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(NOTE: The plot of this story is connected to a previous story of mine "Bakugou Gets Moral" so if you care about plot in TG stories I advise you check that out first.

"Well, that could have gone better," Kaminari sighed, glaring at the dusty room around him, "Sure, punish me for being late to class! Wasn't like I was fighting a villain or anything! Bakugou's faster than me too! Come on!"

He had spent all morning on patrol with Bakugou and one of the other students, the only noticeable roadblock they encountered being some woman that just fired energy that made him feel weird for a second, probably why Bakugou was able to soak up as much as he did. Unfortunately, he hadn't made it back to the school in time, Aizawa far from pleased as he was given instant dentition cleaning up the old music room. 

"Since when did we even have a music room!?" he cried to himself, "How does this have anything to do with hero training!? Ugh, this is the worst! I totally wanted to spend more time with Jirou today too!"

Sure it was probably bad he still had a bit of a crush on the most lesbian girl in the class, but he could still spend time with her and be friends! He wasn't that annoying? Right? Right?

"Oh thinking about it won't help..." Denki groaned, "I need to take care of this place. Guess I should take inventory first. The others will get a kick out of this at least..."

The boy quickly set to work, pulling out a notepad and writing down what he could see as he strolled around the room with narrowed eyes, his body feeling a little strange due to him thinking of Jirou again. He had no idea what was truly happening, the quirk he was hit with finally coming into effect, identifying hidden desires and personality traits before setting to work.

It was barely noticeable, his quirk faintly still active as electricity arced across his body, little jolts normal to the boy as he did his best to ignore it, not knowing it was the feeling of every hair on his body being zapped to oblivion. He was aware of his body feeling a little more responsive than usual though, the dial of sensitivity having been turned all the way up. 

He rubbed his arm absentmindedly, shivering a little from how nice it felt, wondering what was making the feeling persist as he glared at one of the guitars laid on the stage. He made a note of it, tapping his foot frantically while biting his lip, unsure why he wanted to check if it was working so badly.

"Ugh, I'll check later if I have time. Or ask Jirou. She would totally know!" he thought aloud, putting his hands behind his head and grunting as he accidentally shocked himself.

It wasn't his finest move, the boy swearing under his breath as he did his best to return to his task, his hair still tingly from the aftershocks. His messy mop of hair was starting to grow, the process looking anything but gentle as it jolted and pulled downwards, not straightening in the slightest.

The black lightning bolt in his hair was spreading, engulfing the blonde like a raging parasite, the punk rocker vibe instantly apparent. Black was far from the only colour though, strange new shades emerging as the strands shocked directly by his quirk were burnt pink, blue, and white. He let out a pleased gasp, his hair growing all the way down his ass, his body feeling totally at ease despite such a drastic alteration.

Denki didn't seem to register any of these changes, simply brushing his hair to one side and putting his hands on his hips with a scowl.  

"Wow this place really is a fucking dump!" he growled, his hair starting to twirl into two distinctive horns, "They should take better care of these!" 

Kaminari was growing more passionate about what he was seeing, even starting to wipe some dust off things like the old drum sets and saxophones. The dust got caught on his fingernails, his flesh seeming to pale from contact with it, the shape of his hands starting to soften and shift pleasantly. 

He gave some pleased groans, the dust hardening into black vanish to top off his fingernails, only adding to the increasingly punkish appearance. Denki started to hum in interest, looking around before he noticed some old trinkets left on a table. They looked cool, so he couldn't help but slip on the set of a silver bracelet and rings, looking like something Jirou would wear.

It was a really nice look, Denki liking it more than he first expected, his good mood slightly ruined when he walked past a nail sticking out of the wall, the metal getting caught on his leather jacket and ripping his sleeve open.

"Shit! Great, now I have to get the Support Department to fix this later..." he threw off his jacket, only his left sleeve staying on as he rubbed his thighs together instinctively.

He could feel that something was a little off, but the feeling was definitely a positive one, the boy deciding he quite liked it as he gave a lopsided grin, his teeth sharpening into fangs. There was more of a bounce in his movements across the room, humming some metal song he had heard the other day with increasingly exaggerated movements.  

Kaminari spread his hands out happily, the action sending blissful jolts shooting up his arms, atrophying the brutish muscle inside and exchanging it for a form much slimmer and skilled overall. The pale skin looked much more at home on arms like that, the boy giggling happily as his mop of punkish hair bounced with him.

The quirk that was infecting him was corrupting his own, arcs of electricity surging all over his clothes as he gasped and giggled in confused but unmistakable enjoyment. He did his best to focus on the task, not wanting to get in trouble more later, not seeing how his clothes shifted and shrank in fast-forward, perfectly fitting for somebody who had absolutely no patience.

The black fully engulfed his pants, shrinking into a short skirt, his plain white shirt tightening as it gained sailor uniform traits with its collar and tie. His shoes turned white, crushing his feet a little with their sudden shrinking, his socks growing so fast several tears were formed within them, turning into ripped thigh highs, what remained of his left sleeve gaining pink highlights as a scrunchie and necklace formed to finish the look.

He was dressed much more like a high school girl than a boy now, the breeze brushing against his legs making him shiver for a moment as his cock pressed against the red panties. Strangely, he was feeling better the longer he was in this room, almost excited to be surrounded by so many instruments and music, both the pleasant feelings in his body and general bubbliness filling him with bliss. 

Denki had just finished recording the presence of an old piano when he noticed something else on the floor, picking up the two sets of metal needles. They were small, the boy wondering just what purpose they served until it hit him, smiling as he put them on his newly pierced ears. 

"Oh, these must have fallen out. Clumsy me! Silly Denki!" He sounded almost cheerful, the rest of his face starting to buzz with the beginnings of addictive euphoria, the clumsiness only proven as he tripped over himself and slammed face-first onto the floor.

It could have been deadly if the changes weren't so desperate for material, the three nails that barely missed his mouth only hurting for a moment before the electricity arced over them, the openings remaining like they had been that way for years. The metal shrunk, rounding down into ordinary piercings, the boy grunting as he got to his feet, the rest of his male features taken care of by the impact, condensing everything there to punk perfection.

The one exception was his eyes, the narrow gold widening to happy pink as eyelashes fluttered wildly, something seeming wrong as Kaminari tilted his head in thought.

"Yeah... Denbuki smells something fishy. Unless that's the kitchen. I think it’s across the hall," he took a sniff, "Nope, it's more like beef. So what did I... wait why am I talking like this? A-and what did I say my name was?"

Now fully aware something was wrong, the boy stormed across the hall, unable to use his phone since Aizawa took it off him, giving the occasional cough as something bounced in his throat, his movements speeding up a little as the world grew around him slightly, his thinning legs losing three inches in their rocker upgrade.

Denki fully swallowed the lump in the throat by the time he reached the drum kit, using some cleaning product to wipe the dust off the main drum, his reflection fully visible in its spotless surface. He blinked, his mouth falling open in shock, raising both his arms as the punkish student in the reflection did the same.

"My, my, my! Ibuki looks like a completely different person now!" 

It was fascinating to witness Ibuki moving his head and making different poses to see if his reflection was copying him. He was satisfied after a minute, moving back and cupping his chin as he thought to himself.

"Ibuki's turning into some punk chick? Hang on... Ibuki? Why do I keep saying that? Is that my name? No, that's Denki. Ugh!" He cringed with a shiver, "Well I guess that was Ibuki's name before... but I don't know? This is unreal! Stuff this crazy should only be happening in song lyrics! Oh that's a good one! I'm turning into a sexy punk babe out of nowhere and don't know what to- A-ahhhhhhhhhhhh~?"

He moaned, biting his lip hard enough to draw a little blood, rubbing at his chest as it began to swell with mass, surging out at incredible speed. Ibuki had always wanted to hold a set of jiggly, supple breasts, the feeling of them being groped making him realise just how much he had been missing out, his cock throbbing and twitching to the rhythm of the changes as he gurgled in delight.

Strength faded from all his hero training, the muscle he had built up since joining UA proving to last as long as a one hit wonder's reputation. With it all deflated, she smirked, happily feeling her newfound curves and dips joined by the slim, sexy core.

"Oh~! Ah~! I have breasts? O-oh these feel so nice! Totally fucking rocking~! Haha~! No wonder I... I... oh man, was Ibuki always such a loser?" e was looking back at his life, suddenly struck by just how annoying he must have come off as before, especially with Mineta. Oh god he wanted to kick that perv in the face right now!

It was like he was switching personas, his memories and experiences remaining untouched as a new, better, more rocking person took his place at the driver's seat. New memories were coming with it though, song lyrics, how to play any instrument, how to write songs, even a ton he wrote himself!

"Wow! Ibuki isn't sure how this is happening... but she totally loves this! Hang on, I know! I've been chosen by the gods!" she beamed, accepting the new pronouns without much of a struggle, the thought making her cock struggle desperately within her panties.

"Ugh, that's still here... Ibuki doesn't need that!" She scowled, wondering if there was a way to speed up the process until her eyes made contact with a discarded electric guitar, "Ibuki needs to rock out already~!"

Ibuki smirked as she picked up the instrument, caressing it almost lovingly with her lithe fingers, music notes dancing in front of her eyes as she pressed it against her cock, jolts of electricity crackling from her fingertips. 

"Oh this is going to be the best! And Jirou loves music! So the best way to get her is to make her like Ibuki's music the most~!" The crush on the other punky girl seemed to be the only element beyond Denki's memories that was going to carry over to the boy's new incarnation, Ibuki's grin growing wider as she tuned the instrument before shouting to her non-existent crowd.  


It felt like heaven, Ibuki crying out like an eager riot girl as soon as she started shredding, the instrument not being plugged in not meaning anything when the musician was her own power generator, electricity darting from her fingers as she played. She bopped her head to the improvised song, Ibuki finding herself not only filled with wonderful arousal, but sheer joy at performing her passion.

Her screams were such wonderful backing vocals for her rhythm, Ibuki feeling her cock throb and twitch with each string she pulled, the girl deciding it was best if she set it free from her panties. It was the best decision she could have made, Ibuki squealing as she came, her messy discharge still sparkling with static even when it was on the floor.

"Huh... Ibuki m-might want to put a high voltage sign up a-aro-OHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!! AH~! OH HELL YES~! THIS IS FUCKING ROCKING~! JESUS THIS HIGH~! KYAHHHHHHHHH-abubbububububub!" It felt so good she was foaming at the mouth, her eyes rolling into her head as instinct guided her jam session, the girl starting to ram her bass into the annoying, throbbing shaft to try and make it go away faster.

To her delight, it was working, each brutal blow sending another chunk of her cock sliding back into her body, her balls exploding like pyrotechnics at the end of the show of a lifetime, girl juice blasting through her body along with them. She played harder, only growing more determined to bring the end of her manhood, her shouts getting louder as she slowly made progress, the first act of the performance reaching its climax as a final, harsh play of the strings sent her cock peacing out into the depths of her pussy. 

"K-KYAHHHHHHHHHHHH OH YESSSSSSSS~!!!!!!" she cried, almost dropping the instrument as she raised her arm, accidentally spitting from the sheer euphoria of the climax, tears of bliss sliding down her face while she scrunched it in delight.

“A-ah~! H-hah~! Oh wow~! That was intense!" she cried, her new pussy burning with needy, feminine delight as she giggled to herself, finally having the proper equipment for her gender. But still, she wasn't quite finished yet, her shoulders too broad, her back and hips nowhere near right, let alone her ass and thighs! There was nothing to show there at all!

But what was the best way for her to get rid of them? It took Ibuki a few moments to think about it, knowing that her body wasn't going to change itself, needing to take action and just fucking finish herself off already! What if Jirou ran in while she was changing!? No, she needed to be ready to make a good first... would it really be first? Well whatever impression it was it had to be good!

An unrelated annoyance was her guitar, the sound from her performance not quite right, something that could be solved if she was able to plug it into a socket directly. The only problem was that there wasn't one close enough to the stage, Ibuki sighing and rolling her eyes as she noticed.

"Seriously? If Ibuki noticed this was a problem, how did nobody else!? Ugh, I'll just complain later. I bet Jirou will agree! But dammit! My music needs to sound good! If only there was another source of power nearby I could ram the-"

Ibuki paused.

"Ohhh wait a minute. I guess it could work with my mouth? Nah I need that for singing... oh I got it!" She grinned, pulling up the plug before slipping it into her panties, feeling it slide into her pussy.

The reaction was instant, the girl yelping in blissful shock as her quirk went into overdrive, pure energy blasting from her body and into her wonderful instrument, supercharging it with electricity. Ibuki went down on it, jamming out with frantic head bops and jumps as she fueled her performance with nothing but self pleasure.

Now each chord and string was having an even greater impact on her, each one literally bursting through her body, everything tingling with shocking euphoria as she cried out in blissful enthusiasm. Her shoulders rounded down, gradually forced down in sync with the imaginary drumbeat supporting her performance, beating them into submission.

The changes in the lower half of her body were much more sensual, the growth of her thighs and ass taking their sweet time in the lead up to the chorus, inflating and swelling with just enough fat to drive her mad with teasing. Her quirk should have been close to overloading by now, but strangely she could take it, pushing herself further than ever before for her art, the girl's stamina and endurance much stronger thanks to her improved mindset.

It wasn't until the chorus hit that she truly started to reach the climax, both to the song and her own changes, Ibuki grunting and screaming in delight as her hips burst outwards with her pushes, only hurting for a moment before they naturally reformed to become wider. They felt wonderful, the growth in her assets only speeding up to accommodate them, her thighs and ass surging with additional plushness.

It was a welcome addition, even the slight pain in her thigh as a scar tattoo designed like stitches appeared on her fully grown right thigh, the performance reaching its conclusion with her eager, overwhelming orgasm. She was left breathless, giggling and gasping as she slipped the plug out, her body still sparking a little as she wiped her fluids off.

"Huh, that didn't take as long as I thought! I know I get through my performances quickly, but this has to be a record even for Ibuki~! That was a piece of cake! Oh great, now I'm hungry..." she thought aloud, tilting her head and thinking to herself, "I wonder if the lunch hall is still open?"

She didn't get much of a chance to get her thoughts together further, her impressive hearing picking something out a few hallways down, someone getting closer to the room at a semi-concerned pace. It was someone wearing boots, that alone alerting her of the most likely visitor as she blushed faintly.

"Hey Denki, is everything ok in here? Apparently something... really weird happened with Bakugou that I do not want to go into right now. But we think it's to do with that villain you guys fought earlier. Anything strange been-" Jirou began before pausing, her mouth falling open as her eyes widened. 

"Hmm! I'm not sure~! What do you think Jirou~? Does Ibuki look strange~?" Ibuki smiled, her purple eyes focused on the other suddenly quite red punk girl.

"D-Denki? Is that... y-you?" Kyoka asked weakly, her eyes taking in every inch of the punk perfection on display in front of her, the other girl laughing as she turned to face her fully.

"It sure is~! I'm not sure how it happened, but I just started changing out of nowhere! It's a good look, no? I mean I was a little bit concerned at first... only for a sec though! I mean it's totally fucking clear which look I'd prefer~!"

"I-I see! Well... um... y-you seem like... really different too?"

"Well, obviously! Honestly Kyoka, can I call you Kyoka? Never asked before. Anyways, Ibuki's point. I was like so damn lame before! And so annoying! I mean I suppose it could have been charming in some ways, but I just can't stand it! Whatever changed me also like gave me this amazing personality upgrade too!" she exclaimed with some enthusiastic waves of her arms. 

"Oh... i-it's um... nice! Yeah, nice! Like how you look! A-and how you sound! And-" she began, stopping herself with a blush as Ibuki gave a mischievous smirk. 

“Heh, looks like you're a big fan Kyoka~! Ibuki is very happy you approve~. Ibuki happens to like this new look a lot more as well~! Heehee~."

Jirou grew even redder. "W-well... if you like this and... I'm sure that... ah! I'll just leave you too-"

"Oh don't be silly Kyoka~! Ibuki wanted to make some music with you first~." Ibuki smirked as she walked towards the other girl.


"I mean you're a great songwriter! And now I am too! Oh I'm sure we could write some beautiful, rocking tunes together!" Ibuki explained.

"O-oh... you meant... I thought you..."

"Oh and Ibuki totally means the other way as well."

Jirou squeaked and stammered, her words barely making any sense from just how flustered she was, especially when Ibuki put a finger to the other girl's chin.

"Why so red, Kyoka? Ibuki can tell that you want a taste of her. And that you want some girl love~! It's slippery when wet~. Like you are, no~?" 

Jirou's headphone jack hurriedly locked the door without another word.

Safe to say, it was a while before the rest of the class was able to meet the new her, Ibuki's private performance making the best first impression on who she wanted to impress the most~.


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