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Generally, I don't standalone posts for poll results, I just write the story, but this poll ended a bit different to most. If you want to get poll results more often, feel free to head over to the Discord, where I'll post them as soon as the poll ends, and ask me or one of the moderators for poll notifications. Now, normally, when a poll is this close, I just cast a tiebreaking vote. However, since I could feel a riot coming no matter which I chose, I'm going to write both tornadoboy's, and MN01's stories. You can expect tornadoboy's idea in a couple of days, followed by MN01's a week-ish later. OC's are harder to write and I want to do my best. You'll probably get a chapter of Thrown back in between. Hopefully, that with satisfy everyone.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/Uk85JNstre

The Discord is honestly a lot more active than I expected it to be. We've been passing story and character ideas back and forth the last few days. I also used it to choose Iffy's name in A Friend in Need. My idea had been Twinklebell, until someone suggested that. Feel free to hop on over and give me your feedback on some of the stuff we've been discussing, or just lurk in the background, whichever strikes your fancy. Take care everyone, see you soon.


Pen Jr. Jr.

Can we riot anyway just for the sake of rioting?


Actually it would be pretty great if Tornadoboy's idea was integrated into the real Thrown Back story... Though you might already have an outline for the story that would clash with it...


perfectly balanced as all things should be.


I like the idea of a One-Shot but Hermione doesn’t need to be included in every single story. It’s nice to read one where she isn’t included finally. The 3 main witches he has now balance out perfectly with his personality and fit the idea of a Marauder Era story. Obviously this is just my opinion but it’s nice to see stories where there are other ships that are dominant. I mean it already appears that Hermione is getting included in Falling for Fleur as well as being included in A Friend in Need, Slave For You, Forever in a Day, etc. Just having one ongoing non-Hermione story that isn’t a one shot would be great 😂😂


The real riots will be when the new OC is written so well we’ll be clamoring for a Harry/Suzette/New OC story 👀👀

James Trammell

Great! Can’t wait to read them. So do you have a title for the thrown back AU? If not, I was thinking something like- thrown back redux or thrown back plus one. I don’t really have anything for the other story. Keep up the great work!