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Office wait... what?







That’s a big f. XD



Super Shanko

The plot thickens.



YeenBeanz (Remi)



Ooooh shit, welp one of two things can happen here…

the codcast

This is no longer just something to Jack off to. This is actually kinda interesting and I'm super curious as to what the actual FUCK is gonna happen

Super Shanko

The next page can’t get here soon enough!!


Bet she ends up watching with the mystery hellhound

Super Shanko

I’m down for that plot twist, but is it just a distraction w/ breakfast or full on?

Christian Bauer

Wait, breakfast? How long have they been there?

Julian Fratzscher

Well, according to page 36, it's 4:15 in the morning. So, at least 4 hours I would say.

Julian Fratzscher

They are not at the office, so their only hope is that Millie has to walk there and needs some time to arrive.


Oh no. Oh no.. This can't be good


It would be interesting to see Luna getting fucked by three others...


I almost feel sorry for Millie.. (but for all I know, this version of her is into this) | & good girl Loona ^^ taking charge again.


I don’t need the fap, I need answers

Xavier Boatright

Poor moxie Millie is going to cut his dick off or will qllow it


😥 Poor Millie

Mr. Walker

Honestly at this point I’m just waiting to see Millie’s reaction when she finds out

Super Shanko

I’m guessing with the short time left, it’s no longer time for bullshitting around.

Super Shanko

After Moxxie and Loona recover from their comas, I’m sure they reach an understanding on how to make this work out.


oh oh xDD

Arrow Moonpaw

Daaaamn this this 🔥 🥵

Super Shanko

And if Millie does plan to meet with Moxxie, that buys them a bit of time since she'd have to shower, makeup, travel, pick up breakfast, etc, so they have a good amount of time. It's only questioning if Moxxie gets that info or not that'll determine what happens next.

Leyen Enyo

Oh... shit, he didn't hang up...

Super Shanko

I wanna say that thematically, it’s more damning to see Mox loosening his grip and allowing Loona to toss his hand rather than Loona just grabbing the phone herself to do it. I’m glad this is only page 2 though, I’m super curious to see how page 3 plays out.


Well…. Shit

Jeffrey G H

Why did I know she would come to the office. And with the phone not hung up. Oh no,. Millie is one terrifying imp.


Oh moxxie you're a man in high demand, it's too late to say no horny

Super Shanko

I’m shocked this wasn’t the 3rd page of the month given the ending here, but I’m going to make a guess for the monthly cliffhanger. It’s either going to be the phone falls/hangs up and Millie calls again, but Moxxie doesn’t pick up as he’s in bed with Loona. Second guess is that we get some dialogue and such with L/M talking about Millie, presumably something like “focus on me” or whatever and get some bed creaking sounds as they get right into it, all while the final panel ends on a close up on Millie who is still on the phone overhearing it all with tears running down her face. Third idea, it moves to a different part of the story w/ Millie is at I.M.P HQ and bumps into the cleaning lady outside the office. Either way the drama is gonna fierce. Like, Jizoku, my man, can we just pay for a higher tier for even earlier access to the comic stuff?😭


hahaha they are very good ideas, although I already have a path chosen. there is no major tier to know more about the comic, I could add something superior for artists who want to see the video drawing process of the comic but I don't think I'll add anything else. although more recommendations are welcome :) thanks for your support here on patreon :D

Super Shanko

Don't mind my antics, I just like to craft theories for kicks. I guess if any suggestion, maybe another funny dream sequence for another of these guys since they're free to do anything within it.

Super Shanko

Looking at all the various fan arts online, it feels like that, right? Like you don’t see Blitz used this much unless it’s w/ Moxxie.

Iron Spidervenom

it's either of those....or maybe millie want's to join in but we'll have to see in the next page

Super Shanko

Yea, I'll give it to Jizoku, he's keeping things interesting. We can think it'll do one thing, but it winds up doing another, but with that angle we doing what didn't know we wanted. It's safe to say that this can go in any direction, and I'm liking that.

Riku Yoru

Why can't someone be like this with me damn