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(Note: The plot of this story is connected to the previous story "Recoded" so if you care about plot in TF stories I advise you check that out first.)


Everyone flinched at Nokia's shout of surprise, even trying to brace themselves for the surge of volume proving to be as pointless as ever as Yuuko flinched on the couch, blushing as the red-haired girl stared wide eyed at the identical black haired girls sat in front of her. It had been a mostly normal day for Yuuko at first, the girl still taking it slow after her kidnapping and a near-death experience that was still fresh in her mind.

After texting Takumi, she decided to go out for a bit, remembering some nearby restaurants she had wanted to try, well-made food always raising her spirits, her mouth-watering as she ate some rice balls she had ordered. It was shortly after that when things got weird though, the girl looking up and widening her eyes in shock as another her walked in! Followed by three of Takumi's Digimon! And... carrying shopping bags?

She blinked in shock, the other her squeaking at the sight of herself already sitting in the restaurant, the girl reluctantly abandoning her meal to drag the copy outside and explain what on Earth was going on. Things had gotten even more confusing once the Digimon had joined in the conversation, Yuuko dragging them all back to Aiba's office while calling Nokia to meet them there so they could figure out what exactly had happened.

The Digimon had just finished recounting the event, Lillymon smiling innocently as every non-Digimon in the room blushed and stammered in confusion, unsure how to react before Nokia's shout of surprise.

"Weren't you listening? Of course she is, we all watched it happen. I assume it was human digivolution. I must admit that it was most enjoyable to witness."

Devimon didn't seem to notice the even more confused faces he was met with, simply smirking to himself as he overheard Angewomon recount the events to Wizardmon, the Digimon Aiba left to accept any cases while he was out.

"I-I would prefer not to see it again of course. But perhaps I'll be able to understand humans better now? I can't be sure, but Yuuko did promise to break up me and Devimon. Praise the heavens for that."

"Hmmmm, she really must be an improvement. Maybe she will take me out of the office more now? I don't mind it too much here, but going out to solve cases with you sounds way more interesting."

Angewomon smiled at her friend, Yuuko finally finding her voice as she stood up with a start, the speed of which surprised the four Digimon as she attempted to make sense of the situation.

"G-guys! Humans don't digivolve! W-we just age! Takumi t-turning into somebody else isn't normal! E-especially me! Why would he even-"

"Eh? But it looked like he Digivolved to me! Oh and that's because he likes you! Duh!"

Lillymon's words somehow made both Yuukos reach even deeper shades of red, becoming blushing messes as a smug glint appeared in Nokia's eye despite the situation.

"Oh~? He doessssssssssssss~? Tell me more Lillymon~."

"It was totally obvious Nokia! How was I the only one who noticed? He's so quiet around her! And that was before he got really into the digivolution! He was blushing~. Moaning~. Rubbing his changing body and screaming out your na-"


Both Yuukos shouted at once, the joint protesting only making them all the more embarrassed as they realised they had both angrily lowered their arms, turning away from each other and clutching their chin like they were reflections of each other.

"I-I had no idea... T-Takumi... likes me?"

"This is too much... h-how did he... turn into me? None of this makes any sense... w-we need to fix this somehow!"

Wizardmon raised an eyebrow in confusion, idly polishing his staff with a piece of cloth as he listened to the debate between the girls, most of them seeming embarrassed about the Digivolution for some reason while Nokia teased them playfully.

"If you evolved, can't you just de-Digivolve? Some of the Digimon have done it before to build some power."

"I-I don't think it's that simple. It couldn't have been a Digivolution to begin with! Humans don't just... turn into other people!"

Yuuko groaned to herself, still unused to hearing her own voice come from someone else, the situation utterly impossible for her to wrap her head around. Her frustration grew even more when Lillymon tilted her head, a look of confusion on her face as she thought back on what happened.

"Sooooooooooooooo, is it not normal?"

"No. Not even remotely."


Lillymon blushed, embarrassed at not knowing something that was apparently so obvious as Devimon "hmmed" to himself, Angewomon sighing before saying anything.

"With the benefit of hindsight, he did seem rather alarmed about the situation..."

"Oh, I noticed that. But since it was annoying you so much I thought I'd see what happened. In our defence, she did sound like she was enjoying herself."

The Digimon didn't pay any mind to Angewomon's glare at him, simply chuckling to himself as the humans sighed, unsure just what to make of the situation.

"You know, I suddenly have the feeling that if we tell Arata about this, he'll be happier about being on the run."

"I'll say... I'm tempted to join him at this point..."

"Oh come on you guys! It's fine! Sure this is... slightly weird. But it can't be unfixable!"

Both Yuukos nodded in agreement with their friend, Lillymon crossing her arms behind her back as a look of worry filled her face, the Digimon thinking back on what had happened.

"Yeah... now that you mention it, while all his screaming and squealing sounded like he was enjoying himself... everything he was saying didn't seem like it... I thought he was just flustered at the time, but looking back... that doesn't seem right..."

"I understand what you mean Lillymon. At the time I was rather... distracted by the process."

Angewomon's face flushed just thinking back at what had happened, Devimon's smirk growing wider at the sight, while Yuuko sighed and smiled comfortingly.

"Don't blame yourselves... you didn't know it wasn't normal. Do you have any idea what caused it?"

"Hmmmmmm... I don't think so... it happened after an Eater tried to attack us. It just started out of nowhere! I thought it was that hair dye thing you mentioned before at first... but then his voice changed too!"

"I-indeed. After that his... genitals reacted to Yuuko's voice. I-It was most indecent! Not that the other two cared! They were more concerned with gossiping about Takumi's feelings for Yuuko!"

"What? The bonds between humans are something of a personal interest for me. Ignore her though. He was screaming how he needed help, how we should call for help or bring him back to the office. Despite the fact, only Wizardmon knows how to operate the enigma that you humans call phones out of us all..."

"It really isn't that hard..."

"To be fair, considering the situation he probably forgot about that... let's see, what happened after that... well his clothes changed next... we could see his shaft pushing out the small skirt... then he started to jerk it while screaming out for help, and saying how good it felt before shouting Yuuko's name as he-"


Lillymon squeaked in surprise at how loud both Yuukos had screamed, both of them hiding their completely red faces in their hands, completely mortified as Nokia collapsed into giggles. The Digimon blinked, Angewomon still blushing slightly as the fairy Digimon pouted and put her hands on her hips.

"Hey! We were just trying to be helpful! You don't have to be rude about it!"

"Haha... we appreciate it guys. But none of that really tells us how this happened... not that I'm complaining of course. Those reactions were worth every second~."

"Just let me die..."

"Well, at least I'm not the only one who finds all this sinful to talk about..."

"Yes, unfortunately, I've noticed stuck-up bitches like you are more common."

Devimon burst into laughter at Angewomons hiss of dislike, the Digimon filled with annoyance as both Yuukos found themselves unable to say a word from their shame while the pout remained on Lillymon's face.

"Hmmmmmm... maybe it was the Eater? It wasn't until that showed up that he started changing after all... but that's not something Eaters do! Ugh, my head hurts..."

They fell into silence after that, Digimon and human alike lost in thought, unsure just how they should handle or resolve the situation until one of them finally thought of something.

"Mmmmmmm, how about asking Mirai? She might know something we can try."

"Oh, great idea Wizardmon! She knows tons of stuff about Digimon and the Digital World! And likes Takumi too! We can just ask her for help!"

"True... Mirai does seem to have knowledge that most of us lack..."

The humans looked at the Digimon in confusion, clearly lost when it came to what they were talking about, something Devimon noticed with a sigh.

"I suppose Takumi neglected to tell you information as well. Mirai Mikagura. She runs the DigiLab. It's where we Digimon live when we're not on cases. As the others say, she seems to be quite knowledgeable on things of this nature."

"Huh... I never really thought about where you all lived before. Agumon and Gabumon just slept in EDEN before the whole thing with the portal meant they could stay at my place... and drain my budget on meals..."

Nokia sighed to herself, likely depressed over the loss of her allowance as both Yuukos looked at each other in determination.

"Can you contact her?"

"Yeah, of course! We can go to the DigiLab now and fill her in! Wait here!"

Lillymon shot out of the room, Angewomon and Devimon following close behind as the girls were left stunned, Wizardmon simply rolling his eyes and returning to polishing his staff, all of them only hoping the woman would have the answers they needed...


"Did it work?"

"It looks like him... but he isn't opening his eyes! Takumi? Are you awake?"

Aiba groaned, Yuuko's concerned voice drawing him from his slumber. The sleuth was confused why he seemed to be laying on one of the office's couches, groaning as his memories were slowly filled in. The last thing he remembered was being on a case, checking out a warehouse for any disturbances, when Lillymon spotted the Eater, barely missing it as it dived towards him and then... nothing.

He couldn't recall just what had happened after that moment, the boy slowly opening his eyes and clutching his head in confusion, still having a headache for some reason.

"Ah, my head... what happened? Why am I back in the-"

The boy was cut off by an ecstatic squeak, Takumi confused why everyone seemed so excited, his vision clearly still shaky as he thought he saw two Yuukos for a moment as he turned towards his Digimon and Nokia, hoping his blush wasn't noticeable.

"Isn't that the coolest thing you've ever seen or what?"

Lillymon flinched as Angewomon stared at her, the Digimon feeling the death glare she was being given, Takumi chuckling to himself in amusement.

"Please, never say something like that again."

"Teehee~! No promises~!

"I'm... relieved that you're ok Takumi... I was unsure if what Mirai was doing would work... b-but I'm happy that it did! I was really worried for a moment..."

It was weird hearing Yuuko so concerned, the sleuth confused as he turned to face her, blinking in surprise as his perfect vision still saw two of her standing in front of him.

"Um, Yuuko? Do you have a twin sister or something? What happened with the case?"

He was completely confused, his face flushing at the sight of the small blushes on both girls' faces, Nokia's knowing giggles already making him nervous.

"It's a long story... and I don't think you're going to like it..."

"Listen Lillymon. We've been through a lot together. And I'm here, right? So it can't be that bad..."


It was worse. It was so much worse. Aiba's head was in his hands when they had all finished telling him what happened, his face becoming as red as his hair as he wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground.

The second Yuuko was him. Used to be him to be more accurate, his Digimon recounting what had happened soon reduced him and both Yuukos into blushing messes as they desperately tried to get them to stop. The only reason he was even here was thanks to Mirai, the woman managing to find and extract a tiny piece of his data that had somehow remained in the new Yuuko through some process she had told the others they simply wouldn’t understand, and used it to create a new version of him from before the process had begun.

Right now though, Takumi wished she hadn’t bothered, utterly ashamed at not only how he behaved in Yuuko's body, but how lustful and needy he became during it. It was clear any attempt of keeping his crush secret had long since gone out the window, the realisation only making him all the more embarrassed as all three of them awkwardly tried not to look at each other.

"That was everything Takumi. At the time we assumed it was human digivolution, since we didn’t know all that much about humans. Even my divine knowledge thought it was a reasonable explanation despite your... reactions.”

”Yeah, none of us knew something was wrong until we ran into Yuuko and she explained it to us... sorry.”

”If it makes you feel better Takumi, it saved my night from being utterly boring. Angewomon’s reactions are something I will savor for the rest of my existence.”

Lillymon sighed and flew between the two Digimon before another argument could start, Nokia giggling as she turned toward her blushing friends.

"Well, all's well that ends well! We brought Takumi back, got another hacker to help us, and I've got teasing material that will last me months! Everybody wins!"

“It really doesn’t feel like it...”

Y-you can say that again...”

The girl giggled even louder at their expressions, smiling as she headed to the door.

”Well, now that this is all sorted, I need to help out the Rebels with some stuff. See you later lover boy~!”

Takumi groaned to himself, both Yuukos squeaking cutely as the Digimon watched them curiously, silence filling the room. He should probably say something, Aiba opening his mouth to try and salvage the situation before Lillymon cut him off.

”Sooooooooo... is this the part when you kiss? That’s what usually happens in human media I think...”



He wanted to die. He actually wanted to die, Takumi and the Yuukos shouting no in perfect unison while the blushing Angewomon did her best to contain her anger.

”Oh that’s a shame. I was hoping to see more of Angewomon losing her mind today. Maybe next time.”


Devimon smirked at Angewomon’s outburst, Wizardmon blinking in shock as he patted her back in comfort while Aiba did his best to break the awkward silence.

”A-anyways, I’m sorry that I worried you so much Yuuko... and accidentally created you... well, Yuuko...”

Both of them flushed at his words, clearly still shocked and embarrassed at the thought of someone liking her.

”It’s fine, T-Takumi...”

”Yeah, it wasn’t your fault...”

It was undoubtedly one of the most awkward situations he had ever been in, and the sleuth had steep competition for that, even things such as offering Kyoko's coffee to clients paling in comparison to just how mortified he felt right now. Lillymon's smug look only made it worse, Takumi doing his best to hide just how embarrassed he felt.

”So... d-do we talk about...”

”L-later... we need... time to process all of this.”

”Y-yeah... and figure out what we need to do about there being two of us now. I-if that’s ok! There’s just a lot to take in...”

“I-it’s fine! Let me know if you need help with anything!”

He smiled nervously as both Yuukos left the room, waiting a few seconds before groaning and collapsing onto the sofa before screaming into a pillow, Lillymon bursting into laughter at the sight.

”Shut up Lillymon... when did you even watch or read romance stuff!?”

”Oh I just heard it from Etemon before. He likes looking through the channels when he’s not helping with cases.”

”Of course he does...”

It was silence after that, the Digimon unsure just what to say to Aiba as he lay still in embarrassment, clearly regretting taking the case to begin with, the boy already feeling a headache coming on as Angewomon cleared her throat.

”So, Takumi, what is it we should do now? I suppose that the case is finished?”

”Ohhhhhhhhhhh I know! You can teach us more about humans! Then you don’t have to worry about us misunderstanding stuff like this again!”

The sleuth looked up slowly, sighing to himself as he tried to focus through the headache, groaning as slowly processed the constant chain of information that had been dumped on him before replying to Lillymon’s question.

“Yeah, sure... later though. I need some time to myself first. I still feel a bit shaken from whatever Mieri did. Just give me like ten minutes and I’ll be right with you all.”

”Sure thing Takumi. Come on, let’s have another look around Broadway while we wait. The others might be getting hungry back in the lab.”

”Yes, I’m interested in admiring some human culture myself actually.”

He smiled at Wizardmon and Devimon’s words, the two of them also exiting the room with Angewomon close behind, Lillymon the last to leave as she turned towards her partner with a smile.

”Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they don’t fight too much. Just relax and stay here as long as you need. Alright?”

”I will. Thanks, Lillymon.”

She beamed back at him, shutting the door behind her to give him some more space and finally leaving the boy alone with his thoughts, hoping some quiet would help clear his mind of his embarrassment. Annoyingly his headache persisted, Takumi shaking his head to try and dislodge the feelings, oblivious to the true meaning of it all.

None of them knew it, but his data wasn't as free from the virus as they thought, elements of its corruption remaining within his body, slowly building in power until it was able to correct him once more. Luckily, only one of the virus's corrections had remained in his data, but the effects it would have on him would be anything but small.

It was something he would soon discover, Aiba groaning as it felt like the headache was spreading to his entire body, the boy briefly wondering if he had come down with some sort of cybersickness before it all took a sudden turn to the unusual. The virus within was much less powerful than it had been before, the corruptive data gradually bleeding out of him, starting to infect the smallest and easiest thing it could find.

The effects were tiny at first, his trousers splitting, fabric slowly peeling away to expose his bare thighs, the material turning soft and tight as he shivered from the sudden drop in temperature. He was none the wiser, Aiba assuming the heating was playing up again as he made a mental note to check it out again later, his “pants'' feeling oddly tight, the material gradually shrinking in size, becoming less of a perfect fit.

It was uncomfortable against his legs, black stripes appearing on the sides of his pants legs as his shoes met a similar fate, shrinking in size and squeezing against his much too large feet. It all evaded Takumi's notice for now, the boy assuming the weird feelings of tightness were just a side effect of his dizziness, and nothing to be concerned about.

He couldn’t have been further from the truth, the virus well on its way to making very drastic changes to his body, something he had no way of knowing as the corruptive data spread out all over his shirt. Its colours were inverting, the black fabric bleached yellow while the yellow circle did the opposite, the simple change making his outfit look incredibly different.

Only his sleeves were spared, the striking black standing out against the yellow as Takumi noticed his shirt seemed different, something about it feeling off as he looked down. It took him a moment to notice what was wrong, the boy blinking in confusion as he noticed the different colours with a start.


Takumi blushed when he saw his thighs were exposed, noticing that, unlike his pants, the shirt was a bit looser in some places, specifically his chest for some reason. He thought he was hallucinating at first, but it felt too real to be fake, and what happened next only confirmed it, the sleuth squeaking in horror as his newly made shorts began to shift and darken.

They lengthened slightly, turning fluttery and wavy in the breeze, his lower body feeling much more exposed as he pulled it down, hoping it would make him feel less ashamed, his face turning utterly red from shock.

"A-a skirt? W-why am I wearing a skirt? It's so short..."

The boy had no idea what had happened, briefly thinking it must be over until the aching all over became something much different.

"A-ah? Something f-feels... o-ohhhhhhhhhhh..."

Lustful moans slipped past his lips, the unusual feelings turning pleasurable, making everything far more confusing for him. Something felt good, his insides teased with brushes of bliss as he shook, the softer feeling of his clothes infectious as it spread to his skin.

Every hair on his body was burnt away, his naked flesh tickled by the smooth fabric as he groaned happily, his mind at a loss for what was happening, the realisation not quite hitting him. What happened next was the push he needed, his happy groans turning to needy moans as his sides collapsed inwards, his strong muscles melting into pronounced curves that were shown off perfectly by the tight shirt.

They looked wrong, weaker, and unmistakably feminine, the word echoing through his mind until it finally clicked. The skirt, the curves, the softness of his skin, there was no way... no way that he was... turning into-


He squealed in bliss, the second-hand explanation of the transformation having done nothing to prepare him for just how good it felt, Takumi gasping and shaking as the feelings flowed through him. His blue eyes were sparkling as he moaned and hugged himself, the barrage of sensations settling on pleasure as his hands twitched from euphoric bliss.

They were shrinking, popping down bit by bit before his eyes as they turned dainty and tiny, his glove shrinking along with it to become a perfect fit. He needed help, the sleuth dashing to the door, almost making it there in time before delight infused itself into his hair.

It was like an invisible hairbrush was working its way through his strands, straightening them as the messiness was worked away, lavender favoured hair product ensuring it was much better cared for than it ever had been before. The sudden change in style even caused his goggles to slip slightly, sliding to the side of his head as the data washed over them.

Aiba gasped in confusion as a hairband came into existence beneath the goggles, keeping his hair in a side ponytail as the lovely red strands flowed downwards. The change only made the boy more confused, his eyes widening as he felt the strands in his hand.

”W-what the... it's not black? B-but I turned into Yuuko last time! What’s different now? I d-don’t understand! Why is this happening? And why does it... have to feel so... so... GOOHHHHHHHHHHD~!”

He screamed as strands of corruptive code slammed into his face, ones and zeroes literally flashing in front of his widening eyes as he clutched it in shock. The headache was back in full force, the sleuth swearing he could feel something inside it, moving around curiously for a moment before the movements turned much more violent.

It was shifting his thoughts, altering them slightly, the sensations unrivalled by anything he had ever felt before, the entire process leaving him disoriented. He knew something in his head was changing, but everything seemed to be staying the same, the sleuth still able to recall past cases and memories perfectly.

His eyelashes fluttered, nothing making sense to him, Aiba squeaking as his cheekbones cracked inwards, compressing into smaller, narrower shapes.

“A-AH~! My h-head~! What’s wrong with my h-head!? S-stop! Something’s wrong! W-why didn’t it work? Why is this happening a-again~!?”

He could barely talk through the pleasure, Takumi throwing his head back as his jaw and nose crunched down, all of their former size going along with them. It felt like they had crashed into his brain, shaking his thoughts together as he recoiled from the impact. Even though he was dazed, he had enough clarity to tell just how horny he was, his blush deepening as he felt his hard cock push out his fluttery skirt, the boy squeaking once more as his boxers suddenly compressed themselves into tight black panties.

Takumi was only able to moan in desperate desire, his cock throbbing in need as his girly face scrunched up in pleasure as the data struck his neck next. He choked on the corruption, the data remodelling his entire throat in seconds, every noise he made slowly increasing in pitch until it was irreversibly converted into a new, superior form.

The pleasure left him breathless, gasping in a voice that wasn't his own, yet it felt more familiar than it should be, something about it sparking comfort and normality in his mind, despite him never having heard it before in his life.


He put his new voice to good use as he let out another shriek of bliss, his shoulders giving way with a snap as he spasmed, the impact sending a burst of bliss blasting through him. He was blushing as he stared at his skirt, the short, fluttery material pushed out with his panties by his erect, throbbing shaft.

Through it all, his head was burning, memories roasting as it was drenched with a foreign, yet familiar essence that was driving him mad with lustful confusion. It was wonderful and tortuous at the same time, the combination making him even more panicked as his muscles twitched and shrank, all strength fading as he squealed for help.

No one was around to hear him, the boy wailing in shameful, panicked delight as he soaked his panties with his seed, his mind assaulted with relentless fuzziness. His fear meant he skipped over the alterations at first, the boy only noticing by mistake, the sight of a woman in his reflection in one thought all it took.

Now he couldn’t stop noticing the changes to his mind, couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of the miniskirt brushing against his thighs, friendships with other guys becoming rarer and replaced with other girls, his entire view of himself altered and pushed towards the feminine.


It was pointless to bargain, the virus something that was simply impossible to reason with, determined to consume any trace of his masculinity as he thrashed and squeaked wildly. It felt like he was losing his mind, his gasps frantic as he descended into panic, the sleuth crying out in bliss as his spine collapsed, sending him falling onto the couch as he squirmed in confused delight.

He was terrified and ashamed, knowing he couldn’t let this win, couldn’t lose to this, no matter how wonderful it felt. He knew the new thoughts and memories were wrong, knew that the virus was trying to convince him that he was always a girl, but he couldn't stop enjoying it. Yuuko would be ashamed of him for reacting this way to a woman's body for a second time, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he realised there was no way she would like him now.

Takumi moaned at the thought of her, his eyes glazing over as he spasmed on the couch, kicking his slimming legs wildly as Yuuko assaulted his brain, his crush used against him by the virus. His personality was changing, breaking free of chains of doubt whether he wanted it to or not, his blush fading slightly as he blinked in confusion.

Sure, it was a bit embarrassing what had happened, but dwelling on it wouldn't change anything, the sleuth suddenly feeling so much more carefree and confident. His toes curled as the excuses to not tell Yuuko how he felt faded away, Aiba confused why he hadn't already, they'd been getting along well for ages! And she always looked so cute when she tried her best not to look at her ch-

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S-STOP I DON'T WANT MY... M-MY... f-fluttery skirt is so cute~! I knew I made a good choice in getting it last time I went shopping with Lillymon~! It looks so good on m- NONONONONO STOP GET OUT OF MY HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!"

He groaned, memories of trying to get Lillymon to focus on what was important turning into excitedly planning their next shopping trip, sometimes even dragging Angemon with them after he let slip he was interested in human fashion. She remembered buying the skirt, loving how short it was, knowing she made the right choice after she saw Yuuko's blushing face when she saw it on her.

They weren't his thoughts, but it was his life, the simple fact making everything so much harder to resist as he hopelessly tried to fight the mental recoding with all his might. It was so hard to resist, the boy unsure just what was being added, everything feeling right as anything wrong was erased to a point when he could never recall it again.

"I don't... I don't... understand why I'm feeling so worried! Everything's fine! Now that Yuuko knows I like her, I can- GAH GET OUT OF MY HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! THIS IS WRONG PLEASE JUST- OH GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aiba had never felt more helpless, everything so hard to fight, so hard to think, everything a mess as his cock twitched and throbbed for his crush. It felt better to be confident, the simple realisation completely shaking his faith as he weakly tried to pull himself upwards, failing as he was hit by another surge of bliss, his chest burning as his nipples brushed against the fabric of his shirt.

The slightest rub sent sparks of pleasure dancing through his body, he couldn't cope with such feelings, but he had no way of stopping as he squirmed and shook from bliss. Fat was rushing behind them, his eyes wet with tears as his hips bucked upwards, cum bursting from his dick every second as mass poured into his chest with no end in sight.

Every surge was both amazing and terrifying, shoving his mind deeper and deeper into the unrivalled delights of femininity, a happy coo slipping out as his b-cup breasts jiggled wildly. Despite the feelings flowing through him, he couldn't help but giggle confidently, the lack of a bra making her tits jiggle even more than usual.

"Giggle~! My top shows off my bust so well~! No wonder Yuuko can't help but have such a long look when we hang out~. Teehee~! AH NO S-STAHHPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP~!!!!!!!!!! T-THESE AREN'T MY... b-but it's my l-life and... so they have to be my thoughts? But they don't... this isn't... I'm... Takumi?"

She frowned for a moment before squealing when her chest exploded into double Ds, her twitching hands eagerly running down her curvy form as her mind started to clear. It wasn't long until she was giggling, her body tickling as bubbly bubbles floated inside her, popping and filling her with delight, her fully grown double Ds rising and falling hypnotically with her every breath.

Part of her was still screaming for help, but it was getting hard to recall what she needed help with, her clothes? Planning cases? Ugh, she swore it was on the tip of her...



The sleuth soon found she had other things to be concerned about, the sudden separation of her hips making her scream as her brain was scrambled, thoughts and memories rewritten while also staying the same, the conflict making everything a confusing blur. She could see Yuuko through it all though, the small, black-haired girl she loved so much, her affections far from a secret, the girl just loving to make hinting comments and giving surprise hugs from behind, making her go all sorts of shades of red as Aiba squished her breasts into her back~.

Her breasts jiggled with her every movement, the feelings nothing less than divine, the girl groping them happily, never tired of the feeling of the massive melons as her shrinking toes twitched from bliss. There was a name echoing through her mind, the giggling girl unsure why she was thinking of some boy's name while she felt this horny.

"MMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK~!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~!!!!!!!!!!!! AH~! O-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh these leggings look so good too! Lillymon was right, the black really does make them stand out more! Giggle~! I love them~! Still, why am I still thinking of that name... I don't know anyone called Takumi. Oh, mom did say that she was going to call me that if I was a boy! Not sure why I'm thinking about that thOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!"

The name was soon the furthest thing on Ami's mind as the pleasure suddenly spiked all over, blubbering, ecstatic squeals spewing out as a feeling similar to butterflies flooded her stomach. The mass that was inside it was wavering, her body feeling like it did during a connect jump, everything fading in and out of existence as it was invaded by the virus.

There was surprisingly little to change, Ami crying out happily as the muscle within shrank, becoming much less pronounced as it slenderised, leaving her with a slim, toned core. It was perfectly shown off by her shirt, looking positively entrancing, a sight that both boys and girls had drooled over before.

Any mass was either deleted or moved, the girl moaning happily as the fat dropped into her thighs, inflating and swelling outwards. She cooed in delight, rubbing her thighs against her cock instinctively, unknowingly working away what little remained of Takumi as she spurted out more of her unconfidence.

She felt happy, free, better, though better than what she still couldn’t say, Ami finding herself concerned by more important matters, her ass chief among them. With the overflow of fat rushing into her thighs, all of it had no choice but to rush into her rear, the growing pillow squishing into the couch.

Ami gasped and squirmed, her thickening rear grinding into the seat as her eyes glazed over, the girl losing herself to the feelings as she let out a pleasured little giggle. It peeked out from under her skirt, something she and Lillymon had noticed right away when she was trying it on, both of them agreeing it would only make Yuuko give that adorable blush of hers even more.

Only Takumi's cock remained, and that was already on its way out, the rod that had been pushing out her skirt finally starting to dive back inside her where it belonged. She squealed with each thrust, her body bucking as she rolled off the couch in her pleasured frenzy, landing face down on the floor as the force sent more of her cock collapsing inside her.

Once it started it couldn't stop, Aiba left writhing desperately as her cock sunk deeper and deeper inside her, gasping and shrieking as it grew closer to permanent oblivion. Every inch that shrank removed more of the fog in her mind, her thoughts clearing more and more as she bucked in sync with each thrust, feeling her dick getting smaller by the second.

"Y-Yuukooooooooooooooooo~! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss~!!!!!!!!!!!"

She happily moaned out her desires, unknowingly discarding her former gender in the process as her cock fucked itself away, getting smaller and smaller until it became nothing but a tiny little button. Ami shook, her eyes wide as she felt it strain pathetically until finally inverting with a cute little pop~!


Her mind was blank as her first orgasm shot through her like a rocket, the virus finishing its recoding with a bang as her body was completed, the new girl left gasping for breath in a heap on the floor. She didn't know how long she lay there, smiling slightly as she recovered from the unimaginably intense orgasm, savouring the peaceful feeling of the orgasmic afterglows.

It took her a few minutes to get up, Aiba sighing happily to herself as the weird headache finally faded, blinking in a daze before smiling.

"I... huh, that was some headache! Guess that must be a side effect of whatever Mieri did to restore me... oh well~! Better not keep Lillymon and the others waiting any longer!"


The fairy Digimon pouted as she hovered outside the door, crossing her arms while Angewomon waited patiently, sighting in response to her friends' antics.

"Give him time Lillymon! You can't expect Takumi to be completely fine so soon! Having that new body made could have taken a lot out of him!"

"I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! But I'm so boredddddddddddddddd~! We went around Broadway like 17 times and he's still not ready! UGH, WOULD IT KILL THEM TO PUT UP A CLOTHES STORE HERE?!"

"Oh, is Takumi not ready yet?"

Angewomon scowled as Devimon walked up to them, the Digimon having just returned from his own journey around the building, Lillymon raising an eyebrow in confusion as she stared at what he was holding.

"Is that... a shopping bag?"

"Oh this. LadyDevimon and Etemon got me to buy some products for them. Apparently I’m the only one they trust enough to not make a scene out here. The others' appearances might cause some mass panic if they tried. A shame, I would have liked to have seen Palidramon or Gaurdmon attempt this. It baffles me why my companions want me to get these, encased discs and books of... interesting contents though.”

The Digimon frowned as Lillymon giggled to herself, Angewomon about to restart her argument with Devimon until the door opened, all three of them excitable turning to face Takumi before gaping in shock.

"Hiya guys~! I'm all ready to spend the day showing you around now! Are you excited~?"

Ami giggled to herself, confidently putting a hand on her hip while standing in the doorway, waiting for her Digimons’ reactions to her cheerful greeting, only met with stunned silence. She blinked, raising an eyebrow as her Digimon simply stared at her without saying a word, almost making her concerned.

“Um, guys? What's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

Even that didn’t get them to react, the Digimon continuing to look on in silence until Angewomon sighed and walked away.

”I’ll get Mirei...”



“Are you sure? Since I’m like, more than 100% certain that I’ve always been a girl, guys.”

Lillymon groaned as Aiba looked at her in confusion, the Digimon facepalming as Angewomon and Devimon silently watched the conversation, unsure what to say.

“Yes! Ugh, I can’t believe Mirei didn’t mention that this could have happened when she restored you! This stuff is important!”

”I’m personally not too surprised. You do know what Mierl is like sometimes. There’s a reason I get along with her..”

The fairy Digimon blinked at Devimons words, about to respond until closing her mouth again, thinking for a second before sighing in defeat.

”You... might have a point. That sounds exactly like something she would do...”

“Huh. So I might have been a guy before... does that really matter that much though? I mean it’s not like I’ve been erased like what happened with Yuuko. I’m still me, just a girl now.”

The sleuth tilted her head at the three Digimon, all of their expressions filled with conflict as they reflected on what Aiba had said.

"I suppose... it's not like Ami minds either... so it should be fine..."

"Hmmmmmmmmm I don't know... what if Takumi didn't like it? I don't want to make the wrong decision agai-"

"Wait, I just realised something. It looks really empty in here so did I not take you on our weekly shopping trips as a guy? Man, that sucks. I remember having lots of-"


Angewomon and Devimon both flinched at the sudden increase in volume from Lillymon, the Digimon flying towards her partner with wide eyes that were sparkling with joy.

"The... weekly shopping trips? Yeah, we do them on my day off! Did we really not do them? Oh my god that means I get to experience all these places with you again! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lillymon there's so many cute clothes stores around here! We just have to check them out together!”

Lillymon did next to nothing to hide her excitement, a wide smile on her face as she cried out happily and flew around the room, barely able to stay still as she vibrated uncontrollably.


Aiba giggled at Lillymon’s enthusiasm, her best friend and partner clearly overjoyed at the news, the sleuth going to open the door when she faintly heard a small knock. One of the Yuukos stood outside, her eyes wide at the sight of her as Ami let out a happy grin.

”Hey Yuuko~! What brings you here~?”

”I-I... what... A-Aiba? What h-happened to... you're a... girl!?”

”Oh right, forgot that was weird now. Long story. Hey, where's the other you?”

”S-she went to see Fei... I was just coming to c-check on...”

”Oh I know~! Want a bite to eat? I can explain what happened then. And we can catch up~! Come on, I know you love the restaurants here.”

Yuuko’s face grew beet red, the girl unprepared for just how forward the stunningly beautiful woman was to her, a feeling of excitement filling her insides as she nodded in uncertainty. Ami beamed, eagerly but gently grabbing hold of her friend's hand, shouting something back as they headed towards their destination.

“I’ll be back later guys! Don’t burn down the office while I’m gone! Oh and all of us have one more case later, so try and be ready for that~! See you later~!”

She giggled to herself as the door shut behind them, Lillymon shouting after her partner while horror slowly dawned on Angewomon and Devimon’s faces.

”Ok Ami~! See you later~! Go and get her girl~!”

Lillymon crossed her arms behind her back, smiling and giggling happily as she stared at the door for a moment before turning towards her companions.

”Well, all's well that-“

She was cut off by the sight of panic on Angewomon’s face, Devimon looking similarly disturbed.

“A-all of us? All three of us? Together? A-again? P-please tell me I heard that wrong... right? I-I can’t be stuck with this cursed, impure Digimon again! Not after the hope that it would finally be over!”

”Unfortunately that is what she said. It appears that Yuuko’s sense wasn’t recovered along with Aibas identity. Lucemon help me....”

Lillymon flinched at the words, giggling nervously as Devimon groaned in annoyance, his reaction nothing compared to the barely hidden seething rage coming from the archangel.

“I apologise to the heavens for what I am about to do."

“Ehhhhhh, Angewomon! M-maybe try c-calming down? How about you take a deep breath and-“


Devimon burst into laughter, the Digimon’s shout echoing through the room as she immediately turned on him, Lillymon crying out in protest as the bow of light formed in Angewomon’s hand. Thankfully Devimon avoided the projectile before it hit, Lillymon flinching as the arrow wedged itself into the wall, quickly taking it upon herself to resolve the situation.

”Sigh... well no matter what happens... at least it’s never boring here.”


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