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Yu sighed, finally finishing tallying up the prices for tomorrow's party after a long few hours of work, looking around at the almost completely prepared hall. Unlike last year, the president had insisted Ishigami went to the area in person, wanting to present a complete student council to their sister school.

It wasn't really his thing, but with his increased confidence, it wouldn't be as much of an issue as it once was, especially when the student council president asked to meet with him. Now that he had done with his work, he just needed to wait for her to finally appear.

He didn't have to wait long at least, a purple haired girl walking into the room a few minutes after he finished, gazing at him in interest.

"Oh hey. Betsy, right? Prez told me you wanted to talk to me about something?"

She didn't say anything for a moment, simply looking around, probably checking if everything was in place for the party tomorrow as she put her bag down on a nearby table.

"Yes I did. You are the treasurer correct? The others spoke fondly of you."

She spoke professionally, her French accent incredibly thick as she got right to the point, not in the mood to waste any time as she checked her nails absentmindedly.

"I am yeah. Did you need me for something?"

Betsy smiled, gesturing for him to come closer as he did so hesitantly, unsure just what to expect as she pulled something out of her bag, its appearance quite the contrast to the regular looking appearance of her bag. It was a long, metal rod, ending with a dangerous point, segmented with joints for additional flexibility.

Ishigami hadn't seen anything like it before, his visible eye wide with interest and confusion, wondering just where this was going as she next pulled out some kind of controller.

"Huh. What's that? Is this some bootleg French console? If it's a gift then I'm good. My switch is good enough."

"Non. This is simply something my mother's company has been working on for me. Have a closer look étranger~."

She handed him it, Yu finding himself even more confused as he admired it, not noticing the way Betsy's face twisted into a smirk, pressing a button on the controller. Suddenly, the metal lit up, neon pink lights shining through the steel, the boy crying out as it started to wriggle of its own accord.

It slid out of his grip, moving like a snake onto his back, his arms unable to reach it as the metal device pulled back, ready to strike. Ishigami was paranoid it was going to kill him for a moment, the tip of the rod like a stinger, but what actually happened was even stranger and all the more intense, the blunt latex covered end of the machine throbbing in preparation as it slid under his pants.

Then without warning, it thrust inside.


The throbbing end worked its way as deep inside as it could, penetrating hard as it hammered in nonstop. He cried out in pleasured horror, what he now realised as a mechanical tail wriggling as it ploughed into his virgin asshole, his eyes spinning from bliss.

"Oh, nothing much~. Just a bit of talent borrowing~. It isn't fair for your school to take it all for themselves you know~! You really should learn to share~!"

She smirked, taking great joy in his squeals as the makeshift dildo constantly dug inwards, fucking itself into the unprotected opening and beating him with pleasure. His body shook with each impact, his eyes watering as he desperately held on, his weak little pulls doing nothing to dislodge it.

It was hard for him to even form words from the thrusts, especially when the feelings started to turn pleasant, starting to spike into full on pleasure.


"Garçon stupide. The tail is remoulding you. Turning your stupid étranger body into something worthy of my school~. A proper pureblooded lady~. You should be honoured, really~."

Her words all went over his head, his brain bombarded with pure euphoria, all the boy could focus on being the stronger surges in his rear, each one making it swell like it had been bruised. There was no pain though, only the most intense pleasure Yu had ever experienced, his jeans ripping apart at the seams under the expanding weight and mass of his rear.

It burst out in seconds, the overwhelming experience leaving him breathless, his rapidly inflating ass barely cushioning the force behind each powerful thrust. It was fucking in more thickness, each blow making his figure all the more feminine, his sides and spine rapidly collapsing under the body-breaking penetration.

They bent like paper into womanly formations, his body too weak to stop it as inches of height shot down his shrunken spine.

"Non non non~. We can't have any of that left lying around. Au revoir!"


Now he was forced to cum it all out, the most intense, drawn out orgasm of his life striking though his body, his cock feeling like an out of control hose as the fluid sprayed free. He soaked his jeans in seconds, his throbbing cock unable to hold back his lust as Betsy smirked, turning a dial on her controller as the tail twitched, sending a pulse right though his body.

Yu shivered, gasping as his balls buzzed with untold delights, the fluid inside suddenly feeling thicker, the hair that littered his form shaken free as his skin was left almost flawlessly smooth. The sudden pleasure of his squirming brought forth an even more powerful orgasm, his muscles aching from the sheer amount of instinctive thrashing, his eyes rolling into his head as black cum burst free.

It seeped from his shaft, soaking into fabric that was rapidly becoming more and more malleable, the material compressing into skintight latex, growing so thin in places that his body could be seen through it. His clothes were assimilated into the spreading goop, the skintight material deepening his newfound curves and pleasuring the newfound sensitive flesh.

He shivered, gasping for breath as his entire body was coated in seconds, the bodysuit making his insides burn and tingle with discomfort, feelings that were increasingly bordering on pleasurable. The colour of his eyes darkened and shifted as they clouded over with red, needy cries slipping free from his lips as he was filled with the neverending intense need.

The bodysuit was almost too tight of a fit, dedicated to crushing him for all of his worth, laying waste to his muscle as they were reformed into dainty, slender perfection. It was overwhelmingly girly, his shoulders snapping down soon after, his vision spinning as they were left uncovered by the bodysuit.

His thick ass jiggled with each movement, his brain feeling stranger by the minute as his body was wrecked with bliss. A comforting fog was spreading, engulfing his every thought, his shrinking fingers twitching as the girl looked down at his writhing form in smug delight.

"I suppose you're wondering why I'm doing this are you not? It's most facile really~! Your school here takes all the talent here for itself. While ours is so annoyingly lacking. So we are simply turning you into a pure French lady for us~! Now everybody wins~!"

He barely heard her words over the pleasure from the persistent fucking of his ass, the plushness spreading as he whimpered in panic, unable to stop his thighs surging outwards like a set of balloons. They smothered his bodysuit-covered cock, his cries rising in pitch as he gained a pronounced French accent. His lips swelled, a bite confirming they were becoming covered with the highest quality lipstick, made in France of course, that particular thought making his heart swell with pride against his will. It was an addictive sensation though, his face twisting into femininity as he squealed, feeling his body become even more unrecognisable.

Betty was having a blast though, savouring her enjoyment as she smiled, adjusting the controller as, to his horror, the thrusting grew even more intense, silver strands falling in front of his eyes as he screamed in mindless bliss.

"You like games don't you? Well, here's one for you. Hold onto your pathetic identity against all this pleasure~! Enjoy~!"

He had no retort this time, only able to scream as loud as he could as his ass was assaulted by nonstop thrusting, his shrinking toes curling out of their shoes as they were left exposed to the elements. They wriggled as they shrank, topped with qualité nail varnish as his eyes watered. It was stretching his openings to his limit, an extra violent thrust adding some much needed volume to his sides as they burst into wide, appealing hips.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!! F-FUCRDEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!! MERDE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W-WAIT NO G-GET OUT MY H-HEADDDDDDDDDD~!!!!!!!!!!" The French accent sent all sorts of sensations shooting though his body, his cock throbbing like a jackhammer as he weakly spurted out his weak seed. It was a pathetic offering, his cock's size only adding to the growing sense of disappointment.

Was this really the best Japanese men could get? If she was back home, every man's manhood would be twice the size of this! She didn't know if she should be offended Betty choose such a nerd to become her or be grateful that meant there was another real hunk afterwards for her to-


The girl simply looked down smugly, watching as the boy fell to the pureblooded lady taking him over, the roots of his hair turning silver as he needily rubbed his chest, his actions making it quite clear this game was more than he was prepared to handle. The silver spread up from there, claiming and corrupting the roots with the superior culture, softening the strands with her perfect essence. His old thoughts were being thrown out like the trash they were, corrupted into ones of a new, elegant life.

Her fingers twitched from the feelings of it, her body burning with newfound fulfilment as she eagerly rubbed her chest more and more. She was a slave to the lust, losing herself more and more each second, falling into the corruption as she screamed happily. Slowly fat was rushing behind her chest, her forming tits expanding against the bodysuit, pushing it outwards as mass steadily rose them outwards.

Everything had inflated, the boy's mind bombard by non stop pleasure, the tail fucking eroding his mind at a rapid pace. French has pierced his language, the tail suddenly determined to remove every trace of him as fast as humanly possible. His face rippled, his hips widened, falling to the French infection, the forming woman eagerly banging her cock into the floor.

It needed to go. Needed to pop. Every thought suddenly conquered by the vulgar French lady as Yu fell to Saruei, his arms and legs slimming further as everything crashed down with an explosive pop! It sounded like she cried for mercy, but she only thanking her, twitching and smiling as she accidentally cut herself on her tail, the scar healing to add to her alluring appearance as the other girl passed her a set of glasses, smiling as the new Saruei sat upwards, gasping from the fucking of a lifetime.

"Finally. Ugh, it felt like that went forever." groaned Betty, rolling her eyes as the new pure blooded French woman adjusted her glasses, smiling as she took in the wonderful feelings of her new form. "Honestly, Japanese men can waste so much time..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh... I-I don't think I would mind that in some situations~." the woman giggled, smirking as she got to her feet, Yu's lewd thoughts, desires and degeneracy made more obvious than ever to the new personality. "And I'm certainly happy to be a whole new me~. I need a new name though. Something sexy and snappy for the streaming scene..."

"Streaming!?" the other girl snapped. "What nonsense are you talking about! You are coming back with me to France at on-"

"Nope! Japan is totally my kind of country! You're on your own with whatever that dumb plan of yours was I'm afraid. Bye!" she smirked, her tail wagging happily as she headed off without a second thought, leaving the flabbergasted girl behind.

Sure she could have bothered to explain more. But damn she was too excited about the possibilities to care, the best streaming equipment already coming to mind, the games she could play, even the right angles to show off her sexy body.

It was a whole new world of options for the woman, Saruei already having the idea to invite Miko later and show her just how good video games could be, confident that her new self would do more than Yu could have ever dreamed~.


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