughts.

The new desires were influencing his personality, turning his instincts against him as he grew hard to the thought of pleasing his master, of being his smart, sexy writing slave forever.

He tried to fight it, moaning as he felt his submissiveness amplified as he bucked in his seat, wailing as his hips broke apart from his violent movements. He couldn't stop all the thoughts rushing in, the fantasies of doing what master wanted making him drool in lust, his resistance trying so hard to hold back his orgasms as he continued to pleasure himself, kicking wildly.

Jack's eyes widened as a message came through, quickly looking down at the screen in hope before screaming in pure pleasure as he saw what had been written, his mind hopelessly resisting as to his panic his body obeyed the command without question.

"Good show so far, Makise. Now be a good girl and cum for master. I need my writing slave to get smart and sexy."


Jamutaba screamed in ecstasy as he felt his identity slipping away from him, tears of bliss streaming down his face as any memories unnecessary for his new role were mercilessly purged, new ones slotting in and making it harder and harder to muster any resistance.

"You love your master. You love charo."


His ass was swelling, firming into a ripe peach as he rose up off the chair, memories of showing it off for her master flooding his brain, dazed giggles slipping out as she remembered him groping it even as he desperately tried to hang on.

"You love being owned. Charo is your master. Give in for charo."


Breasts were inflating on his chest, filling the bra as his nipples rubbed against it, driving him crazy while every last drop of masculinity in his body spewed out of his throbbing cock. She was almost complete, she was almost there, the last of his resistance crumbling as the tight panties forced his shaft in an inch, her eyes shooting open as she gave her whole self to her master with open arms.

"You are charo's sexy, nerdy writing slave."


Jutaba bucked and drooled in bliss as she gave in utterly and forever, orange hair exploding out of her head and flowing down her shoulders and back to signify her total acceptance. Her hands slammed down on her shrunken manhood, needing to get rid of the useless thing in order to be perfect for her master. Slipping a hand into her panties, she fingered away at it, her cries rising in pitch and intensity as her nail wriggled deeper and deeper into the shaft.

Finally, she was thrusting in and out of it, each push forcing it in and inverting it more, until finally with a wet popping noise and a delighted shriek, Futaba was left with a new pussy ready for her master to use, along with the rest of her eager, horny body.

Her master's words sped up everything at once, Jackise screaming in pure bliss as the images and instincts assaulting her mind massively increased in number, almost overwhelming her psyche altogether.

She screamed and thrashed as her jeans suddenly tightened around her legs, the restrictive pleasure causing her to kick desperately as a smooth black washed out the blue, the newly forming leggings forcing her limbs down into slim, feminine shapes, her muscles reduced to slender sexy fat.

Her feet weren't spared either, snapping and popping as they were reduced to tiny, girly sizes, her shoes hanging off them before flying off from her desperate kicking.


The changes barely gave her a second to react, Jackise barely able to think through the pleasure as intelligence poured into her mind without resistance. It was almost too much for her, her body bucking as her IQ forcefully rose, only increasing the thoughts she had to fight off about how wonderful it would be to just give in and be Charo's slave forever...

She screamed at the thought, the pleasure only increasing as fat began to rush into her thighs, her assets growing in sync with her IQ and knowledge as they pleasurably pressed against her leggings, her fully erect cock straining in need against the impossibly tight material that was preventing it from cumming.

Her body shook and squirmed madly, Jakise gasping in desperation as she tried to hang on with her willpower, something that was crushed instantly when the fat spilled over into her ass.

It exploded outwards, pleasurably squishing into her seat as it took up even more space in her leggings, placing even greater pressure on her cock as both sets of assets grew more and more.

Despite her panic, all she could think about was charo, serving him, doing whatever he wanted without question like the good little writing slave she was, the concept of doing anything for herself utterly foreign to her, an image of charo forcing her down onto his bed filling her mind as she drooled in desire.

The fantasy that followed bled into reality, her body bucking as the tight leggings pressed harder against her cock, gradually forcing it back inside her as her thighs and ass jiggled with fat.

Her mind couldn't resist, the mind shattering feeling of her cock fucking her filling her mind with thoughts of charo fucking her, each thrust fucking away more and more of her old mind until there was nothing of Jack left, only an eager Makise to be fucked. It felt like hours until her cock finally collapsed, the pleasure of her first orgasm as a woman flooding Makise with ecstasy, but that was nothing compared to the sheer joy she felt at being charo's writing slave, the thought of serving him instantly making her just as horny as before.

Smiling, she made her way to her bed, setting up her phone to take a picture of herself as she laid on it seductively before sending it to her master, no words needed to go with it, besides charo didn't like it when she talked more than she needed to after all.

Charo grinned as two pictures were sent to him through Discord; his new writing slaves clearly ready for him and for their new permanent positions. Pulling out the pink pen once more, he wrote down another line, both girls appearing out of thin air and falling down onto his bed moments later.

He admired them for a moment, eyes roving up and down their sexy bodies; he had chosen two of his favorite girls for a reason. To further add to his ever-growing harem of fans and writers turned into girls, of course! He had started with Tier Harribel and wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. He walked over to the two latest additions as they sat up, smiling eagerly at him. It was hard to resist getting into bed with them right then and there, but he knew something else needed to happen first.

"Alright now girls, I know you want to have some fun with me just as much as I do, but first it's time to begin your duties to me as my writing slaves. I've got a big backlog right now, so I want each of you to finish at least 3 stories today. Whoever finishes first will get a 'reward'~."

"Yes, master!"

"I won't let you down, master!"

He slapped their asses as they walked by, causing them to giggle. He would be "rewarding" both of them after they finished regardless of who was faster of course, but some extra motivation might help things along~. Satisfied, he went back to Discord while they worked, looking through his DMs to see if there were any more people he could "hire". He could always use more help with his backlog, after all~.


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