SilverExpressionAction - Download (Patreon)
(I forgot to upload the file! It's there now :D )
Thank you all for your support!
Just load this onto a character and select one or more expressions. Then trigger it from whence you would trigger things in VaM (collision triggers, animation triggers, buttons, etc). Here is a rundown of the available actions:
OneShot - A random animation from the bank is dialed up, held, then dialed down.
Begin - A random animation from the bank is dialed up and held. It will remain until End is triggered.
Change - While an expression is being held (after Begin is triggered), Change will dial down the current expression and dial up another random expression from the bank.
End - Dialed down an expression that has been triggered with Begin.
Variation - When enabled, the morph value will randomize between the min and max value.
SilverGaze Random - If this is enabled and if SilverGaze is loaded onto the same character, the character will look off to a random direction each time a new expression is triggered or changed. The random look time settings are in the SilverGaze plugin UI.
Important - The Min and Max morph values work differently when Variation is enabled. With Variation off, a single random value between min and max will be selected as the morph target. When Variation is enabled, the morph will continuously vary between random points in this range.