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Hello everyone, just wanted to post an update on what’s going on. Been taking a break because my hand has been really hurting from all the editing/animating and because I got a new job. Also, after having my content stolen, it killed some of my excitement for animating.

But I’m going to get back to it tomorrow. Just going to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Thank you to all my loyal supporters for sticking with me. You guys are amazing 🙏🏼

It’s because of you that I keep making content. And why Survuval of the Futa 3 is in the makes!



Whomever is stealing your art is an ass-hat. You make amazing content and they should respect your hustle.

David Barger

Man fuck who whoever stole your art! Also sorry to hear about your hand hopefully all is well! I can’t stress this enough I love love your content so take your time it takes time to create the masterpieces you make ! :)


Don't give up! remember we are with you through good and bad


Shame on whoever stole your work. You didn’t deserve that. Also on a side note a quick apology for the subscription pause on my end. Had to watch my spending for a bit because of tax day.


No worries! Appreciate your support. People will always steal. Won't be releasing any non-watermarked work from now on.


more Joyce price,really like it🥵