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Note: This story contains spoilers for Danganronpa 1 and V3, read at your own risk.

(Also includes a hynpogif made by FandomHynpoJunk! Check out their stuff if you’re interested! https://www.deviantart.com/fandomhypnojunk)

"I thought the show was done?" A network producer asked with a raise of his eyebrow, surprised at the mere mention of the idea. "After how the last season ended and all..."

It had been a month since the conclusion of the 53rd Killing Game, and it seemed that the team behind them had finally gotten their act together in the chaotic fallout that had followed, whether it was the ballooning budget, the bomb of a finale, or the escape of the surviving students. It certainly made him glad he was assigned to the "less popular series" on the same station. It may not have been as big, but at least he never had to deal with backlash that bad.

"Yes yes, it was rather a mess to clean up." The woman rolled her eyes. "We sorta lost the audience at the end there. Our mistake. Honestly it's a miracle that it didn't blow up in our faces sooner. But with our new plans, we're certain of success!"

"Seriously? Didn't you see what happened? Nobody is watching the show anymore! 53 seasons was just too many! It's time to give this a rest already."

"W-wait! Don't be so rash!" The woman looked up desperately over her glasses. "We have the perfect ideas to hook viewers again! Markets we haven't tapped before! Just hear me out!"

Honestly, he should have kicked her out right then and there, but there was still some time before the next meeting, one he would be quite happy to put off for as long as he could. "Go on."

"Oh thank you! You see, we at Team Danganronpa finally realised where it all went wrong! We've been trying too hard! Focusing on the new! The exciting! The overly complex! But in reality we never needed to try at all!" She smiled manically. "The fans don't give a shit about anything like that! They just care about the old stuff we've already made! Sure we've teased with nostalgia here and there, but I suggest a relaunch! Lose the numbering to make it easier to follow, fill the cast with old favourites, and bam! The viewers are sure to follow! And we don't need to waste time trying to find the survivors from the last game!"

The idea screamed desperation, the producer sighing as he glared at the nervous woman in front of him once more. "While that works on paper, aren't you forgetting something? The first few “shows” were just video games. We don’t have anyone that looks like those characters! Sure you could hire cosplayers or something, but there’s no way they’ll look exactly right. It would just be a waste of money!"

"Nonono!" The woman cried in a hurry. "We found a way around that! There's this woman! We've known about her for a while but only just made contact! She seemed reluctant at first but we managed to turn her around! Said it could be her last hurrah or something. But with her, we can perfectly recreate any past contestant! No CGI! No casting their close family or whatever! Perfect, mostly ethical recreations!"

That caught his attention, the producer humming in thought, looking back at the increasingly desperate representative as she continued to argue. "Of course it would only be characters from the first two shows at most. According to our surveys, around 25% of fans say the show fell off after that, so it would generate the least amount of controversy. Although we may have a few from the latest season to save costs too. And just to be safe, it would be all female! Everyone loves the girls! We can even pay off the yuri bait the fans said we had in those shows too!"

"Wouldn't that make a rating risk too? You know how some fans can get."

"True. But even though we run killing games, we aren't monsters. The world always needs more representation."

"Fair enough. But are you certain this will work?" he asked. "That this won't just blow up in your face again?"

"I'm completely confident in Team Danganronpa's success! If this fails, then we will accept our downfall with pride. Everything is sure to go perfectly though! Although the woman did mention that she was taking an unconventional route in finding volunteers... whatever that meant. But we are certain it is nothing to be concerned about!"

He remained silent for a moment, thinking it over in his head, weighing the pros and cons before finally giving his answer.


"Is this it?" asked the boy, oblivious to the actions taking place in a universe far from his own, looking down at the package he had received in the mail, unable to help himself from being let down at the disappointing sight. A close friend of his had sent the package days ago, saying it would help raise his spirits in time for his approaching birthday, and be linked to one of his favourite girls.

It was bound to be Kyoko related, obviously. That girl had been an obsession of his for almost ten years now. It was an interest that lasted long after his friends had moved onto other series, while he had remained infatuated with the purple-haired detective.

It was the mystery that drew him in, the short skirt, flowing purple hair, even her straight to the point personality. All of them had drawn him into her perfection and had refused to let go even all these years later. So he had been hoping for more merch linked to her, that bunny figure of her maybe? A body pillow? Even a plush of her would have been good!

But nope. He got nothing but her gloves and a Monokuma plush. That was barely linked to her! It was a major letdown to say the least, especially after how heavy the package was. He had no idea what caused all that weight...

Sam left the plush where it was for now, looking at the gloves up close with a sigh. They were admittedly a very good recreation. Almost identical to how they appeared in the games and anime. But what was he supposed to do with them?

"Well at least he meant well sending these... and it could have been worse, I suppose." He thought aloud, almost transfixed by the feeling of the leather on his fingers, the boy stroking the gloves, almost in a trance.

This is what Kyoko wore... a-all the time. S-so if he put them on... w-wouldn't he be able to find out? He’d never had the desire to be close to or be more like Kyoko before, outside of a few impressions of her in private. They honestly couldn't be more different, but in this moment, the idea of putting on the gloves steadily grew more and more appealing, eating away at the edges of his mind until he couldn't hold it back anymore.

It was a struggle to fit them on, his oversized hands much too bulky and brutish to fit into what had been designed to perfectly accommodate a set that was much delicate and dainty. He was getting worried he might end up ripping them, but by some miracle, he finally managed to fit them on, although the fit was far from comfy.

The feeling of them was still pleasant enough though he supposed, the thought that this was somehow making him closer to his favourite girl even making him a little turned on. Still, that was something to take care of after he took these off again, Sam starting to try and pull at the skintight leather, not noticing the plush behind him, its red eye starting to glow.

"M-man these are tight. I hope I can get these- W-WAH~!? AH! S-SHIT! IT H-HURTS~!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!" He cried out in shocked agony, the smooth leather suddenly burning hot to the touch, roasting like it had been stuck in an oven for hours.

It hurt. It hurt badly. Yet there was something beneath it all, a faint feeling of pleasure. The boy's attempts to remove the gloves became even more desperate, the gloves somehow feeling even tighter as painful crunches were mixed with his panicked cries. His hands were roasted, his flawless skin ruined by scars as even their masculine forms were burnt away, now resembling the slender, petite forms the gloves had been designed for.

"M-MAKE IT STOP! S-STOP! IT H-HURTS~! I-I~! I-I... a-ahhhhhhhhhhhh~?" The heat had fully died down now, the pain having served its purpose, his hands now left permanently scarred and disfigured, hidden between the gloves.

Of course, with the pain gone, there was only that feeling of pleasure that remained, the small feeling of arousal from simply wearing the gloves having bloomed into a throbbing hard-on. Desperate for attention as it was, Sam fought to keep himself focused, looking down at his hands in confusion.

At first he thought it was nothing, but the more he stared at them, the more out of place the sight seemed, like there was something he was missing. The curiosity ate away at him, the mystery even temporarily overwhelming his panic. The image of these hands was familiar of course, just... not at this angle?

"W-what does that mean!? Ugh... m-my headdddddd~? I-I don't-" He clutched his aching skull, shutting his eyes before gasping, his brain throbbing as his eyes widened, the boy briefly falling into a new way of thinking as the puzzle pieces slotted together in his mind.


"HNGHHHH~!? B-BUT WHAT DOES THAT M-MEAN~!? W-WHAT DOES IT- MMMMF-FUCKKKKKKKK~!!!!" The words had shot into his brain like a bullet, the truth forcing him to fall back onto his bed, his face scrunched up from bliss as he tossed and turned with wild, panicked kicks.

Each movement brought forth another snap and crack, each one another wrinkle that removed another piece of male evidence from the scene. His jaw and nose thrust inwards like the strike of a knife, his cheekbones softening and melting as they shifted, the boy clutching his head with hands that felt much smaller as he felt another throb coming.

Despite the furious pleasure assaulting him, a large part of Sam's mind was still locked on the mystery of what was happening to him. The hands. He hadn't seen them from his point of view. But he had seen them before. How did that make sense? So they were someone else's hands? Hang on. If it was the point of view that was the issue, then did that mean the gloves were fine? So did that mean-?

The throbbing was getting worse, his cock eagerly following the lead as the realisation felt like it had shot him in the heart, his eyes widening in shock as his pupils were flooded with purple.


"N-no! T-that's w-wrong! It has to be! I c-can't be!" He protested, bucking violently as he squealed in bliss, a fire lighting in his throat as he gave another scream. "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE~! I CAN'T BE~! T-THERE'S NO WAY~! I CAN'T BE TURNING INTO KYOKOOOOHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!"

That was her voice. Her voice was leaving his lips as naturally as his own, that fact alone making him descend deeper into terror. Sam redoubled his efforts, desperately getting to his feet while frantically pulling at the skintight leather of the gloves. He couldn't be certain they were the cause of the changes, yet it seemed the most likely, the headache only getting worse as his mind coldly remarked on the simple cause and effect logic behind the quite obvious deduction.

"T-this can't be f-fucking for real! No! I d-don't want this! S-stop it! F-fucking s-st-TAHHHHH~!!!!!!!!" He could barely even finish his plea, feeling his shoulders creak under an invisible weight, the pressure of the talent piling into his brain bringing their male shape to ruin. It wasn't a single attack, he could feel more coming, the sound of his distinctly feminine voice only making it worse for him, the fantasy of him fucking Kyoko brought into hellish, addicting reality, his purple eyes shooting open wider as a chunk of his shaft suddenly stabbed into his nethers.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!! N-NO~! S-SHIT~! F-FUCKING KYOKO~? M-ME~? W-what? I-I can't- I c-can't think! S-SOMEONE PLEASE H-HELP MEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!! GAH S-SHITTTT~!!!!!" he shouted, screaming in desperate desire as he came, soaking his pants with seed, his eyes watering as painful, brutal cracks echoed through his grey matter.

Something was building, the throbbing in his brain getting worse, the pain helping him focus as he gasped unsteadily. H-he was becoming Kyoko. He was turning into a girl. T-this was impossible. This couldn't be real. H-his cock just shrunk a bit! It g-got smaller, fuckfuckfuck it can't get smaller, he needed help, he needed to stop this, he needed to-


Another thought shot into his brain, this time with enough force to utterly shatter his spine, the force sending him staggering across the room, crashing into the full body mirror he had on the wall. He whimpered, touching his back in a panic, the feeling of the curved surface making his body tingle with strange, almost needy sensations. It was undeniably feminine, forcing him to permanently push out his chest, not that there was anything to show off yet.

The sensations of touching his curved back were too much for him to cope with, the boy whimpering as he grinded his cock against the mirror, another piece of him dragged down into the twisted, horny hell he was finding himself trapped in. This time it was his hair to fall, all of it that had littered his body long since vanished without him even being aware to miss it.

The hair on his head was certainly falling though, the dirty blonde fading further with every second, Sam watching his reflection in a stunned silence only interrupted by his occasional desperate gasp. He was still worried obviously, but something seemed to be holding it back, his cock throbbing as he tilted his head curiously, his expression twitching into an emotionless mask.

He moved his hand from his face, holding one of the growing strands, watching how its colour was bleached with the beautiful, pale purple. It cascaded beautifully downwards, following the new curve of his spine, each strand losing its previous rough nature as it was softened to perfection. Sam blinked, the purple in his eyes seeming to strengthen in his reflection as he absentmindedly flicked his fringe to one side, some strands even starting to tie themselves into a long braid.

"Fascinating..." he mused, grunting as he came again, the natural Kirigiriness of his tone briefly subduing his panic altogether, his brain much more concerned with how this was happening. What purpose did this serve? And why did this blasted cock have to throb so hard at every thought she h-had... w-wait.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sam screamed, bucking harder against the mirror, his fingers twitching as his panic returned with a vengeance. "W-WHY DID I JUST THINK ALL OF THAT!? W-WHY DID I A-ACT LIKE... w-wait... t-there's no... i-it can't... p-please not that! A-anything but~!"

There was no build up for the next realisation this time, this one hitting more like a hundred bullets at once rather than a single shot, the poor boy forced to scream and cum as his toes curled, his feet demolished several sizes as his nipples burnt with newfound need.






His cry almost sounded more like an animal’s than a human's, each word and phrase slamming into his brain, his body convulsing like he was being shocked with electricity. Arousal was frying rational thoughts before they could fully form, only desperate, poorly thought-out protests able to slip from his plumping lips.

"G-GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDD~!!!!!!!! I-I'M CHANGINGGGGGGGG~!!!!! A-AH~! K-KYOKO~! S-SHE'S IN MY F-FUCKING HEAD~! O-OH KYOKOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!" The boy had all but lost himself to the lust of the changes now, the needs of his body far outweighing the pathetic desires of his old self, and it was desperate for more of the wonderful pleasure.

He couldn't help himself, crying in eager delight as he desperately grinded his chest against the mirror, whimpering while fat surged behind his nipples, his breasts rapidly becoming more and more apparent as his eyes greedily took in every detail. He was gaining the mind of a detective, an analyst, one that was toxic to his sense of identity.

Sam's Kyoko obsession was proving to be his undoing, every instinct wishing for the perfectly sized breasts he had spent close to a decade fantasising about, the long wait proving to be more than worth it as he squealed and came in desperate bliss. He was tearing open his own shirt just to see them better, the perverted boy putting the sexy features and voice of his obsession to good use before he was removed forever.

Bigger and bigger his breasts grew, his hardening, throbbing mind knowing exactly how large they needed to be, his cock and tits given full body servings with his constant mushing, his reflection stained with cum from his constant orgasms. It almost reflected his mind, Sam unable to deny he was feeling more like a Kyoko, his old identity's influence quickly becoming nothing more than a horny high for the forming detective.

Still, part of him annoyingly kept fighting regardless, trying to keep his bearings, to fight and keep control of himself, to not give into his obsession. His eyes flickered colour for a moment, the boy managing to regain his foothold for a moment, confidence filling him, h-he could still stop this! He could s-still-


The truth shot her rapidly beating heart, her eyes spiralling back into purple as she lost her footing, falling onto her back as she squirmed and bucked violently on the floor, her tear-filled eyes barely able to stay open. Kyoko was losing herself fast, her old name jettisoned from her mind in her last orgasm, knowing that more was soon to come as she ran a hand down her side, moaning as it melted into an appealing feminine curve.

Her stomach was going through a similar metamorphosis, Kyoko letting out gasping moans as she felt it melt beneath her leather covered fingers. It was a fascinating sensation, both the analytic and lustful parts of her could agree, one hand quickly becoming focused on rubbing the sexy, tight core as much as she could.

Her other hand was much more concerned with her throbbing shaft, squeezing and jerking the oddly smaller dick with all that she could muster, each little jerk bringing new memories to the surface. She remembered Hope's Peak, the class trials, the mysteries, the friends she had made, the fiction overtaking reality with dreadful, overwhelming force.

She bucked hard, gasping and out of breath as she weakly opened her eyes, spotting the Monokuma doll sticking out of the package, its eye still alight. Something about the sight sparked her subconscious, Kyoko suddenly realising why.

"O-of course! That h-has to be w-what's causing this! How did I not see it before!? I have to s-stop it! Wait. Do I want to stop this? W-what?! Of course I do! I-I'm not... but it does f-feel so good too... AH I DON'T KNOW!" she screamed, her conflicted mind unable to make a decision before it was too late, her mind suddenly deducting just where the fat from her stomach would logically have to end up before the burning bliss returned with a vengeance.

The pleasure was making her mind up for her, the almost-woman squealing as loud as she could as her hands darted to her ass, her body bucking and thrashing in a flurry of bliss as it began to expand under her eager touch. She was losing her mind, and it was feeling better than she had ever imagined, her body flailing wildly from the unmatched bliss.

It was worth it though, each blast of bliss driving her up the wall as she drowned in her obsession, her moans and cries soon infected with an increasingly serious tone, her own emotions suppressing themselves. The will of a hardened detective was much different than that of a horny, pleasure-addled boy, the contrast only made more apparent as one rapidly gained more and more of a foothold. In contrast, her smaller body was anything but hard, its softness incredibly clear as she thrashed in desperate bliss, her spine forcing itself in deeper as more height was torn away.

She grunted and gasped, a particularly intense thrash sending her hips crashing out with a CRUNCH, their widened size giving a pronounced sway to her horny wriggles. The part of her fighting this had never felt so weak, the sensations utterly overwhelming her feeble consciousness, every jiggle of her chest, the way her expanding ass squished against her floor, even the memories of getting her gloves fitted and a shadowy goth pushing her further and further to breaking point.

“I-I! I-I-I! I c-can’t~! H-hold on~! Haha~! Ahah~! I’m f-fucking losing it~!? No I c-can still... f-fight? Am... S-Sam? Hmm... who’s t-that~!? I-it doesn’t mean anything to me~! N-nothing~! Yes~! I s-see it now~! The t-truth~! I’m~! I-I’M~!”


The truth rocked her to the core, the girl letting out a primal squeal of utter delight as it was engraved into the very centre of her mind. She lost almost all control over herself, cumming over and over as she kicked off her pants, revealing every inch of her sexy legs.

It was almost a shame that there was so little of Sam left to appreciate the sight of his obsession’s flawless legs, yet by now there was no mistake that he was fully consumed, Kyoko basking in the unrivalled pleasure produced from the death of her masculinity.

There was very little left to change now, those wonderful legs soon kicking wildly as she felt a harsh kick in between them, the phantom force sending pleasured tears streaming down her face as her thighs instinctively slammed together. They were pitiful twigs before, but femininity was enhancing them, her eager gasps prompting them to rise like bread in an oven.

Each little inhale was plumping them up, newfound fat soon coated with the little cum her cock had left to give, the smallness of her once proud manhood only concealed by the ends of her shirt, the piece of clothing looking more like a dress on her tiny, delicate form.

The silky surface of her expanding pillows was enough to seal her fate, each remaining thought of her new life another nail in Sam’s coffin, Kyoko’s composure resulting in her once piercing screams being reduced to tiny, pleased squeaks. Her cock was surely able to take care of itself, but she was never one to let events happen without her input, her gloved hand searching for the offending nub, the weapon she would use to fully destroy any trace of her past.

She gave it a harsh push. Then another. Then an even harder one.

“KYAHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!! YESSSSSS~!!!!! GAWD YESSSSSSSS~!!!!” she screamed, the three pushes enough to fully submerge her balls into her soaking pussy, only the tiny, throbbing rod left to remove for good. She didn’t waste a moment in getting rid of it, each push and shove growing more desperate than the last, the fluids running out turning clear as she cried in satisfaction. It was giving into her advances, more and more of it sinking back where it belonged with every second, all building to the inevitable conclusion.


The climax was pleasure beyond even her wildest imagination, the detective squeaking and gasping as she experienced her first female orgasm, shivering in pure euphoric bliss from the orgasmic high.

It was overwhelming, Kyoko feeling utterly drained from the transformation, her eyelids fluttering as she groaned, trying to get back up for a moment before falling flat onto her side. She was tired. So very tired. It was a fight just to keep her eyes open, her gaze locking onto the doll sticking out from the package. She was missing something. Forgetting something. But she was too tired to care. The detective faintly heard the sound of someone behind her, before losing consciousness altogether as the bear stood up by itself.


Kyoko groaned.

The girl clutched her head as she pulled herself off the ground, her vision blurry as the world slowly snapped back into focus. She was in a classroom. That fact alone was putting her on edge, something she considered understandable after the days she had been having. At least this one was in better condition than the ones in Hope's Peak, or at the least, didn't have sealed windows.

"W-where?" she muttered, putting a hand to her chin, part of her wondering what she was wearing for a moment, likely a side effect of whatever had knocked her out. It wasn't like she was wearing anything different after all.

She flattened her skirt absentmindedly, shivering from the breeze before narrowing her eyes as more memories came flooding back. That's right. She was just about to escape Hope's Peak with the others. They had opened the vault door and then... nothing.

"That's concerning... did Junko have something else planned? A failsafe maybe? No. There's not enough evidence to go either way at this point. I should look around and see what I can find. Maybe the others will be around somewhere..." Kyoko thought aloud, crossing her arms under her breasts before exiting the room, narrowing her eyes as she set about exploring the unfamiliar surroundings.

Little did Kyoko know that she wasn't the only one who had found themselves awakening in this strange building, a boy's eyes fluttering open a few floors below her, groaning as memories came flooding back. Jamie had only just gotten home when he heard a thump on the floor, rushing to his friend’s room to find, of all things, a passed out purple-haired girl on the floor. Although he'd certainly never seen her in person before, there was still something familiar about her, the boy going down to check right as something white and black moved out of the corner of his eye.

After that things got fuzzy, a strange sound behind him not enough to alert him to a blur of blue and silver slamming him on the back of the head as he joined the girl in unconsciousness. He had no idea how long he was out, or even where he was, his vision returning slowly as he went to clutch his head.

Strangely, his arm refused to move, Jamie's eyes widening as he felt the metal restraint that was holding him to the chair, the boy struggling as he suddenly became far too aware of the similar ones on his other limbs.

"W-what the fuck!? What is t-this? W-what... what. WHAT AM I WEARING!?" He looked down with a blush, squirming helplessly in the outfit he certainly hadn't been wearing before.

There was nothing male about it, the attire much more suitable for a Victorian noblewoman, the tight corset making it hard to breathe, his legs sealed shut in black tights, feet stuffed in ruby red heels. He could feel something on his head, a bonnet of some kind? Whatever it was, it was as lacey as the bottom of his massive floofy skirt. The only thing that was remotely boyish was the black jacket, but it barely meant anything compared to the rest of the feminine grace that was on display, Jamie only growing redder the more he looked at it.

Not only that, but he even had the undergarments on, his cock hardening in the black, silky panties while the tight bra only added to the feelings of constriction, the soft materials of the outfit caressing every inch of his skin. He didn't recognize it at first, but the more he saw, the more familiar it was, especially when he spotted the silver rings on his left middle finger, all of them clacking with each attempt to break from his bonds.

"I-I've... seen this before?" he muttered. "What the fuck? H-how did I... i-is this... C-Celestia's outfit?"


Jamie screamed in shock, the high-pitched voice emerging from the shadows of the room just before the lights turned on, the boy almost blinded as he found himself in the centre of a very familiar courtroom, surrounded by empty stands, all while a black and white bear laughed from his throne in the corner.

"Oh yuck! I am never saying that again! Anyways! Coming to you live from another universe, it is I! Monokuma! We are here during the preparation for another exciting and thrilling Killing Game!" The bear grinned at the camera in front of him, each word somehow alarming the restrained boy even further.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK!? What's going on!? Let me out of here! D-did you say Killing Game!?" Jamie thrashed in panic, desperately trying to break free from the metal binding him to his gothic chair.

"As you can see, we've all been very busy getting this ready in time!" laughed Monokuma, completely ignoring his blushing captive, whose squirms were only making the soft fabric brush against his skin more. "And I'm here with one of our contestants! Hailing from another universe! As in. Not this one. Or ours. Or... you know what, forget it! You all should have bought the tie-in light novel with the lore anyways! But he's a fan too! Puhuhuhu!"

"I-I'm dreaming. This is a nightmare. This isn't real." the boy insisted with shut eyes, flinching as it only earned even more laughter from his captor, the bear's throne floating towards him.

"Awwww look at the denial! The panic! The fear! The despair~!" the last word almost sounded like a moan for the moment, the bear coming to his senses soon after. "This is already getting off to a wonderful start! Don't you think so?"

Jamie shook his head, terror setting in as he continued to struggle, his repeated attempts doing nothing to the metal.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you, drag queen! Puhuhu! I was talking to our loving audience! How about you give a smile to the cameras!?" Monokuma cackled, Jamie shivering as he suddenly noticed all the cameras built into the ceiling, realising that they were certainly not for surveillance.

"P-people are... watching this? P-please, you have to help me! Someone call the police or-"

"Oh that isn't going to happen! Our show is completely government approved! I bet they want to see this just as much as everyone!" Jamie could hear the smile in his voice, even if the expression was unchanging. "They're all getting this show whether you want it or not, femboy!"

"S-stop calling me things like that!" The boy stammered with a heavy blush, trying to ignore his cock only getting harder as he grinded it into the lacy panties. "It's not like I want to be wearing this! You put me in here when you knocked me out and kidnapped me!"

"Oh did I~? Puhuhuhu~!" Monokuma tilted his head. "What, do you think we pulled this outfit choice out of thin air? Wrong! You've been looking it up! We found it bookmarked on that laptop of yours! I bet this naughty pervert has been looking at this outfit for a long time now! All blushing and squirming while wondering what it would be like to slip it on himself! What a sicko, am I right!?"

Jamie's face had gotten as red as it could go now, stammering desperately as the bear continued to laugh. "H-how did-! I mean, I-I didn't! It wasn't-! I'm n-not-! I-I just love Celestia! I-it just looked so soft and frilly and-"

"Hmmm? I guess we broke him already! This spineless virgin has probably spent all his life wishing for some magical confidence! Loving these dark and mysterious girls in fiction! Wishing to be closer to them somehow! I mean we all can't blame him for loving Celeste so much can't we? Awwwwwww, it's just so. Utterly. Pathetic! Hahahaha! I mean we can all see how excited you are, crossdresser!" The bear taunted Jamie, who was horrified that his erection had become quite visible under his dress and panties, his attempts at escape unknowingly fueling his arousal.

He tried not to cry, squeaking pathetically while trying to hide the erection with his thighs somehow, the sight only making Monokuma cackle in insane delight. "And you know what happens to naughty perverts right? That's right! They get punished~!"

The boy's blood ran cold, his brown eyes wide as he gasped in despair, stammering in terror. "P-punish? Y-you’re... going to k-kill me?"

Monokuma shrugged. "Well... honestly I dunno! We haven't cleared with the legal team what this classifies as! I suppose it depends on your ethics or something! But nobody wants to get into that nonsense! Ask another bear who gives a crap! But don't worry everybody! We have a very special punishment for our "Ultimate Drag Queen" here!" He laughed mockingly, a big red button rising from the arm of his chair.

Jamie wasn't sure what the bear was talking about, but he had no intention of finding out, giving a final attempt at struggling free, his panic just as useless as it was before, his captor's throne flying back to the corner of the trial room as an unassuming television descended from the ceiling until it reached eye level with the boy.

His heart pounded, his breathing unsteady as he wriggled and cried in panic, blushing as his cock twitched within the prison of silk. "P-PLEASE! STOP THIS! I-I'LL DO ANYTHING! LET ME OUT! I D-DON'T WANT-"

The screen flared to life.



Obsession's Takeover (Return of the Versailles Witch)

Red and black assaulted his vision.

Jamie was confused at first, watching as the black and red moved across the screen in a way that seemed to demand his attention. It remained like that for a moment, before words and images started to flash over and over at speeds impossible for him to fully process.

"H-huh? What... what is this?" he muttered, staring at the repeated images and gifs of Celestia Ludenberg that repeated to fill the screen in front of him, his face flushing as he honestly wondered if this was it. He felt silly for reacting so badly to this; most of the images were amazing, they really showed off how amazing her design was, and the colours in the background only added to it.

Now that he could focus on the words though, everything was starting to make even less sense, Jamie starting to giggle a little at how absurd what he reading even was.





Those seemed to be the ones he could make out the most, his giggle rising into full on laughter as he turned to face the bear for a moment. Sure, the colours were pretty. And the images were even better. And the words were flashing so fast that he could still see them when he shut his eyes. But it would be stupid to think it meant anything. Right?

"Honestly. Is this it? This is the best you can do? What utter nonsense. To think something so impossible would actually be able to affect me! You do know hypnosis doesn't work right?  How... wait. I-I... d-did I?" Jamie began coldly, before pausing, his eyes wide as the shock of what he was saying finally caught up to him. Monokuma was laughing, the boy's redder eyes suddenly filled with fear as he shook his head in confusion, the fractured words of some messages worming their way in regardless.








To his horror, he could. The words forced their way into his head, his body giving a weak buck as mind overpowered matter, his limbs thrashing uselessly as he struggled, his attempts Sat escape all the more useless now that his arms were deflating like popped balloons. All muscle, or for that matter, any sense of broadness at all, went down the drain, the sleeves that had once been too short now starting to dwarf the dainty limbs, his fingers twitching as the ladyfication spread, his nails lengthening as they were coated with beautiful, black nail varnish.

It was impossible, but it was clearly happening before his eyes, Jamie breathing heavily as he watched his strength literally being sapped away from him. He whimpered, slamming his head to the side, shutting his eyes and refusing to look at the enchanting torture, something that only worked for a second before Monokuma simply pressed an extra button, a metal bind clamping around his neck as he cried out in shock.

It forced him to look at the video, tears already falling down his face, one that was looking much paler than being caused just by fear.









"Geez. I thought you already got the behaviour memo last time!" The bear shrugged. "Oh well! Better make sure it sticks this time! What do you think everyon- oh. They're too busy having a ship war on Twitter to care. Oh well! This should get their attention!"

The messages suddenly flashed faster, switching to the same two or three for a moment, each appearance forcing his body to buck against the chair, his massive throbbing cock anything but subtle now.







"H-HNGH~! M-MERCY~!" He screamed, his heart pounding at the hints of an accent being forced free. "I-I OBJECT TO B-BEING HANDLED IN S-SUCH AN UNDIGNIFIED M-MA- n-no~! G-gah~! M-my headddddddddd~!"

It shouldn't have been possible; Jamie had never been able to do an accent other than his natural one before, let alone Celestia's made-up European one. But the words had forced it into reality, the power they had truly undeniable now. He was squirming, rubbing his thighs together in desperation, his cock throbbing and twitching to make a massive tent in his gothic dress, the instinctive horniness just making everything all the more agonising.

The loops were shaping him into his obsession. And worst of all, it felt wonderful. The pleasure in his mind and body made him drool as who knows how many people watched.

"N-nooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!! S-stop~! C-cease~! L-let it e-end~!" He begged, squealing as the words continued to drill into his oh so malleable mind, his breath hitching in his throat as the accent began to be joined by cracks of a cold, womanly tone. Nonononono he couldn't sound like that he just couldn't. H-he adored her voice so much how w-was he supposed to f-fight this when he was s-sounding so fucking sexy?









"C-CELESTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!" He screamed, the continued assault of messages wearing down his mental defences even further, his face alight with pins and needles as changes washed over his features mid-scream.

"Puhuhuhu! Wow femboy, you're right! Hypnosis clearly doesn't work! Hahahaha! I guess you just got so obsessed with your goth waifu your body just decided it was better off being her!"

He could barely focus on Monokuma's words, the boy's head thrashing back and forth as his body went limp in the metal that was restraining him. It was more than the words that were drilling through his head though, reluctant moans slipping from his lips that wouldn't stay shut as the bear pulled out two, almost ridiculously long black clip ons.

"Oh I almost forgot about these! You can't be Celestia without the twintails after all! Puhuhu~! Puhuhuhu~!" He cackled, Jamie not even able to shut his eyes to block the onslaught of messages as he gave some weak squeaks of protest.

"N-no! P-please n-no~! D-don't~! O-oh d-damnit, I w-won't be able to t-take it~!" His cock twitched, the tent in his skirt betraying the boy’s true feelings as his voice switched back and forth, his throat aching as his Adam's apple bobbed indecisively. One of his eyes had widened already, its twin following as elegant eyelashes fluttered, the masculine grunt that signalled the collapse of his much too large nose into a defined point quickly rising into a feminine coo as his jaw met the same fate.



His lips were twitching, his eyes spiralling into the pools of reds and blacks laid out in front of him, his panic desperately competing to remain seen and noticed as his eyes darted to the cameras for the briefest of moments in a silent plea for help. Try as he might though, the messages were certain to win in the end, a small buck leaving him breathless as his look of despair turned to a small, elegant smirk.

"Meh, you looked better before." commented Monokuma. "Although those eyes still have plenty of despair for me! Puhuhuhu! Anyways, where was I... oh yes! Pin the pigtails on the femboy! HAHA!" he giggled, not giving the boy a chance to react as he plopped them on either side of his head, the reaction immediate as he screamed at the top of his lungs.




It felt right. It felt wrong. It felt good. The fake extensions brought a newfound reality with them as black spread across his strands, polluting the brown that he had previously possessed as it was conquered by the new gothic trends he was being forced to follow. The growing strands of his real hair brushed against his feminine features, interlinking themselves with the lacy bonnet, another message finishing his eyes descent as he let out a conflicted, giggly gasp.


He shivered, the drills bouncing alongside him hypnotically, joining the spirals as he fell ever deeper into the life being constructed for him.


"Nooooooooooooooo- I-I... a-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... g-gahhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh... I-I... n-nooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh~. Haha~. B-becoming... C-Celeste! H-haha~! A p-proper lady! O-oh fuck, I-I'm losing my d-damn mind~! S-stop this right now~! Haha~! S-stop this you fucking bitch~!"

His teeth were shrinking as he let out his almost polite sounding protests, his throat collapsing, an accented, feminine coo worming its way out as his cock throbbed in a wild, desperate need, all while the messages continued to mercilessly assault his vision.




"N-NOOOOOO~!!!!!! S-SHITTTTTT~!!!!! T-THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING~!? I-I'M BECOMING THE U-ULTIMATE G-GAMBLER~! KYAH~! C-CELESTIA L-LUDENBERGGGGG~!!!!!!!" Jamie cried, every word and syllable infected by his waifu’s glorious accent as his Adam's apple finally decided to invert completely, leaving behind a cold, feminine, perfect voice that betrayed no emotion other than what its user desired. It was the sound of an angel for the boy, the accented voice of his goth obsession, his toes curling from its pretty tones as his heart's pounding turned conflicted, a mix of desperate desire and furious terror.

His hair drills bounced with every movement, his uneven gasps only growing more pleasurable as he desperately rubbed his thighs together, needing some sort of release to this endless, enchanting torment. He gasped and shivered, addicted to the wonderful pleasure, the otherworldly softness, even the much too tight shoes, all of it flawless to his euphoric mind.

"Hahaha! Looks like our little drag queen is enjoying himself! Isn't that funny? First time I've had a student loving one of these! Isn’t that a change of pace?" He cackled. "But the show isn't over yet! There's so much more left to go! Do you think he can take it? Puhuhuhu!"

His arms slammed against the chair over and over, his fingers and toes twitching wildly from the shocking feelings that were rushing through his body, his thoughts fuzzing over, starting to recall things he should have no knowledge of. Underground gambling rings, the best hands in poker and blackjack, even the best materials for gothic clothing, all of it dancing before his eyes, as if tempting him with the seductive promise to be better.





"N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH~!" he gasped, his cock letting free the biggest throb yet at being referred to as Celestia, the boy wishing he could somehow look away, his body unable to stop squirming as he found it hard to breathe, the corset crushing his male core more and more by the second. Jamie felt lightheaded, more of the thoughts worming deep into his mind, even the smell of cigarette smoke that commonly filled casinos coming to mind as vividly as his own thoughts had moments before.

His core was reaching its limit, the boy hearing the little cracks and creaks from all too fragile waist, his weak begging for it not to break meaning nothing to the force that was moulding him.


His dick twitched as he felt his core give into the feminine forces shaping him, the sides bending into pretty feminine curves while the fat gurgled into non-existence, the words "Celestia's body" bouncing around his mind as he gained a feminine, sexy stomach. It was so hard to fight, and it was clear it was a losing battle, the boy's brain unable to match the pleasure, or the invading, barely formed personality as he gasped in horny bliss.

"H-heavens! S-shit~! So g-good~! W-wonderful~! L-like winning ten games of b-blackjack in a r-row a-against those b-bastards that called themselves p-professionals~! A-AH SHIT~!" Jamie almost came, the euphoria overwhelming him further as his legs gave some pathetic half-kicks, even his speech seeming to switch between two ways of acting. "D-did I do t-that? Is t-that a lie? O-oh fuck, I d-don't even know! S-stop this you d-damn bear! I-I w-won't give into this t-torture~! K-KYAH~!"

"Puhuhu! So ungrateful! Come on, aren't you going to thank me for bringing you even closer to your obsession? Haha!"

"F-fuck you! Y-you’re fucking insane!" he hissed, the Celeste within much more resistant in the face of despair

"Oh nobody wants to see that on television!" he laughed. "This, on the other paw... people are going to love it! Puhuhuhu!"








He bucked, the latest onslaught of messages making his body buzz with violent bliss, his cock's throbs growing more desperate, almost panicked, the words his brain had emphasised alerting him all too late what was happening.

"W-WAIT NO~! N-NOT THAT~! N-NOT~! T-THAT'S I-IMPOSSBI- IMPOSS- O-OH GAWDDDDDD~!!!!! N-no I s-shouldn't raise my voice. I-I shouldn't- OH FUCKKKKKKKK~!!!!!" Jamie cried in frantic delight, all composure lost as his cock began to take the plunge, the tent in his dress visibly shrinking as a chunk of his shaft collapsed in on itself. It shouldn't have been possible, something this drastic, certain to withstand the hypnotic suggestions, yet it continued to eagerly sink into the black hole between his legs.

"K-KYAHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!" he screamed, his violent movements turning to weak little bucks that could only be described as feminine, that one word digging deep into the core of his mind. "S-SURRENDERING~!? A-AH~!? HAHA~!? S-SURRENDERING~!? I-IT WANTS ME TO SURRENDER~? C-CELESTIA L-LUDENBERG NEVER F-FUCKING- GAH SHIT NO~! N-NOOOOOOOOOOOO MY FUCKING COCK~! S-SHRINKINGGGGGGGGGGGG~!!!!!!!!!! D-DON'T- D-DON'T WANT THIS~!"




"NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo~!!!" He pressed his thighs together tighter, his speaking voice lowering politely, his eyes unable to even dart away from the TV. Jamie took a harsh gasp as the first of his balls shot in, darting around like those annoying billiard games they always played next to the gambling rings until finally slotting into the hole as it blossomed into an ovary.

"Oh, better watch this everyone! Looks like I won't be able to call this pervert a drag queen much longer huh? HAHAHAHA!" Monokuma jeered, Jamie whimpering out tiny “no”s as his cock throbbed in protest, desperate to cum against the soft, flawless panties. "Oh and don't even try to cum during this! We wouldn't want to ruin that outfit of yours, do we?"

"S-SHUT a-ah~! UP Y-YOU o-oh my~! B-BASTARD~!" It was hard to sound threatening when his cock was partway though fucking himself, his little gasps climaxing with another squeak as his remaining ball spiraled into his forming pussy. He threw his head back, his pigtails bouncing as he felt the panties begin to tighten against his needy shaft, the black silk the instruments to carry the destruction of his masculinity.

The estrogen that was flooding his body was just the cherry on top, the femininity within impossible to deny as he wriggled in need, the tent in his dress barely even a bulge now, his gasping growing more desperate as he muttered to himself.

"N-not r-real! Not r-real! M-man! I am a m-man! N-not! I-I d-don't! H-head~! H-hurts~! H-helpppppppppppp~!" He was losing his mind, his left eye twitching as his small cock fought to stay hard. For a moment he dared to hope, only for the inevitable slurp to hit anyways, the new girl screaming in despairingl bliss as she crossed the gender line.

She wanted to laugh at the thought. G-girl? She was a g-girl now? That was impossible! S-she'd been a guy a minute ago! C-cocks don't just invert like that! But the proof was undeniable, the floofy dress now utterly flat, nothing left to soil the image of an elegant lady.

"S-soil?" Jamie moaned, trying to will herself to look away, to ignore the way her shoulders were rounding down, or how her wriggling was only making the chair feel even more comfy as her ass was gifted with generous amounts of feminine fat. "I-I can't be... this c-can't... I-I'm a girl?"

"Not just any girl! Celestia Ludenberg herself! Here in all her gothic glory for hundreds to enjoy!" The bear taunted. "And of course, here right from this sicko’s wet dreams! PUHUHUHU!"

"N-no! I refuse! R-reverse this right now! I-I don't want to be a f-fucking girl! I d-don't want to be C-Celeste~!" It felt like poison, sacrilegious to say that in her voice, Jamie having to force it out in desperation, fighting to stay focused between the thoughts of gambling, winning, lying as the spiral kept looping, looping, looping, looping, loop-

"Oh? Reverse this? Wow, I truly hate to break this to you! But I'm afraid that's totally impossible! All of this is utterly and completely irreversible~!"

The confirmation barely broke her out of her drooling and staring, his newfound poker face meaning the news that rocked her to the core only caused her to raise an eyebrow by a fraction of an inch, her expression still a small smug smile.

"W-whAHt~? YOHu m-mean... I-I'm going to b-be stuck like this? I-I... I'm gOHng to be stuck like this for fucking ever!?" She had meant to hiss it, but her curling toes popping down a full two shoe sizes had disrupted the attempt with a few pleased gasps.

"Yep! Sheesh you’re thick-headed! Have you even been watching that video!?"




"M-make it stop~!" she pleaded, unsure just how long she could go on for, her skin finishing paling to an almost ridiculous degree, yet one that was all too fitting for a beautiful gothic lolita. Everything she saw had been tainted, reminding her of different thoughts. His childhood home and friends gone. His high school years made much more interesting thanks to the excitement of Hope's Peak.

"Oh come on! Why should I do that?" asked her captor with a tilt of his head. "Better question. Why would you even want that? Surely you can't be that stupid!"

"W-what on earth are you b-blabbering on about!?" Jamie snapped back, her legs shivering as the mass within was given a much needed upgrade, the material gently massaging the bulky mass, flattening them into dainty feminine forms. Being called stupid was especially annoying her, her eyes narrowing as her nails clacked against the arm of the chair.

"Oh don't play dumb! I mean, do you honestly want to go back to being that piece of trash?"

"O-of course I do! Don't be so ah~! A-absurd! T-that's me! T-that was my f-fucking life you stupid fucking bear! W-why wouldn't I w-want it back!?" she argued, blushing at the sight of her sexy legs within the pitch black tights.

"Good points. Good points. But counterpoint! Who gives a fuck?! Haven't you realised? Why should anyone care about that crossdressing sub!? The only thing he was good for was simping! Hahahaha!" he taunted, before whispering, the voice filter turned off as a smug, teasing feminine tone filled her ears. "But Celestia? The Ultimate Gambler herself? That creates status. That demands power. This is your second chance. The chance to finally be somebody worth a damn~."


Her heart pounded in temptation, Jamie's breath hitching in her throat as she shivered in desire. S-something in her brain felt off, shifting and changing with every seductive word. "N-no? B-but I... d-don't..."

"Awwwwwwwwwwww, did that confuse you? Come on Celestia~. Doesn't giving in sound like a good deal?" the unseen mastermind taunted, something about the voice teasing at the edges of familiarity in the confused girl's head.



Her breaths were sounding more lustful by the second, w-would it truly be so b-bad? To g-give in? To f-forget. I-it wouldn't be the first persona to bury would it? Selfish desires teased at her brain, the dream of living in a beautiful European castle. Sounded by servants for every little desire like the noble ladies of old. Maybe she would be there. That purple haired beauty of her dreams. It would be a perfect gothic paradise. It was greedy to want it, even more so to do the things she did for, and it did nothing to stop the intense desire within.

"N-no? A-ah... r-royalty... l-lady of the h-house? E-European g-gothic h-heaven? W-wait... n-no! I'm a b-boy t-though?" she protested weakly.

"Oh who gives a fuck! You know us girls are better anyways~. Don't even try to deny it~. I mean, there's quite a difference between a pathetic simp and the Queen of Liars herself isn't there?"



"Q-queen of... l-liars? S-such a g-grand title... s-so... ohhhhh~." she moaned breathlessly, her eyes spiralling deeper into the all consuming red, the bloody colour seeping into her mind.

It was staining her personality, subduing morality, freezing over her emotions with an almost eternal poker face. Her knowledge on card games was growing too, the beginners guide of information expanding into encyclopaedias worth of strategies and history. Sure it may have overwritten some important memories from her old life, but that only made the little smug grin even more genuine.

She moaned happily, rubbing her inflating thighs together, a smug little gasp betraying her true thoughts as her nipples ached in desperation, finally reacting to the sweet temptations of the hypnotic demands.

"I mean, why would you want to go back being that pushover? You know all about Celeste don't you~? How amazing she is~. How beautiful she is~. I bet you want to do anything to see her live on~. A life for a life so they say~. Come on~. Don't you want to take the chance~?"



She'd always known that Celestia was smarter than her. That was obvious. Yet never before had the difference been so utterly put into perspective. Her IQ was rising, Jamie's intelligence doubling, then tripling as she moaned in smug delight. Her eyes gleamed dangerously, her earlier fantasies given the ambition to back them up and drive to put them into action, with a final piece of cunning to stay ahead of all that crossed her.

It was one thing to have her body engulfed by her obsession, but her mind was a whole new experience of wonder, the urge to give in growing, her constant internal refusal that she didn't want this only causing her left eye further twitching. A pathetic tell for a pathetic boy. B-but this power. This l-life! It was right there! A-all for her to take! A-a whole new life!

"N-no? C-Celeste? I-I'm... C-Celestia? N-no, I-I... I can't think. I c-can't f-focus! S-shut up!" She cried, biting her lip to hold back her accented moan as fat began to rush behind them, slowly but surely pushing out into a lovely set of breasts. Her brain was scrambled, the will to fight back slowly fading despite her best efforts to resist, the temptation eating away at her. W-was this the best hand she could have gotten?

"Puhuhuhu~. I can tell you're tempted~. It's written allllllll over your face. Don't you think this is worth the gamble then?"


She was almost offended at the statement. Skilled? Skilled was an understatement! H-had whoever had made this done any research outside of the pretty colours!? She was the best! She was the best damn gambler that Japan or Europe had ever seen! And they had the fucking nerve to just call her skilled!?

Her moans almost sounded passive aggressive at those thoughts, the girl pushing out her chest as her growing breasts grew more and more apparent through the gothic outfit, making tents the viewers were much more keen on. His scrambled mind was seeing clarity, one life taking hold over the other, one filled with playing cards, poker clips, gothic dresses and a future where her name would be up in lights... b-but what name was that again?



There was an annoying itch at the back of her mind, a feeling of doubt causing an annoying headache, almost like when she made the mistake of listening to that idiot nerd ultimate babbler on for too long.

"N-noooooooo... n-not? D-don't... w-won't give in... I-I'm not... I-I refuse to..." she muttered weakly, frowning with each word, not even fully sure what she was saying, her left eye continuing to twitch.



"Puhuhu! Resisting to the end I see! Impressive! But then again, you always were stubborn until the end weren't you… Taeko?"

Her eye stopped twitching.

"What." She spoke slowly, the headache instantly dying in an inferno of furious rage. "Did you just say? Taeko? I'm afraid you must be mistaken. My. Name. IS CELESTIA LUDENBERG GODDAMMIT! YOU GOT THAT YOU STUPID BEAR!? C-E-L-E-S-T-I-A L-U-D-E-N-B-E-R-G! YOU FUCKING GOT THAT!? TAEKO IS A LOSER’S NAME! DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING LOSER!? DO I!?" she screamed in rage, no trace of her accent as every trace of her former self was forgotten within the overwhelming fury.

“Oh of course! My mistake. Honest! You don’t need to get so mad with me! I’m an innocent bear!” Monokuma simpered, the mastermind's voice switching back to the normal high pitched one used when controlling the unit.

“I DON’T GIVE A SHIT! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY CALLING ME THAT!? I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE!” Celeste screeched, breathing heavily as her attention went back to the screen.













Yes, those were the best ways to describe how she was feeling wasn’t it? Easy. Effortless. Completely and utterly. That was how it felt to be her. The relaxing feelings only made her all the more sure of herself. Sure that she was Celeste, the thought bringing a smug victorious smile to her lips.

With that, the screen finally flickered off, the metal binds retreating into the chair as Celestia finally moved her arms free, crossing her legs to make herself appear all the one presentable.

“Ugh. I thought you would never let me out. How barbaric of you. Keeping a lady trapped for your own disgusting desires. It makes me sick.” She rolled her eyes, casually adjusting one of her hair drills to make them more presentable. “And I haven’t forgiven you for calling me by that loser's name! Now, I demand you let me walk free, bear. I have had quite enough of these silly games.”

“Hmmm? Oh my, what a tempting offer! But I’m afraid I have to decline! It’s not like we brought you back just for the hell of it! Especially when the show is about to begin! Puhuhu! All these loyal fans are desperate to see you back in action, after all!”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “What on earth are you going on about? I said to l-let me... o-oh... I feel rather... f-faint? What d-did...” she began, before falling limp in her chair, her eyes shut peacefully as the bear stroked some non existent sweat off his brow.

“Wow, that was close! Good thing that woman made it so they would pass out after the changes were done. Guess hers were a bit delayed. And she’ll forget any spoilers too! What more can you ask for? Anyways, better call the crew in to move her into place now. Then we can let the detective out of her cage and get this show really started!”


"Finally." muttered Kyoko, noticing that the door that had trapped her in a section of this strange school had at last swung open. "Whoever is keeping me here must want me to go in now. I wonder what they didn't want to see me before... something else to uncover later."

She was fairly certain that she had been placed here by someone, everything reminding her far too much of when she had awoken at Hope's Peak to be a coincidence. As she walked down the hallway, a strange sound brought her pause, coming from one of the many open doors along the way. Kirigiri narrowed her eyes, heading in the direction of the sound, entering the nearest room and flicking on the lights, ready for anything. What she was met with proved her wrong though, even her stoic nature unable to disguise the widening of her purple eyes as she stared into the pair of red ones at the other end of the room.

"Ah, bonjour Kyoko. I was wondering when I would be blessed with some company. And it's even the intelligent kind! I certainly didn't expect to be so lucky today."

It took the detective a moment to process what she was seeing, the gambler chuckling as she took a sip of her teacup. "Hmmm. Acceptable. About time someone knew how to brew a decent cup of milk tea. Fancy some?"

"Celestia." Kyoko finally managed to say. "W-what… what are you doing here? How are you here? You-"

"Were executed? Yes yes, it was a rather ghastly business. So I'd prefer we not dwell on it." She gave a small shiver. "I can't remember anything after the first few seconds of it anyhow. Next thing I know, I'm here. Fascinating, isn't it?"

"But… you died. You can't- you can't be here."

"And yet, I am." She smiled. "Oh, my presence here must be driving that little mind of yours mad. Did you die as well Kyoko? Oh it would be delicious if you gave into one of those motives after everything~."

"No!" she almost shouted back, a small flush on her face as she regained her composure. "Me and the others. We just defeated the Mastermind. We were about to get out! T-then... then I found myself here."

"With no sign of the others? My my. How concerning." Celeste chuckled, raising a hand to her mouth as she finished her milk tea, putting down the cup and getting to her feet. "You must tell me all about what happened in that school after I departed when we get the chance."

She took a few dainty steps forward, stopping when Kyoko moved in her way, looking up at the taller girl with narrowed eyes. "Stop. I'm not letting you wander around here alone."

"Oh? Why not? Surely we can cover more ground if we split up?" The gambler tilted her head.

"You weren't executed for nothing, Celestia." Kyoko plainly stated.

There was a pause, the girl seeming unsure what to say for a moment, her eyes darting in what could have been fear, sadness or something else entirely. "O-oh, honestly Kyoko. You don't see me crucifying the things you do."

"You killed two people, Celestia."

"You always focused too much on details like that!" Celestia forced out quickly, seeming desperate to talk about anything that wasn’t what had led to the execution. "Besides… w-we don't even know if there's any others here with us!"

"You're dangerous."

"And you love it~." She smiled, laughing at the small blush that washed over the smaller girl's face, regaining her composure so fast Kyoko wondered if she had slipped at all. "So how about you stop worrying, and put that brain of yours to good use? Like finding a way out of here, hmm?"

Despite her blush, Kyoko's glare remained unwavering. "Fine. But I'm not letting you out of my sight. Especially if this is what I think it is. Follow my lead Celestia." She turned around, walking towards the exit as the gothic girl slowly followed.

"J-just Celestia? I remember a time when you dared to call me Celeste." Her voice rang from behind her, Kyoko certain the hint of sadness in it behind the smugness was another lie to add to the pile.

"And I remember when I felt like I was able to be open with you." The gambler frowned for a moment, almost looking like she wanted to say something. She considered it for a moment, before putting on an obviously fake scowl, walking ahead of the detective, admiring her nails as she looked back at the other girl.

"I think that's enough reminiscing for now. We can talk more later. Getting a lay of the land is much more important. If we have a good hand, maybe there will be other interesting company to be had. Although whatever we find, I'm certain it won't be as interesting as you, my dear~."


"Well, that was fun." smiled Sakuya, the ever faithful maid, twirling a knife on her finger as Jade smuggly strode from the Danganronpa offices. "I can see why this idea appealed to you so much."

"I told you it would be!" exclaimed the woman. "I just couldn't resist when I heard their ideas, you know? Those transformations are ones for the history books! Some of my very finest work."

"Certainly. Although putting them in a killing game seems like a bit of a waste..."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that." Jade laughed. "There's a reason I said it had to be in another universe. I might have left a few details out when they employed me. Unlike the contestants in their more recent seasons, they won't be able to control these students very well at all. I didn't turn them into their fictional characters, I turned them into versions of these girls from worlds where they actually existed!"

"So… wait. You got hired. By people from one universe. Changed people from another. Into people from another, another universe. Then left them in another, another, another universe. Did I get that right?"

"Yep! Gold star for you Sakuya! What do you think? Genius, right?"

Sakuya stared at her boss.

"I feel like it could have used around two less universes overall. But whatever. You do you."

"Hey, I had my reasons! Since these girls are bound to rebel with only a few deaths, I didn't want to leave them in a world where they were fictional characters! They don't need an existential crisis on top of everything! And besides, then the studio can get them again. I only gave them the ability to control Monokuma and send the mastermind there this time. When this blows over, they will be safe and sound." Jade explained pridefully.

"I'm surprised you went through all this trouble. Especially for a woman who's 'retired.'" Sakuya smirked.

"Even I have standards Sakuya! I don’t care if they pay well, I'm not letting a studio who gets people to kill each other win! And I'm for sure going to tune in to see how this blows up in their face! Especially when they have my suggestion!"

"Your... suggestion?" Sakuya raised an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

"Oh nothing! I just inserted a dance event into the narrative! One when Kyoko will be so suspicious of Celeste planning to murder someone that they have to dance so she can keep an eye on her! I got a song cleared for it and everything! They’ll probably make it part of the motive or something. But imagine it! The sexual tension will be out of this world!"

"Yes ma'am, that's lovely and all." Sakuya sighed. "But aren't you supposed to be... you know. Retired?"

"Oh. That." Jade paused. "Well... I guess I'm not now? I can come back and cause whatever transformations I want when the right inspiration strikes and all. Like there isn't a rule saying I can't do that right? So I'll just do this whenever I get the chance. But who knows when that will be."

"I understand. It's almost a shame though. I only feel like I've just gotten started." Sakuya sighed, before smiling. "So how many more are there to go after this?"

"Three to four. With more pending." Jade smirked. "You know me so well."

"What can I say? It's good to be back~."


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