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“This is so bullshit!” Zack shouted, his latest pull another failure as his brother laughed behind him. “How? How!? I’ve reached 90 pity like twice now! And I still haven’t gotten her! It’s supposed to be guaranteed after the first failure! And now I’m almost out of primos!”

“Wow, you honestly have the worst luck in the world.” taunted Nate, a shit-eating grin on his face as he watched his brother fail pull after pull. “Nilou must have better standards than I thought. Looks like you’re going to have to stick to Barbara after all!”

“Oh piss off! I’m sure to get her next pull!” he insisted, trying his best to hide his frustration as another pull ended in failure. He’d been planning to pull Nilou for what felt like months, discovering his love of her too late to pull for her in the original banner. Ever since then he’d not spent a single primo, saving it all for the beautiful redheaded dancer of his dreams.

The only problem was that his luck had seemingly decided to give up on him altogether, the boy getting two Qiqis in his seemingly endless attempts. Of course, Nate wasn’t helping, seeming to only be here just to watch his brother suffer, something he always enjoyed doing.

“How many times have you said that already? I think you're going to have to admit defeat sooner or later. At this rate you might literally empty your bank getting her.” Nate taunted, Zack’s eye twitching from annoyance.

“At least I’m sure to get her eventually! Besides, this is just my first time! At least my waifu hasn’t been avoiding me for a year now!” he snapped back.

“Hey! Yun Jin’s a four star! O-of course she’s a little harder to get! And she’s not my waifu anyways!” he protested with a blush.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if half of your total playtime was just her hangout.”

“Shut up!” Nate’s blush grew deeper. “There’s that event you can get her for free coming up soon anyways!”

“Oh right. Knowing you though, I wouldn’t be surprised if you even manage to screw that one up...” muttered Zack, another failed pull the last straw as he opened up another tab on his computer.

“I said to just shut up already! What are you even doing!?” Nate asked angrily.

“I’m... well. Going to hack the game.”

“You're going to what!?” Nate widened his eyes. “Are you serious!? You can’t just hack the gacha systems! You’re crap with computers anyways!”

“Obviously I’m not doing it myself! I found this program on reddit that’s supposed to let you control the pulls. Last time I checked it hadn’t been patched out, so may as well give it a shot.”

“Dude, don’t you think this is a bit far? You could get into prison for this! I swear I saw a Hoyoverse post about punishing hackers lately... some anime bimbo isn’t worth that!”

“Nilou isn’t a bimbo!” he snapped back defensively. “She’s just a bit of an airhead, that’s all! Better that than some stuck-up actress!”

“W-what!? Have you been staring at Nilou’s midriff so much you forgot to pay attention to the game? Yun Jin isn’t stuck-up! She’s kind and passionate and wants to make her roles as authentic as she can!” Nate cried angrily, the sudden attack on his favourite girl pushing him over the edge a bit.

“Please! You just like her since you have a thing for short girls! You know, just to spite you, I’m going to make it so I get her in his pull as well as Nilou!” Zack smirked, typing both characters' names into the site and allowing it to access the game code. “That’s what you get for laughing at me all day!”

“Oh fuck you!” Nate snarled. “Forget it! If this bites you in the ass, I won’t be around to say I told you so!”

“Fuck you! Go and make out with a body pillow or something!”

“Y-you know I don’t have one of those you ass! Just- wait. Did your game freeze?” His brother blinked, turning to the laptop to see the wishing animation frozen mid-pull, the boy swearing under his breath as he scrambled to somehow fix it. “Well, I guess I was here to say I told you so. Huh.”

“If you don’t have anything helpful to say just shut up already! I’ve had enough of- WAH!?” cried Zack, shielding his eyes as the screen was engulfed with intense, blinding light, far more intense than what should have been possible, spreading out and flooding the room they were standing in until they couldn’t see a thing.

Nate swore, shielding his eyes as he staggered back, his ears assaulted by strange alien noises, even the feeling of the air around him seeming to shift, the boring smell of his room being switched out for... Chinese food? He blinked, the light seeming to die down as his surroundings came back into focus, what he was met with only confusing him even more.

"W-what... what the fuck!? What just happened!? How am I not in Zack's room anymore!?" It was anything but his brother's room, the messy bedroom replaced with a simple dressing room, the only things of note being a makeup desk and an open window, along with a rail of various feminine outfits and a folding screen in the corner.

Fitting the smell, the entire room had a distinctly Chinese aesthetic. Nate was caught off guard completely as he walked towards the window in a daze, peeking his head out as his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He was going through culture shock just looking at it, the boy staring down at the busy Chinese streets, seeing the restaurants that were responsible for the admittedly delicious smelling food.

Had he been transported across the planet or something? The boy considered it for a moment, until he noticed something off. The layout of the streets. He'd seen it before, Nate unsure where as he instinctively looked up, his mouth falling open at the sight of a floating palace's shadow against the full moon.

"I-is... is that the fucking Jade Chamber!? I'm in... Liyue!? I'm in the game!? W-what the fuck!?" he stammered, leaning back into the room in shock as he shivered uncertainly. "I-is this fucking real? There's no way right? This must be some kind of prank from Zack or something!" Nate insisted, not fully believing his own arguments, briefly wondering where his brother had gone before a realisation hit.

"W-wait... if I'm in Liyue... h-holy shit! Does that mean I can see Y-Yun Jin!? A real life Yun Jin?" He gasped in excitement, concern for his brother momentarily forgotten by the much more important discovery, a heavy blush filling his face at the idea of seeing his waifu in real life.

It was something he had always dreamed of, but he never expected to even have a chance of making it come true in real life, the boy fidgeting nervously as he went through his options. Should he look for her? Stay here? Where even was here? Ugh there were just too many questions! Wasn't this why people in isekais had guides or something!?

A knock broke him from his thoughts, the boy barely stopping himself from squeaking in panic as a dismissive feminine voice rang out. "Ten minutes until curtain call! Make sure you're ready by then!" before walking away again.

"C-curtain call?" muttered Nate in confusion, left unsure just what the strange woman had meant, only vaguely noticing another sound joining the busy atmosphere outside, the faint sound of music, his toes starting to subconsciously tap to the beat as it steadily rose in volume.

He remained lost in thought as golden light engulfed his plain trainers, the growing heels bringing his field of vision upwards, the material cut apart like a row of paper angels, the leather turning cold to the touch as he shivered, the metal steadily climbing before clamping just below his knees. He shivered from the sudden coldness, his toes twitching from the temperate drop as the music slipped into his ears.

"W-why is it so cold all of a sudden?" Nate muttered, tapping his feet together to a beat as he walked towards the doorway, wondering if it was worth wandering outside. The simple mission suddenly became much more difficult as his steps changed direction without warning, the boy squeaking in confusion as his course was forcibly hijacked, pulling him away from the doorway.

"W-what!? Hey! What am I doing?! I d-don't want to go there!" he protested, desperately trying to guide himself back to where he actually wanted to go, blushing as he realised control had been ripped away from him.

"W-what the fuck?" he muttered, looking down to see what was happening, briefly panicked that he was being controlled by someone playing the game, the truth somehow even more alarming and confusing. His shoes were gone, replaced by gold... he wasn't sure how to describe them, some kind of mix between sandals and high heels. Whatever they were, they were tight, feeling close to crushing his poor feet as he seemed to stroll aimlessly around the room.

He was lost for words, unsure "ums" slipping free as he suddenly became aware that the steps weren't as random as he first thought, each one in reaction to an instrument or beat of the music from outside.

"I-I'm... d-dancing?" It felt silly to say, but it was clear that was what was happening, the boy looking like he had been taken over by the spirit of the rhythm as he glided across the room. Nate even had to resist the urge to clap along, blushing in confusion as he made an attempt to remove the footwear, the metal refusing to budge despite his best efforts.

Strangely, each pull was making them feel tighter, Nate not realising until the pressure grew too much, the boy’s gasps growing more uneven and pleasured by the minute until it released at once, his eyes widening as a deafening CRACK filled the room.

"A-AH~!? W-WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" he cried, his body wobbling for a moment before resuming the dance against his will, the boy's body buzzing with both pain and bliss. He hesitantly looked down again, his breath catching in his throat as he saw a set of dainty, tiny feet, toes topped with blue polish twitching to the beat.

"M-my feet? W-what... w-what the fuck is this!? I-is this some kind of d-dream? Y-yeah! I just n-need to wake up! O-obviously! J-just have to- W-WAIT WHAT ARE MY HIPS DOING!?" Nate cried in panic, his face almost utterly red as the rhythm took over another part of his body, his hips happily wriggling to the background beat of the song.

He couldn't stop it, feeling utterly mortified at the increasingly sexual body language as his arms were forced to raise upwards, only emphasising the sensual movements of his hips, each little wriggle feeling like a forceful pull. Nate whimpered, hating how a bulge was becoming quite noticeable in his jeans, before panicking at the sounds of c-creaks~, a few rips joining them as the jerks grew more and more pronounced, pushing his hip bones out more than what they should be able to take. The breaking point was coming, not that Nate knew it until it was too late, the change that fully alerted him to the seriousness of the situation as his left hip was pushed outwards more than ever before.




His eyes spun as his right followed its twin’s lead, a loud rippppppppppppppppp filling the room as impossibly, unbelievably sexy feminine hips laid waste to his jeans, tearing through the fabric like it was nothing, still swaying to the beat as the boy stared down in terror. They were too wide. Impossibly so. The widest hipline he had ever seen, and they were attached to his own body, the concept refusing to click at first as they swayed and wriggled to the enchanting percussion. He whimpered in shock, running a hand down one questioningly, terrified at just how real it felt.

“This... this is too fucked up! I-I can’t! I can’t deal with this! I-I have to get help!” Nate cried, using all of his willpower to try and move his feet, the door barely out of arm's reach, not that it would help if it was, his arms forced to move above his head and stomach and wave to the beat. No matter how desperately he willed it, nothing worked, the will of the dance not only trapping him, but moulding him to its own desires.

It was humiliating and terrifying at the same time, the boy's only saving grace being that there was no one here to see it, Nate continuing to grunt in determination as he pointlessly fought against the rhythm. All he managed to accomplish was a few mistimed steps, the boy so focused on fighting that he barely noticed a faint tinking from the dresser, a certain blue gem faintly bouncing on the surface, unable to stay still until it shot towards the boy like he was a magnet. It gently clicked into place on the waist of his jeans, Nate afforded a moment of confusion before watery hell broke loose.

“AHHHHHHHHHEEEEEE~!? W-WHAT THE SHIT~!? W-WHAT’S HAPPENING~!?!?!?!?” He shouted in panic, the boy only vaguely noticing the strange, airy edge to his voice as he squeaked and shielded his eyes. Water was leaking from the gem, large splashes of it pouring free all over his still dancing body.

Nate could only feel what was happening, gasping as fabric seemed to be washed away by an invading tide, suddenly sensitive flesh left exposed to the sensual touch of the open air. His jeans seemed to fade away altogether, something soft and flowy left in its place that gave him much more leg room, something similar seeming to form on his head while the tinks of jewellery began to accompany his every sway and movement. Finally, the rough material seemed to become almost unrealistically soft, the feeling of his clothes finally seeming to settle as he was left shivering in confused arousal, his cock throbbing and tenting his skirt as he tried to regain his bearings.

Wait... skirt?

Slowly, the boy looked down, face turning as red as a tomato as he blushed and stammered, lost for words as he attempted to hide his confusingly hairless stomach and back with his arms, limbs that had found themselves stuffed into poofy sleeves. The fact he was still cursed dancing just made it even worse, every sway of his hips only adding to the strange arousal of it all, his arms soon forced to stop their attempts at hiding his body as they were forced to join in the performance, stretching outwards as, to his confusion, water seemed to be being produced by his movements.

There was something else too, something familiar, the revealing outfit something the boy had definitely seen before, the realisation hitting him at once as he cried out in horror. “W-WAIT WHY AM I DRESSED UP AS THAT STRIPPER BIMBO LOOKING DANCER!?”

Realizing who he was dressed up as was only adding to his frustration, the boy wondering if this was some sort of divine "fuck you" for making fun of his brother's stupid waifu. Which was stupid! What had he done that was more worth being punished than literally any flame war on the internet!?

Honestly, the amount of skin he was showing was almost absurd, the boy wanting to rip off the soft clothes and free himself of this tortuous dancing, Nate only wishing he had control of his hands again as he spun in place. He scowled, not that it stopped a confused giggle slipping out as a rhythmic pulsing was hitting his core.

"A-ah~? H-hah? F-fuck~!?" He moaned, still in the dark about what was truly happening as the Vision on his back glowed, a strange thought bleeding out of it and making him gasp.

"Oh dear! I can't dance in this shape! I need a proper workout~!"

"W-what!? W-why did... d-did I just think that!? W-what kind of crazy s-shit is g-going o-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhn~?" He was breathless, his hands and fingers twitching as their size seemed to be melting away, lost in the water naturally produced from his vision, leaving them dainty, gentle, and utterly precise.

They looked right at home coming from the puffy sleeves, but in truth Nate barely noticed them compared to the feelings rushing through his core. He was being forced to wriggle it with his hips, the beat marching on to take control of another part of him, his body arching from the most nonstop workout he had ever endured.

It was more than that though, the boy watching with wide eyes as the fat in his stomach bubbled, starting to lose definition before vanishing. The only thing that made it worse was how fucking amazing it felt, the pleasure making his cock throb nonstop, the boy afraid that wanting to jerk it was sounding more appealing to his euphoria-addled brain than escape.

While his heels continued to guide his feet, he grunted, feeling his cock throb in pleasured approval, his stomach slenderizing as it discarded all unneeded mass, melting into a lithe, powerful, but undeniably sexy core. It made his dancing much more arousing, his girly fingers gently running up his feminine tummy making him moan in conflict.

It was wrong. It was so fucked up. He shouldn't even have had to think that to know it was true. B-but the music. He swore it was changing how he thought. His sense of right and wrong, he even thought that stupid dancer’s midriff was sexy for a moment!  Wait, no he didn't. He was thinking about his own core why-

His eyes widened.


Nate was having more of a reaction to thinking of her than he had first predicted, biting his lip to hold back his lustful moan as he managed to clutch his head with one hand, his blue eyes polluted with spiralling pools of green. H-he always had a thing for his waifu, sure. B-but this was too much! His cock was twitching and throbbing in desperate need, his breath caught as he blushed, unsure why his heart was pounding so hard.

"A-ah~!? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!? W-why can't I... s-stop~! A-ah~! Y-Yun~! Y-Yun~! M-my~! U-UGH~!" The dance shifted as he gasped unevenly, his cursing of the changes starting to be cut between lustful cries for his waifu. The vision on his back glowed brighter as his love was turned up to eleven, his needy moans sounding more desperate, the first dates, late night conversations and close relationship he had dreamed of brought into reality as they became treasured memories.

Only there was more than that, the boy feeling like he might lose his mind as the rhythm forced him into increasingly flexible poses, the pressure on his pitiful, untrained spine mounting with each one. He was remembering joint rehearsals, looking over scripts, e-even giving private performances i-in their chambers. W-was N-Nilou dating h-her? No! He scowled, s-she couldn't be! S-she wasn't good enough! She was some stupid a-airhead dancer! S-she didn't- he didn't, Nilou wasn't-


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEE~!?" he squealed, his spine unable to take any more as it collapsed into a sensual, perfect arch, his upper body forced to bend flexibly as he instinctively pushed out his ass, something sliding down his throat as a cutesy, girly cry left his lips. He was certain he would have fallen over if he was still in control of his feet, but they simply continued to dance, his hips swaying with his sexy core as the water dripped from his hands, only adding to the show as the Vision shined brighter.

Nate squeaked as his spine curved into another flexible pose, his whole body joining in with the sways of his hips as they shook with newfound passion, his ass forced to join them as he gasped in overwhelming need. He didn't know when the control had shifted from his footwear back to himself, but all he was certain of was that he couldn't stop, the rhythm trapping him in its musical net as he was forced to dance to its whims.

"A-AHHHHHHHHH G-GAWD~! O-OH JESUS, I C-CAN'T STOP~! I E-EVEN HAVE HER S-STUPID P-PRETTY VOICE~! AH N-NO~! S-SOME H-HELPPPPPPPPP M-MEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!" He hated her voice, he hated hated hated it, yet hearing it now was too much, the boy bucking as he came from reluctant self love, his thighs clenching as pure water was freed from his needy shaft.

The vision was purifying him, his negativity burning under Nilou's relentless optimism, his hatred unable to stand against such a loving performance, his furious snarls becoming protesting squeaks by the time his ass was pushed outwards once more. He barked out protests, but even he couldn't deny how good it felt to repeatedly thrust his rear out, and that was before the fat from his core danced into its new home.

When that started it was truly no contest, his fattening cheeks slapping together as he twerked to the beat, his tongue lolling out as he let out an airy giggle. For a moment he only giggled and moaned, the puddle on the floor only growing from his ejaculations and arm movements of his performance, awareness returning with a start as he shook his head in panic.

"W-wait no! W-what- H-HAH~! W-what am I d-doing~!? D-did my brain j-just fucking l-leak!? N-no! I'm not g-going to become t-this stupid airhead! I-I WON'T- GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H-HOLY FUCK~!? IT'S S-STILL GROWING~!?" he squealed, the constant thrusting seemingly unending as more and more mass was sucked into the greedy black hole that was his ass, the muscle of his legs slimming down in exchange for the additional thiccness.

Nate could see it growing in the mirror, almost in awe at laying eyes on the biggest fucking dumptruck of an ass he had ever seen, bouncing hypnotically to the rhythm. He couldn't help but grope it, cumming and squealing as his slim fingers dug into the overwhelmingly thick fat, the cry both pleased and even slightly smug, another thought from the vision dropping into the unsteady oceans of his mind.

"Hehe~! That should be enough practice for that section of Yun's private show later~! Teehee~! And she thinks I don't notice her staring~."

"K-KYAH~!? H-HAH~? H-HMM~? A-AGAIN~!? W-WHY AM I THINKING T-THESE~! Y-YUN JIN S-SHOULDN'T B-BE WITH SOME S-STUPID S-SEXY DANCER~! S-SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE W-WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!" he insisted, giving a little eep as the dance returned to some normal steps, ending with a backwards curve, raising a leg up while touching the ground behind him.

"Oh my~! I hope the crowd won't be able to look up my skirt then! But why am I thinking these things? Stupid sexy dancer? Oh dear, I hope I'm not being too hard on myself again... but what did I mean be with me? Who else could that first comment mean? Oh my, what a peculiar puzzle~!"

"NOOOOOO MORE~!!!!!" Nate pleaded, trying to deny how good it felt to wriggle his core, to sway his stupidly wide hips as his dumptruck of an ass bounced behind him, or how much he was becoming obsessed with the sounds of his own voice. "S-STOP IT~! P-PLEASE~! Haha~! H-hehe~! U-UGH~! D-dance t-taking me~! Y-Yun~! M-my Y-Yun~! I-I'll be ready for o-our show soon m-my love~! I-I just need more t-time to g-get changed and- KYAH~! W-WHAT'S THIS FEELING~!?"

He clutched his skull, drooling as his waifu slowly became his everything, unable to stop remembering as his hair was set alight with ecstasy, a literal inferno of red breaking out within his blonde strands. He couldn't fight being purified, no matter how much he wanted to resist, his eyes clouding over as his hair cascaded downwards like a crimson waterfall.

Nate let out breathless moans, unable to stop remembering now that the process had begun, playing with the softening strands with his fingers as he swayed to the beat. They met in Sumeru; she'd been doing another performance as always, not even noticing the beautiful face in the crowd until the show was over when she'd approached her with a warm, curious smile.

They'd had dinner, talking about past shows, how to make performances better, why they did what they did, the first of many experiences she could rank as some of the happiest in her life. His face scrunched up, Nate gasping his brain sucked up some more air, the boy failing in panic as he hopelessly resisted.

"N-NO~! F-FUCK~! A-ARCOHNS NOOOOOOHHH~!!!!!!! D-DON'T MAKE ME AN AIRHEAD~! I-I DON'T WANT TO BE A S-STUPID AIRHEAD~! I-I'M SORRY SHE I-ISN'T A B-BIMIBO~! I WAS WRONG P-PLEASE~! I’LL D-DO ANYTHING~! P-PLEAEEEEE~!!!!!!!" he pleaded, a hand running down his chest seductively while the other had another desperate handful of his unbelievably thick rear, his cheekbones snapping inwards as he let out an eager whimper.

"Awwwwww, I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Yun hates that. I'm not stupid! I'm just a bit slow sometimes~! Besides, Yun says it's cute~!"

"S-she h-hehe~. L-likes it?" he gasped, biting into his inflating kissable lips as his eyelashes fluttered. "Y-Yun w-wants m-me? No s-she would never! I-it should be me! I-it should be..."

W-who should Yun be with again?

"O-oh t-teehee~! Having an a-airhead moment again..." he giggled. "W-what was I thinking? A-about Yun right? O-oh I can't wait to be on s-stage with her!" His jaw and nose wriggled before snapping inwards, shrinking into unmistakably womanly forms, just in time for his infectious smile as he spun around, standing on his tiptoes while elegantly stretching his arms.

His brain was being washed out by pure Nilouness, positively burning away all in its path, his body shivering in fear that turned into a sway of excitement.

"NONONONONONONONO~! LET HER OUT~! LET HER OUT~! S-SHE'S TAKING OVER~! S-SHES IN MY F-FUCKING AIRHEAD~! N-NO~! S-SHE'S THE STUPID AIRHEAD~! I'M NOT SOME STRIPPER LOOKING BIMBO~! I HATE HER~! I HATE HOW SHE TALKS~! I-I hate her s-stupid midriff~! H-her revealing clothes~! H-her h-hips! Her m-massive fucking a-ass~! H-her s-stupid sexy hair~! I h-hate that she's supposed to be Y-Yun's p-perfect girlfriend~! A-and I... c-can't stand h-how fucking good it f-feels to b-be her~! H-HOLY FUCK I-I CAN'T T-TAKE IT ANYMORE~! I NEED TO BE HER~! I FUCKING NEED TO BE HER~! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE ARCHONSSSSSSSSSSSS~!!!!!! I NEED TO BE NILOU~! I'LL DO- KYAHHHHHHHHHHHH YESYESYE- gurgle"

Then he went silent, every trace of his old self overwhelmed by the invading waters from the Vision as he was assimilated into the rhythm. The sheer pleasure of her old self's conversion made her let out a giggly moan of delight, a joyful blush washing over her face as she came out almost a bottle's worth of water.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh~. Mmmmmmmmmmmm~! A-ah~! H-hehe~. Oh y-yes~! T-this dance~! T-this wonderful d-dance~! W-what a performance~!" she cried in delight, her wide eyes fully burning blue as she bent down for a movement with enough force to CRACK her shoulders into place, getting up for a moment to take a breath. Her fully grown hair tickled her exposed back as she giggled, barely able to keep still as her foot tapped happily. S-she just couldn't help it! She loved to dance so so so so much~!

"Oh how does that phrase go again? "My life is dance," or "dance is my life"? Hmmmm, I guess it doesn't matter~!" she beamed, the only thing coming close to ruining the experience being some annoyingly determined negative thoughts. Something about Yun not deserving her. That she could do better. That she didn't need some airhead bimbo stripper looking girl in her life.

Normally they would have brought her down more, but instead her heart pounded in determination, a teasing smile filling her features as she realised just how soon the show was~! Just the thought of it sent her blushing at the thought of performing alongside the girl she loved the most, but she couldn't dance while all these silly bad thoughts were in her head! Or while her chest felt so weird~! Shouldn't it be bigger than this~?

"Well, there's only one thing for it~! I just have to shake them off~!"

She got right to work doing so, giggling in glee as she resumed her passionate, loving dance, thoughts of her love spurring her onward as she twirled and stepped beautifully. It was a dance filled with passion, a desire that was bleeding back into her body, changing it from the inside out. Nilou smiled wide, wriggling her hips, shaking her ass, curving her spine while running her hands down her chest and core in desperation.

"P-please~!" she pleaded, her knees wobbling as she followed the rhythm. "I-I need to be perfect~! T-teehee~! N-need to be ready for the show~!"

She bit her lip as her body reacted to her desires, holding back a lustful moan as the tent in her skirt throbbed in pure need, her body more than happy to bring her desires into reality. She squeaked, her thighs already naturally squishing together from the pose of the dance before the additional plumpness was introduced, thick fat sending the once pitiful twigs surging outwards, their small amount of growth nothing compared to what was to come.

At the same time, the muscle in her arms was finally being put to better use, not that they were visible under the puffy sleeves. Her blush grew stronger as water spun around her, the beginnings of breasts becoming apparent as her skirt swished around her, the dancer ready to put an end to her personal performance.

It certainly wouldn’t be a lacklustre conclusion though, her slim arms raised far above her head as she swayed to the beat, gasping happily as the blooming fat in her right thigh bulged out against the golden thigh band.

“M-MMMMMMMM~! A-ah~! A-a-ah~! Y-yes~! Oh~! I c-can feel it~! Hehe~! All the eyes on me~!” she cried, eagerly smothering her dick with the growing pillows of fat that were her thighs, growing big just like she was always known to in her performances. It was impossible to settle for anything less than the thickest thighs possible, Nilou’s more than living up to the hype as they particularly exploded with truckloads of mass.

Combined with her ass and hips, it gave her the lower body of a sexy supermodel, all of them on full display in her performance, her cock feeling so soft between such bouncy balloons, the pressure on his shaft only building as she giggled happily. The negativity was fading now, the positive, bubbly dancer shaking away the bad thoughts as her heart pounded for her love; euphoric, almost smug squeals slipping free as her nipples rubbed against the loose, soft fabric.

She spared one hand to paw at her chest in desperation, trying to will more of her perfect, massive tits into existence, her prayers answered as more bountiful fat rushed inside. "A-AH~! K-KYAH~! Y-YES~! BIGGER~! N-NEED TO BE BIGGER~! F-FOR ME~! F-FOR THE S-SHOW~! FOR- FOR- Y-YUNNNNNNN~!!!!!!!!!!!"

She thrust her chest forward in sync with the sounds of distant clapping to the beat, miming the motion of a beating heart as her fattening breasts slapped together too. They were swelling with love, love for her dance, love for her girlfriend, and pride in herself, all of it colliding to give her a set of breasts that were more than a worthy follow-up to her bottom-heavy form. It gave her upper body some much needed bounce too, the almost-girl making a peace sign and wink as her newfound double Ds sensually bounced with each little sway.

With that there was only one thing left, her cock throbbing and twitching as it was nestled between her thighs, leaking water weakly. It was a pathetic sight, one that the dancer wouldn't have to deal with for much longer. She giggled, swaying to the left, an eager bounce from her thigh making her squeal as it sent her left ball shooting back inside.

"O-OH~! T-TEEHEE~! I-I'M- I-I'M- O-OH ARCOHNS~! THIS F-FEELS D-DIVINE~! J-just n-need to sway to the r-r-right~!"



The mirrored action quickly took care of her remaining ball too, both of them purified of masculine fluids inside her flawlessly feminine form. She worked her wriggles of delight into the dance, an overjoyed smile on her face as her cock throbbed in lust. It could sense the end was near, Nilou subconsciously deciding not to waste any time, more and more water spinning around her as she reached the end of her practice.

She stuck out her ass. Bit her lip. Lowered her arms. Gave an award winning smile. Squished her tree trunk thighs one last time and just right to-


"KYAHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!! S-show's over~!"

She gasped in delight, the dancer shivering for a moment as she finally finished her private dance practice, breathing heavily as she smiled. She was nervous planning out such a sensual and... well, rather suggestive dance, but now that she'd done a proper run through, she'd never felt more confident in her success! It helped that she only needed to please one person, the girl that had rapidly become the most important to her out of anyone in Teyvat. Going to Liyue and performing with her for Lantern Rite was just another stage in their relationship that just had to go perfect!

"And it will~! Oh I can't think of a single thing that could go wrong~! I'm going to have so much fun with her~! I-I'll make it the best night I can~!" she beamed, raising an eyebrow when she suddenly noticed how much water had been spread all over the floor. "O-oh... hehe! Oops... I-I'm sure someone can clean it up later..."

Nilou muttered, squeaking in surprise at the sound of another knock on her door. "Three minutes to curtain, Miss Nilou! You probably should get down there now!"

"O-oh right! I'm coming!" she shouted back, giving a final look over of herself in the mirror, pulling down her skirt a little (not that it helped) and brushing her hair to one side before dashing out of her dressing room.

"How could I forget that it's almost showtime~!? Oh I can't wait to see Yun~! I wonder if she's as excited as I am~? Teehee~!"


At the same time Nilou had been getting ready, Zack had come to his senses in another room in the same building, the boy rubbing his eyes and swearing under his breath as the world gradually came back into focus. The last thing he remembered was a white light flooding from the game screen, forcing him to shut his eyes until it subsided. What he didn't understand was why he could suddenly hear a crowd, or smell strange feminine perfumes, or why it was suddenly warmer or-

"Ok what the fuck is going on?"he asked out loud, opening his eyes to find himself somewhere completely unfamiliar, some kind of backstage for a show or something. He'd only figured that out from all the equipment lying around, and the painted folding screens for different sceneries that were probably needed.

The whole vibe was very Chinese overall, the boy rolling his eyes as he wondered what kind of prank his brother had set up. He was more of the prankster between the two of them, but his brother wasn't a stranger to the occasional one, and something modelled after the region of his favourite girl had him written all over it.

"Very funny, Nate. Stun me with light to make this look more real. Well don't bother! I'm not falling for this. Not my fault you do so bad with girls you're stuck simping for that opera bitch." he barked, strangely shivering at his own words as he found himself getting more annoyed. Did that light mess with his head more than he thought?

A knock broke him from his thoughts, Zack looking towards it in annoyance as a voice cried. "Ten minutes until curtain Miss Yun!"

"M-miss... Y-Yun?" he muttered in confusion, his heart beating just a bit faster as the boy's eyes narrowed. "Like Nate's waifu Yun? T-that's nonsense. It's stupid! She isn't real! Why would someone... a-ah! Shit!! S-something in my eye!" he hissed, rubbing his eye as it suddenly burnt, staggering towards a dusty mirror as he tried to rub away the pain.

That annoyingly only seemed to make it worse, Zack increasing his pressure as some small cracks and crunches rang out, the boy hoping he hadn't stepped on anything important as he finally sat in front of the mirror.

"S-shit... I hope it doesn't look too bad... the pain seems to have calmed down for a bit though... what made it start hurting th- h-huh?" he blinked dumbly, removing his hand to see his face before blushing in shock. "W-what... what the fuck is this!?"

Part of it looked the same as it always had, but it was the other side of his face that was concerning him, his nose looking far too small, one cheekbone fallen into a cute arch. It was his eye that was most concerning though, looking as wide and panicked as its twin, only it was wider, framed with delicate eyelashes and shining a bright, rich red.

"W-why does... w-what the? M-my eye? O-ok this is g-getting kinda freaky now. You g-got me good bro! N-now can you stop playing around with this f-fake mirror? H-hello?" he said out loud, trying to hide just how unnerved he was getting with every moment. Zack uncertainly inspected the mirror, sure he would find the trick if he looked fast enough, another (surprisingly nice-feeling) crunch ringing out as he grunted, assuming he must have pulled something.

At least, that was the impression he had until he looked in the mirror again, the boy squeaking like a little girl as his throat bobbed for a moment at the sight of his other cheekbone arched inwards, his jaw similarly shrunken down into a cute little point. He nervously laughed, trying to convince himself it was just another fake mirror as his remaining brown eye buzzed with pleasure, blossoming into an identical red one as it met the same fate as its twin.

Zack's arms shook, the boy going to move one to give a feel of his face until it suddenly moved of its own accord, squeaking in confusion as it gently picked a brush and pad from the table.

"U-UM? H-HEY! W-WHY IS MY HAND MOVING BY I-ITSELF!? W-WHAT THE HELL!? STOP IT!" Something cracked in his throat as he was attacked by his own hands, the other one falling to the strange force controlling them as they patted on makeup, straightened his eyelashes, applied lipstick to his expanding pillows, gently adding eyeshadow under his pretty eyes, the boy making some pitiful squeaks as he was subjected to a forceful makeover by his own two hands.

His hands seemed to want to be as disassociated with him as possible though, pins and needles washing over them as they started to crack and shrink, discarding their broadness like an old costume after a tough show. It felt good, the boy unable to help letting out little giggly moans at the pleasant feeling, his hands shrinking to less than half of their original size in just a few moments.

"A-AH! H-HEY~! W-WHY ARE MY H-HANDS TICKLING? I-I S-SAID TO- q-quit... it?" his hands lowered, the boy taking a look at his own face. His mouth fell open, words failing him, a cutesy blush filling his features as Yun Jin stared back from the reflection, looking ike a deer in the headlights.

"I-I... w-what? W-why is it- EEP~!?" His eyes widened further as he shot upwards, covering his mouth in shock at the undeniably feminine voice that had left his lips, only to scream more at the sight of dainty, girly hands he was met with.


He was having trouble processing what he was seeing, unable to help the anger that surged from the sight of the girl's face, especially attached to his own body. He felt it in confusion, not noticing how he was taking careful care to avoid ruining his makeup, trying his best to look furious with such a cute face.

"I-I even s-sound like her too! T-this has to be some trick! It can't be real! I-it's just an illusion! L-like the s-special effects in my performances!" Zack beamed, pleased to have a rational explanation before realising what he had just said. "W-wait... performances? Why did I... s-say that? A-ahhhhhhhhhhh~?"

He moaned reluctantly, hugging himself in confusion, his body buzzing with delight as he did his best to focus though the forming fog. His muscles were losing definition, his arms being sapped of their strength, his tiny fingers twitching as litheness spread, his limbs rapidly becoming weak little twigs.

"N-NO~! M-MY ARMS! W-WHY IS THIS S-STILL HAPPENING~!? T-THEY LOOK SO G-GIRLY AND W-WEAK~! G-GIVE ME BACK MY M-MUSCLES~!" he protested, breathing heavily as he flushed in shame. "I-I'M SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG! I-I'M A GUY! N-NOT SOME... g-girl? I-I... w-what's that s-sound?"

Zack blushed, his shouting lowering to a confused, lustful whisper a faint sound filled his mind, echoing through his brain and making his whole body twitch. It was high pitched singing, the lyrics and words unrecognisable to him, but the beauty was obvious, his mouth falling open as he clutched his confused head.

"O-opera?" he muttered. "T-that s-stupid silly o-opera singing s-she does? I-in my h-head? S-sounds... g-good~? N-no~! G-get it out~! G-g-get it- OHHHHHHH~!!!!!!"

It was enchanting him, clutching his soul and never letting go as pleasure surged, the boy collapsing against the wall as his spine CRUNCHED like an old plank of wood that needed replacing years ago. He squealed, his cry syncing with a high note in his brain, his body writhing in delight as it began to shrink away.

"KYAH~!? H-HAH~!? N-NO~! E-everything g-getting b-b-bigger? B-but I thought that W-Wonderland opera was n-next week... W-WAIT NO WHAT AM I SAYING!? I D-DON'T WANT TO S-SHRINK~! I D-DON'T WANT TO BE IN S-SOME S-STUPID A-AH A-AH~!? L-LAHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!"

The note was forced free by the pleasure, the boy's mind spiralling as inches poured away from his previously imposing build, forced to become increasingly tinier. His cock was hardening, throbbing, spurting, Zack finding himself becoming hornier with each inch he lost, no matter how much he hated it.

He hated it as much as this r-ridiculous singing in his head! He always made fun of Nate for liking a girl that s-sung so stupidly! W-which is why, h-he wanted to l-listen to it f-forever? W-wait no he didn't mean to think that, he didn't- he-

"S-so i-inspiring? The h-history? The p-performance? I-I... O-Opera? I l-love Opera~? No! I h-hate it! S-stuck up b-bitch likes it! I-I'm not a stuck up bitch~! I w-won't yet those tabloids bring me down~! AH NO~! S-STOP IT~!" he whined, squealing as another wave of changes hit his shrinking body, one that was somehow even more alarming to him.

His entire body was being reduced now, his bulky male frame melting away, every ounce of mass stripped away to reveal the actress behind the performance. He squeaked and shook his head in protest, but they did nothing to stop what was happening, his once muscular chest now devoid of anything worth mentioning, his now much too large jeans sliding off to reveal his legs had followed the lead of his arms, condensing themselves into slender, feminine forms.

The boy whimpered, insisting that what he was seeing wasn't real in his head, trying to shout against the singing that simply didn't care enough to listen, guiding his thoughts into the opera trope mindset whether he wanted them too or not. His shirt looked more like a dress on his slender, tiny frame, his cock fully tenting it as his hand squeezed the hard shaft in desperation.

"H-HNGH~! S-singing~! Y-Yun Jin? A-are you d-doing this to m-me? You b-bitch? G-give me back m-my body! Y-you a-aren't r-real~! Y-you a-aren't~! I-I'm real~! Y-you c-can't c-c-control me~! O-oh why c-couldn't I meet N-Nilou... o-oh? O-oh~? A-AH~!?"

Thinking of Nilou was somehow making everything worse, Zack's eyes widening as he thrashed in confusion, squeaking as his sides broke into slender curves, the singing in his mind transforming into a passionate performance without warning. H-he knew this one. I-it was from an opera. F-from one lover to another, it h-had always been one of h-his favourites and it was their song!

His thoughts weren't making any sense, the poor boy getting to his feet with wobbling legs, almost getting vertigo from the smaller point of view, staggering in confusion as his obsession with the redhead dancer was turned on to overdrive. He was turned on in more ways than one, his needy shaft growing even harder in his slim fingers as he gave a few desperate jerks, his brain dancing in memories of bright red hair, sexy midriffs, wide hips she could grab hold of as she swayed, a happy smile, a slender finger on her chin as the girl of her dreams danced her to bed and took her under the Sumeru moonlight.

It was too much, his heart pounding as he wailed from bliss, the sudden orgasm ruining his attempted note as his shoulders crunched down, his frame looking more and more like a delicate little flower. His toes curled and shrunk, the song spiralling around his unprotected mind as he hopelessly covered his ears, trying to block it out.


It only got louder in response, more chunks of his brain being assimilated into girlhood against his will, streaks of dark purple breaking though his hair as he imagined the redhead dancer of his dreams in front of him.

"N-Nilou? M-my love~? I-I... n-no! Y-your just s-some stuck up o-opera bitch! N-Nilou w-would never choose you! S-she needs someone muscular! A-and strong! A-and-"

"Don't say that about Yun~!" the image rang out, her perfect voice almost driving him over the edge as his nipples rubbed sensually against his shirt. "My girlfriend is the best! She's beautiful~! She's passionate~! She understands me~! I don't care if someone's strong~! Besides, it's cute how small and petite she is~! She's ten times the lover you would ever be~!"

"K-KYAH~!?" The rejection almost broke his brain, shaking him to the core as his brain spun and twisted from pure euphoria. "I-I was r-rejected? N-Nilou d-doesn't w-want me? H-haha? B-but... d-don't u-understand?"

His brain was lagging, confused laughter slipping free as he shivered and gasped in conflicted bliss, unable to process it as his darkening hair gently flowed downwards, getting longer and longer by the second. "B-but I-I d-don't- I want N-Nilou! I-it isn't f-fair~! W-want to... b-but aren't I already with her? O-oh my head feels f-funny..."

It somehow didn't make any sense while seeming completely obvious, confused, happy giggles leaking from his lips, one hand running up and down his face while the other gave an eager pinch to his nipple.

"U-UGH~! H-HAH~!? O-OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH B-BIGGER~?" he cried uncertainly, bucking as fat rushed behind his chest, his shirt becoming much less loose around his nipples as they expanded against it. His growing mounds bounced with his needy moans, the song forcing him to touch them, to make them jiggle, to moan in delight as he imagined pressing them into Nilou's back when giving her a big surprise hug.

"N-Nilouuuuuuuuuuuuu~. L-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~. L-love? Y-yes~! Love~!" he drooled deliriously, the flawless singing in her brain drowning out rational thought. W-wait he got it! I-it all made sense! N-Nilou didn't want him s-since Yun Jin! S-she w-wanted that o-opera bitch! "H-Hehe~! O-oh~? L-LAAAAAAAAAAA~? H-hate Yun Jin! B-but Nilou! N-Nilou wants~? B-be more like o-opera bitch~? Y-YES~! B-BE MORE LIKE Y-YUN~!"

He squealed, his cock throbbing harder at the wonderful thoughts, more and more coming to the surface as his brother's obsession overtook them all.

"N-no! Not o-opera bitch! I-I... Y-Yun~! H-her voice~! H-her s-slim body~! F-fashion s-sense! And s-she's a performer too! N-no wonder N-Nilou prefers her! N-no wonder N-Nate did! I-I was the s-stupid one~! H-hehe~! W-what a show I put on~! W-wait but I-I thought I d-didn't like her? H-hngh~? H-ha~? Haha~! O-oh I-I'm losing my fucking mind~!"

He giggled, the world hazy around him as he was brought deeper into the song's temptations, unsure when he had started to understand the words, the once proud boy left a drooling mess for the girl he claimed he hated. Zack hadn't even noticed his hand searching for something on the table behind him, only becoming aware when it had gasped around the smooth surface.

The boy squeaked, throwing his hands up as yellow light poured from the vision in his hand, his clothes growing brightly, shifting and softening like snakes of cloth as he gasped and squirmed. It was the most pleasant costume change she had ever experienced, her too big shirt fittingly becoming a skirt, socks rising into tights, even a fashionable scarf, jacket and pairs of boots and earrings appearing from thin air.

"A-ah~! O-oh~! M-mmmmmmmmm~! S-so fashionable~! T-teehee~!"

It wasn't an outfit she ever wore on stage, but it wasn't like she could wear that all the time, the thought making her smile cutely, the cute, passionate opera performer taking more and more of the centre stage with each passing moment. A voice inside tried objecting, but she was used to dealing with haters in her performances, her inner singing getting louder to make up for it, drowning it out completely as she neatly put her hands together at her waist.

It was then she accidentally touched something, the girl blushing and raising an eyebrow at the throbbing bulge in her dress, almost defiant considering how much fuss it seemed to be making.

Zack frowned, w-was she playing a male character and forgot or something? N-no she wouldn't do that! S-she only plays girls! She shook her head, wondering just why it was so hard to focus when looking at the bulge, wondering if she would be able to focus better if it was gone.

"O-OH~!? K-KYAH~! M-MMMMMMMMMM S-SHRINKING~! A-AH~? H-HMMMM~!" she squealed, bucking as chunks of her cock were sent sliding back inside of her, clutching the fabric of her dress as she physically recoiled with each thrust. At least she knew she would never have to rehearse for a sex scene now, that fact one of the only coherent thoughts that could rush though her scatterbrained mind.

Every inch of her throbbing shaft was being forced back inside of her tiny form, the sheer size of it almost too much for her as she squealed nonstop, her entire body shaking when each chunk was stuffed inside. Her eyes spun, her thighs clenching tight as her balls took their final curtain call, bowing out with wet, pleasurable slurps~!

"A-AHHHHHHYYYYYYYYAHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!" she cried, her eyes sparkling as more of her old role was eagerly thrown to the side, details of the scripted behaviour fading now she was returning to being herself once more, she couldn't afford to remember every little detail of every role she took now could she?

"B-besides! I-it's not t-time to focus on t-things like that~! I n-need to g-get ready for our show~!" she beamed, gasping in tune with the mental singing while the protests faded into the background. "O-oh~! N-Nilou~! I-I'm a-almost ready now~! AHHHHHH~! J-just have to get for the f-final act~! O-OH~! A-ARCHONS I-I'M CUMMING~! N-NILOU~! M-MY LOVE~! N-NILOUUUUUUUUUUU~!!!!!!!"

She was pushing in her cock now, her tiny, girly hands balled into fists as she pushed and shoved at the offending nub, eager squeaks slipping from her lips as her hips bent and cracked outwards. They weren't as wide as Nilou's, but they were certainly no slouch, pushing out the sides of her skirt that proved to do little to hide her tiny hourglass physique.

She wriggled instinctively, trying to wedge more of her cock inside her, the pushing not enough as she sang needy, her thoughts one with the mental music as always, the almost girl rubbing her face happily, almost in belief how perfect the sexy features were all along.

"C-curse it all! This b-blasted thing won't s-shrink~! U-ugh~! I cannot perform in t-this condition~! O-oh if only my thighs were bigger so I could just... u-um? A-AH~? O-OH~! LIKE THAT~! YESYESYESYEYESSSSSSSSSS~!!!!!!!" Yac wailed, the first letter of her name going back by one as another faded altogether, both facts that were so much more unimportant compared to the heaven that was unfolding in her thighs.

She never thought something getting bigger would feel so wonderful, her plumpening thighs wriggling and bouncing with her overjoyed squirms, slowly building pressure on her persistent cock. It was a glorious curtain call, thoughts of her fans, her friends and Nilou stirring Yan on, the girl performing a closing number better than what her old role even deserved.

She worked up her non existent crowd, her composure meaning her face could only scrunch up from the bliss even when the infectious plumpness spread into her ass, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth and hide just how lewd her squeals were becoming, oh Yunning would never let her hear the end of it if the tabloids heard her! Her assets were barely even close to being as big as her girlfriend's ridiculously massive ones, yet they still contained the perfect amount of sexiness that was needed, all without spoiling her refined image!

Yan was almost there, her ass inflating against the wall behind her, her eyes scrunched shut, her old life nothing more than heavily redrafted scripts, her cock finally imploding serving as the final note for Zack's story. Yun's began with an unrivalled pleasurable rapture, the new girl squealing her lover's name as her whole body shook from pent up bliss.

"N-NILOHHHHHHHHUUUUU~!!!!!!!!!! O-OH NILOU~! Y-YESSSSSSS~!!!!!!!!! A-ARCOHNS YESSSSSSSSSSSSS~!!!!!!!!!!" she cried, fluids dripping down her legs as her Vision glowed with pride, the new performer left blinking and shivering backstage, unable to help herself from smiling.

"O-oh... u-um.... o-oh dear! T-that was... q-quite bold of me..." she muttered with a heavy blush. "I-I bet N-Nilou did that o-on purpose... I-I mean... why would she be walking in front of me so often! I c-can tell what is and isn't a natural sway!"

Yun blushed, mentally cursing herself for being so horny she had to go backstage to relieve herself. Why backstage? Her dressing room wasn't even that far away! She blushed some hair to one side, smiling to herself as she found herself being focused on much more important matters.

"W-well it didn't end in disaster at least... and it's better that I got it out of the way before the performance... N-Nilou can be such a tease sometimes. B-but I can't wait to perform with her! W-we've been talking about this for months now! So I'm not going to yet those mean things the tabloids say bother me! I mean honestly, "stuck up opera bitch"? That's just sad."

Sometimes it was hard to believe she had a girlfriend as sexy and amazing as Nilou, yet ever since that day she watched her performance in Sumeru she had been utterly smitten, unable to help asking her to spread time together in the aftermath. She only fell more in love with each moment they spent today, every little quirk, action and performance only making Yun long for her deeper.

Becoming lovers was inevitable, Yun still thanking the archons for such a perfect partner with every day that had passed since it became official, only wishing they could spend more time together. But the Lantern Rite was perfect for it! Not only could she finally show Nilou around her home, but also the best of their culture! She was positively ecstatic, and she'd counted down the days so long it still hardly seemed real.

"Wait, I haven't got time to think about this! I need to get ready! I can't go on stage dressed casually like this!" She blushed, Yun slipping out of the room as soon as she could, heading to her dressing room as quickly as possible only hoping she would get done in time...


Nilou was starting to get worried, blushing and fidgeting behind the curtain as the time of the performance grew closer and closer. It wasn't like Yun to be so late. Did something happen? Would they have to cancel the show? Oh this stress was just awful! "Come on Yun... where are-"

"I'm here!" Yun cried, slamming open the door and gasping for breath, still straightening her headgear and long skirt, looking like she only had just enough time to throw them on. "I-I made it! D-don't worry! Just let me... c-catch my breath..."

"There you are, my love!" beamed the dancer, the happiness in her voice making the singer blush as she swayed over to her.

"Are you alright? You're not usually this late to a performance."

"I-I'm fine! P-perfect even! I just needed to t-take care of something that took longer than I thought!" Yun insisted to her girlfriend, her blush deepening as the dancer tilted her head, before breaking into a smile.

"Oh I see! My, my. I didn't know I had such an effect on you, dear~."

"S-shut up." flushed the singer. "You knew what you were doing..."

"Never said I wasn't~." she giggled, she leaned closer. "But I do have a surprise for you when we're finished... i-it's a little... um. Personal. But I'm sure you love it~. I-it's a private performance for my favourite opera singer~."

Yun turned red.

"It's very special~." Nilou smiled, watching how her girlfriend stuttered on her own words.

"I-I... s-see. W-what's the p-performance l-like?" she managed to squeak.

"Hmmmmmmmm... I suppose I could give you a little preview~." Nilou smiled, leaning in close, pausing right before their lips touched. For a moment she hesitated, something holding her back, like kissing Yun would be wrong somehow. Yun went through a similar feeling, unsure why, the performer ignoring the stage flight as she broke the distance.

The feeling died in both of their hearts, the two lovers kissing with all their passion, the contact unmistakably romantic, that fact alone strangely making them even more horny. They stayed interlocked for much longer than what was needed, only separating for air as they gasped with wobbling legs, both girls much more horny as they blushed.

"O-Oh m-my... you r-really know how to g-get me g-going love..." gasped Yun, squeaking as Nilou looked back with lustful eyes, suddenly remembering just how dominant she got when she was horny.

"That was just a taste darling~. Hmmm... maybe if my girlfriend performs well tonight, I'll extend my performance later~? Would you like that~?"

The following performance soon became commonly rated as one of Yun Jin's best.



I think this was the best story with Hu tao story and PS5 story.