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"There she is! Oh man, it's been way too long since I've last seen her…"  Matt sighed affectionately,  his eyes having remained locked on the red haired girl since the bell had rung, even as she began packing away her things.

"Dude, it's only been a month since summer vacation. You're getting desperate!" his friend Greg rolled his eyes, disappointedly used to his classmate’s antics by now. "Does she even know you exist?"

The boys were seniors, currently attending the famous Gekkoukan High School in Japan, a high honour for exchange students from America, as the school was well known for its high calibre of education and results. While Greg did his best to take advantage of the situation, Matt had found himself... distracted by other matters.

Said matter flicked her hair, muttering quietly to herself as she double checked her table before heading towards the exit.

There wasn't a single student in school that wasn't aware of Mitsuru Kirijo. She wasn't just the only heir to an incredibly wealthy, global company, but also the top of her class in almost every subject, and even a member of the student council. 

But most important to Matt, she was drop dead gorgeous

Greg could honestly see the appeal. She had curves that went on for miles, long, luxurious  red hair with matching piercing eyes, a commanding voice and... well, certain features that       her uniform certainly helped emphasise...

He couldn’t blame Matt for getting a crush; the problem was that it was really starting to get in the way of his friend’s studies!

"W-well, she might not at the moment! But she will! Trust me! Today's the day I’ll convince her to give me a shot!" he stated confidently as they entered the hallway, following Mitsuru from a distance as his friend groaned behind him.

"Man, you are completely delusional! Listen! I heard one of the juniors complaining she couldn't talk to her since she wasn't smart enough or something! And they live in the same dorm for crying out loud! You have no chance"

"Well, I'm going to change her mind! I can just say I'm struggling with classes and ask her to tutor me! God, imagine!"

"You acknowledging that you are struggling in classes is one of the first true things you've said all day..." Greg muttered to himself, the duo ascending the stairs to the second floor, finding Mitsuru talking to a shorter, blue haired student. "Maybe instead of chasing some girl who isn't going to be into you, we can go to the library and- oh shit is that Fuuka?" 

The blue haired girl was in the year below theirs, and another girl who stayed in the same dorms as the legendary Mitsuru. Unlike her however, Fuuka Yamagishi was very much an ordinary girl when it came to popularity. Despite this, from the little glances he had seen of her, Greg had very much found himself falling for her cute little smiles, short blue hair, and shy demeanour. Granted, unlike his friend, he had managed to keep the crush from tanking his grades, but he would be lying if he didn't admit he found himself thinking about her a lot.

"Yes! Now that your crush is here you have to help me go up to her! Maybe you can score with Fuuka too! It's a win-win!"

"I-I... don't want... ugh, fine! Just don't say anything stupid!" 

"Anything strange happen today with you, Yamagishi?"

"Oh, nothing! I made sure not to touch anyone like you and Kotone said! And that weird status we got applied to us in Tartarus should be wearing off in a few minutes!"

"Same here. What a pain. We should have noticed that shadow by the entrance last night. But at least nothing bad resulted from this. We should consider ourselves lucky and stay..."

"Hey ladies!" Matt suddenly exclaimed, cutting off the strange roleplaying thing he assumed they were talking about, "fancy running into you both here!"

The two girls blinked.

"Do I... know you?" asked Mitsuru with a raise of her eyebrow.

"No. But if you go out to dinner with me, we can totally get to know each other better!" he smirked, Greg facepalming as the two girls glared at him in confusion.

"I... see." Mitsuru managed to get out, "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm far too busy for anything else today. In fact, I was just returning to my dorms. Good day," she stated plainly, walking past him without a second thought, none of them noticing her hand brushing against his own while she did so.

There was a faint buzz for a moment, a feeling that very much went unnoticed as Matt attempted to offer a counterpoint, Mitsuru gone before he could even think of what to stammer. Fuuka blinked, about to similarly slither away before Greg stepped forward.

"H-hey! You run that cooking club, right?" he blushed, the girl turning similarly red as she fidgeted.

"Oh? Um. Yes! I do... just me and my friend at the moment though... and it's unofficial right now!" she managed to squeak out.

"Yeah, well... um... do you mind if I... join you? Just for the day! It's just that I have some free time and..."

"You want to join!?" Fuuka beamed in surprise, "oh that sounds great! Kotone just had to cancel because something came up at the library committee! You can give me some pointers! I'm sure you can help me with my cooking!"

Greg could barely keep the smile off his face as he followed the younger girl, nervously clutching her hand, his whole body buzzing in barely contained excitement as Fuuka froze for a moment, checking her watch and looking uncertain. Whatever was bothering her seemed to be quickly dismissed though, the girl continuing what she was doing as the duo went out of sight.

Matt was left stood alone, shaking in barely contained jealousy, the ugly feeling making his stomach swirl with strange sensations. How had he been turned down so badly!? Didn't Mitsuru want to give him a chance at all? 

"What a help Greg was! All he did was run off with his girl and leave me alone!" he rambled to himself, storming down the stairs with his hands in his pockets.

If he was in a better mood, he'd obviously be more than happy for his friend's success, but at the moment he was too dejected to care. There was no use moaning about it now he supposed, he might as well rest for the remainder of the day and get his energy back up for tomorrow. Mitsuru would probably be way more impressed if he was more charming!

Don't be stupid. Do you really think I'll be impressed by looks alone?

He froze, less of a natural action and more that every muscle in his body had paused at once. That thought had come out of nowhere; a tiny voice coming from the back of his brain, washing over his mind with waves of calmness. It sounded like Mitsuru, and if there hadn’t been nobody around him, he would have assumed she was standing right behind him, whispering in his ear.

"W-what do you mean?"

I'm the most popular girl in this school. Do you know how many boys have confessed their love for me? What makes you think you have something they don't?

"Well... um... I'm American? Maybe she likes foreign guys?" he answered again, impressed at how well he had nailed Mitsuru's voice from his limited interactions with her.

Ha! You're certainly not the first American I've seen. It will take more than that to impress me. Non. Your friend was on the right track. It's intelligence that matters to me. Perhaps if you raised your grades, you might end up on my radar. 

His cock hardened in his jeans, Matt almost breathless from just how real the imagined voice from his subconscious sounded to his ears, the sound of his heartbeat echoing through his body with increasing intensity. 

"Would that... work? If I did that then Mitsuru would...?"

His mind was made up in seconds, the student hurriedly dashing towards the library with newfound determination, his body feeling oddly chilly as he shuddered from the cold, sending his now hairless flesh rubbing directly against his clothes.

He shivered even more from the pleasant sensations, groaning softly as he entered the school library, standing in the doorway as he looked out at all the students working at different desks. It was almost overwhelming, the space much bigger than he imagined, how was he supposed to-

Table, third from the back. It's the best place to work undisturbed, and near all the relevant books. 

Huh, that was helpful. He was surprised he even knew that when he never even-

And stand up straight! You are in a school environment! You must make a good impression of yourself to your peers!

A sudden mental shout interrupted his thought halfway through, his body instinctively SNAPPING into a proper posture like someone had kicked him in the back. The boy blinked dumbly for a moment, seemingly unaware that the snap was an actual sound, one that signalled his spine being forced into a distinctively feminine curve.

Matt shook his head, unsure what he was doing standing around like an idiot, shuddering as he walked towards the desk, hands held together as he walked politely to avoid unwanted attention. While that was the excuse he told himself, his body couldn't get out of the mannerisms even if he wanted to. Something had shackled it to the new instincts, and it was only the beginning of his metamorphosis. 

He sat down at the desk after finding some books suggested by his very Mitsuru-sounding inner voice, books that apparently had material that would come up in the next exams. If he did well in them, she was bound to notice him and be impressed by how hard-working he was!

His body felt indecisive as he began to flick through the pages, somehow feeling both lazy and more motivated than ever to study, the rest of the world starting to fade away as unfocused brown eyes looked down at the book. Matt sat up straight, uncharacteristically invested in the maths theory book he had picked out, those same unfocused eyes stinging for a moment as they sharpened into a shining red, framed by feminine, fluttery eyelashes.

They were the same eyes that he and half the school swooned over every day, not that he knew it, his hard cock luckily concealed under the table as it throbbed happily. It was almost hard to focus on the book, his head pounding and pulsing, his shrinking hands clutching the book tightly as they began to sink into his sleeves.

"M-my head..." he groaned, "u-ugh... no I need to focus... got to study and... make Mitsuru l-like me..."

“What a pain. Of course I’d get a headache when I try to study. Ugh, this must be how a shadow feels when Akihiko knocks it…”

"What?" Matt groaned, rubbing his head as the pulsing ache in his brain continued mercilessly, the sound of the voice sending shockwaves running pleasantly over his features. "I... what does that even…? M-my head… h-hurts so…"

He didn't know it, but his brain was shifting, hardening like his eyes, Matt starting to wonder just why he was reading these books when all of it seemed like common sense. Did he really struggle that much before? It was hard to believe when everything he read was so obvious; how tough were these tests again?

It doesn't matter that I know it already. It's always best to refresh yourself just in case.

The voice was louder, his cock getting harder at the sound, his body shaking as his IQ began to soar higher by the second, the less-than-average grades he used to receive becoming a thing of the past in the process. A new mind also needed a new head to contain it, something that was very soon addressed, his skull cracking down in size as his male features rippled, stretching and shifting as he moaned quietly.

His lips inflated, coated with soft lipstick, his cheekbones arching into sexy, defined foundations, nose and jaw losing size as they shattered down into womanly points. He was left gasping, shaking from the aftershocks of raw pleasure, the students around him too caught up in their chatter to notice that the exchange student's face had shifted into an exact copy of their student council president.

Not even he was aware of this fact, simply crossing his legs in an extremely feminine manner, brushing his red tipped hair to one side as he sighed, devouring the knowledge within the book quicker and quicker. With each flick of the pages, more of the red consumed his unremarkable brown strands, each lock rising from its rough, unappealing form in glorious fashion.

Within minutes, his hair had been conquered by the Krijiou blood that was beginning to flow through him, but the colour wasn't enough for the changes. He couldn't just resemble Mitsuru, he had to look exactly like her. He moaned softly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat as it cracked between his voice and the high-pitched, mature tones he had swooned over for months.

His hair cascaded downwards like a waterfall of crimson, falling over his shuddering shoulders that soon dropped into place, the curtains of red locks continuing to descend with no end in sight. Matt sighed, swallowing something in his throat as he found his mind distracted by daydreams, fantasies of running his hands through impossibly soft strands, and the sexy features of the woman who possessed such flawless locks.

"M-Mitsuruuuuuuuuu~," he gasped incoherently, so caught up in his fantasy he didn't notice he was talking in his crush's own voice, "I-I'm so smart now M-Mitsuru... is this enough for you? P-please, I want to be perfect, for youuuuuuuuu~."

Not yet. But perhaps soon. There's still a lot for you to go through before I can consider you perfect.

He bucked at the sound of her voice in his head, the books forgotten as his hands shook, falling uselessly to his sides as he instinctively attempted to keep his composure. He grimaced, desperate not to drool in public, one hand rising to stroke his gorgeous mane in delight, not even noticing the curtain of red locks descending over his right eye. 

His mind was spinning, aching with raw euphoria like multiple icicles had impaled his brain. They were melting from the pleasure, sending Mitsuru liquid pouring free, seeping into his malleable memories and infecting them with her dominant Influence.

His life was being rewritten. Details about America were becoming less and less clear, as if they were only things he had seen in textbooks and on TV. Things a normal teenager would take for granted were fading completely. Fast food and popular culture were deemed irrelevant, replaced with memories of being taught proper etiquette and manners instead, old friends turning to maids as family relations turned far more distant and complex.

Knowing all of it made him feel stupid about how he treated her earlier. She had so much going on! That wasn't even going into what happened with the Dark Hour, the Shadows and SEEs! No wonder she...

"Wait... h-how do I... know all this?" Maru (that was his name right?) muttered to himself, something not feeling quite right as his cock throbbed in conflict, some sense of reason attempting to emerge from the pleasured mess of his mind. "I... I... need to…?"

I need to study. Think of my grades! Can one of my reputation afford to waste time and let my grades suffer? Just because I have to explore Tartarus every night does not excuse slacking!

There was a difference in how the thought composed itself this time, the sound clear and forceful, but even with his increased IQ, Maru didn't notice, simply nodding along with the inner voice. It sounded a bit like someone he knew, but he couldn't pinpoint who. That was his voice, right? Why would he be imagining someone else talking to him anyways?

He shuddered, feeling the inner cold engrave itself deep in his core, hugging himself doing little to help keep his body warm as even his frightened breaths became visible. He had never had too much muscle, despite his boasting, so it was no wonder he didn't realise they were atrophying from the extreme cold, forming a set of feminine limbs.

"M-my head is killing me... did I... work overtime again? All my jobs are quite stressful when they pile up... heh... I'm lucky I have such g-good friends?" It felt like he was having a brain freeze, the invading ice digging in deeper with almost painful bliss, his exposed legs crossing and rubbing together for warmth as his teeth chattered.

Wait, exposed legs?

Mauru looked down, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of long, black, heeled boots and a small black skirt, only spoiled by the obviously throbbing cock bulge that was wedged between his legs. Not only this, but his skirt seemed… off. Wasn't this what the girls usually wore?

So what is strange about me wearing it?

He groaned, breathing heavily while clutching his head, doing his best to behave calmly as he looked around the library, none of the other students giving him a second glance despite the persistent feeling of... wrongness. He knew he needed to head back to the dorms. If there was something wrong the other members of SEES would...

"N-NGH~!" he cried, eyes wide as a huge chunk of his brain was completely Mitsurued all at once, the unremarkable high schooler suddenly filled with memories of fighting Shadows, taking responsibility for what her family had done, even little things like having showers and riding her motorbike. It... it was too much!

The pleasure only spread from there, the foothold gained in his mind not going to waste even for a moment, Mauru covering his mouth just in time to block the sensual shriek that left his lips. He wailed into his hand, his nipples feeling like they'd been critically hit by one of his Persona's Mabufudyne attacks, pulsing with brutal bursts of icy bliss.

Somewhere in his brain, he could recall how many times he had gushed to Greg about Mitsuru's killer rack, but his lust for them was nothing compared to the waves of euphoria that would have surely brought him to his knees if he wasn't already sitting. Mauru bit into his hand to stop the screams from coming out, not able to check his surroundings to see how effective it was as the growing b-cups tented his uniform.

The fact he was cumming only added to the feeling of humiliation, his cock unloading almost everything it had in response as his tits burst into c-cups, only to get more intense as they grew even beyond that.

"K-KYMMM~! MMMMMM f-fuck~!" he gasped, lowering his hand as his fully grown DD's smooshed onto the desk and books, the feeling of them bouncing sending pleasurable aftershocks rushing through his sensitive body. "T-that felt... s-so good? W-why did it feel so good!?"

Maruru felt like he had spent the entire dark hour climbing Tartarus without a single break, every part of him shaking from the sheer explosion of ecstasy as he groped a breast uncertainly, moaning in confusion at the strange feelings it sent shooting through his body.

W-what am I doing!? It's not like I just got these! And I certainly can't behave like this in public! I must stop this at once!

For once, he didn't obey right away, shuddering as he reluctantly pulled his hand away minutes later, the addictive pleasure making his shaft spurt out more of its useless seed as the feeling of wrongness persisted. W-what could it be? Everything was normal! The inner voice was even telling him so!  What could possibly be-

"Oh hey Mitsuru! I didn't expect to see you here!" An orange-haired girl beamed as she stopped before the table. "I thought you usually studied back at the dorm? Saori and I have never seen you here while we were working!"

Mauru froze, eyes wide as the realisation the girl was talking to him shot him in the core. That was only the first of the revelations as everything SNAPPED into terrible focus all at once. He almost screamed, suddenly aware of the long red hair draped over his form, the unfamiliar slender arms, the high-pitched, commanding voice that was currently focused on hyperventilating, and especially the gigantic breasts that jiggled with even the smallest of his movements.

It all came to one impossible, terrifying conclusion. He was turning into Mitsuru, and he hadn't even noticed.

"Um, Mitsuru? You ok?" Kotone asked with a tilt of her head, Mitsuru seeming to look increasingly panicked with every second that passed. "Hey! Is something wrong?"

Her words snapped Mauru back to reality, flinching as the cold in his brain surged stronger, flight instincts kicking in hard as he pushed all the books into his bag and shot upwards.

"Nothing! Everything is fine! If you’ll excuse me Shiomi, I need to take care of something!" he forced out in a single breath, before dashing from the library as fast as his polite instincts would let him.

He only got outside the door before the changes struck again, Masuru shrieking in blissful agony as he slammed into a wall, left reeling from the sudden CRUNCHes striking his core. It was like Mitsuru was brutally kicking him over and over, her heeled boots forcing fat to sink and harden as sides sloped into graceful curves.

"F-FUCK~! OH SHIT NO THIS CAN'T BE REAL~!" he cried, running his hands down his newfound supermodel-level curves in disbelief. "I need help! I need help fast! Before... b-before-!"

He couldn't bring himself to say it, instead groaning as he weakly pulled himself across the hallway, his legs too wobbly to run on their own as cum drops were left trailing behind him.  He could feel the presence in his brain, the weight of the world building on his poor, unready mind, almost making him want to relinquish control to someone that could handle it. But he couldn't!

Oh for crying out- what am I doing!? Nothing unusual is happening! I'll be fine as soon as I forget these stupid worries!

"S-shut UPPPPPP~!" he wailed, bucking as his hips erupted, widening to the extreme as a natural sway was imprinted directly into his soul.

Now I'm talking to myself? Hmph. What am I, a child?

"Y-YOU’RE NOT MEEEEEEEEAHHHHH~!!!!! OH G-GAWD~! OH THIS IS THE MOST W-WONDERFUL FEELING I-I'VE EVER- YESSSSSSSS~!!!!!!" with his hourglass figure completed, it was only natural his thighs got attention next, his wobbling legs slamming together as their muscle was syphoned and forced upwards, his thighs suddenly blossoming into pillows the size of tree trunks.

How preposterous! My name is Mitsuru Kirijiou! Heir to the Kirijou Corporation! I will repent for my family's mistakes and put an end to the Dark Hour and the shadows! SO GET OUT OF MY WAY! 

Pleasure exploded throughout his body, this time with none of its calming aura, all of it replaced with violent, raw bliss, bordering on pain as it felt like a heel had mercilessly slammed into his cock. He gasped breathlessly, Masuru spasming wildly as the phantom heel grind harder on his shaft.

It was forcing it inwards, his cock twitching like a trapped worm, the changing boy crying from the overwhelming euphoria as he wailed incoherently. "OH SHIT OH GAWD I-IT'S GOING- GOING BACK IN~! IT'S FUCKING SLIDING BACK INNNN~!!!! S-SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE, IT WON'T STOP~! I DON'T WANT TO BE- KYAH SHITSHITSHIT I-I CAN'T- SHE WON’T STOP PLEASE PLEASE PLE-"


The pressure climaxed with a final brutal kick, his balls exploding with agonising delight as they were suddenly forced back inside him. He had no idea how the whole school hadn't noticed the changes with how loud he was screaming, his hard cock throbbing like crazy, despite the bulge in his skirt being noticeably smaller.

The shrinking had stopped for now, but the pleasure had certainly taken its toll on his overwhelmed, shifting form, his mind frozen in a state of unfiltered bliss. 

Hah... that feels much better. What's wrong with me today? So many weird feelings... I hope they’ll allbe gone soon...

"B-but I don't... want to go away~!" he moaned, clutching and shaking his head in alarm as he staggered forward with newfound determination. "I won’t! Won’t let you! I just n-need to find someone w-who can-" 


It was then that someone dashed from around the corner, crashing right into the confused Masuru, their head mushing into his rack as their shivering form fell to the floor. Despite his embarrassment, he was more focused on the feeling of hope that followed; this was his chance! He could finally get help and stop this before anything else could happen!

"G-gah~! Oh thank god, this is going to sound crahhhhhh~!" He felt his thighs tighten, crushing his cock in a vice grip.

"OH~! I'm not Mitsuru~! I-I'm- I don't know who I am but you need to help me- wait," his eyes widened as he looked down, fully taking in the figure for the first time, "G-Greg? Is that you?"

He almost didn't recognize him at first, the student on the floor gasping and hiccupping as they hugged themselves, their feminine frame hugged by the girl's uniform. Their face was unmistakably that of his former friend, but the more he stared at it, the more unfamiliar it seemed, the messy blonde strands turning blue and soft, his lips plumping, eyes widening.

Within seconds, the face of his friend no longer had any resemblance to himself, instead it looked like...


It was the wrong thing to say, the word seeming to cause a chain reaction in the dazed student below, their eyes shooting open as they bucked forward, their spine collapsing with a painful sounding CRACK as they were forced to push out their chest. Said chest was looking more plush by the second, his hands scrambling as the skirt was pulled upwards slightly, exposing a set of girly panties hugging both feminine hips and plump thighs, despite the clear bulge.

"F-FUUKA~!?" they screamed, convulsing in place as they seemed almost lost in their own world. "Oh fuck, oh shit, s-she's- she's in my h-head~! H-HER PERSONA IS IN MY HEAD~! P-PERSONA~? L-LUCIAAAAAAAAA~!!!! N-NO STOP~! I C-CAN'T FIGHT YOU~!? PLEASE NO- I-I DON’T LOVE THIS~? F-Fuuka... F-Fuuka's my-... m-my... I..." 

Masuru couldn't bring himself to say anything, only able to watch in horror as the bulge began to shrink, the fear in the forming girl's expression fading as she hiccuped, smiling as she shut her eyes and clutched her head with shrinking hands. “I... I... d-don't know... w-who I... who am... F-Fuuka... a-am? F-Fuuka~? Am Fuuka? Am Fuuka! AMFUUKAAMFUUKAAMFUKKA~! YESSSSSSSSSS~!"

She gasped, the bulge in her panties collapsing with a wonderful POP as her eyes widened, sparkling with bliss, Masuru swearing he could see a heart inside it. He shook from fear, stepping back in terror as the girl gasped and shuddered, blushing as she recovered from the pleasurable high.

He had gone from being desperate for help to being too scared to even say anything. Scared to ask Greg for help. Scared since he knew...

The girl in front of him wasn't Greg anymore.

He ran, dashing past the girl before she could recover, his heart pounding like crazy as he shot across the main hall and into the next corridor, frantically looking around for anybody that could help. He had never been more terrified in his life, that he was certain of, doing his best to dismiss the invading thoughts that even dared to suggest otherwise.

Fuuka didn’t know it, but she had shown him his fate. And he knew it was sealed.

Hmm? Why are my shoes so tight today? And why am I running in the halls? Wait... is this a side effect of the shadow attack? I should have known that-

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD~!" he pleaded in panic, tripping into an empty classroom as the much too tight shoes forced his feet down to match them, dainty toes wriggling in faint delight as he wriggled uselessly on the ground. "I-I WON'T- WON'T LET YOU- NOT LIKE GREG, I-I'M STRONGER, I-I-"

Need to break out of this! There's only one thing left to do... good thing I always carry it on me in case of emergencies... hopefully it will be enough to get my head back into shape.

Matsuru was barely holding on, sobbing and gasping as his rear inflated like a balloon, the ripe, bouncy peach grinding into the ground as his half-shrunken cock struggled to breathe amongst the impossibly huge thighs. It felt like he was moving through a dream, his arms following dazed instincts as he reached into the bag, clutching the handle of something as a pistol was pulled free.

He hadn't even realised the contents of his bag had been shifting, but the sight of the gun-like item made his heart fall in terror, his hard cock throbbing like crazy as he twirled it in his hand, and pointed it directly at his head. Matsuru could feel his finger on the trigger, knowing what firing it would do, and despite knowing it didn’t contain any bullets, was using every ounce of will trying to stop himself from pulling the trigger as the presence in his mind thought back hard.

Enough of this! Awaken my true Persona! Obey my command and purge this infection from my mind! Show no mercy!

"N-no! P-please, don't make... I don't want to be Mitsuru! I r-really don't~! I-I oh gawd it feels, it feels sooooooooo... g-good~. It can't..." His eyes glazed over, breathing heavily as the influence took advantage of the opening in his mental defences.

I need to be at full energy! My friends need me! The shadows must be defeated! Only I can erase this stain on my family's legacy!

"O-only... I... only... Mitsuru?" He drooled, squeezing his thighs tight as he unknowingly worked away at his own manhood. "Y-yes Mitsuru... need to... I'm... I don't know who else I can... only Mitsuru? Y-yes only Mitsuru, h-have Mitsuru’s body, Mitsuru’s brain, Mitsuru’s soul~! Always Mitsuru. F-forever Mitsuru~! I LOVE BEING MITSURU~!"

Yes! Yes I do! I am Mitsuru Kirjiou~! This false Persona will never be able to change that! Do it! Fire! Embrace my true self and leave this false being to rot! DO IT!

The boy had fallen into the pleasure, lost in the memories of his obsession, his eyes glazing over as he smiled in pure delight, drooling out, "I-I SUMMON THEE~!" before he finally pulled the trigger.



She was too out of breath to scream, Mitsuru simply shuddering from pure delight as the sound of breaking glass filled her mind, the false Persona shattering as Penthesilea forcefully took back control. Its emergence covered her brain with her influence, utterly purging every inch that may have remained of Matt, only Mitsuru Kiirijiou left in the transformation's wake. Both in mind and soul.

The new woman blinked, groaning as she got to her feet, blushing as her pussy ached in horny need, clutching her head as her mind filled in the blanks the best it could. What... what had she been doing again? She'd been talking to Fuuka, right? Then she had some kind of... shadow-induced headache and horniness? 

"W-well... I suppose they can charm us. It isn't that far-fetched... oh god, I hope none of us ever get hit by that while exploring Tartarus..." She flushed, straightening her skirt and brushing her soft hair as she exited the classroom, her impressive rack bouncing with every step.

"Perhaps we should delay the next Tartarus exploration until tomorrow..."  she mused with a blush, "I feel a bit too... distracted for it tonight. Besides, knowing the others, they might want a bit more rest after we just explored it last night... I'll relay the information to Kotone later."

She entered the main hall, about to exit the school when she saw Fuuka staggering from the opposite hallway, groaning softly.

"Yamagishi? Are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh! I-I'm ok!" She blushed, trying to hide her face with her uniform. "I think... maybe the shadow effect was more noticeable than we expected..."

"I... also noticed. Let us not speak of it any further. Ever." Mitsuru calmly stated as they headed towards the gate. "Where did you get the new outfit from though? I'm sure you didn't have it a few minutes ago..."

"Oh, this?" Fuuka looked down at herself, messing with the skirt a bit. "Honestly, I have no idea. Probably just a side-effect of the shadow I guess? I kinda like it to be honest~!"

"It looks good on you," Mitsuru smiled, "you should consider keeping the look. I'm just thankful my outfit was unaffected. I wouldn't want to run around the school in a bodysuit or something..."

"Imagine that!" Fuuka sniggered, "although knowing the boys we would never hear the end of it… actually, I know a girl here who would pay a fortune to see it!"

"I remain grateful that did not occur then. So I consider ourselves lucky in this case. Anyways, we should focus on returning to the dorms for now. We wouldn't want our friends to worry about us any further."

"Oh yeah, we should hurry up! At this rate Shiomi will be back before us!" Fuuka smiled, the friends happily embarking towards their home, oblivious that they had been permanently locked into new feminine lives.

An unawareness that lasted until they ran into the original Mitsuru and Fuuka back in the dorms, but that was another story…


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