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"Phew! I'm all done Mimi!"

Sora sighed happily, putting aside the sewing machine as Mimi looked down from behind her seat, squealing happily at the finished products her friend had made.

"Oh my god, Sora, these look great~! They look even better than I imagined~! You did amazing on these dresses on such short notice~! And you said you'd rather be trying out sports again."

Sora rolled her eyes at her friend's comment, getting up and stretching, surprised they still had an hour left before the main event started. Mimi had been planning the Christmas school festival for months now, the teachers wanting to take advantage of the planning skills she'd shown off back in summer. The event was sure to be a hit, even if the event had been delayed until February due to internal issues.

They'd all helped out of course, but Mimi being Mimi, it was inevitable that something would come up last minute.

"Thanks Mimi... but did you have to design these to be so... you know..."

"What Sora? Sexy? Revealing~? I mean, that was the point~."

"I-I know but I'm not sure I’ll be comfortable in-"

"Not even with Taichi and Yamato looking at youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~?"

Mimi giggled as Sora turned as red as her hair, looking away while cursing about how well her friend could read her sometimes. Mimi had the idea of the Santa dresses to surprise their friends the morning of the festival, excitedly roping Sora in to make them before it all went underway.

"T-that's not the point! Anyways, the fabrics we used were great! Guess we had nothing to worry about using what we gathered in the Digital World after all."

"Yeah~! I was worried we couldn't go ahead with this when I found out all the shops were closed today. We're lucky we ran into Hikari when we did so she could open a gate for us, and help us gather what we needed!"

"I know, she was a lifesaver... I still think you should have told her what the fabric was for though...."

"Pfft, please~! Sure she’ll be embarrassed at first, but all I need to do is say how Takeru will react when he sees her in this and she’ll totally agree~."

Sora rolled her eyes, finishing writing a note that pointed to each outfit to avoid confusion later before gathering her things and heading out of the classroom with Mimi.

"You know Taichi's going to kill us when he finds out, right? He'll blame us for “corrupting his precious little sister” or something. Sigh... maybe we should hide the costumes just in-"

"Oh come on Sora! He says that all the time! If you're so worried, we can hide the outfits after we finish setting up all the other classrooms. Besides, even if Taichi finds out, what's the worst that could happen?"



Taichi's shout echoed through the classroom as he glared down at the outfits that had been laid out on the table, more importantly annoyed by the handwritten note above them that had his sister's name along with two of his closest friends.

He'd arrived at school early to help with the preparations, hearing from some other students that Mimi and Sora had gotten started in one of the classrooms upstairs. By the time he'd arrived though, the two were nowhere to be found, likely elsewhere in the school by now.

He was going to leave, but stopped when he noticed the dresses, blinking in surprise as he went to have a closer look, certain that they hadn't been mentioned in the plans before. (And he should know, considering just how much Joe had criticised anything that was even slightly indecent when Mimi shared them.)

It was then he noticed the note, his breath catching in his throat when he saw Sora's name above one, a blush forming on his face until the third name brought his protective brotherly instincts to the forefront of any arousal.

"I can't believe Hikari would agree to this! Or that Mimi would even... nah who I am kidding of course she suggested this. But I'm still annoyed with her anyway!"

Knowing Mimi it was probably part of some plan to set Hikari up with Takeru, the thought making him frown, refusing to let this happen under his nose. He could try reasoning with the girls, but he had a feeling that would go about as well as trying to fight a Devimon with Koromon. No he needed something more drastic, something that was simple but effective...

"I know! I’ll take her dress and hide it somewhere. Then Hikari can't wear it. She won't be corrupted by Mimi's influence and I still get to see Sora in that dress. It's a win win!"

He smiled, picking up the dress labelled with Hikari's name, turning to leave the room as quickly as possible. Surely he could hide the dress in another classroom's cupboard without being noticed.

Typically though, things weren't going to be as simple as that, Taichi quickly scooping up the outfit's accompanying socks and gloves, accidentally putting part of his hand in one during the process...

And it was this simple mistake that caused everything to go wrong.

It all happened so fast after that, Taichi crying out in shock as the glove suddenly tightened like a trap, the boy shooting back with a start, feeling the fabric start to climb up his arm.

"W-what the? Is this glove... moving? I’d better get this off before...  o-ohhhhhhhhhhh... h-huh?"

It only got stranger from there, Taichi swearing that the already tight glove was getting even smaller, a faint pleasure starting to build in his arm that filled everything with tingles, from the tips of his fingers to the core of his muscles. He reluctantly moaned, part of him almost enjoying the pleasant sensation, but his common sense won out, the boy pulling at the glove with his uncovered hand to remove it before anything else could-


He screamed as what was an unusual discomfort suddenly translated into a mix of pain and bliss, one feeling certainly stronger than the other as his bones collapsed under pressure, shattering and r-reforming? What happened to his arms was even worse, the muscle may as well having been made of the powerless fat it was reduced to from how easily they were crunched into nothing by the glove.

It hardly resembled his arm anymore, his eyes widening in terror and confusion as he tried again to tear the glove off, his panicked thoughts racing wildly as he did so. The clothes weren't happy with his resistance, his slender fingers twitching as a burst of ecstasy erupted out, feeling like an electric shock that shot through his arm and shoulder.





His body sounded like it was breaking apart, but he only felt pleasure as his arm went though the same experience in fast forward, hard-earned muscle melting away into soft mush as both shoulders crunched down at once like an unbearable weight had crashed into them. It was far more literal than the weight he usually felt, and it had effects that were certainly not contained by the mental, his slimmer shoulders all the proof that was needed. It was painfully clear that something was wrong now, Taichi desperate to get away and find help before he discovered just what was happening.

He went to run, in his hurry making another mistake, the boy not noticing some of the dropped clothes coiling around his foot. The Digidestined discovering it too late as he screamed, falling flat on his back with an even louder CRACK as he was left to the mercy of the outfit.


His newly curved back was the least of his worries right now, the clothes descending on his writhing form like hungry animals, his constant squirming doing little to stop them. He barely noticed the other glove covering his changed arm, only realising when he went to pull himself up, grunting as the gloves suddenly felt like they were made of steel, something his stronger arms might have been able to lift.

Taichi was punished for even trying, the boy shrieking as the clothes rammed into his back, the arch deepening as inches were shaved off his height, inches that were added to his cock as it tented his pants. The fact that whatever was happening was turning him on only made it all the more confusing, the boy blushing as he kicked in protest, managing to fend off some of the clothes before they could do anything else to him.

The short-lived victory let the confidence go to his head, the emotion unfortunately useless when the clothes struck, the boy crying out in panic and surprise when the reindeer headband slammed into his skull. He was seeing stars from the impact, his head spinning as he twitched, lost for words aside from the occasional coo as it began to tighten.


His wild hair was being tamed, the mess of strands looking like they were being hacked away into nothing by an invisible blade as they rapidly retreated back into his skull. Every strand was being filled with a burning bliss, his cock throbbing as he shook his head in desperation, trying to throw off the headband.

It only grew tighter in response, the warm pleasure incinerating more of his spiky hair, conditioning it with softness as it lightened to more of a chestnut colour. There was barely any of it in front of his eyes anymore, Taichi's eyes glazing over as he idly wondered why the colour seemed so oddly familiar.

He didn't get a chance to rest though, his body bucking with a SNAP as the world shot up slightly for a second time, the squeezing on his head increasing tenfold, the boy shrieking and shaking as he felt like his skull was about to crack open and oh fuck oh god, something was near his brain, tendrils of some kind of energy lightly teasing it and shit shit SHIT IT WAS ABOUT TO GO-


His brain was filled with light.

He flinched from the intensity, screaming as he felt like someone had opened a curtain and let the sun into a pitch dark room as the headband squeezed the unfiltered glow into his brain. Something was breaking, Taichi thrashing as the painful sounds bounced through his head, each one making his cock harder as the ecstasy reached greater and greater heights.

It was too intense, the boy never feeling pleasure like this before, slamming his head back into the ground as his features were wiped, his cheekbones shattering into inviting arches in the process. He was being assaulted by blows of bliss, making him feel like he'd been punched in the face, his jaw and nose fracturing to a quarter of their former size, his eyes spinning from the impacts as they sparkled with a lighter shade of brown.


The clothes were more than eager to take advantage of his incapacitated state, the boy's attempts at resistance stopped with another squeeze from the headband, forcing him to spasm weakly as they descended on their prey. He groaned as they claimed him, his glazed over eyes distracted by tints of pink in his vision, like he'd been looking at light too long. Huh, that was weird, he could see things in them, like when they fought Vamdemon, the Dark Masters and... the Kaiser? Well, he hadn't been too involved in that in comparison but he supposed that made... hang on no, he didn't go on those missions to the Digital World w-what was-


He screamed as a much different sound filled his brain, his ears ringing as he clutched his head in panic, not really registering he could move them again as the boots slipped on his vulnerable feet.




Now his feet were breaking, the small white boots that showed off far too much leg crushing them down several sizes, the sounds joining the strangely familiar noise that made his head spin and brain feel fuzzy. He knew this sound somehow, the meaning escaping him as his dazed mind hoped for a miracle that would put a-


O-oh god that thought made him horny, it made him way too horny. W-why did it make him horny!? His cock had never been harder, Taichi left gasping, his lips inflating as the fluffy collar of the dress wrapped around his neck like a snake, slowly building pressure.

He wanted to try and pull it off, but his hands couldn't leave his head, his screams a constant background noise to the ringing in his brain that made it so hard to focus, his fingers running through his softer strands as he did so. W-wait there was something else, that word. The word that made him horny. It was echoing through his head. It was... it was... hope?

Everything seemed to happen at once after that, Taichi's eyes widening with a start as the arousal peaked, the pressure bursting in his neck in unison with his cock, the headband squeezing another load of light into his skull as the boy finally realised where he had heard the whistle before.


He came. He came so hard. The pleasure soared to heights beyond anything he had ever experienced, something which seemed less of a concern compared to the sound of his sister's pleasured screaming.

His brain bounced, his thoughts jumbled, wondering where Hikari had come from, and why was she screaming like that? It took a few moments for him to realise, his eyes widening as it hit him in unison with the dress slamming into his torso, his powerful core starting to crunch inwards as he squealed in horror and bliss.

His voice was Hikari's. He was hearing his own sister being fucked. Taichi was disgusted as he shut his eyes in horror, panic starting to set in, suddenly ashamed at how horny the changes had made him so far. G-god this was so fucked up on so many levels! He was t-turning into his s-sister!

He squealed as the headband squeezed more thoughts into his brain, his body spasming as the light forced its way deeper, purifying his thoughts, engulfing them with light and purging them of the sin of being his. His core was crunching every second, each one signalling another reduction of height, Taichi feeling even more vulnerable and scared as everything towered over him.

He didn't know what was happening, how this was happening, and the only thing that made it worse was his cock was even harder than before. Even after he realised he was being turned into his own sister, something that disgusted him, making something deep inside even hornier.

He felt dirty, whimpering in her sweet, girly voice as he tried to tear off his clothes, using her innocent face to make an ahegao when he suddenly came out another load, her delicate hand helpless as he hesitantly used it to jerk himself off.

The white boots weren't done with him yet either, somehow affecting far more than his feet as the crushing sensation shot though his legs like lightning bolts. Hikari always said that he underestimated her, but he never dreamed the power gap was this impossibly huge, tears streaming down his face as muscle built up from years of soccer was destroyed in an instant by her will alone.

Even more of his height went down the drain as the belt tightened around his core, crunching it in deeper as his vision was tinted with the same pink light that was filling his brain. It almost tickled, Taichi giggling as his new legs kicked without even a hint of their former strength, thoughts bubbling to the surface as his eyes glazed over.

It was wrong. It was wrong for him to be using Hikari's body like this. To see her like this. To taint her. I-it was wrong to be Hikari. He was becoming Hikari. B-but he could fix this! All he had to do was, give in silly brother and let your dear sister have her body aga-


The voice in his head giggled as the whistle grew louder, the pleasure in his thighs shutting him up instantly as he thrashed and shook uncontrollably. Yet somehow even that pleasure was paling in comparison as unfamiliar thoughts forced their way into his brain, thoughts that made his heart beat faster as his eyes shined with love and... h-hope...

"O-oh? A-Ah...T-Takeruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Things were getting worse. They were getting so much worse, the boy's growing thighs squishing against his shaft as his head was squeezed harder, forcing more thoughts and memories into the melting soup of his brain. He couldn't stop thinking of Takeru, every little detail related to him burning into his subconscious, scattering his memories as the light consumed his courage.

Taikari was cumming all over his thighs, his arms spasming and going limp as he imagined his muscular arms, handsome face and lovely perfect hair. He was her other half. She'd never adored someone as much as him and-


Teehee~! Enjoying yourself big brother~?

It was her voice again, it was Hikari's voice and it was the only thing his brain could focus on other than the man of her dreams. It echoed through his head, forcing him to cum as he bucked harder than before, his thighs finishing their growth as his hips burst out with a crack.


Giggle~! But of course you do~! Oh you're so dirty, big brother~. Getting off to your little sister~. I bet you love seeing me like this~. Don't lie~. I'll even make it more fun for you onii-chan~!

Taikari screamed and came at the nickname, the playful scolding making him feel dirty and ashamed. He didn't want to give in, but he was determined to fight, desperate to hold onto himself and stop Hikari from wearing this outfit and especially from g-getting with Takeru so he could get with him instead and w-wait no he didn't mean to think that and oh god the feelings in ass were about to explode and-


I can date who I want onii-chan~! Don't be jealous just cause you want him to fuck you too~.

"Nooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh- d-dahn'ttttttttttttttttt wantttttttttttttttttttt T-Takeruuuuuuuuuuu... T-Takeruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~. TAKERUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

His growing ass was squishing into the ground, his constant squirming only grinding the jiggly pillow into the hard floor, his foggy eyes glazing over as the protests leaving him were replaced with horny cries, giggles and drool.

His mind was a pleasured mess, and nothing made sense anymore, something in him wanted to resist, while another wondered if the small skirt showed off enough of his ass to his crush. He giggled again at the thought, more of himself dribbling away by the second as his shaft twitched and throbbed, his resistance dying as the forming Hikari smugly took advantage of her brother's dazed, incoherent mental state.

Oh, just how could you do this onii-chan~! I can't believe you would make your poor little sister act like this~! And you're enjoying it too! How could you get off to your innocent precious little sister~!? You're such a dirty degenerate onii-chan~!

It had always been easy to play him, but his dazed mindset made it so she barely needed to try, hitting the perfect notes for her desires without even trying.

"I-I... n-no... I don't... I d-didn't... I-I'm..."

It seemed impossible for him to even string a sentence together, the whistle stopping his thoughts in their tracks and redirecting them into Hikari-hood. Common sense couldn't help him, that had long since reduced to a drooling mess for Takeru, and his dazed instincts wanted nothing more than to please his sexy little sister.

I would never act lewd and dirty like this onii-chan~! This is all your fault~! How could you turn into me to fulfil your dirty fantasies~!

Her words were making his nipples pulse, waves of bliss building behind them, enlightenment hitting Tikari's mind as pink light burnt through him. Hikari wasn't lewd and dirty. Hikari was cute, precious, innocent, and light light light LIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~!

He screamed as he came, his empty balls withering away like dried raisins as they slotted into his sister's pussy, the pleasure nothing compared to the realisation that had flooded his brain. She was only acting like this since he was in control. He was ruining his sister's image. Tainting her body with his dirty, disgusting desires. H-he needed to fix this! And the only w-way to fix this was to start being Hikari~!


His breasts were surging out too fast, Tikari screaming and squealing as pure ecstasy dominated his brain, his dress tightening and forcing out the final few inches of height as he convulsed violently. His brain was engulfed with holy light and it was purifying every bit of his dirty degeneracy. All he could do was scream his true love's name, loving every second as he was replaced with the better child in the family, the forming Hikari smiling and giggling in smug delight, gently guiding her brother's arm towards his desperately throbbing cock.

Night night, big brother~.

If he had any protests, he had no chance to vocalise them, Hikari never really caring about his complaints anyways, giggling smugly as he pushed down on his cock. She only guided his arms, never taking action herself, no that would be too easy, and having her brother do it himself was so much more fun~.

He eagerly groped her breasts, coaxing them out against the tight fabric of the dress, he came for her too. Spewing out his white for his most important girl as his cock instinctively shrank into her pussy at the thoughts of her crush like a reverse erection.

She didn't want it, and her big brother was always so happy to please her, both of them moaning in delight as her breasts jiggled into b-cups. Only her cock remained now, the last thing her idiotic brother had so carelessly threw over her body and the only thing left for her to sweep up~.

The drooling remnants of her brother did it for her, even when something inside her was telling her to stop, to run away, sounding a bit like... her brother? Something about that thought made her brain and cock twitch for some reason, a separation forming that made her body thrash in bliss.

As her cock thrust in further, the voice was barely audible over the whistle and squeezing, saying something about her being her brother? That was silly though! She was... she was...

"Mmmmmmnnn~... s-so fucking... gooooooooood... a-am... me? Am Taichi? N-no... that not... am a tiny g-girly girl... so I'm Hikari? O-oooooooooohhhh~!"

She shivered, half of her cock sinking in instantly, her eyes rolling up into her skull as her toes curled, her eyes wide and filled with hearts of light as she eagerly screamed.

"Yesssssssssssssssssssss, I-I'm Hikari, I'm Hikari I'm Hikari I'm Hikari~! Hehe~. I'M HIKARI YAGAMI AND I WANT TO BE TAKERU'S GIRLFRIEND~!!!!!!!!!!"

Hikari squealed, the last of Taichi engulfed with her unstoppable light as she spasmed and shook from pure ecstasy, her brother's converted mind desperate to remove her cock from existence. It wasn't a difficult task, not when her soft shaft wanted nothing more to make way for hope’s cock, the light pulling it in with a wet POP as its glow flooded her body.


The fog faded from her eyes as the orgasmic aftershocks shot though her, the new girl squeaking and twitching as her brain was sealed into its new identity. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced, the process leaving her breathless as she gasped, staying on the floor for a few moments before groaning as she got to her feet.

"Owwwwwwwwwwww, my head... feels like I've been run over by Greymon in there... what am I even doing here?"

She looked around, quickly realising she was alone as her confusion grew, Hikari sure to question more if she hadn't just noticed what she was wearing. She squeaked in shock and embarrassment, pulling down the tiny dress in shame as she turned bright red.

H-how on Earth had she gotten into this dress? Was this the fabric she helped Mimi and Sora gather? But how had she ended up wearing it!? Nothing made sense, Hikari finding herself even more embarrassed when she noticed her regular clothes weren't even in the same room as her, the blushing girl dashing from the room in order to search for them.

She bet it was Mimi's work, this had her written all over it, she definitely had to get her back for this if Taichi didn't kill her first. She finished checking one room with a pout, unsure where Mimi would have hidden them, at least relieved that it was so early, she would just die if anyone saw her in this! Especially-

"H-huh? H-Hikari? What are you-"

Her throat went dry as she heard the voice ring out behind her, Hikari slowly turning to face Takeru, the boy just as red as her. Oh god she wanted to die. H-how had she run into the worst possible person! Did the universe just hate her today?

"T-Takeru! I c-can explain! I don't know how this h-happened! I think Mimi tricked me and hid my old clothes and I can't find them anywhere!"

"I-I... u-um... o-oh wow that's... I mean I... well..."

She paused, surprised at just how flustered Takeru was getting, the boy seeming to do everything in his power not to look at her. It was strange seeing him like this when he was usually so confident, Hikari already annoyed that her teasing lately hadn't been as affective, her own embarrassment looking like a blessing in disguise as she gave a small smug giggle, getting into a sexy, girly pose while sticking out her hips slightly, hoping her own blushing face wouldn't lessen the effect.

"Although... it does look pretty nice d-doesn't it, Takeru~? You seem a little lost for words~! So... haha... do you see something you like~?"

He really was lost for words, completely red as Hikari snakingly grew closer, both of them completely red. In all honesty, she had no idea what had come over her; maybe the strange arousal she had been feeling since she woke up, the countless almosts of their relationship, or even simply how he looked at her like she was all that mattered in the world.

It was like two magnets slowly pulling together, no more words needed to be said as their lips met, Takeru shutting the door behind him as they frantically stripped each other.

She couldn't believe it, even if part of her was smug that she had won his affections over the other shallow girls he'd had flings with in the past, the delight only making her all the more in control.

Hikari still had some concerns but they weren't important anyways, Mimi's prank certainty having worthwhile consequences, and she was sure all her friends would be happy for her and Takeru finally getting together.

While apart from her brother probably, she would cross that bridge when she came to it, but still she had the strangest feeling that she didn't need to worry about his approval this time...

She put those thoughts away for now though, Hikari smiling smugly as she kissed her lover, determined to give him the best Christmas present he could have ever imagined~.


"Huh, I'm sure the students said they saw Taichi come up here..."

Yamato thought aloud in confusion, putting a hand on his hip as he looked around for any sign of his friend, not seeing a hint of spiky hair in the classroom. He'd finally finished band reschedules a few minutes ago, allowing him to assist the others in getting the festival sorted.

He'd gotten here with his brother but Takeru thought he heard Hikari somewhere and went off to find her, leaving him alone until he'd run into Izumi and some other students. At the thought, he turned towards the other boy, the blush on his face clearly visible like it had been since the other students said it was the room where Mimi was doing some work.

"Well, maybe he's already finished? They did say it was a while ago after all..."

"In this mess? That's sloppy even for him..."

Izumi sighed at his friend’s overanalysis, watching as he peered down at the weird stains on the floor, along with the equipment, paper and pens that had gone everywhere. He knew Yamato could get overprotective about his friends, but he really had to tone it down sometimes, it wasn't like every part of their lives was doomed to get weird because of the Digital World...

"Yamato, don't be so worried! Let's just clear this up and go looking for him and the girls!"

The boy nodded absentmindedly, still lost in thought as Izumi picked up a knocked over chair, blushing as he saw what was under it. It was an extremely short Christmas dress, one that would do little to hide anything, complete with a matching Santa hat, choker, and long skin tight gloves and leggings.

Being the socially awkward mess he was, he did his best not to imagine Mimi wearing something like that, deciding the best thing to do would be to put it back on the table and pretend he never saw it. He calmly picked up the hat and choker, but before he could do anything with them, the choker flew from his grip, slamming itself around his neck as he cried out quietly in shock.

He tried to pull it off, but the contact had sent his throat on fire, Koushiro unable to stop coughing as he desperately tried to get his friend's attention, the boy looking the other way as he stared at some high heels he found in confusion.

The pressure was only getting stronger, his confusion increasing along with it as his brain went into overdrive trying to figure out what was happening, his panicked swipes unable to tear it loose. Izumi felt something start to give, his neck unable to handle such pressure, the boy's blush deepening as his cock stirred in his pants, something quietly popping as he could finally force his words out.


His hands shot over his mouth in seconds, his eyes wide as Yamato finally turned out, looking around in panicked confusion for any sign of the voice's source, oblivious to the fact that it was right in front of him. It was Sora's voice. He'd just screamed in Sora's voice and... and... what did that mean!?

The implications were terrifying, and unfortunately his shock was what sealed both of their fates, Yamato too distracted to notice the red fabric that was wrapping around his ankles until they forced him to the floor with a slam, the boy barely having time to grunt in anger before his trainers were swapped with something much too tight.

Koushiro regained his bearings too late, a sudden pressure on his head bringing him to his knees as the Santa hat clamped down on his skull, the rest of the outfit quickly moving on to devour its new prey.

He screamed, his hands pulling at the hat, desperate to tear it loose as he kicked at the advancing clothes, trying to fend them off, while he hopelessly tried to figure out just what was happening.

Those thoughts wouldn't stay in his head for long though, the poor boy screaming at the top of his lungs as the hat squeezed his brain. It was juicing his brain like a lemon, forcing out the thoughts and sending them spurting out, utterly running his jeans with his seed before the dress pulled it off.

He wasn't sure why he expected a moment of calm after such an intense orgasm, but it never came, the squeezing refusing to stop now it had started, every theory he tried to come up with having the same result, an earth-shattering burst of pleasure as he came all over the floor, barely even noticing the dress forcing its way onto his masculine frame, nor the oranging strands that fell in front of his dazed eyes.

Yamato was nothing but aware of what was happening to him though, the boy blushing as he tried to pull off the high heels that had been forced onto his feet, all his strength not even enough to make them budge. He was stubborn enough to keep trying though, the boy swearing the shoes were only getting tighter.

It was obviously just his imagination though, there was no way that was actually what was-


"KYA-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!? W-what the fuck!?"

His body shivered at the sound, the boy wiggling his toes within the heels as his body tingled slightly, the shoes suddenly feeling less of a tight fit than before. He should have been glad, but he couldn't help the feeling he was missing something, Yamato turning to his friend in confusion.

"K-Koushiro? Do you know what's happening? Is this some sort of Digimon attack? And where did Sora's voice com-"

What he saw was the unexpected answer to his question, his eyes widening in shock as he realised he wasn't imagining Sora's pleasured shrieks, every one of them coming from his friend as tears streamed down his face, his arms limp as cum poured out from under his skirt. Most alarmingly of all though was his hair, the red that was peeking out from under his hat rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

Orange was the new trend his body was following, new soft strands flowing out as it broke free from the hat, rising up into a frightfully familiar pattern.


"I-I... but... that hair and voice... S-Sora?"

Saying the name was a mistake, Izumi's eyes shooting open as orange danced with black, his fearful dazed expression shifting into a crazed smile as he wailed in barely coherent delight as the hat on his head squeezed even harder.

"S-Sora? Am S-Sora? No I-I'm I-Izumi, I think... so I'm not- I'm not- GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SORAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!!!!!!!! OH FUCKING GAWD I'M SORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!!!!!"

Yamato could only watch as his friends' features rippled like water, his fear soon washed away by pure, unfiltered delight as he came hard, the hat squeezing down his brain, his IQ steadily falling as his mind literally shrank under pressure. It should have scared him more, but as his lips plumped and face shattered, Koushiro found that he loved nothing more than to spin into the orange as his eyes swirled.

He wasn't really understanding what was happening, but if there was one thing his socially awkward, sexually inexperienced mind knew, it was that he never wanted it to end, his features fully taken by Sora as the dress clamped down on its enchanted prey. Even if Izumi wasn't concerned, it terrified Yamato, the reality of what was happening to his friend still settling in, the boy certain it couldn't be real if it wasn't taking place right in front of him.

He was paralysed, and he paid a heavy price for his hesitation, the boy squealing as a ribbon rammed into his back, forcing him to the floor as something inside broke with a SNAP.


With his cries, he was giving a much different performance than usual, his rock songs traded to a freestyle of fearful delight, his newly curved back forcing him to stick his ass upwards as he thrashed in protest. The resistance didn't last long though, the boy squeaking as the ribbon wrapped his hands together, forcing them behind his back as he was tied up like a present.

He tried to fight against them, but they were simply far too tight, everything only getting worse when his muscles felt like they were turning to jelly, blushing as the feeling of them melting away only added to his cock's throbbing, unable to help being turned on when he could hear Sora screaming like she was being fucked.

His muscle was slenderized into perfection as his twitching fingers snapped down, Yamato weighted down by the limbs, his sweating, muscular body looking like the perfect meal for the approaching dress to devour. Izumi was really the only one who could save him, and he was currently distracted elsewhere, his brain drowning in Sora as he giggled in between his squeals. It felt nice not to overthink something for once, pure love for the changes swelling in his mind, overwhelming the weak resistance.

Anything less than full acceptance wasn't an option for him, the dress settling the argument suddenly bore down everything it had on his cock, another squeeze from the hat forcing out the trash as computers turned to sewing machines, figures of data bouncing into soccer balls as his eyes sparkled with pure orange.


Yamato's hands were snapping, forced to match his newly weakened arms as the ribbon tightened, his thrashing limited further as the strange tingling snuck up his body, the boy aware of its presence when it suddenly crashed into his shoulders. They collapsed into inviting girly arches, the boy screaming in terror and bliss as he kicked wildly in an attempt to escape, something that the clothes wouldn't stand for any longer.


Another ribbon had coiled free from the mess of the floor, the boy unable to do a thing to stop it as it wrapped around his legs like a snake, knocking his knees together as his thighs were forced to press directly against his cock. He blushed, his attempts to escape more weak little squirms now, Yamato unnerved that the dress seemed to be waiting for something, the boy scared what it could even be, especially when the one attacking his friend was so eager.

Attacking was an understatement for what Izumora was feeling though, the boy shrieking in mindless delight as the pressure on his cock built rapidly, his arms shooting down instinctively when his balls slurped away. He squealed and came hard, emptying his ball’s contents as he struggled to find his shaft in the mess of fluttery fabric.

Something quiet inside him was freaking out, desperate to save his cock from the same fate as his balls, needing to get the hat off to save himself from this addictive nightmare. He twitched from the contract, another release supercharging his cells with bliss as his mind panicked, unable to find the knowledge he needed to stop this, fuckfuckfuckfuck he couldn't let this erase him he c-



She was cumming, spurting out the last of that meddlesome boy's mind as her IQ dropped further, his fully erect shaft fully visible in the miniskirt as it throbbed from desperate lust. She couldn't be called a boy for much longer, squealing as her cock was slowly crushed into nothing, fucking her as girly thoughts danced in front of her glazed over eyes.

It was about to give, the hands that were trying so hard to save it becoming focused on its destruction, pushing as hard as it possibly could, the efforts finally paying off. Sora screamed in lustful delight as something popped, her body convulsing violently as she came, the leggings and gloves descending onto her as she drowned in love for the changes.



Yamato's desperate cries were cut off by a ribbon suddenly gagging his mouth, his moans and squeals muffled as a belt slammed and wrapped around his waist, crunching his spine inwards, his cock fully tenting his jeans from the intense sparks of pleasure it sent coursing through him, all of it suddenly focusing in his neck.

He squeaked as something burst, the sound suddenly seeming off, along with the texture of his lips, the boy running his tongue over them as he tasted cherry lip gloss on plumper surfaces. The voice though. He expected it to not be his, but it wasn't Sora's like he thought. It was hard to tell with the gag, but the pitch was all wrong, although that didn't make it any less familiar...

"Oh please~! You thought you were turning into Sora~!? Pl-ease~! You’re turning into someone much better than that Yamatooooooooooooooooo~."

He squealed into the gag as the pleasure surged, his browning eyes wide as his lengthening eyelashes fluttered wildly. There was a voice in his head. There was a voice in his head and he was cumming for her. He knew that voice, he knew that teasing tone, the boy barely able to shout it with the gag muffling him.


"Hehe~. The one and only~! Having fun Ya-mat-o~? You don't seem to be enjoying this as much as Sora over there~."

He twitched as he felt her voice bounce through his brain, unable to deny her influence was spreading as his face tingled from her comments. Yamato screamed like a riot singer into the gag, Mimi giggling smugly as his jaw and nose downsized into cute sexiness.

Mimi always had a habit of dominating conversations but he never thought her ability would spread to the physical, Yamato shaking as he realised his face had been utterly Mimified. He wanted to break free from the bonds, but he'd been wrapped too tightly and Mimi knew it, his brain buzzing from her presence alone as the muscle in his legs was slowly crushed into nothing.

He didn't want this. He didn't fucking want this. H-he needed Mimi to stop so he could a-at least save himself and figure out how to fix Izumi and-

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww what's the matter Yamato? Jealous you don't get to be your crush~? Am I not good enough for you~? Let's see how long you think that~."

It was only then he realised the ribbon on his legs was tightening, forcing his thighs closer together, the realisation hitting him like a truck as his eyes widened in terror. He only had a second to prepare, and it wasn't enough, the crushed muscle forced into his thighs as Yamatoi discovered just what Mimi sounded like when she was being fucked.

If Sora was aware of her friend’s conflict she didn't show it, her own thighs wet with girl juice, her new pussy a factory of fluids as she came several times over. There was no resistance, only eager acceptance, the gloves and leggings hard at work ironing out the details in her limbs.

Muscle was on the way out, slim, sexy fat left in its place, her shrinking toes wiggling as the sleek pumps cupped her new tiny feet, her fingers twitching as what had felt much too tight was suddenly a perfect fit. It was silly to think it wouldn't be though, after all, she made sure they were an exact match for her measurements!

The thought made her cum, Sora's dazed mind wondering if she would ever feel better than this, her knowledge dying in the infinite inferno of love. The girl didn't have to wait long to find her answer though, her squeals only growing more intense as pleasure burst in her chest, thighs and ass all at once.


Yamatoi was screaming just as loudly, even if the ribbon made them overshadowed by Sora's eager shouts, his thighs inflating rapidly as his eyes spun into his head. The dress was forcing its way onto him, tearing away his uncute scruffy uniform and replacing it with a sexy, soft dress that would catch any boy's eyes.

The ribbon that was tying his legs together made it impossible for him to pull them apart, his squirms making the experience so much worse as his smooth thighs slid against his erect shaft, the pleasure forcing him to cum over and over. It was torture, the pleasure only causing the Miminess to spread, the girl delighting in milking him of his masculine fluids and mind.

He wanted to shout that she couldn't do this, that he didn't want to be a thick, sexy, flirty bombshell that all the boy's drooled over, hehe~!


Yamati wasn't sure if he could fight this, crying as his hair grew down in waves of brown, shaking as his hips popped out, realising it was a stretch to even call the war of identities a fight to begin with.

"Yep~! I prefer the term “utterly dominating a silly little boy” myself~!"

Her words forced his thighs to get bigger, the barely boy unable to believe just how huge they were getting, his browning hair pooling down into a soft mess as the sensations spread into his ass to truly rock his world.

Sora was already having the time of her life, squealing as she grinded against the ground, her face in an ahegao as her growing breasts went squish into the floor. She thrust her ass upwards every second, each time allowing another surge of mass to shoot inside as it became perfectly outlined in the fluttery dress. There wasn't much to be done now, only the constant reaffirmance of her one true identity as she drooled for her new self.

"S-Soraaaaaaaaaaaaaa... a-am Soraaaaaaaaaaaaaa... meeeeeeeeeeee... meeeeeeeee..."

With nothing in there way, her growing thighs were free to squish together too, the two pillows of mass pleasurably pressing as she was gifted with the perfect amount of thickness. Yamai was being slaughtered, screaming and squeaking as his ass followed Sora's example and more, getting even bigger than the other girls as it became completely visible in his skirt.

He managed to flip over from how much he was writhing from sheer delight, his mind feeling less like his own every second, Mimi's influence spreading as his chest tingled.

"Awwwwwww stop being so difficult Yamato! Don't you want my soft, massive tits~? Why want Sora when you can be an even sexier girl? Hehe~!"


Her words were twisting his desires, his resistance trying so hard to stay afloat, his will to fight fading as his wolf like spirit began to be subdued by the calming, corruptive purity of her mind, that almost smelt like nice, calming lilies and roses~. The relaxing smell was taming him, making him wonder why he was fighting so hard to begin with, the voice in his head growing louder as he whined happily.

"There's a good boy~. Now let me finish your makeover~."

He screamed as the feelings in his chest erupted, his massive ass squishing into the floor as he shook from unrivalled euphoria, only vaguely noticing the bunny headband that had slid onto his skull until it started to squeeze. It was almost impossible to think when everything he felt was barely real, all of it melting into mush for his breasts, some dazed giggles slipping out from the gag as his fingers twitched, feeling his chest surge outwards while his cock throbbed in desperation.

Sora was just finishing up herself, the fog in her eyes starting to clear up as she bucked with each shout that made what she was saying seem so much more real to her as it became the new core of her identity.


Her assets surged out one final time, her mind briefly going blank as she came again, the new girl laying still while Yamato's domesticism neared its end.

His chest was inflating faster by the second, growing into a set of thick, jiggly balloons, pushing out the dress further and further as it rapidly gained mass. Yami was whining in desperation, his eyes gazed as his cock throbbed and strained, a pathetic display of masculinity.

It was almost sad, but Mimi didn't offer any sympathy, only the peak of pleasure as his cock was pulled inside, a large chunk slipping away with a squeal. He shook and thrashed as it worked its way inside, finding it increasingly harder to think like a lame, uncute boy~!

He couldn't fight the thought, instead embracing it, drooling as his foggy eyes started to clear, his brain drained as the gag on his mouth slipped down his face. Yimi wasn't sure if she felt like a boy anymore as her thick thighs instinctively worked away at her manhood, the core of herself drowning in a pure, infectious sincerity.

"Teehee~! Good girl~! Good girl~! That's right~! Good girls, don't fight getting makeovers~. That's right~."

"H-hehe... g-good... girls... m-makeover... b-better now... O-OH~!"

She cried out happily as her cock was reduced to a nub, only the last pieces of her mind needing to fall into place to permanently seal her into her new mindset.

"Now then... who are you, good girl~?"

"I-I... I'm... m-me?"

Yimi wailed as her cock nub thrust inwards slightly, her face wet with tears as she realised it wasn't enough to get it all in, the last of her cum spurting out while her eyes spun wildly.

"Close but not quite~! Try again~."

"I-I'm me. I-I'm meme. I'm m-memi~. I'm M-Mimi? I'm Mimi. I'm Mimi~. I'm Mimi~. I'm Mimi~! I'm Mimi~! I'M MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Her screams echoed though the room as her chanting edged the last of her cock onwards, her manhood eagerly driving into her pussy, fucking her raw as her mind went blank from raw bliss. It took both girls a few moments to recover as their minds filled in the blanks, both of them breathing steadily as awareness slowly returned to them. Sora blinked, groaning softly as she pulled herself upwards and clutched her head, her brain aching like it did when she listened to Koushiro for too long.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... what... d-did I pass out? I was just trying on my outfit and... and... and then what? I don't..."

She blushed, rubbing her thighs together as she realised she was feeling oddly horny, her eyes narrowing as she spotted the other girl squirming on the floor as she opened her eyes.

"Mimi? W-what are... are you tied up?"

"Well, yeah~! Don't you remember Sora~? We were waiting to surprise the boys~! You helped wrap me up and everything! So I-zu-mi can unwrap his horny little prese-"

"I did not need to hear that. Well we must have been waiting a while if we passed out. Ugh I can't believe them sometimes..."

"Are you serious!? After all the effort we put into the dresses and everything!? That's so typical of them! That's it! Untie me, Sora! Let's look for them ourselves!"

Sora rolled her eyes fondly, kneeling down to loosen her friend’s bonds that she had helped tie, freeing her as Mimi shot upwards with a smug smile on her face.

"Thanks Sora~! Now come on~! Those boys can't hide from us for long~! I wonder if you can decide who to give your present to this year before we find them~? Or will you give it to whoever we run into first~? So many possibilities~!"

Mimi laughed teasingly as Sora grew bright red, the other girl running into the halls as she followed timidly, pulling down the miniskirt in a useless attempt to get it to cover her legs.

"M-Mimi! Wait up~! O-oh I hope the boys like this... n-not that I want them too! I bet they just say I look nice and nothing else! Stupid Yamato. Stupid Taichi. Stupid boys!"

She grumbled as she followed her friend, smiling faintly as she fantasised to herself, finding herself very excited to see what her friends would think of her and Mimi's outfits, certain this would be a Christmas to remember.


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