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Started what?







Awh yes. Filthy nasty cheating.


And the drama begins


Oh boy it’s about to go down 😳

Pro G.

Damn loona you looking real thicc


Uh... um... planning you a surprise birthday party, of course! And darn it, now the surprise is spoiled and we'll have to scrap the whole thing.


Loona is looking to die if she's not careful. Millie is not a woman to cross.

Roy Vulpes™

😳 "It was at this moment, Moxxie realized he fucked up."

Super Shanko

Well hot damn, this was an unexpected swerve. Well played, Jizoku.

Sean Rozina

Love the full view

Super Shanko

Moxxie has a magic dick that can be bigger than his tail, but also gone entirely when in full shot.


Oh oh, it will happend now!!

Super Shanko

“We we’re planning… a big breakfast for all of us! Loona can’t stop talking about the endless sausage platter, hahaha!”

Super Shanko

“Who are you calling a slacker? I’ve literally been working ass off for you to cum and this is the thanks I get?!”


Oooooh, it would amazing if Millie could be finagled into joining in on this!! 😍


Why you being grumpy bork, Loona? You know he can't get out of this now, except with him nutting in you~

Super Shanko

Moxx is in a real pickle being caught between a thot and a hard place.



Dylan T

This is where the dramatic three chord sting goes

Super Shanko

I’m having a weird reading comprehension thing here. Is it Loona/Loona/Moxxie, or Loona/Moxxie/Loona back and forth in that middle section?

Tristan Gunter



yes , i just cant get enoth of this comic, its awesome

the codcast

Oh shit. OK. Um. Uhhhhhh. Hehehhe

Hebu The Lone Wolf

whelp, i guess the cat is out of the bag now x3


Is there anyway this loona shot could be a standalone? Love that shot so much.

Super Shanko

Just have Loona take the phone and explain they’re having a competitive break dance competition and Moxxie keeps cheating, that’ll resolve everything, duh.

Richard Purchas

Possibly she was interested in blitz and verosika sex life. So she might go both ways, I could see that.

Super Shanko

I’m loving that no matter what the character traits don’t break, which only makes it funnier that she baited him with a kiss just to shove him over a light insult.

Michael Hoadley

I don’t like where this is going :(


i need to know what happens next

Super Shanko

I sort of hope this turns into a frenzy where whatever Moxxie says doesn’t fly with Millie so she’s deciding to just come over to the office and at the same time Loona just being Loona doesn’t give two shits either way and forces them to finish up now so it becomes a bit of a mad dash to get off. Guess we’ll see!!

Super Shanko

Mil: Oh, well that sounds fine! Can’t wait to see what you put together. *hangs up* Mox: …..Shit. Loona: What? M: Her birthday is actually today and we gotta pull something together. Last time I forgot her birthday, 11 people died. (-_-)’


Being waiting for Millie to notice lol

Super Shanko

Can’t wait to see how this phone situation plays out with Millie…. If he even manages to get that phone back w/ Loona hovering over him. XD

Super Shanko

What if Millie already what Loona was up to and was just confused because she didn’t know that was gonna go down tonight?….. what if Millie set this up?!


He is so bound

Super Shanko

Oh, Jizoku, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but you have Millie switching from "Sweety" and "Sweetie" in her dialogue. Just thought I'd mention this in case you wanted to alter it before your usual public releases.

Jeff Broderick

im just waiting for when he creampies her