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It had taken months of research and hard work, but he had finally found it.

Sam smiled as he stared at the large stone archway, the meaning of the symbols that were etched onto them lost to time, the sight filling him with excitement. He'd always loved researching the past, but unlike his peers, he had never been satisfied studying the traditional periods, his ego far too great to build off what hundreds of people had done before.

No, he wanted something greater, he wanted to research something that no one else had before, something that would leave a lasting mark in the academic world, something he had been scoffed at for even thinking of trying. He remained convinced though, sure there was some unexplored area of history he could uncover, eventually discovering some artefacts that could potentially lead to results.

Information was sparse, and the items themselves were even more so, but one was perfect, an old map to an unknown location that matched up perfectly with a forest in Japan. It was exactly what he needed, the man setting off immediately as soon as he confirmed it. It was hard to decipher what the area he was going to had originally been; it looked to be  some sort of spring from the tapestry, connected to a woman in some way, one that the locals held in high regard.

He theorised she could have been a priestess or ruler of some kind, but that wasn't important; if the place was still standing, then it was all the proof he needed. Sam took a deep breath before entering the cave, walking down the tunnel before turning a corner, lost for words at the sight he was met with.

"Holy shit! This is... wow..."

It looked more like something from a fairy tale than real life, the isolated spring gently splashing as the sun's rays beamed down from a hole in the rock ceiling, the walls covered with moss as strange coral-like things stuck out of the ground at unusual angles. His eyes were wide as he walked into a place that hadn't been visited in centuries, staring at it in awe as he soaked in the otherworldly sight that was everything he had ever dreamed of and more.

Most importantly of all, it was proof. Proof that would finally get the others to treat him and his theories with the respect they deserved! He laughed victoriously as he set up his camera equipment, determined to get the best shots possible to rub it in further, shocked when he noticed the water looked like it was glowing a beautifulblue in the light.

"Wait, hang on... I'm not seeing things, it really is glowing! How is it..."

He walked closer to the pool in surprise, almost enchanted by the sight, so focused on  getting the closest look he could, standing on the edge as he looked into the depths. It was deeper than he expected, Sam swearing he could see the source of the glow if he focused enough, a faint blue pulsating at the very bottom of the spring, something that would certainly need a closer investigation once he'd called in some-


He only had a moment to cry out as the stone he was standing on suddenly gave way, the man losing his balance as he fell into the spring with a splash. Sam thrashed in panic, the suddenness of what had happened filling him with fear and desperation as he tried to swim back to the surface. It was useless to even attempt it though, the man's cries of fear only coming out as terrified gurgles, Sam swearing that the current was against him, something powerful pulling his body down.

Nothing could help him escape, the force too strong to get away from, his heart beating like crazy as he was pulled all the way to the bottom. His vision blurred, his panic peaking as he tried to fight against the weight, not noticing his thrashing sending a strange blue gemstone up off the ground, attaching itself to his collar with a click. Suddenly he could breathe again, the man gasping in relief, his body shaking as he regained his bearings, wondering how he could even be breathing when he was at the bottom of the spring.

“I-I... is it something to do with this thing? What e-even is it?”

It couldn’t be the source of the water's glow, it was far too small for that, yet it was the exact same colour and shade as it, something that only made him even more intrigued. He took a closer look at the gem, only now noticing the strange pattern imprinted on it, the symbol drawn in the same style of the ones engraved on the door. Was it part of the same language? Maybe he should touch it and see if he could figure out what it was made o-


The touch made him tingle, a strangled gurgle his only response as his hand shot away, the sensation lingering as it coursed through him, the strange aftershock making everything feel slightly off. Every part of him felt funny, something starting to build inside him, the feeling making him shiver as he tried to swim out again, his body unmoving as something continued to weigh him down.

He was so desperate to get out he didn't realise just how much of an effect his movements had on him, the water sloshing against him as he was unknowingly stripped of his body hair, leaving only smooth, soft flesh in its wake. It made his panicked movements feel oddly sensual, his cock twitching at the occasional spurt of arousal that spurred inside him.

It had to be some sort of bodily reaction, Sam refusing to accept that a near death experience turned him on as he continued to uselessly try and escape, gasping in shock as the same tingling buzzed on his shoulders. Sam had no idea where the feeling had come from, but he honestly couldn't complain, part of him hoping the sensation would get even stronger to make the experience a bit more bearable.

He was going to get his wish, the man unaware just how deadly the desire would become, something in his head giggling as he paused for a moment. What was so funny? And why did he think about laughing in the first place? Ugh this didn't make any-

"Hehe~. As amusing as this is, I'm afraid I'm getting a little bit impatient~. Go and wait at the bottom like a good little boy ok?"



Sam screamed as the tingling that had engulfed his shoulders erupted into a full blown detonation, the loud crunch echoing through his brain like cannonfire as he was sent falling all the way down to the bottom. He twitched and spasmed as he sank, the man's eyes widening as he realised the explosion of sensations was terrifyingly literal, the very shape of them unmistakably wrong.

It was like someone had broken his shoulders and tried to fit what was left back together, leaving them slim and slender as he landed on the bottom of the spring once more. He groaned, his stiff cock twitching as the confusingly pleasant feelings flowed through him, his glazed over eyes looking down to see the blue gem glowing right when the feminine voice returned, every syllable reverberating through his body.

"Oh, that's just the complete rewriting of every cell and strand of DNA in your body~! My vision contains a complete record of my body, and I suppose you could see it as painting a new piece of art over one that's already there~!"

It was a girl's voice, a happy, excited, bubbly voice that only made him even hornier, even when her words terrified him, his brain struggling to keep up with everything that was happening. He didn't understand, thrashing as he found his attempts at swimming out even more useless than before, the feminine voice giggling slightly, the cheerful sound mixed with some hidden amusement.

"Oh no no no~. You're not leaving yet~. There's still a lot I need to do first~."

"N-no! Let me g-go! I-I'm not going to let s-some crazy girl torture me! Come out right now and s-stop this before I- MMMF!?"

He was cut off by something forcing its way into his mouth, his eyes wide as the water of the spring itself was turned against him, a large chunk forming into a tendril and ramming down his throat. He twitched weakly, cumming into the ocean waves as the feminine voice giggled in amusement.

"Giggle~! Oh my~! Are all people in this time so quick to jump to conclusions? Not only do you think I'm somewhere you can see, but torture? Trust me. You would know if I was torturing you, silly boy. I'm just doing something about that voice of yours~."

Sam shivered from the dominating tone in her voice, helpless as the tendril wrapped around something in his throat, his squeals muffled by its sheer size as it tore it free and pulled out. He gasped as he could finally breathe again, his eyes widening even more as he saw what had been pulled free, his lips tingling as they swelled into heavenly soft pillows.

"A-a ribbon? H-how... how... huh? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE!?"

It was identical to the one in his head, his deep male voice now sweet and feminine, the sound of it leaving his lips making him shake in terror. It didn't make sense, none of it did, his new girly voice, his slimmer shoulders, and especially this. He only panicked further as he felt his eyes burn, crying out in terror as the green was swallowed up by the deep blue of the ocean.

"Oh, I just turned that Adam's Apple into something more pleasant! I can use it for something later~!"

His eyelashes fluttered in alarm as he clutched his head, realising with a start how the voice was so loud when he was underwater, the words echoing through his head as he put his new voice to good use, squeaking from the intense feelings. Her words had power, and he was a victim to just how strong they could be, his skull compressing in on itself as they slowly broke it apart.

Sam's eyes sparkled as his jaw and nose were crunched down, the water crashing against his face in response to the girl's desires, eroding away his old features like sand from the beach, leaving behind cute, womanly perfection. It was driving him crazy with lust, his cock throbbing in pure desire, even his face feeling different and strange as he hopelessly tried to pull himself away.


"Hmmmm? Oh, it's quite simple~! Does your culture not use visions anymore? A shame, they're really quite useful~! I already told you what's happening anyways~. Oh... do you not have magic either? How did things get so backwards? Anyways, I'm taking your body as my own~! I've been down here for quite a while and I've been waiting so long to get out~! I really must thank you for finding me~! Hehe~. I can't wait to explore... Japan? Oh is that what it's called now? How interesting~!"

He screamed out protests as the water brushed against his core, teasing his nerves with sparks of bliss as he gasped and shook from euphoria, the cool water heating up into a hot spring as his eyes spun. There was a glow in his brain, a blue glow that was reading him like a book, worming its way into his mind, humming in interest at the information on the modern world.

It was too much for him, the searing heat crashing against his core, his skin bubbling as the muscle within evaporated, slimmed down into slender perfection as he shrieked in horror. The visible strength was fading, the brutish muscles banished from the forming masterpiece with gusto, his new arms still containing any strength that was needed without spoiling his form in the slightest.

His vision was becoming unfocused, bubbles popping next to his head as strange thoughts were sent coiling through, memories of beautiful, unreal environments, unfamiliar figures, and intense conflict disrupting the regular flow of his brain. He could feel the glow inside too, reading the information happily, shivering as he realised she was barely looking through the parts of his brain that were him, more skimming through, treating him more like a slightly interesting side character in a novel she was reading rather than a person in his own right.


”Oh yes. I saw that you desired frame and riches. But you really shouldn’t be under the impression that makes you entitled to it~. The sooner you accept that you can’t escape, the sooner you’ll start enjoying this~. But you should know that pride always comes before the fall. This will be no exception~.”

She giggled smugly, Sam shrieking as every muscle burnt, steam rapidly produced from his body like he was being roasted, making every inch of him tingle as he thrashed around like a rag doll. He was trapped in a sauna of pleasure, the steam slipping into his ears and fogging his brain as all his limbs continued to slowly deflate, losing their hard earned strength and leaving behind nothing but flawless, feminine perfection.

He really could do nothing but endure the blows to his body, squealing as the vision on his collar pulsed with energy, desperate to do anything to stop this as his cum tinted the water white. Sam was terrified at what was happening to him, determined to escape his fate, realizing the jewel was the reason this was happening as he pulled it off in a panic.

The feeling of victory was terribly fleeting, the man gasping as he found it impossible to breathe once more, the weight preventing him from getting away, quickly reattaching the gem in panic. Air filled his lungs once more, joined by playful giggling as it started to sink in just how unavoidable his fate was.

"Oh my, I have to say, pulling off the only thing keeping you alive down here was something you really didn't think through~! But by all means, take it off if you would rather not be used as my new body~."

"B-but... but... t-that's not... FAHHHHHHHHHHHHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He squealed as her corruptive, pure essence spread through him, feeling like sweet poison to his body, the tips of his hair bleached blue from her presence alone.

"You should know that nothing's fair in battle. I'm just taking advantage of my limited resources to gain the valuable territory that I desire~!”

She scolded him like a misbehaving child, but Sam still attempted to deny reality with his continued resistance, whining about his deserved importance and only annoying Kokomi further, the girl sighing as the body's fists clenched so hard his hands broke apart into dainty girliness. It wasn’t that frustrating though, after all, there was more than one way to win this battle, and even with the limited options she had, victory was already in her grasp

"You should learn some humility. Luckily for you, the tides here are excellent when it comes to self-realisations. How about I demonstrate~?"


The water didn't take kindly to his insults to their priestess, the girl giggling as he screamed in horror and delight, helpless as the water thrusted into his ass, fucking him raw as it punished him for his transgressions. It wasn't gentle, Sam's brain feeling like it was bouncing in his skull with each violent push, his body alight with sensations and pleasures that it didn't have the faintest idea how to comprehend.

It was big, the tendril that was forcing its way in feeling so massive compared to his asshole, his body feeling like it would split open from the sheer force and girth of it, his body shaking and thrashing as his eyes glazed over. He was screaming, every thrust sending him lurching forward as he was punished for his ego, his ass feeling like it was swelling from the utter beating he was receiving.

Sam was horrified to discover just how literal the feeling was, crying as each thrust forced another burst of fat inside, adding to its inviting jiggle as he begged for it to end. Kokomi didn't care much for mercy though, punishment far more enjoyable as the water continued to blow through his defences and limits as it fucked plumpness into his ass.

He was vaguely aware he was cumming, but it was all blending together in a haze of unbearable bliss, each surge somehow surpassing the last as the thrusts only grew in intensity. It was taking every bit of his mental energy to stay afloat, but even that couldn't stop the brief submersions into battles and priestly duties, along with a world he had only dreamed of discovering.

"Ironic, isn't it? You wanted to discover a new world, and yet you still resist when I pump your brain full of it. How funny~!”

While his ambitions were stronger, his body was still very weak, his spine crunching as the tendril pounded into his ass like a jackhammer, inches of height rapidly draining from his cock as he convulsed from the pure, overwhelming ecstasy. The fucking only sped up the decaying of his muscles, rapidly draining the little remaining strength into steam that wafted into his face, clouding his already hazy mind further.

He had no power over her, something that was terribly clear as faint bliss built behind his nipples, the thrusting tendril pushing deeper, punishing him for his ego, his slimming waist crunching and cracking deeper from the overwhelming force of it all. His very body shook from each thrust, his mind starting to fracture as the tendril forced his hips apart, the feeling horribly addictive, the distinction between what was him and what was the voice fading as giggles echoed through the fog, beckoning him like a siren’s song.

Hehe~. Enjoying yourself~? The waters here are so eager to please their priestess~. You really must admire its devotion~”


“I've already told you that nothing’s fair in battle, I’m afraid~. Are you being fucked so hard your thoughts are looping? Also please stop yelling for this god thing! Your Archon replacements won’t stop this. I won’t stop this. You wanted proof of a new civilisation? What’s greater than the full, unabridged account from someone who lived there right in your head~? You really should be more careful what you wish for~. Hmmmmm, I wonder if Ei is still around?”

The thoughts were pounding into his brain, mashing his identity with each thrust, his massive, jiggly ass being filled with so much fat that it spilled over into his thighs. He screamed, his knees knocking together as his thighs slid against his cum soaked shaft, the orgasm lasting for so long that his dazed mind almost thought the intense sensations were normal.

He tried to hold onto the fact he didn’t want this, but Kokomi made that important fact seem more like a footnote as she flicked his tiny hand, the small, dainty thing looking much more at home on his lithe limb. The water obeyed her will, the voice smugly giggling as Samiya wailed into the depths, the raging hot water suddenly groping his nipples, coaxing something from his core.


"Hmmmmmmmmm~? Hehe~! You're so funny~! Acting like you don't want this~. Especially when we both know you do~! How silly~."

Fat was piling into his chest, pushing it out like a pair of water balloons as the water sensually brushed against them, bringing him to even greater heights of bliss as he convulsed violently in the depths. She was right too, his brain shrieking in delight and need, unable to deny how much he wanted his chest to grow, the warm water driving him crazy with lust.

Her essence and hold on him were spreading too, streaks of salmon pink rapidly breaking through his hair, his old colour removed like trash as it fluttered down like a waterfall. It was growing fast too, Saomiya feeling the bubbles go pop in his brain, making everything so much more confusing, his eyes spinning into pulsing blue spirals as the new length was fucked into him.

It felt like he was drowning for real, and there was nothing that would be able to save him now, the memories pouring into his brain only growing in number, driving him crazy as he started to lose track of who he was through it all. His perfectly softened hair felt too good, the new thoughts too right, everything combining into a tornado of neverending delights as the vision grew brighter.

"Oh and how careless of me! We need to fix that outfit right away~! A priestess has a certain image to uphold after all~."

The blue engulfed his clothes, his whimpering protests not enough to stop them, weakly squirming as the ribbon that had once been his Adam's Apple was tied up into a bow with the vision in the centre. The tides stripped him of what wasn't needed, most of his pants torn away as his jacket was opened up, sliding down his smaller shoulders as it was dyed the same shade as the ocean, the fabric softening as the quality was improved tenfold.

His sleeves floofed out as the bow and vision reattached themselves to the shirt beneath, its glow piercing his mind as the reformatting continued, his body still bucking from the neverending fucking as his brain bubbled and popped, the barely man straying further away from himself with each one. His shirt merged with his pants, his chest area dipping down to show his almost fully grown cleavage.

It wasn't quite done yet, the fabric parting on his chest to reveal his slender, sexy core, the little remaining fat and muscle melting into perfection, the mass repurposed for his jiggly breasts as they suddenly surged into c-cups. His twitching shaft was fully visible in the skintight shorts, pressed like a worm between approaching walls of fat.

He gurgled as the tendril finally slid out from his ass, barely aware of anything as Kokomi’s thoughts washed out what was left of him, his tiny body twitching as his socks climbed up into lilac tights, her tiny hands shaking as gloves formed to cover them. His name was out of reach, his pride and ego non-existent, his brain soaking up all her thoughts like a sponge as the idea of her being a different person began to fade.

"N-nooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I-I'm... I'm... w-what am I again? Giggle... a-all these happy bubbles m-make it r-really hard to think..."

Now that she had broken through the enemy defences, all that remained were the final blows to end the war of identities, Kokomi firing the first shot as she playfully squeezed one of her brand new breasts, acting gleefully unaware of how it affected her host's dying identity.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. This feels perfect~! Just the right amount of bounce and softness~! How do you like it~?"


"Teehee~. A simple yes would have sufficed~. I suppose screaming is an effective replacement though~! It is a useful way to communicate emotion on the battlefield after all. But oh dear~! My thighs aren't finished growing! What a shame~. Well considering the limited resources I have on hand, there's only one thing I can do~."


The glow of the vision was conquering the enemy stronghold of his identity, the glow washing out all of Sam as the rest of his body fell, no resistance commander to guide them as the leggings utterly crushed his legs. The muscle that had remained untouched for so long never stood a chance, pressed and squeezed into mush that was forced directly into his thighs, his shrinking toes curling as his shoes opened up into sandals.

No amount of self preservation could save him from the sheer pleasure that followed, his indigo eyes sparkling as his pupils were consumed with the overwhelming shade. He couldn't stop it now, and he wasn't sure he wanted to, content to scream in delight as his denial, his mind, and his personality popped, a new mind finally taking control for good as what remained of her old self spurted from her cock as pure clear water.

Her body convulsed from sheer euphoria, her mouth twitching into a smirk as her cock twitched and squirmed from within the outfit, the last directionless soldier that was only now realising it was on the losing side. It was almost too easy to take care of, a wave of her hand all she needed, Kokomi giggling playfully as her balls shrivelled away and died, the cum swishing inside burning into pure, wonderful water.

The change wasn't just symbolic of her superiority though, it was the weapon she would use to put an end to the battle, the liquid now hers to control as she willed it to pull.


The empty, sad excuses for balls didn't stand a chance, the water obeying the desires of its master as they were eagerly slurped inside like a well prepared meal of Bird Egg Sushi, giving the girl just as much pleasure as she squeaked from wonderful delight. With that done, all that was left was to hammer in the final nail in the coffin, said nail twitching and throbbing in need.

"My my. Even when you're barely existent in my body, you still beg for attention. Such a needy boy. Oh well, I'm a generous general so I'll follow your last request~."

She did so gleefully, letting out giggly, happy moans as the water obeyed her commands, another tendril forming in front of her crotch to finish the pointless thing for good. It got to work right away, Kokomi squealing and shaking from bliss as the tendril rammed into her cock with enough force to send half of it back inside at once.

Her squeals echoed through the spring, her eyes rolling into her skull as the tendril contained its barrage, pure water spurting from her shaft like a water fountain with each chunk that sank into the feminine depths of her new opening. The sheer size of it made her shake, the water finding it a struggle to fit such a large package into her tight pussy, her squirms helping the slippery little thing along as her body erupted with delight.

Kokomi was nothing but persistent, giggling between her ecstatic shrieks as the cock started to give, the tendril hammering down on its weak points, tearing apart its defences as it fell deeper and deeper. Soon it was just a little nub, straining from bliss, the girl smirking as she looked down at it, finishing it off at last as the water hammered into it one last time.



She came hard, wailing from the overwhelming delight, her thighs squishing together with nothing to stop them, her first orgasm in her new body purging anything that had remained of her body’s former personality. She floated back, gasping for breath for a moment as she regained her bearings, her eyelashes fluttering cutely while she felt the flatness between her legs, ensuring that nothing had remained as her knees rose instinctively, a small smile filling her face as she played with her hair, savouring the feelings of her completed body.

“Mmmmmmmmmm... oh, that experience was positively wonderful~! I certainly didn’t expect my reemergence to feel as amazing as that~! Not that I’m complaining of course~. Hehe~!”

Kokomi giggled to herself, enjoying every moment and little feeling of her new body, even the way the water brushed against her flesh, making her body tingle pleasantly as she shivered from bliss. She really had spent far too long cooped up in that vision, the girl smiling as she stretched her new muscles, giddy with excitement as she ran through all the information about the modern world in her head.

It was hard to believe just how much had changed since her time! The advances in technology along with the world’s strange new cultures offering almost infinite possibilities for her. She smiled, the weight that had been holding her back vanishing as she shot to the surface, her beautiful body bursting from the spring as she floated above the water.

She smiled softly, feeling utterly refreshed as the water spun around her, Kokomi surveying the condition of the ruins in interest, admiring the effects time had on the proud temple. She tested her control over the elements one more time while she did so, idly forming a fish in her hand as her eyes sparkled with joy.

Slowly, she gently lowered herself to the ground, giggling softly as she adjusted her clothes slightly, her hair and breasts bouncing as she eagerly walked down the tunnel, more than excited to see the brand new world beyond.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so excited! The world's changed so much! And there's simply so much to do now! With much fewer responsibilities to shoulder too! Oh, I adore this! But where to start... I know! Those real-time strategy games sounded interesting! Maybe I could get some of them after I find Ei and Yae and start... oh what do they call it... streaming? Well whatever it is it sounds like lots of fun~!"

She giggled to herself at the thought, fully looking forward to her new life, free from responsibilities to pursue what she wanted, the girl leaving the cave with a smile as she entered new, uncharted waters~.


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