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Hey there everyone!

I have been busy-busy-busy testing a new cloud rendering service and as a result I have two short (three second) videos for this week! 😺 The renders are done, I am in the final processing phase and trying to figure out how to get video uploaded here on Patreon - I've done gifs before but never an mp4 file.

Oh, I also have a new NSFW series 🤠 - look for alla that some time tomorrow!

Thanks so much for your patience with me this month.

~ Pratev


S Munson

I'm so happy that you are figuring it out! And you figured out the video decision. Can't wait to see what 'cha got!!! 😋😃😁😛🥴

Kevizz Hunks 3D Art

Hi, I tried uploading videos but with no luck. You will have to upload it as a zip file for you Patreons to download it. Don't forget to put your logo on the video.


Yeah, I don't want to upload to Vimeo or somewhere and then attach it to here. So far, my video is a repeating loop of 90 frames and so it is not too large. I actually just made the mp4 an attachment, rather than zip it first. We'll see how this goes - and I'll let you know what ends up working well for me. If you will do the same, maybe we can get more animated work out there! 🥰


Look and see! It's taking me longer than usual to get everything prepped and ready - but it's UPLOAD day today! Woohoo! 😁

S Munson

I will pay extra for NO zip files!!! I can only speak for myself but I have yet to find a good, easy to use, easy to follow, easier to use, easier to follow un-zippers. I have two installed and I can't seem to figure out how to use them. It's a long story and I don't want to get frustrated with Pratev's zipped up works. But...that is just me. You must do what works best for YOU!!!


Well, for your information, Pratev dudes don't tend to use zips - they just rip straight through their jeans, underwear, and the cars they are sitting in when they get 'excited'... 🍆😁


Seems to have worked well, my friend! The last couple of video uploads I tried, I just created a regular image post, uploaded a 'still' from the video for the image, and then attached the mp4. The mp4s I've done so far are all fairly small 6-8MB or so - I may zip them if they get too big (although zipping won't compress them a whole lot more), or create a Google Drive for stuff like that.

Kevizz Hunks 3D Art

Ok great I will try that. What I did was convert the mp4 to a gif file, then attached the better quality in a zip file.