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Marcus smiled to himself, breathing a sigh of relief as he sat down in the park, pleased to finally have a moment to himself after all the constant busyness.

It felt like he was always working lately, the 16-year-old stuck doing task after task set by his teachers, constantly barraging him with work and completely exhausting him. He knew there were exams coming up soon, but the teachers here seemed to be treating him more like a machine than a person, barely giving him a chance to rest through all the revision he had to do.

Moments such as this had become few and far between for him lately, Marcus pleased he managed to clear out a morning for himself, already planning to meet with one of his friends later as he closed his eyes and savoured the peace and quiet. He couldn't help but wish he had more days like this, the stress of his schoolwork, something he wished would be behind him so he could focus on his life already.

Unfortunately, it wasn't like he could just skip such an important period of his life, the boy pushing it to one side as he continued to relax, not wanting to think of the stress any longer. He was lost in his own world, not noticing two girls walking past him, both of them not even giving him a second look as they sat down a short distance away.

"So, enjoying the day so far Blakey~?”

”Yang, I told you not to call me that.”

”Awwwwwwwwww, but you like ittttttttttttttttttttttt~. Don't lie Blake~.”

The blonde burst into giggles at her friend's embarrassed expression, her cheeks red as she crossed her arms, her bow twitching slightly under the teasing glare.

”Shut up Yang..."

"Oh my god, you get flustered so easily! That's adorable~. I told you that you’d enjoy going out with me Blake~."

"I-I always enjoy hanging out with you Yang... I was just nervous. Guess mom was right... she said I'd enjoy this more if I just stopped overthinking things."

Yang smirked at Blake's words, leaning back on the bench with a playful glint in her eye, another opportunity to tease the Faunus appearing as she giggled to herself.

"Of course, Kali knows best Blake~. That woman is as smart as she is hot~."

Marcus idly listened in to the conversation as he relaxed, only really paying half attention to what little he could hear. He let out a groan as a strange heat washed over him, the sunlight feeling like it was leaking into his insides. It was slightly uncomfortable, yet it was a strangely nice feeling, the boy squirming slightly as Blake went even redder from Yang's words.

"Y-Yang! You can't just say that about my mom!"

"But it's true! Have you seen her? Where do you think you got your hot body from? She looks a lot like you, and I have to say, that tan of hers almost makes her even better to look at~."

The boy groaned happily, the warmth that had filled him suddenly starting to surge, warming his insides with pleasantness as his skin began to shift. His flesh had been pale all his life, the boy never spending that much time in the sun that would allow it to change, but Yang's words were influencing it, the old colour roasting into an unmistakable tan as his body hair burnt away.

With his eyes closed, he didn't notice a thing, Marcus assuming the nice, tingling feeling on his skin was just a side effect of the intense sunlight as he sighed happily, the new skin tone spreading across his entire body in seconds.

"Yang p-please! I've heard enough about this already... I don't need you starting on it too..."

"Oh~? What do you mean Blakey~?"

"W-well... every one of my friends mentions it! I-It's ridiculous! Every time they see her, they keep mentioning how good she looks for her age, asking how she keeps in such good shape and how on earth she’s single and..."

As the blushing Faunus recounted all this, Marcus found that the warm tingling was a welcome addition to his relaxation, his groans starting to shift into pleased moans, his mind so transfixed by the feelings he didn't even consider how unusual they were. Most of the feelings seemed to be concentrated in his stomach, his muscular core built up from years of sports bubbling as the heat started to take its toll.

His tanned abs were melting, their hard, muscular forms breaking down under the intense heat, slenderizing into slim, toned fat, his stomach flat as his waist cracked inwards slightly. Marcus only vaguely noticed his shirt feeling looser, squirming slightly between his moans as his firm sides grew unable to support their current form, melting them into pronounced, feminine curves.

The boy gave a happy moan, oblivious to the tight, sexy stomach that he now possessed beneath his shirt, a midriff that had been drooled over by countless admirers over the years. The boy wasn't noticed by the two girls though, Yang laughing as Blake seemed to retreat further into herself, hiding her face in her hands.

"Oh man! I'm so happy I wasn't the first one! That just makes this even better! I mean I know it makes you uncomfortable Blake, but it's a fact that your mom is hot, you know?"

"I hate it. I hate it so much. The only thing that makes it worse is... well... she knows."

The girls paused after that, Yang blinking as she processed the meaning of her friend's words, slowly turning to face her with an expression that suggested Blake's torture was far from over.

"She knows that people find her hot! S-she's impossible to hide things from! Every time she hears one of my friends thinks she's hot, she starts acting all flirty! She winks at them... s-sways her hips... she even puts on a ton of makeup if they ever come around again! It's so embarrassing!"

While Blake was hiding her face, Marcus's was going through its own changes, a strange tickling feeling starting to engulf his features as he let out a dazed little laugh. It felt like makeup was being applied by an expert's hand, invisible pats sending it all over his cheeks as his bones were slowly pushed into new, sexier shapes.

His features rippled like waves with each pat of makeup, the boy slowly starting to think that something was off as he heard something crack nearby, assuming he stepped on something by mistake. The cause of the sound was far closer than he had realised, his shrunken nose and jaw left tiny and elegant on a face that was looking less like his own by the second.

Faint lipstick materialised over his plumping lips, a soft, sexual moan slipping out as purple edges were added around his eyes, covering his features with an alluring and seductive aura that demanded attention. In the darkness, his eyes widening was impossible to notice, as was their shift into a bright, piercing yellow, his face utterly transformed by the power of the girl's comments alone.

Yang soon recovered from her surprise though, smirking at what she had been told before giggling to herself.

"Wow, for a cat Faunus, Kali sure is a fox~. I bet she loves all that attention~."

"At least one of us does..."

Marcus groaned softly, a strange, alien presence breaking out on the roof of his skull, the sensations flowing through him a mix of pleasure and a headache. Even to his dazed mind, it was anything but normal, his cock rising to attention as the gentle presence turned violent, his eyes opening with a start as he let out a confused cry of delight.

Something was forcing its way out, the boy reduced to a mess of gasps and moans, his hands shooting up in shock, eyes fluttering open and widening as he found two small nubs in between the strands. It was impossible, his thoughts racing as he shakily pinched one.

"W-what the... where did... how... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!?!!!?!?!?!?!??!"

He squealed, the simple touch sending lightning bolts of bliss coursing through his body, Marcus losing control of himself as he spasmed wildly from total ecstasy. The nubs were ungodly sensitive, touching them activating receptors within he didn't even know existed, igniting them with delight beyond his imagination, the transformation and screams invisible to two girls as they continued like nothing was happening.

The feeling was only growing stronger, something pushing out of his head, his senses thrown totally out of whack as he shook and gasped from the unimaginable sensations he was being subjected to. New nerves were forming, Marcus putting his new face to good use as he looked like a woman being fucked, black fur sprouting over the growing nubs as they peeked out of his hair.

They were growing fast, the boy blushing as pre-cum leaked from his rock hard shaft, his eyes rolling into his skull as it felt like his brain was being attacked from within. He twitched in sync with the nubs, everything around him seeming louder as he hopelessly covered his ears, confused when it did nothing to stop the noises.

He yelped in bliss as his new cat ears finished bursting from his head, biting his lip to stop himself from yowling as sharp pain flooded them for a moment, golden jewellery materialising and piercing through the flesh. Marcus was left panting on the bench, now fully aware that something was wrong, squeaking in shock as he felt the cat ears on his head, before screaming when the face of a stranger stared back at him from hearhis reflection in his phone screen.

All the changes suddenly became extremely noticeable after that, the daze over his mind lifting as panic started to set in, the boy's hands roaming all over his body, everything feeling too smooth, too soft, his waist far too slender, and the addition of cat ears all too much for him.


He ended up cutting off himself, a touch of his fully grown ear confirming it was just as sensitive as before, a pleased, inhuman sound leaving his lips as he shut his eyes from bliss, his mind going blank for a moment as he simply soaked in the feeling. The boy was so caught up in the feeling he completely missed the girl's continuing conversation, having no idea just how important it was.

"Don't get me wrong Yang, I obviously love my mom, but god she can be embarrassing... I just wish she didn't flirt so much..."

"Man, I might need to mention this next time I'm at your place. I wouldn't complain hearing that smooth, sexy voice saying some things to m-"


His fingers twitched frantically as the pleasure suddenly returned with a vengeance, all of it focused on his neck, the boy's body flooded with bliss as he cooed out nya after nya. Each one sounded different to the last, the tone and pitch gradually shifting in pitch as it grew higher and higher by the second.

Soon it was utterly unrecognisable, his voice transformed to remove anything even remotely masculine, his mature, husky purrs only making him even hornier as his cock throbbed in need. It took him a moment to realise the feminine moans were his own, his eyes wide as he covered his mouth in shock, the fact that it was his voice seeming impossible.

"I-I... this c-can't be... am I d-dreaming!? Why does my voice sound like this!? And I have cat ears! This… this can't be real, right? I need to get out of here and figure out what's happening!"

He blushed to himself, hating how pleasing the sound of his new voice was, each silky word spoken with a sensual, teasing aura that appeared to be instinctual. It was something he couldn't stop, Marcus realising that he needed to find some help and fast, shakily rising off the bench, not noticing the continuing conversation in the distance.

"Oh you're just embarrassed since you know I'm right! Don't worry though, you know I always love you more Blakey~. Even if your mom's hips are like the widest pair I've ever seen~."


"Ok, I just need to... n-need... TOH~! OH~! AHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH FUCK IT FEELS SO GOOD WHAT'S HAP-"


He shrieked as something burst in his hips, intense pressure building and bursting, the sensation starting off slightly uncomfortable before driving into full-on pleasure when it grew even stronger. His legs shook from the feelings, his sexual gasps only adding to his arousal as his eyes glazed over slightly.

The single pop was joined by another, then another, his cat ears twitching in sync with the sounds as each one was joined by a pleased cry of delight, his body shaking as his hips grew wider and wider. Despite his panic, he couldn't deny they felt wonderful, his pants struggling to contain his growing hips, the sheer size of them blowing his mind.

As rips formed in the sides of his pants, Marcus found he couldn't help himself, squealing out a nya of delight as he came, his seed dripping down his smooth legs as the orgasmic aftershocks echoed through his mind. It was because of this that he didn't notice the beginnings of tingling breaking out in his brain, strange feelings edging against certain thoughts, altering them bit by bit.

It was too small for him to notice in the ocean of confusion though his mind, the terrified boy finding it was growing hard for him to move, almost like he was trekking through mud, something seemingly trying to keep him in place as he unintentionally swayed his wider hips. The only thing that scared him more was an urge inside of him, feelings and desires that were craving more of the addictive pleasures despite his panic.

He shook his head in conflict, trying his best to ignore the feelings before moving forward, gasping in alarm as he realised how pointless it was. Instead he tried a different approach, pulling out his phone and desperately dialing as the girls continued to talk behind him.

"Oh and you know what's better~? Her thighs! My god Blake, the thighs on that woman are unreal! All with that beautiful black hair~. You really got a lot of your looks from her, you know?"

"Please let me die... it's bad enough when she asks me what outfits show them off the best..."


His entire body spasmed as his phone dropped to the ground, the boy experiencing his first taste of how deep pleasure could be as he was mercilessly attacked by bliss from all sides. It felt like it was bleeding into him, forces beyond his understanding slowly pushing on his body to change it further, the roots of his hair dyed black as it burnt across his strands.

Not even his clothes were spared, the husky nyas making Marcus blush to himself as his cock throbbed in desire, his cries soon turning into delighted screams as the fabric of his outfit turned almost impossibly soft. It felt like heaven on his skin, pleasuring every part of it, the feelings forcing his cock to rapidly empty the contents of his balls.

It was less of an orgasm and more of a continuous release, the boy helpless to stop his masculinity from gushing out, his arousal soaring through the roof as he collapsed onto the bench, unable to even stay standing, his body thrashing in desire. Half of his hair was blackened in seconds, his clothes shifting, tightening, and feeling so much better all at once.

It was too much, it was too fucking much, yet he had no choice but endure it all as he wailed in desperate bliss, the two girls seemingly unable to hear him, his sleeves peeling away to expose his tanned shoulders, the fabric that remained soon becoming focused on squeezing his arms with unimaginable force.

Marcus's clothes had turned against him, his eyes wide as he was helpless to do anything but yowl and purr from delight, his cumming cock twitching from bliss alongside his cat ears as his green shirt was beached white. He flinched as the fabric parted and loosened, the sheer amount of space that was available only serving to add to his heightened panic.

He squeaked as his pants started to merge together, his face red as the fabric started to flutter in the breeze, floofing outwards as it combined with his shirt to form a long, flowing dress. It seemed too big for him at first, the black material pooling past his feet along with his fluids, the boy feeling ridiculous in such a feminine outfit, especially the purple heart on the front, despite part of him cooing happily at how cute it looked~.

Marcus didn't even have the chance to process the thought before he was suddenly hit by a striking blow of bliss, a pleased yowl slipping out as his spine collapsed with a violent crack. The impact added inches to his height, the bottom of his skirt rising alongside his growing legs, revealing his feet and ankles as his eyes glazed over.

It was unlike anything he had experienced, somehow feeling both wrong and right in a deadly combination that left him speechless, his body shaking in anticipation as he looked down at his new girly outfit. He could feel the wind brush against his exposed, curved back, teasing his flesh with sparks of bliss, the feelings washing over him and focusing in his shoulders, his panicked gasps growing more frequent as he mentally pleaded for them not to-



He was helpless to stop his shoulders’ collapse, electric jolts shocking though him as they were crunched into slim arches, the last of his seed splattering to the floor, his emptied balls left looking more like dried up raisins. It was hard to think, his brain feeling fuzzy, blurry, the boring lessons he had sat though yesterday morphing in his mind, the subjects changing as they started to feel a lifetime away.

His life was being rewritten, memories of taking part in sports changing to an outsider's view, drool forming in his mouth as he recalled just how hot the boys looked in their uniforms. Even his muscle memory was being rewritten, his shrinking fingers twitching and spasming as instincts of cooking and applying makeup filled in the blanks left behind from rough sports and video games, the concepts suddenly feeling childish and unfamiliar as his hair was fully lost to the midnight black.


It was stronger than him, that was clear now, a pleased purr warming his throat as new foreign instincts tainted his mind, removing everything it deemed childish whether he wanted it or not. Marcli whimpered as he ran his hands down his body, blushing at how little it hid his curves, especially with the holes that left his thighs exposed.

Why was he wearing something like this? He felt so exposed in them, so open, everything on display for the young hotties that her daughter brought over, their eyes hungrily eating up the sight of her mature curves and massive, plump thi-


His thighs were on fire, the boy's mind blown by the unending depths of pleasure that just kept coming, his cock firing blanks as fat poured into his thighs. It wouldn’t stop, it just wouldn’t stop, mental resistance impossible in the face of such unrivalled bliss. All he could do was react, his new feminine screams drawing him deeper into his new identity.

He kicked wildy, shivering as his socks climbed up his legs, the material thinning and darkening as the well toned muscle within was sucked dry by the parasite inside his thighs. The powerless mush added much-needed meat to his growing pillows, the thick, womanly fat bulging out of the gap slightly as they pleasurably squished together.

His cock was caught in the middle, the youthful dick drenched in the pleasures maturity offered, his pantyhose-covered legs left slim and slender as his entire body shook from pure delight.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, there there~. Calm down~. It will be over soon~."

There was a calming voice in his head, the sound echoing all around him as he shook it in a daze, a protective, calming, yet seductive aura hovering over her every word. It was mesmerizing, entrancing, and so much more, Marcli purring softly like a kitten as his panic slipped away, part of him crying out in alarm at the realization as his conflicted mind pointlessly tried to resist.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~! W-who... where.... what’s...”

”Awwwwwwwwww, little cutie’s all confused~! How adorable~. And how rude~! How did you forget about little old me~? We’re quite close after all~.”

She giggled, the boy shaking and gasping as he felt more like a stranger in his own mind, the memories and thoughts suddenly seeming more vast than ever before, a labyrinth of contradictions. It wasn’t his life, it was all going on beyond high school, memories of first jobs, past flings, buying furniture for his first house, all of it at odds for what he knew was his life.


"Isn't it obvious~? I'm you dear~! A better you~. I'm so sorry for butting in like this~. Our body is just being adjusted~. Improved~. Trust me, you won't mind soon~."

She was in control now, there was no room for debate about that, Marli's mind feeling like it was being worn away from her words, his memories of high school so far away, his pleas unanswered by the two nearby girls.

"Well, Kali obviously cares about how she looks, Blake~. A woman as sexy as her needs to put a lot of care into that, you know~?"

"I know Yang, but I’d rather she had her eyes set on people that weren't my friends in high school! W-would it kill her to find someone her age?"

"Eh, who knows. She might just enjoy younger people saying how good she looks for her age. I can't blame her really~. Damn that woman aged like fine wine~. Her bust is just wonderful to stare at, you know?"

"W-when are you going to stop going on about this!?"

Their words rocked his world, the boy wailing from the raw bliss that pumped through his veins, his cock twitching and throbbing as experience bled into his body. His features shifted slightly, the youthful glow diminishing as the years piled onto him, his mind drowning in the hundreds of extra memories as his thighs surged out even further.

He felt like he was cumming, but nothing was coming out, maturity infecting everything he was, improving it, the sound of the younger Faunus’s voice sparking memories in her as her body soared past its teenage years, and even his twenties in a blink of an eye. If he had any hope of fighting this, it was certainly long gone by now, the boy's fate sealed as he matured into his new role.

It was hard to believe that he considered that girl unimportant before, Marcli shrieking and shaking as her mind was bombarded by thoughts and desires linked to her, to Blake, the girl suddenly seeming like the most important person to her. He needed to fight it, he really did, but the sensations in his chest were the final blow for his fight, protective, maternal thoughts bringing his resistance to its knees.


"A mother~? Don't lie to yourself dear~! You know you want it~. That purpose~. That wonderful role~. You can’t stop thinking about it, can you~?"

Her thirty-year body thrashed as her tiny hands shot up to her chest, squealing as her old self became more and more of a distant memory, a childhood of sports and physical activities buried beneath one of reading and teasing. It was only made worse when another childhood piled on, one when she was in a motherly role, taking care of her cute little kitten, protecting and caring for her as she grew into such a good little kitty~.

She knew she wasn't a mother, but she was less convinced by her own words the more she said them in her head, unknowingly removing her own resistance as her arms finally gave into the tightness of her sleeves. The muscle broke down and melted as they were ravaged by a life that was devoid of rough, brutish activities, leaving them lithe and perfect as it all rushed into her chest.

The gap in her clothes was finally being filled, her body bucking in sync with each surge of bliss as her breasts introduced themselves, anything but gentle as they violently surged in size. She may have been losing physical strength, but the useless muscle continued to be powerful in its new form, the thick, womanly fat jiggling wildly with her slightest movement.

It all sped up her former identity’s destruction, all of it squealing and panicking in desperate bliss as her mature, motherly breasts surged past b-cups, straining against the fabric already before continuing to grow. Thoughts were rushing in with the fat, the memories, an ocean he was drowning in with no hope of escape.

For a moment she was scared, terrified that all thoughts of taking part in sports were fading, the feeling short lived as it turned to confusion. She had never been a sporty girl, unless cheerleading counted, not like her da- Blake; she was good at gymnastics and made her so proud an-


”Giggle~. How silly, dear~. I’m afraid you're not going to be able to fight this~. And shhhhhhhh, don’t be shy~. You don’t need to call her by her name~. Go on~. You know you’re closer than that~.”

She was pulling him under the waves, submerging him forever beneath her thoughts, her personality, her life, Mali determined to hold on, screaming as her breasts exploded into heavenly double Ds. They were too big, a set that hundreds of people had lusted over, something that was easily one of her best features, the thought making her purr in pride.

It was only a prelude to what would truly break her, control of her lower body torn away by the invading personality as her thighs slammed against her cock, flooding her with unrivalled bliss. Her manhood barely withstood the first blow, but her balls weren't so lucky, her eyes widening as they were crushed.

Everything rushed in when her balls popped, her ears twitching as she heard every part of its collapse, every second drenching her mind with motherly essence as she finished maturing into her early forties. Estrogen was filling her systems, washing out anything boyish as she was sealed as a mature, sexy mother.

Her old life was a distant memory now, not erased but simply buried under hundreds of memories and thoughts that were far more important, gradually fading in significance as it was slowly forgotten altogether. Kali nyaed and purred in her mature, perfect voice, the fading personality letting out a few final gurgles as her lovely daughter and her cute friend unknowingly finished her off.

”Not for a while~. It’s not my fault you're so fun to tease Blakey~. And hey, I can compliment you if you want~. Like you have a way bigger ass than hers~.”

This is n-not helping!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Blake... my... d-daughter... I-I need... I need... she needs-”

“That's right dear~. She needs you~. Needs me~. So just tuck in nice and tight and let me handle it~.”


Her former life screamed out her desires as the feelings in her ass washed everything away, her eyes wide as her mind was bombarded with reminders of what was really important. She dug her fingers into her growing ass, yowling in delight as fat poured in, pushing out her dress as it was completely outlined in the fabric, every inch of it shown off.

It pleasurably squished into her seat, expanding with mature mass as her pathetic little cock twitched happily, the tiny bulge in her dress starting to shrink as her thighs began another attack on her manhood. It didn't stand a chance, Kali happy squealing as the sheer size of her thighs edged her cock back inside her, her eyes rolling into her skull as it grew closer and closer to finally-



She shook as her cock imploded back into her pussy, her mind briefly going blank as the overwhelming orgasm washed away all doubt in her brain, enforcing her singular identity as she twitched and gasped until laying in silence. Slowly she began to recover from the incredible aftershocks, unsure just what she was doing for a moment and where she was, until a nearby voice made her ear twitch as a smirk formed on her face.

"A-are you done now?"

"Yeah, I'm done. I just wanted to see my little Blakey all embarrassed~."

"S-shut up..."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're so red~!"

"This could literally not get any worse..."

"Why hello there dear~! Fancy seeing you here~."

Blake froze, her face paling at the familiar giggling behind her, Yang looking similarly embarrassed as they both refused to turn around for a moment.

"M-mom!? What are... how long... why..."

"Giggle~. Awwwwwwwwwww you look so flustered, darling! I was just out picking a new brush for the house when I noticed you sat here with Yang~! And couldn't help but overhear what you were saying~. Thanks for the kind words Yang~."

The Faunus looked like she was trying to sink into the ground as Yang turned to face her mom, even the usually confident girl blushing as Kali winked at her playfully.

"A-ah... well, it's n-no problem, Miss Belladonna! I just wanted to see how-"

"Please. Call me Kali dear~."


Blake whined in desperation, already hiding her face in her hands as Yang's face went completely red, the blonde quickly stammering out barely audible excuses as she giggled smugly.

"What? I'm just being polite dear~. I didn't mean to interrupt your totally not a date you've been excited about all week long~."


Blake grew just as red from her words, squeaking out her reply as Yang blinked in a daze, Kali laughing to herself at the reactions before heading to leave.

"Oh, I'm just messing with you dear~. But I'll let you two girls enjoy yourselves now~. Have fun dears~! Oh, and I’ll be out with some friends later, so you have Blake's place all to yourselves~. In case you decide to-"


Kali simply smirked as she walked away, making sure to sway her hips with every step as Blake sat back down, crossing her arms with a look of embarrassed frustration.

"Well... that was interesting... I-I'm sorry about that Blake..."

"It's ok Yang... you know what my mom's like. Besides, you can cope with her teasing, you did bring it onto yourself after all."

Yang flinched, Blake’s tone almost identical to the teasing aura her mother had used seconds ago, a small smirk on her face, all sights that suggested the girl was far more annoyed than she let on.

"H-hey Blake... no hard feelings right? How about we talk about something else!"

"Oh of course Yang... I know, how's your mom doing?"

"M-my mom? Yeah, Raven's d-doing fine... why do you..."

"I was just being nice, Yang. After all, I know Raven can handle herself~. You have to have noticed her slim, but strong arms~. And her long black hair~. She's a very intimidating and beautiful woman, after all."

The blonde's eyes widened in shock, her blush returning with a vengeance as she stammered, Blake smirking in victory at her friend's red face.

"Payback is a bitch Yang. Now, what should I mention next? There's so much to choose from~. Oh I could simply go on for hours~."

As the teasing began anew, the girls were oblivious to a boy sitting down on a nearby bench, sighing to himself as he double-checked the time on his phone.

"Huh, I don't get it... I'm sure Marcus said he would be here by now..."

It wasn't like his friend to be late, his absence filling him with a strange feeling of unease, the boy frowning as he decided to wait a few more minutes. Still, at least the sun felt nice on his skin, a pleasant tingling washing over his flesh, his eyes fluttering shut as streaks of black travelled through the blonde mess of strands on his head...


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