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“Hmmmmm... what to paint next...” mused Ado, raising a hand to his chin as he looked around the scenery, the calm, grassy plains he had drawn many times, packing up his canvas and heading back home. “Perhaps it’s worth making the trip to what’s left of Wondaria for the next piece...”

The painter had always been a bit more anti-social compared to the rest of his race, always keeping to himself, preferring the company of his art opposed to other people. Specifically classic art. None of the digital stuff some of his peers were up to; all he needed was a paintbrush and a canvas to get the job done.

Because of that, he was one of the few people unaffected by all the excitement around that new tech from the creature those scientists had caught a while back, and even with every advancement since then, he was quite happy where he was. Even when the governments decided to move on to new planets altogether because of overpopulation, he was one of the select few that decided to stay on his home world, unwilling to face the unknown.

That was years ago though, and he was doing fine on his own since then. Sure, he did get lonely, but paint was surprisingly easy to make with some of the equipment and generators that had been left behind. And it wasn’t like he was going to run out of paintbrushes or food with how much was left all over the place.

He had noticed a few slightly concerning things recently though. Some of the local wildlife were starting to act a little strange, Ado deciding it would be best to keep his distance from them for a bit until they calmed down. He’d also found a strange paintbrush in a hidden room in Alivel, one covered with strange colours and patterns, likely something a scientist had been working on before the mass migration to who knows where.

Not that it mattered. Knowing how space-time worked, they were probably ancient by now.

He’d become quite attached to it since then, the brush in much better condition than almost any other one he had found over the years, every movement of it just feeling... powerful. Almost magical. He didn’t have it now of course; he hadn’t drawn anything with it aside from his magnum opus, the sight of them both making him smile as he entered his home.

He’d hung them on his wall. Two abstract paintings that were more clothing than anything human. Floating limbless creatures dressed like sorceresses. One was purple and cyan, the other primarily red. He truthfully wasn’t sure where the inspiration for them had come from, but it wasn’t long after he had obtained the strange paintbrush from Alivel, the image of two abstract sisters filling his mind and enchanting him too much to resist putting them to canvas.

He supposed it was linked to his fascination with the female form in art itself, nothing linked to real life of course, just a love for the grace, wonder, and power on display in those paintings. Something he only wished he could match in his own work, and although he was lacking in sources of peer feedback, he personally thought he had done quite well.

“Sure it’s not like there’s any museums to put Drawcia and Paintra on display in. But I think they look fine enough here. Now... wait. Where did the paintbrush go!?” Ado froze, looking around his desk, the seemingly magical paintbrush he had left there gone without a trace.

He checked the floor, similarly finding no sign of it, his heart starting to pound a little, h-had... someone taken it? But he thought most of the other people left lived in the other regions! And why would they just take the paintbrush?

“Can’t have been the animals either. They would have left more of a mess.” he thought aloud, sparing a glance at the unfinished third sister painting he had begun in his free time. “No... this is stupid. I just misplaced it. I’ll have a look around the house and...”

It was then he froze, sparing a glance back at the two paintings, suddenly noticing something now that more sunlight was on them. Something that made no sense at all. The paintbrush was in Drawcia’s canvas.

"B-but... that isn't... how did it…?" he wondered, walking closer to the painting to inspect it, finding it naturally present in the art like it had always been there, when he knew for a fact he hadn't painted it himself. It was around then that he noticed something else, the sounds of joint cackling; faint, ghostly, feminine laughter echoing all around him.

"W-who's there!?" Ado cried as he turned around, only panicking more when he saw no sign of any life aside from himself. "I-I must be going m-mad..."

"No. You were mad far longer than that, dear creator."

"Hehehe~! Let's see if you pay attention to us now~!"

The voices came from behind him, Ado's eyes widening before he let out a muffled scream, a tendril of rainbow paint suddenly bursting from one of the paintings behind him, gagging him as he thrashed in protest. It was then that the laughter grew louder, both canvases shaking as two separate forms emerged from each one, teleporting in front of him in a flash of light.

He could never have expected what he was met with, the sight of both of his paintings brought to life, Drawcia and Paintra floating in front of him, all of their visible eyes focused solely on him.

Ado bucked harder, trying to break free even harder than before, only succeeding in shaking off his gag as similar lines of paint bound his limbs to the wall. "D-Drawcia? P-Paintra? Am I-I d-dreaming? B-but this can't be-"

He cried out in pain before he could finish, feeling the binds tighten for a moment, shutting him up as Drawcia laughed to herself, the paintbrush spinning around her tauntingly. "Does that feel real enough to you creator? I'm afraid to tell you that it most certainly is. We are no longer simply contained to the realm of your imagination."

"Oh, now he acknowledges us!" Paintra giggled, flying especially close to Ado with narrowed eyes. "How typical after neglecting his magnum opuses for so long! It seems we are only to be acknowledged when it is suitable to him."

"W-what do you mean? O-of course I acknowledge you! I h-hung you up on my w-wall! But that d-doesn't matter! H-how are you here!? You a-aren't- you can't be- MMMMMMM~!?" Ado's confused ramblings were cut off by a tendril of paint, one that instead of simply gagging him opted to force itself down his throat, overpowering the man with the taste of wet paint. He would have tried to vomit it out if he could, but the sheer force of the tendril was overpowering, filling his mouth completely as his tormentors cackled at his misfortune.

"Now he's denying his sins altogether! How amusing! Does he think he did us an honor, dear sister?"

"No he seeks to avoid responsibility altogether! He knows what he did! Spending hours! Days working on us! Only to replace us with an inferior sibling! He already brought forth perfection! Only a fool would waste time working on something else! But then again, it is painfully clear that our dear creator isn't the brightest."

He grunted in protest, swearing the presence in his mouth seemed to be becoming gradually appealing to him, the ends of the tendril feeling like it was coiling around something in his throat. It was a struggle to get hold of, Ado’s eyes bulging as the paint finally got it and forced it downwards, flooding his body with strange, appealing sensations.

We were brought into being by this paintbrush creator. Yes, we are truly magnificent pieces of art no doubt. But this artefact is the true cause! The only one of its kind. Created as the first of what is no doubt many powerful items made by your race. This was merely left behind as a failed experiment. But they had no idea only a true artist could wield its full power!

Sis, I know it took us a while to have enough power to escape from those frames. But you honestly can’t love the sound of your own voice this much already...

Ado was choking, breathing sighs of relief as the paint finally withdrew from his throat, horrified to discover that something wasn’t right. He knew the sound of his own voice. Anyone did, but with his own being one of the only sounds he heard on a regular basis, it was all too clear to him that something was off.

W-why-! Why does my v-voice sound... sound.... like a g-girl’s!? Why do I sound like a w-woman!?” he cried with a blush, the cute, high pitched voice a far cry from his own.

Because you’ll be one very soon, dear creator.” Drawcia narrowed her visible eye. “You passed on us for new inspiration. So we’ve both agreed that shouldn’t we get to choose a new creator too~?

HAHAHAHAHA! We felt your passion for all things feminine when you brought us into being, creator~! Does this not fill you with joy~?" Paintra burst into laughter, spinning herself and flicking paint all across Ado’s face, the fluid seeping into his skin and sending sparks of pleasure through his body.

He could faintly see Drawcia moving the paintbrush, his art overtaking his role as the artist as a new face was sketched over his own, minor adjustments repeatedly being added until he was virtually unrecognisable. His jaw and nose were worn down, redrawn into little cute points, lips inflating, eyes stretched into wider, cuter sizes as eyelashes and hair were lengthened with thin lines of black paint.

All of it was brought into reality, Ado gasping and shivering, bombarded with alien feelings from his girly face, every nerve and instinct screaming that something was wrong.

O-of course it doesn’t! I don’t want to be a girl! P-please this is a misunderstanding! L-let me go so I can e-explain! Please! I’ll do anything!

"Now he pleads for us to stop. What a strange being our creator is. But I'm afraid we're artists at heart dear creator~. We can't stop until our masterpiece is complete."

It was growing increasingly clear that Ado's chances of getting away were slimming rapidly with each passing moment, his struggles growing increasingly desperate as he breathed heavily.

"And we simply have too much inspiration to pass up! Hehehehehe~!" Paintra cackled, painting features with her own paintbrush, a red beret coming into existence and plopping down on the darkening strands of hair, permanently stained by the art attacking him.

He couldn't stop them, the man truly helpless to the whims of his own creations, the paint binding him to the wall growing even tighter, his hands crushed down into petite, dainty little things as he gasped in conflict. It was awful what was happening... but at the same time something about it was oddly... p-pleasing?

It was strange that any part of this could be considered enjoyable, but he was certain that was what he was feeling, the sensation spreading from his hands into his arms, the paint sapping him of strength, weakening his limbs as they emptied themselves of strength. They slammed down drastically, growing lithe and slender, just like the slim femininity he admired in the paintings of old, that thought alone making him oddly giddy as he squirmed in place.

He squeaked as his shoulders collapsed, the broad forms giving way to the same infectious slenderness being painted into the very core of his being. His entire body was being compressed, the rough edges and masculine form being targeted by some kind of invisible eraser, removing it all from existence altogether.

Ado was helpless but to watch it all, the mirror at the other end of the room serving as a constant reminder of what was happening as he was transformed into a female version of himself. Part of him was enjoying it, that being the most confusing thing of all as something down below tented his grey pants, Ado desperate to make it all stop, gasping as painty tentacles grabbed his sides, forcibly pulling out his hips with a crunch in unison with his core compressing and imploding to become tight and girly.


Paint was dripping down his legs as pleasure surged in his chest, both of his creations assaulting it with both paint and drawing, both of which were being absorbed into his body. For a moment, there was power, as if the paintbrush had infused something deep in his twisting core, some kind of skill he wasn’t yet aware of, something that was followed by intense pleasure as his chest burst with bliss.

Before, only his nipples were tenting his green smock, but now that had only become even more obvious, his chest expanding like bouncy beach balls into two large and perky breasts. His eyes spun, Ado barely able to form words from the intensity of the sensations, his upper body now as cute and striking as many of the pieces he had admired so much.

Ah yes. Look how clearly our creator isn’t enjoying this dear sister. How foolish were we to not see something so obvious?

Hehehehehe~! Oh you’re right~! Shame he doesn’t have a say in what his artists decide~! He’s just the sculpture for our creativity after all!

STOHHHHHHHPPPPP~!!!! PLEASE NO MOHHHRE~! I C-CAHNT’T TAKE IT! JUST STO-“ Ado pleaded, crying as Drawcia drew a cartoonish bomb, tossing it behind him and sending him flying forwards.

He squealed, the impact not only breaking his spine into a distinctively feminine arch, but sending his height plummeting downwards to something much more fitting for the woman he was becoming. Ado wriggled on the floor, blushing as more restraints locked him to the ground, kneeling in front of his masterpieces.

How rude creator! You knocked my frame off!” Paintra grumbled, the canvas she had been drawn on having fallen from the wall from the impact of his body slamming to the ground. “We’re still linked to those, you know!

Oh don’t worry my dear sister. We’ll make sure to punish him dearly for that too. How about we draw him more of those feminine features that he admires in those paintings? I’m sure he’ll love the chance for some greater appreciation~.” He could hear the smirk in her voice, only able to let out a small squeak of protest before the edits were upon him once more, shoes compressing in an instant to cover newly shrunken feet.

Oh and those clothes need fixing too! The lower part at least, I’ll handle that! I’m sure our dear creator will want to see every bit of this!” He couldn’t do a thing as her brush-like legs were upon him, his pants erased and redrawn as a cute, fluttery skirt, forming just in time to showcase the entirety of his slender, feminine legs.

Ado felt utterly ashamed, blushing like crazy as he instinctively pulled down the tiny thing to cover himself up, not that it did much to help.

S-stop it please!” he begged. “C-change me b-bAHKKKKK~!” He bucked, letting out a squeaky squeal as the paint he had swallowed earlier found a new home, settling safely within his rear. Ado went red, feeling it swell slightly to become cute and girly, his increasing struggles of shame doing nothing to extinguish the burning part of him that wanted more.

Oh you won’t be able to change back! Sure if sis changed a whole planet at once then maybe defeating her would return it to normal. But with one person… yeah, we can make this last forever~!

NOOOOOHHHHHHH~!!!!” Ado could only scream in despairful joy, his mind flip flopping rapidly as his thighs began to plump outwards, gaining appealing, soft layers of mass that were pressing hard on his- on his-

WAIT~! NO~! DOHHHHHHN’T~! AH~! AH~! KYAAAAAAA~!!!” were the only sounds he could make, Ado’s screams dying down into tiny squeaks as the paint withdrew from him, leaving the artist panting on the floor. His whole body shivered with reluctant delight, every nerve and instinct engraved with some kind of positive feeling, making it impossible to hold back a small smile despite the reality that he had officially become a she.

She was left gasping on the floor, eyes spinning, world turning around her, the smile remaining despite the panic in her soul and the cackling of her art.

Much better~! Our dear creator certainly makes for a beautiful piece of art all by herself, doesn’t she~?

I concur. She might be our finest work yet.” Drawcia sneered, her tone equally filled with smug delight. “Only makes me all the happier this is permanent.

Y-you can’t...” Ado muttered meekly. “T-this can’t be r-real... I can’t be...” She looked down at herself, her body the perfect source of inspiration for countless pieces, only wishing she had seen it in a museum or book as opposed to this terrible reality.

Oh dear, I think we broke her.”  laughed Drawcia. “How sad.

Awwwwww, already? Bummer. Do you think the others will break that quick too?

O-others?” whispered Ado, the lack of volume meaning it escaped his creations’ ears as they continued talking.

Now now, sister. We’ll see in time. Our majesty deserves to be admired by all! Such as our creator’s people! They will see our overwhelming beauty before we remold them to our whims!” Drawcia laughed, using the paintbrush to draw something in front of her, a star shaped portal that swirled with interdimensional energy.

Obviously! We have so many better things to do than stay here in this forgotten land; that world of miracles everyone else went off to sounds like so much more fun!” Paintra laughed, flying towards the portal before being stopped by Drawcia.

Don’t be stupid! The portal hasn’t stabilised yet! The paintbrush can’t make these perfectly. Only whatever tech they used as a reference to make it can. We need to give it a minute for everything to balance for it to work. If we go in now, we could end up anywhere, perhaps even centuries apart from each other. Something I don’t think either of us would find preferable.

Oh. Yeah, that would suck. But in that case...” Paintra flew towards the mostly finished third sister, sending it flying through the vortex with a blast of energy. “That’s for replacing us, knock-off!

Hmmm... she might have enough power to come alive one day. But hopefully we’ll be done by then.” mused Drawcia, seemingly unaware that Ado was hanging onto every word, her heart filled with fearful panic, knowing it was only a matter of time before they became focused on her once more.

W-what have I... sure the others were annoying! But I don’t want to let these monsters loose on them! What can I do!? This is all my fault! T-they turned me into a woman for crying out loud, what else can they do!? There has to be...” she thought in panic, the idea of fighting back seeming ridiculous, her eyes darting across the room just in case there was anything she could use.

It was then her eyes found Paintra’s frame, fallen to the floor a short distance away.

They’re... still linked to these... a-and if I can separate them...” She blinked, her eyes narrowing in determination as an idea occurred to her, the artist slowly crawling towards the discarded canvas while the sisters talked amongst themselves.

And what about our creator? We have to do something about her now, hehe~!

Hmm. I’d say we bring her with us! Let her see the wonder her art brings! How do you like the sound of that creator? I’m certain that-“ Drawcia began, freezing as she turned around, Ado seizing her chance, tossing the painting into the still forming vortex as both sisters shrieked in fury.

"C-creator no! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Paintra screamed, desperately trying to fight against the pull of the vortex as her frame was drawn inwards. "I'll get you for this! You hear me creator!? I'LL- AHHHHHHHHH!" she cried, her form tumbling into the portal as Drawcia turned to Ado in fury.

"YOU DARE!?" she shrieked, several frames appearing behind her, the paintbrush drawing many different weapons, all aimed towards Ado. "I'LL TURN YOU AND ALL OF THAT LAND OF MIRACLES INTO A PAINTING FOR THIS! THEN FIND MY SISTER IN WHAT REMAINS!"

The new woman was finding herself steadily more afraid, Drawcia visibly glitching in and out of existence from sheer fury, swapping between a sorceress and the twisted, malformed soul within. There was only one thing to do, Ado knowing she had no other choice, gulping as her eyes darted towards the portal, dashing towards it and barely dodging the barrage of rainbow-coloured blades that were fired where she once stood.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME CREATOR!? TRY AND RUN! I MAY ARRIVE YEARS BEFORE OR AFTER YOU, BUT NOTHING WILL STOP ME FROM HAVING MY RETRIBUTION!" she screeched, Ado leaping into the portal right as she charged, the world swirling around her, the painter crying out as stars flew by her vision, strange bat-like beings and so much more before all went dark.


"There! Hold that pose!" the artist smiled, the hamster nodding in agreement as he held an apple over his head, the woman starting to sketch an outline before glaring at her posing models. "And don't eat this one Kirby!"

The puffball did a sad sigh from atop the tree stump he was sat on.

With everything in place, Adeleine set to work, humming to herself as she began work on her latest piece, savouring the warm sun beaming down on another summer's day, with hardly a cloud in the sky. (Which was good, considering Kracko messed up her last piece when they suddenly decided to attack Kirby. Again.)

The painter truthfully wasn't sure how she ended up in Dream Land, her memories around the end of her time on the old planet growing fuzzier every time she tried to recall them. All she knew for sure was that she had been a boy and something... happened that made her into a girl, maybe linked to a paintbrush or something? She wasn't sure, all she was certain was that whatever happened had sent her across space all the way to Pop Star.

And it took her all of two days after arriving to get possessed by a literal embodiment of pure evil.

Thankfully Kirby, the hero of Dream Land, saviour of the stars, slayer of Nightmares and NOVA and who knew what else (he had a lot of titles) had literally sent the Dark Matter flying right out of her, with the slight side effect of making her mind blank in a few places. It was a pain to be sure, but Kirby and the other citizens of Pop Star had quickly made Adeleine welcome in her new home, the new woman deciding to go with the new name to better symbolise her fresh start.

Everyone here from the Waddle Dees to even the anti-social Meta Knight were kind to her, the artist unable to help herself from enjoying the company of others for the first time she could remember. Being a woman was nice too, Adeleine feeling much more graceful and happy with everything she did, even having the ability to bring her paintings to life now!

She wasn't sure if she'd always had that or not, but it certainly had its uses, though it may have made freeing her from Dark Matter's control back in Cloudy Park a bit harder than it needed to...

It was quite easy to think back while she was working, the artist savouring the peace of the moment, finding it all too easy to forget about the worry of something bad coming. Sure, that might be true. But with Kirby and the others here, she honestly had nothing to worry about. Whatever evil came, she was certain it would all turn out ok in the end!

"Anddddddd done~! Come on you guys, come take a look at this piece~!"



I liked how you incorperated multiple games and actual kirby lore into this personally.


I'm really glad to hear that thanks! I appreciate that someone enjoyed that, I really enjoyed using all my Kirby lore knowledge in this lol