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Cody groaned to himself, putting his hands in his pockets as he approached the store, still frustrated he had been the one who had to go there out of his friends. The shop had been here for a while now, marked with a distinctive green, and from what they had heard it sold all sorts of merchandise from almost any series for fair, but still much too expensive prices.

And they wanted him to steal something.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh... goddammit Adam... I can't believe you fucking talked me into this..."

His friends had always been risk-takers, for better or worse, fighting against authority since they were kids, Cody's voice of reason usually preventing them from getting into too much trouble. But as a consequence, he usually had to be the guy who did the occasional more risky activities. After going into the new shop the other week, his friends noticed the lack of visible security cameras anywhere in the area, reigniting their rebellious nature once more.

He had been voted to be the one to do it, peer pressure once again his enemy as he sighed, picking the lock and slipping inside, met with silence.

"Huh. Not even an alarm. Weird..."

The man slowly walked down the aisles, the tall shelves looking like they were almost towering over him, staring down in silent judgement. He ignored what was clearly born from nerves, more focused on getting the job done as fast as possible, shoving some of the more expensive figures into the bottom of his bag, making sure he was as quiet as could be.

Thankfully it didn’t take him very long to get everything, the man just about to leave when he noticed something hanging from the wall, a small keychain modelled after a familiar girl. He blushed, walking towards it and holding it in his hand, the face of Sally Acorn staring back. It was too embarrassing for him to ever admit that she had been his first crush, Cody unable to help it, everything from her pretty red hair, cute little nuzzle and even her blue vest making him feel flustered, and even a bit aroused.

He was still in denial that the attraction he felt so long ago was just as strong today, the boy rubbing his legs together as he pocketed the keychain, unable to believe that he had gotten himself horny while robbing a shop. The peace of the moment was shattered soon after though, the boy almost jumping out of his skin as he suddenly heard voices from deeper in the building, steadily growing closer as they approached the room.

There wasn’t enough time to make a run for it, Cody acting on instinct as he hid behind one of the display stands as a door near the till opened.

”Sometimes I just can’t take you anywhere, I swear, your stunt at the park almost ruined your entire schedule!”

”What can I say, I like to keep you on your toes. But come on, you have to admit, it was too perfect to pass up on. Two girls talking about their hot mom with an ordinary guy sitting right there! Things happen. I’m not one to pass on an opportunity as perfect as that. Besides, I got everything done!”

”All except calling-“

The second voice paused, Cody’s breath catching in his throat, suddenly feeling very exposed despite his hiding place, unable to see what the two were doing, shaking like crazy as he heard the steady clacking of heels approaching. T-they just had to be checking something! There was no way they knew someone was-

“Why hello there~. Sakuya, why don’t you bring our guest over to introduce himself~?”

”Happily ma’am~.”

He cried out in shock when a silver-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up with a smirk, dragging him towards the front of the shop. She was strong, impossibly strong, his little shakes of protest more of an amusement to her than anything as she pressed him against the wall, a busty, red haired, older woman standing behind her as she dropped him to the floor.

Her visible eye shined as she stared at him, Cody shivering as he felt like she was seeing every part of him, far more than just his physical appearance as she laughed to herself.

"Well, well. Looks like somebody decided to go snooping where they don't belong~. A naughty little thief tried to get away with my property! And all without saying hello! How rude. Isn't that rude Sakuya?"

"Very, ma'am."

The maid was already hard at work returning everything from his bag back to its proper place on the shelves, looking mostly uninterested compared to the other woman.

"P-please, I'm sorry, my f-friends made me do it, I was going to come back with the money later please-"

He was cut off by her harsh glare, silencing him instantly with a look of anger, smugness and dominance mixed into one as she walked over to him, leaning down until she was close to his face.

"Ah, blaming your friends for your own mistakes? That's just sad Cody! You really should accept responsibility for your own mistakes. But don't worry. I'm not mad. I'm actually quite pleased that someone finally decided to try this! I mean hello! It was practically an invention for idiots like you to try! Honestly I... hmmm?"

The woman's smile grew wider as she noticed the lump in his pocket, pulling out the keychain with a finger, her sinister smile widening as she stared at it, Sakuya even coming for a closer look. Cody was a terrifered mess, nothing making sense, not understanding how she knew his name, what she was talking about or even how the maid had finished putting everything back so fast.

"Awwww, the little boy still has a thing for his childhood crush~! What a dirty little secret you have~."

"Wait n-no! I d-don't have a thing for all g-girls like that, it's just for-"

"What, it's just her? Pfft. That's what they all say. That's it. I've decided your fate. Trust me. You're going to love this~."

He weakly pulled himself up, his eyes desperately looking for an opening, none appearing as Sakuya covered each one as soon as they appeared. The woman in front of him was still smiling, pulling out a key from her jacket, about to push it forward before her maid was suddenly beside her with a gold ring in her hand.

"Go with this instead ma'am. Adds to the theming."

"Oh that's perfect! Thank you Sakuya~."

The maid blushed as the woman casually tossed the ring to the side, Cody crying out in shock as it expanded, not even having a chance to look into it before he was kicked in the back, crying out louder as he was sent flying through the ring, falling onto... grass? He looked up with a start, finding himself in a forest, filled with towering trees as he looked around in confusion.

"I-I... what the fuck? A... forest? How did I..."

"Have fun, princess~."

He turned around, ready to run back through the ring, only fast enough to see the woman's smirking face as it closed into nothingness, leaving him utterly alone. Cody was lost for words, still trying to understand what had just happened to him, how any of this was even possible, or where he was.

"I-I have to be dreaming... she c-can't have just sent me somewhere else! It's s-some kind of hallucination or something! I just n-need to wait until it goes away!"

The theory was all he could hold onto, the boy ignoring the way everything felt too real to be imaginary, the slight breeze in the air brushing against his hair and arms, the sun shining down on the back of his neck, or even the distant birdsong. He stubbornly tried to write it off as imaginary regardless though, about to explore the vast woods before he returned to reality, realising something.

"Hang on... my arms? Wasn't I wearing a jacket? How am I... h-huh!?"

He blinked in shock, not sure what to say when he realised his sleeves had vanished, his arms left completely exposed, the boy shivering in confusion as he hugged himself. D-did that silver-haired girl pull it off? It was the only explanation that made a degree of sense, but even that had flaws, the rest of his jacket looking the same as it ever did, outside of the sunlight making it look a bit more blue than normal.

There was a strange feeling breaking out inside him, that he was missing something, the boy idly scratching his itchy hand as he was lost in thought, the surface and texture surprisingly feeling quite pleasant to stroke almost... fluffy?

"Hang on... W-WHAT THE FUCK!?"

There was a brown patch on the back of his hand, too thick to be a sudden growth of body hair, and much too soft, Cody's legs wobbling as he stroked what he now realised was fur.

"A-am I going c-crazy!? Where did this even c-come from! This c-can't be fucking real... a-ah! It's so sensitive too..."

He blushed, feeling his cock rise within his jeans, touching the fur almost comparable to giving himself a handjob, the boy so distracted with pleasuring himself he didn't notice the brown slowly spreading, coating his twitching fingers with soft, flawless chipmunk fur, the shape of his hand slimming right under his wiggling nose.

"Heh! H-huh? S-something tickles! Hehe~! S-stop it~! S-something weird's going on- hahahhahaha~!"

He couldn't stop laughing, the strange arousal persisting even after he stopped stroking the fur, the feeling shifting into a wonderful, ticklish pleasure as it filled every inch of his body. Even the tickling that was filling his wiggling nose was mixed with an addictive feeling of pleasure, his giggling mixing with confused moans.

The rational part of his brain was concerned, slightly scared that the feeling was almost like something was pushing out, the feeling climaxing with a pleasured scream and a deafening, painful CRACK.


He felt his face in shock, looking down with wide, frightened eyes, realising the feeling of something pulling had been anything but metaphorical and was instead terrifyingly literal. The lower part of his face had pushed outwards, growing into an unmistakable, almost animalistic snout. It shouldn't have been possible. It looked like something from a nightmare, a bad dream, anything but reality. But no matter how desperately he thought of explanations, it wouldn't change the fact it was happening to him.

Cody shivered, the tip of his longer nose compressing and shifting into a cute black button as he looked down at his shaking hands, whimpering as he saw they had both been consumed by the fur and daintiness.

"W-what's... what's happening to me? I-I don't w-want... am I t-turning into an animal!? No! I don't want to be an animal! P-please don't d-doooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!! A-AH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The conquest of his hands wasn't enough, Cody helpless as the fur began to advance up his arms, the soft sensitivity burning as his body hair was multiplied and assimilated into the chestnut mass. It felt good, his cock only throbbing more despite his overwhelming terror as his muscles tingled, their hard-earned bulk melting away like it had been drenched in mega muck.

"H-huh? A-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. H-head feels f-funny..."

Cody didn't know how, but something about the last thought made his brain feel off slightly, a small tingling sensation infiltrating his unprotected mind while he was none the wiser, his lips swelling as small patches of paler fur broke out on his new snout. He was still focused on his arm though, gasping in shocked bliss as the slimmer muscles bulged out slightly, hidden strength lying beneath the surface.

It was hard to believe, but he somehow knew he was just as, if not stronger, than before, strength built from years of infiltration missions and even after a year out of action, she was still as strong as-


His shoulders were next to fall, harsh breaks echoing through the trees as they snapped down, losing their broad shapes as they were compressed into compact, slender arches. His mind blanked out, the intense surge knocking the higher functions of his brain offline, casting him out into dreams as images rapidly flashed in front of his eyes.

Suddenly the forest was familiar. Somewhere he had spent years hiding and living in, where they established missions and made plans against an enemy they thought was unbeatable. Freedom. This was where freedom was born. He saw so much in that moment, maps and info of an unfamiliar world briefly overwriting what he knew of Earth, countless friends and foes, and a feeling of falling and terror snapping him back to reality.

Cody gasped, shaking like a leaf as he staggered back, the feelings running wild in his body suddenly surging, his very genetic makeup shifting and mutating as he clutched his skull in terror at what had just happened. He didn't know how, but for a moment, he wasn't him anymore. He'd slipped and fallen into another life, but the most frightening thing of all was the feeling of falling hadn't gone away, the boy unable to help himself from wondering just how far he would plummet.

He ran, unable to think clearly as he frantically searched for help, realising with a start that over half of his snout had been taken by the still spreading fur. The attempt was pointless though, the woods a total maze that he had no hope of navigating his way out of with this weird headache, ugh she probably would need to check Nicole and-

The invading thoughts burst in for a second, the boy squealing as the force of them sent him falling to the floor, moaning as his clothes began to brush against his body. Through half-open eyes, the reason became obvious, not even his clothes being spared from the changes, the fabric shrinking away, his shirt reduced to nothing and leaving him only in his shifting jacket.

It was unmistakably blue now, the old details washed out by the invading colour, shrinking into a tiny buttoned up vest that barely hid his chest, while not even bothering to hide his midriff. The sight of it was strangely familiar, to both him and the seemingly random thoughts that were breaking in, Cody still oblivious that they were anything but, another burst of bliss sending them flying all over his mind as he shook from the sheer bliss of it all.

Freedom Fighters, Mobius, Knothole, New Mobotropolis, Acorn, Sonic, Bunnie, Tails, Robotnik, Elias, Iron Dominion, Angel Island, Dark Legion, Nic-


He didn't notice his slip up in his panicked frenzy, his brain a mess as his psyche fell deeper into his bizarre mutations, his eyes rolling wildly as even their colour shifted back and forth, unsure what was the correct colour. Everything was happening too fast for him, but strangely that seemed almost normal, a giggle slipping out at the thought as his neck was coated with soft, flawless fur.

Part of him was almost ecstatic when he found himself targeted by two forces of pleasure, letting out a choked gasp as his throat was shocked from the inside as fur spread across his back like a wildfire, feeling like it weighed a hundred tons. It pinned him to the ground, his squirming form unable to escape as he pleaded in desperation, helpless as the pressure tore him further away from himself and his own humanity.


There was no one who could or would answer his pleas, leaving Cody at the changes’ mercy while the feeling in his throat only grew stronger, the electric sensation mixing with feelings that almost resembled burning heat and thick water being shoved down his throat. Something was going to give, he just knew it, a pleasured squeal was the only sound he could make as something popped in his neck.

He gasped, his eyes widening and staying that way from the sheer pleasure, something about his breaths seeming alien yet strangely familiar at the same time, his thought proven when a buzzing in his cheeks caused him to let out a high pitched squeak, the fur finishing spreading across his lower face as fuzzy cheek fluff formed. It made his cock throb, something inside him desiring its lovely feminine tone more than anything, the pressure on his back momentarily subsiding as he was left breathless.

"W-what the f-fuck was- my voice!? W-WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE!? I-it sounds- it sounds- nononono it can't be, there's no way nonononononono~!"

The realization had hit now, the blue in eyes shining as he looked down at the vest again, suddenly noticing how familiar it was, shaking in terror as he whimpered out nos of panic. It was Sally's voice. It was Sally's voice and it had come from his own lips, a-and he was growing fur and had her vest on and-


The pressure on his back returned as suddenly as it had vanished, the boy squealing in his obsession’s voice as her influence spread, little explosions of Sally that dug into his shifting psyche and didn't let go. Just the sound of it turned the experience into a pleasure-filled nightmare, his arousal soaring into dangerously high heights, unable to help it, not even he could hear what Sally sounded like when she was- when she was-



He came hard when his spine finally gave way, the boy squealing down as his size was annihilated, his newly curved furry back forcing him to raise his ass upwards, his vision spinning as he lost almost half his former height. His increasingly pronounced eyelashes fluttered wildly as his shifting eyes made his head ache, his brain flooded with thoughts of freedom, strategy and memories of what was important like Nicolenicolenic-

Cody squealed, the brief flash of Sallyness making it hard to think like himself for a moment, his brain taking a moment to regain its focus before it was immediately assaulted by another attack of ecstasy. It felt like someone had put a magnet into the very tip of his spine, something that was intent on attracting as much mass as possible.

It was impossible to stop it, the boy only able to squeak and shake as his lost height was repurposed as thick layers of fat, all of it applying itself into his ass, each thrust upwards making it even thicker. The bouncing pleasure was making him cum just as much as his own screaming, his embarrassment increasing when he realised just how much it was pushing his pants to their limit.

The seams were tearing, the soft fur coating his behind as bits of his Sallyfied ass bulged free from the gaps as it continued to grow. His spinning eyes were surrounded by fur too, his brain slipping down as it sank deeper into an oily ocean of another life.

His pants couldn’t take much more, something that didn’t seem to stay in his head, the entire thing seeming surreal and crazy, torn right from the special zone or something crazy like-


His ass surged out further from the thought, utterly tearing through the fabric as he cried out in involuntary delight, especially when the pressure in his spine grew in intensity. The panic was peaking, his mind a mess of fear, pleasure, and gushing for Sally, unable to help himself from obsessing and loving every little detail of her.


Cody knew his spine was about to pop, and he was ashamed to admit that part of him was excited at the thought, the pressure shifting and shaking like something was moving beneath his skin, desperate to get out and break free. It was going to get its wish too, the boy knowing he could do nothing to stop it as new nerves fried his brain with chaotic, mobian pleasures.

He was seeing rings and emeralds when it finally tore free, his wail animistic as a small, fluffy tail floofed out, his pants falling to the ground as it wagged in delight. His trousers were kicked free from his pleasurable shakes, his brain feeling like it was breaking, the insistence of being anything other than a Mobian Chipmunk seeming ridiculous. Especially something as fake sounding as a hoomun, was that like an overlander or some-


The orgasms were happening as often as breathing now, his dazed brain wondering how he had so much cum to give, the fur spreading all over his body as his obsession continued her relentless slaughter of him. His head was covered with her soft, flawless perfection, his ears twitching as it bled into his brain as it grew harder to think like s-someone else...


The pleasure was redefining his definition of himself, autocorrecting it to a her as the new meaning was pounded into his skull, his twitching ears moving up with each thrust, growing into points as they expanded, only increasing his range of hearing. His fully feminised eyelashes fluttered wildly as his tail wagged from bliss, moaning in conflict as his thick ass squished into the ground, another burst of cum sliding down his legs as the fur spread down his limbs.

His knees knocked together from the feelings, his legs going though the same process as his arms, his muscle minimising and compressing itself into slimmer shapes, only gaining strength despite their smaller appearance. It was strength that had been built from years of constant experience and use, the air brushing against them as his new ears wriggled from bliss.

Codly's eyes were blue now, his soul feeling like it was burnt into the same colour as everything twirled together, his old life being ripped from his brain like pages from a comic book, all while memories and information about another were stapled in their place. Even his shoes weren't spared from the world's influence, the material suddenly tightening as he squeaked in euphoria.

He was entering zones of unending pleasure, his shoes climbing up his feet as blue washed out the black, morphing into tall boots, forcing his muscle into slimmer forms as his feet turned cute and dainty. They were being covered with fur too, the feeling of the smooth, flawless texture bringing him further away from his humanity, old meanings slipping away as his world was redefined, his eyes wide in delight as fur coated his thighs.


His mind was only half coherent from the raw feelings rushing through him, Codlly delirious from the sheer strength of it, the infiltration of Sally transforming into a full on invasion, something that was reflected in his hair. The dull blonde strands were literally burning, a fiery mobian inferno taking them all, gently flowing downwards, parting on the top of his head to reveal his twitching ears while strands fell in front of his eyes.

Part of him was wondering how he could even have hair when he had fur, but the majority was too focused on loving it to care, addicted to the feeling of it tickling his neck, loving how much it made him look like Sally. Adored how much it made him feel like herself. There was no going back now, she knew it, Colly accepting it with open arms as she squealed and came, pressing her thighs together as her fur demanded its growth.

Her body obeyed, the barely boy giving into the all-encompassing obsession of Sally, screaming in mindlessness as she realised just how hard it was to resist, so draining, it would be better to give in, giggling while her thighs were injected with incredible plushness.


They were still growing as she screamed out the other girl’s name, each surge of mass into her thighs making the memories spike into her head, memories of the cute lynx girl she loved so much clouding her psyche as the obsession spread. She couldn't stop thinking of her, of her companionship that had lasted so long, of staring up into the stars together, spending time in the city she created and so much more.

Thinking of her made her horny, and it made her want to be curvy too, Colly squealing as her sides dipped inwards, sending more fat dropping into her exploding thighs, bringing them out even further as it milked the cum from her cock. Her fully grown thighs jiggled with fat, while her stomach burned with delight. She whimpered, her instincts begging for it to melt away into nothing, needing to be slender for her love.

She screamed happily as her desires were fulfilled, the mass burning as it shrank, slenderized into perfection as it was reduced to a tight, sexy tummy that was completely shown off by her lack of clothes. There were only two areas left that needed attention and one about to be addressed as her erect nipples brushed against the fabric of her vest.


Cally's gurgling old self was fully consumed by her growing love as the fat of her stomach was repurposed, the humanity dying as the Mobian squeaked happily, the swelling in her heart reflected in reality while mass forced her chest outwards. The flaming and shocking pleasures were far beyond human understanding, her straining cock emptying itself of the last of its human seed as the vest was gradually pushed out by expanding pillows of massive, thick fat.

The growth seemed neverending, slowly piling on the pressure onto her vest, pushing it to its limits as they swelled more and more, the button keeping the fabric together barely able to stay attached until it could take no more, the button struggling to contain the hefty tits until it finally went


The button flew off as her breasts escaped from the constraints, the vest parting as they jiggled freely, the almost girl squealing with glazed over eyes, rolling over onto her back as her tail shook happily. Only her cock remained, and it wasn't going to last much longer, her shaft twitching in need for a moment before a chunk of it suddenly shot back inside her.

She couldn't stop screaming, addicted to the feelings of her cock fucking itself into nothing, folding away into her tight pussy never to emerge again, the sensations filling her with incredible bliss. It was sinking fast and she loved it, every thrust clearing out more of the clutter that her old life brought, the tiny nub about to explode as her eyes rolled into her skull, every thought and instinct desperate for it to go away for good.

It just needed a little push, one last nudge to fully push her over the edge into Sallyness, Cally spinning into her permanent new life as thoughts of her love gave the invading force the opportunity it needed, completely pulling the unsightly thing inwards and removing the last human flaw visible on her curvy, furry body. Sally shrieked in heavenly delight, loving the feeling of her perfectly flat crotch, the pleasure rocking her world as her slender fingers ran over it.

Her pronounced girly eyelashes fluttered as she gradually regained awareness, clutching her head as the fog cleared, the Flicky's birdsong allowing the surroundings to slip back into focus. Memories of what she was doing soon slipped into the cracks, Sally having the oddest feeling she was overanalyzing herself as her tail wagged slightly, the Mobian putting a hand to her face as she sighed happily, enjoying the brief rest on her walk back home through the Great Forest.

"Sigh... it really is peaceful here. Coming here is always the best way to get my head straight with everything going on. The natural beauty of Mobius always reminds me of what I'm fighting for."

She smiled at the thought, her assets jiggling as she stretched, getting to her feet while her ears twitched happily, the girl savouring the peace and tranquillity of her surroundings. Things back in New Mobotropolis had only gotten worse since she was gone, but now that she was saved and deroboticized, they could finally start putting some of them right.

It would be tough, but if she knew anything by now, it was that things would always be difficult for them. There was no use dwelling on that though, she just needed to keep focusing on moving forward with her fellow Freedom Fighters.

"Sally? Are you there? Everything alright?"

She blushed as she heard her friend's voice come from the communicator, pulling it out of her vest pocket and responding as quickly as she could.

"I'm fine Nicole. Just lost in thought a bit, I'm heading back now. The warp ring readings might have just been a system error."

"Oh. That's unfortunate... I was hoping it would give us a lead to help Knuckles after what happened in Albion..."

"Don't worry Nicole. I'm sure we'll be able to find a way to help him eventually. We can't afford to lose hope."

Her blush grew deeper when she heard her friend laugh softly, rubbing her thighs together instinctively as she started to continue her walk back.

"Of course, thank you Sally. I really did miss you, you know?"

"I-I missed you too! A-anyways, see you back in the city?"

"Certainly. See you then, princess."

The voice cut off after that, a smile filling Sally’s face as she walked between the great oak trees, excited to rejoin the company of her closest friends and continue her recovery until it was time to continue her fight once more.


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