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This is the Harry/Amelia Poll winning story. I know I left it with a cliffhanger, but it is a oneshot. Feel free to use imagination for what happens next. 

Auror Exam

Amelia Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Nymphadora Tonks watched through a One-way Charm on the training room wall as another Auror dropped from a Stunning Hex to the chest. He was the tenth to be taken out so far.

“He’s certainly skilled,” Amelia noted.

“I told you,” Tonks smirked.

“What do you think, Minister?” Amelia asked.

“I think we need to design a harder test,” Kingsley said just before Dawlish hit the wall in front of him with a thud. “And I’ve told you to call me Kingsley.”

“I know,” Amelia said, the corners of her lips twitching.

Chuckling, Kingsley crossed his arms over his broad chest and continued to watch the action. Amelia followed his gaze and watched as Harry Potter systematically dismantled the entirety of her Auror forces one by one.

The young man was quite the enigma.

After defeating Voldemort, he’d been offered a job as an Auror even before he’d graduated from Hogwarts. Turning it down, he finished his final year of schooling, took his NEWTs, and then applied for the very same job he’d been offered a year earlier. Kingsley had personally offered to let him skip the weeding out and training process the other candidates were forced to go through, but Harry insisted on being treated just like anyone else.

Within the first week of training him, Amelia knew he was leaps and bounds beyond any of his classmates. Rather than show the pride and arrogance that all too often plagued skilled and powerful young men, Harry was humble beyond reason. He was happy to stay late, working with his classmates and teaching them anything they were willing to learn.

That led to his class being one of the most impressive in decades. His classmates, made up primarily of people he’d gone to school with, held an immense respect for him. They deferred to his judgment and followed his orders without question.

In training, he treated every downed teammate with seriousness, taking it as a personal failure. That was normally something she had to beat into new recruits for months.

Now, as Amelia watched him tear through her most accomplished Aurors like a force of nature, she felt a yearning she hadn’t experienced in years. Sweat dripped from his brow, green eyes blazing as he blocked spells without even looking. He calmly dodged the lances of hissing, sputtering magic that shot across the room, returning fire with inhuman precision.

Two more Aurors hit the ground just as half a dozen more rushed into the room. This was meant to teach the recruits that not every situation was winnable, that there were times you needed to retreat, but Harry wasn’t willing to lose.

Amelia shifted on her feet, her hazel eyes watching intently as the dark-haired young man sent two more Aurors spinning through the air. Somehow, he managed to disarm them mid-flight. Sara Higgs was sent flying towards the wall, and yet Harry had the presence of mind to slow her down, preventing a serious injury without ever looking in her direction.

“I claim dibs as my partner!” Tonks exclaimed, raising her hand with a grin.

Amelia rolled her eyes while Kingsley snorted.

In truth, it wasn’t a bad idea, Amelia thought. Tonks, while skilled, could do with a more serious, calming influence.

“We should probably end this before someone gets hurt,” Amelia said, watching Kenneth Driver, a thirty-year veteran of the force, get disarmed for the third time.

Nodding, Kingsley raised his wand to his throat.

“That’s enough,” he said, his voice echoing through the room magically.

“Did I pass!?” Harry yelled, panting lightly.

The Aurors laughed as they picked themselves up off the floor.

“You passed,” Kingsley chuckled.

Dropping his wand, he shook his head as Harry helped a few of the Aurors up, talking and laughing.

“Very impressive,” Amelia said, licking her lips. “The next test will certainly be interesting if the rumors are true.”

“What’s next?” Tonks asked.

“Interrogation,” Amelia replied.

“Amelia, I personally watched him shrug off You-Know-Who’s Imperius and Cruciatus Curses,” Kingsley told her.

“Then we’ll just have to try something different,” Amelia said.

“Like what?” Kingsley asked curiously.

“I’ll think of something,” she told him.

Watching Harry blush as Sara tossed her hair over her shoulder with a flirtatious smile gave her the beginnings of an idea.


“Alright, listen up!” Amelia yelled, causing her recruits to go silent and fall in line. “You’ve all done well, but there’s one more test left. Over the next few days, we’ll be pulling you in to experience an interrogation.”

She paused for a moment as several of the recruits muttered to each other worriedly. More than one, including her niece, Susan, looked to Harry for reassurance.

“I won’t lie. This will be the hardest test you’ve experienced so far,” Amelia continued. “For some of you, this will be the most difficult experience of your life. Each of you will be given a code word you’ll need to memorize. The interrogators will do their best to get it from you, and you will resist. This isn’t a simple win-lose scenario. We are looking to push you to your limit. I’ve seen what you’re capable of, and I have faith in all of you. Do your best, and you will succeed.”

“Will they be using the Cruciatus Curse on us?” Susan asked nervously.

“That depends,” Amelia told her. “Each interrogation will be tailored to each of you personally. None of you will go through the same experience. With the tests are ongoing, do not share what you went through with anyone who hasn’t gone through it yet. If I find out you have, you will deal with me. Is that clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” her recruits chorused.

“Good,” Amelia nodded. “Dismissed.”

Amelia watched as several of her recruits rushed up to Harry to ask for advice. Katie Bell and Susan looked the most nervous. As much as she hated to admit it, those two were the most likely to fail. Sighing, she left the training room and walked down the hall to the Auror Offices.

“Tonks, can I see you in my office?” Amelia asked.

“Sure thing, boss,” Tonks smiled.

Standing up, she stumbled on the corner of a desk and followed her to her office. Closing the door, Amelia gestured to a chair.

“Have a seat,” she said, sitting behind her desk. “I wanted to talk to you about the interrogations. First of all, can you take Susan? I don’t think I could push her the way she needs to.”

“Of course,” Tonks replied. “Are there any limits you want to set?”

“No,” Amelia said, shaking her head. “Just treat her like you would any other recruit. I don’t want her given special treatment.”

“Alright,” Tonks nodded.

“The other thing I wanted to talk to you about is Potter,” Amelia said. “I’d interrogate him myself, but policy states I need an observer to make sure things don’t get out of hand. I want you, and only you, keeping watch.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, boss?” Tonks asked. “Harry can be pretty slippery.”

“We’ll have guards at every exit, but you’re the only one I want watching the interrogation,” Amelia told her firmly.

“Okay,” Tonks said slowly, her brow furrowed in confusion. “But why?”

“I’m going to need to take an… unorthodox approach with him,” Amelia said.

“If that’s what you think is best,” Tonks said, though she looked skeptical.

“I do,” Amelia nodded.


Later that night, Amelia stepped through the Floo into her living room. Susan smiled up at her as she lounged on the couch in a pair of loose sweatpants and jumper, the latest copy of Witch Weekly in her lap.

“Hi, auntie,” she greeted her.

“Hello, Susan,” Amelia smiled. “How are you holding up?”

“Honestly, I’m a bit nervous about the interrogation,” Susan said, closing her magazine and sitting up.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” Amelia said, sitting next to her and rubbing her shoulder. “Whether you make it into the corp or not, I’m incredibly proud of you. You’ve performed exceptionally.”

Susan blushed and ducked her head with a smile.

“Harry really helped me improve,” she admitted softly. “He taught all of us between the DA and Auror training. I don’t think I would’ve made it as far as I have with him.”

“Harry might have taught you, but you passed those tests on your own,” Amelia told her. “I have complete faith that you’ll pass the interrogation with flying colors.”

“Thanks, auntie,” Susan smiled.

Leaning over, she hugged Amelia tightly.

“I’m going to go take a bath before dinner,” Amelia said as she pulled back.

“Okay,” Susan replied.

As her niece picked up her magazine, Amelia stood and brushed her fingers through Susan’s strawberry-blonde hair. Making her way upstairs, she stepped into the master bedroom and shrugged off her outer robe. Tossing it onto the bed, she sat down on the edge and kicked off her shoes with a sigh. Her feet ached as she rubbed them through her stockings.

Taking her wand in hand, she pointed it through the open bathroom door and gave it a flick. Instantly, the room was filled with the sound of rushing water as the tub began to fill. Climbing to her feet, Amelia untucked her blouse from her trousers and unbuttoned it. Slowly, a long line of pale, freckled cleavage came into view, followed by her lacy red bra. Tossing the blouse onto the bed, she unbuttoned and unzipped her trousers.

Shimmying from side to side, Amelia pushed them down over her wide hips and then down her thick, muscular thighs. Underneath, she wore matching red panties and a garter belt with suspenders. Standing up, she stepped out of her trousers and laid them next to her blouse.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror and smirked at her reflection. For a woman of forty-two, even she would admit she looked good. Her muscles were still as toned as they were in her twenties, and her famous Bones curves remained as pert and perky as her teens.

A naughty smile came over Amelia’s face as she thought about the reactions of her coworkers if they saw her now. Who would suspect the rigid, uptight Bones Bitch to dress like a high-class call girl under her plain, baggy robes.

Turning to the side, she ran her hands over the soft, expensive material of her underwear with a grin. Her breasts jutted out impressively from her chest, and thanks to her daily workouts, her thick bum had yet to sag even a millimeter.

Unfortunately, as much as Amelia liked to dress in sexy lingerie under her robes, no man had ever had the pleasure of seeing it.

Amelia had a secret. A powerful desire that she’d been able to keep a lid on. Until now. Much like Bellatrix Lestrange, she was attracted to power. Unfortunately for her, the only truly powerful light wizard had been Dumbledore, and even back in her Hogwarts days, he’d been far too old to find attractive. Voldemort had been powerful as well, but no amount of power could make her turn a blind eye to the horrors he’d caused.

Now, though, Harry had entered the picture. Watching him thrash Aurors that she’d worked with for years, some of which were on par with her level of skill with a wand had been an awakening. Amelia had known he was powerful before then, of course. She’d heard the tale of his battle with Voldemort at Hogwarts while she’d been recovering in a hospital bed. Still, hearing about it and seeing it were entirely different things.

Amelia rubbed her thighs together unconsciously in anticipation of what she had planned for Harry.


Finally, it was the day Amelia had been waiting for. Normally, Aurors ambushed and captured the recruits to make the interrogation feel authentic, but Harry had already taken out the three teams they’d sent for him. When Dawlish outright refused to try again, she simply had Tonks go and collect him.

Harry handed over his wand and allowed her to cuff him. She whispered something in his ear that caused the handsome young man to blush, and Amelia could imagine what she’d said to tease him.

Amelia smirked as she watched Harry being led in from the observation room. Pushing him down into the hard metal chair roughly, Tonks bound him to the chair. She licked her lips unconsciously as the Magic-Suppressing cuffs clicked into place around his wrists and ankles.

“Everyone is in place,” Tonks said, entering the observation room and closing the door behind her. “Not that it’ll do any good if he escapes.”

“He won’t,” Amelia said with quiet certainty.

Tapping the rune to start recording the interrogation, she turned to Tonks.

“Remember, no one else comes in this room. Not even the Minister. Got it?” she asked.

“Sure thing, boss,” Tonks said, looking at her oddly.

“I’m trusting you with this, Tonks,” Amelia said, gripping the witch’s shoulder. “I know you won’t let me down.”

Tonks tilted her head in confusion, but Amelia just smiled and patted her shoulder. She would understand soon enough.

Straightening her shoulder, Amelia turned and walked into the interrogation room. Harry looked up as she approached, his bright green eyes following her intently. Watching him, she wiped out her wand. A smile tugged at her lips when he didn’t so much as blink. Rolling the wand between her fingers, she walked around the steel table between them and perched on the edge.

“We both know why you’re here,” Amelia said softly. “And we both know no amount of pain will make you talk.”

Pocketing her wand, she stood and turned away from him. She watched her reflection in the one-way mirror as she unclasped her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders.


Tonks gasped when she saw what Amelia had on under her robes. A set of jet-black lingerie covered her voluptuous curves, including a garter belt and thigh-high stockings that contrasted sharply with her pale skin and auburn hair.

“Holy shit,” Tonks gasped quietly, her mouth gaping open.

Glancing at Harry, she laughed at the utterly shocked look on his face as he stared at her bum. As Amelia turned around to face him, Tonks got a good look at what he had seen and whistled in appreciation.

“Boss lady is stacked,” she muttered to herself.

Sitting down in the chair behind her, Tonks settled in for the show with a smirk on her face.


“Bloody hell,” Harry mumbled.

Smirking at his reaction, Amelia let her hair down out of her bun and shook it out behind her. Immediately, it gave her the appearance of looking almost a decade younger. As Harry gaped at her, his wide green eyes raking over her curves, Amelia sauntered forwards with a sway in her hips.

Pausing in front of him, Amelia waited until he looked up at her face before making her next move. Swinging her leg forward in an impressive display of balance and flexibility, she threaded her leg through the arm of the chair. Grabbing his shoulders for balance, she felt his breath hitch as she did the same with the other and sat down, straddling his lap.

Amelia slowly combed her fingers through his thick, dark hair before grabbing a fistful at the back of his head. Yanking back roughly, she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the front of his through. His adam’s apple bobbed against her lips as he swallowed nervously, bringing a smile to her lips.

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” Amelia whispered in a deep, breathy tone. “I’ve always had a thing for powerful wizards. I got so wet watching you beat every Auror in the department.”

Rolling her hips, she felt Harry rapidly hardening against her mound. Still staring at the ceiling, he swallowed thickly and squirmed under her. Amelia smirked to herself as she leaned in and licked from the bottom of his throat all the way up to the bottom of his chin. A shiver of excitement ran through her at having this strong, powerful young man completely at her mercy.

The only thing that could be better would be if she was at his mercy, but that would come later.

Rolling her hips, Amelia wrapped her free arm around his shoulders and scooted closer, pressing her bulging breasts against his firm, muscular chest.

“I can be yours,” she whispered sultrily. “You can bend me over this table and take me any way you want, for as long as you want. All you have to do is give me that code word.”

Harry stilled, his strong muscles tensing under her. Amelia trembled in excitement as she felt his magic build, blanketing the room. Ripping his head free of her grip, he stared at her with a burning gaze, his jaw set firmly.

“No,” he said defiantly.

Amelia smiled and trailed her finger along his jawline until Harry jerked his head away.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” she purred.

Reaching behind her back, she unclasped her bra but held the cups to her chest. Amelia pulled her arms out of the straps while Harry stared resolutely at the wall over her shoulder. Pulling the bra slowly away from her chest, revealing her breasts. They were the perfect tear-drop shape despite their size, capped with wide, soft pink areolas and perky pink nipples.

She watched his face closely to see if her would look, then smiled and dropped her bra to the floor when he didn’t. But she didn’t intend to give him a choice.

Grabbing the back of his head, she raised herself up and sandwiched his face between her soft, mountainous breasts. Surprisingly, Harry didn’t resist. Wrapping her arms around his head, Amelia shivered as his warm breath washed over her cool skin. Closing her eyes, she sighed deeply as she gently shook her chest back and forth.

The stubble on his cheeks scratched lightly against the sensitive skin on the inside of her breasts, and she could feel him breathing heavier as she continued rubbing them against him.

“Do you wish you could touch me?” Amelia asked softly. “Run those big strong hands of yours all over my body?”

Slowly, she pulled back, and this time, Harry didn’t look away. His wide green eyes drank in the sight of her breasts, flickering all over as if he wanted to memorize every inch of her bare flesh. Amelia smirked and softly combed her fingers through his hair.

She’d intended to draw things out a bit longer, tease him a little more, but the awed look on his face was too much for her to ignore.

Cupping his chin, she lifted his face, and it took a visible effort from him to drag his eyes away from her body. Smiling, she bent down and kissed him. It started softly at first, but soon, she was snogging him deeply. Their tongues melded as they explored each other’s mouths. After a few short moments, Amelia heard the cuffs rattle against the metal arms of the chair as Harry tried to free himself so he could reach for her.

Smiling against his lips, she pulled back but couldn’t resist going back for one more peck. Catching his lower lip between her teeth, she sucked on it while pulling back until it slipped free. For just a moment, a thin line of saliva connected them until it broke and fell on her chin.

Licking it away, Amelia ran her hands down his firm shoulders and across his muscular chest. Harry throbbed against her bottom, his impressive size pulsating with need.

“All you have to do is give me the code word, and I’ll do anything you want,” Amelia purred.

Harry blinked twice before his brow furrowed angrily. As he opened his mouth to speak, she pressed her finger to his lips.

“We both know you going to pass no matter what happens in here,” Amelia told him. “You’ve flown through every test we’ve given you without a single stumble. I even tell your classmates you passed. Just let me keep some of my pride. Give me what I want, and I’ll give you what we both want.”

Amelia ground against his excitement as she removed her finger from his lips.


One word, firm and unyielding. The complete lack of hesitation - his uncompromising integrity turned her on as much as his power did in that moment.

Oh, how she was going to reward him for that.

“Then I suppose I’ll just have to try something else,” Amelia said.

Smiling sultrily, stood slowly, dragging her breasts over his face before stepping back. Harry’s eyes followed her jiggling mounds as she moved. Standing in front of him, she took a moment to bend down and fix her stocking unnecessarily. Though she couldn’t see for sure, Amelia swore she could feel his burning gaze on her body.

Resting her hands on his knees, she spread his legs open before kneeling between them. Running her hands up his thighs slowly, she pushed his cloak out of the way, revealing a large, promising bulge along the leg of his black trousers.

“Mmh,” Amelia hummed, running her hand over it.

Harry inhaled sharply, his hips bucking unconsciously. Smiling to herself, she reached for his belt.

“What are you doing?” Harry asked nervously.

Amelia grinned, wondering if he really thought she’d just been acting this whole time. Well, he’d find out just how serious she was soon enough.

Unbuckling his belt, she popped open the button and pulled down the zipper. Looking up at his face, she reached inside. Harry panted, his eyes wide and uncertain as she took hold of his hot, thick shaft and pulled him out into the open.

This was the first time in decades Amelia had seen the male anatomy in a sexual situation, and she was glad she’d waited. Harry’s arrow straight shaft was long and thick, ending in a flared head that throbbed an angry red. Holding him lightly with her fingertips at the base, she traced the back of her nail along the rigid, veiny length.

Harry gasped, his hips bucking again. His breathing came fast and heavy as he stared down at her, mouth gaping open in shock. Smirking to herself, Amelia wrapped one hand around the base and the other on top, marveling as his swollen head remained outside her grasp.

“Marvelous,” she whispered.

Letting go with one hand, she held him upright and stared up at him as she licked from the base to the tip. Harry’s length throbbed powerfully in her grasp while a bead of liquid leaked from his tip. Amelia gathered it with her tongue and slowly swallowed.

“Bloody hell,” Harry breathed.

Smiling, Amelia opened her mouth and wrapped her big, pouty lips around his tilt. He gasped loudly and tried to raise his hips, but she pushed back down on his hips. Closing her eyes, she let out a genuine moan as she sucked and bobbed her head slowly, her tongue swirling around his swollen glans.

Continuing her slow up and down movement, Amelia took him deeper and deeper until he hit the back of her throat. Opening her eyes, she looked up into his wide-eyed stare and tightened her grip on his hips.

After a short pause, she plunged downward.

Years of fantasizing and practicing with toys allowed her to swallow the entirety of his length. Even then, she still gagged hard, saliva leaking copiously from her lips as she pressed her nose to his groin.

“Holy shit!” Harry exclaimed.

He tried to buck his hips, but her hands held him in place. Sticking out her tongue, Amelia shook her head from side to side as she rubbed her thighs together. Her throat stung, and her lungs burned, but she loved every second of it.

She’d waited so long to find a man worthy of revealing this side of herself to. It felt liberating, like a weight finally being lifted from her shoulders. Even as she started to run out of air, she didn’t want to stop. Unfortunately, her body had needs she couldn’t ignore.

Finally, she pulled off of his spit soaked length and sucked in a much need breath. Harry exhaled sharply, his body sagging in the chair with a groan.

Amelia didn’t give him time to rest, however. The moment she caught her breath, she took him back in her mouth. Rather than hold him as deep as she could, this time, she bobbed her head up and down his entire length. She relished in the grunts and groans she drew from Harry each time she took him to the hilt.

Despite how much she was enjoying herself, she kept a careful watch on Harry. Plunging her mouth down onto his rigid length, Amelia listened to the sounds he made and felt every twitch and pulse of his shaft in her throat. Through watery eyes, she watched his handsome face contort in a rictus of pleasure.

Thanks to her fast, relentless ministrations, she quickly dragged him toward his peak. Harry’s head swelled, his breathing became uneven, and his muscles tensed.

Just as he was about to tip over the edge, Amelia yanked her mouth off of him and gripped the base of his length firmly. With a loud, disappointed groan, Harry pulsed rhythmically in her grasp. He felt like a hot rod of iron in her hand, the tip darkening to a furious purple. His hips bucked furiously for any kind of stimulation, but she gave him none, following his movements with her hand.

“No,” Harry groaned frustratedly.

“Give me the code word, and you can cum anywhere you want,” Amelia promised.

“No,” Harry ground out through gritted teeth.

“Pity,” Amelia said, continuing to hold him tightly as he calmed. “I was looking forward to tasting you.”

Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and groaned.

Amelia released his length and smirked as it continued to stand straight up. Straightening up herself, she waited until Harry looked at her before reaching for her panties. With her gaze locked with his, she shimmied out of them, deliberately bouncing her breasts. As the damp fabric slipped down her stocking covered feet, she stood up straight and kicked them to the side.

Harry’s eyes fell to her shaved mound with a groan, the scent of her arousal quickly filling the air. Amelia smirked, knowing any ideas he might have had about this just being a test had just been quashed. There was no mistaking the very real excitement she felt.

Looking him over, Amelia pursed her lips and frowned. Turning back to the table, she made a show of slowly bending over at the waist to grab her wand before straightening back up. As she spun back around, Harry straightened up in his chair and tensed his muscles as if expecting pain.

Smirking, Amelia waved her wand, banishing Harry’s clothes to the corner of the room.

“I told you,” she said, setting down her wand as Harry looked at himself in surprise. “There’s no point in hurting you. I know that won’t make you talk.”

Amelia licked her lips as she eyed his muscular frame, the scars dotting his skin only adding to his attractiveness. Strutting towards him, she stopped between his legs and turned around so her back was to him. Placing her hands over his, she eased herself down into his lap, his throbbing length trapped against her drooling folds.

With a low, sensual moan, Amelia rocked her hips back and forth, grinding on his erection. A shiver of pleasure ran up her spine, drawing a hiss from her lips.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I haven’t felt a cock like this in twenty-five years.”

“Oh, Merlin,” Harry gasped.

Panting, Amelia lifted herself up and aimed his swollen head at her tight entrance. Letting out a deep, shuddering breath, she lowered herself down slowly. They both gasped in unison as his tick tip slipped inside of her. Amelia felt a wonderous stretching as she dropped further down on his throbbing length, savoring each new millimeter that entered her untouched depths.

Stars burst behind her eyes when she finally bottomed out while a trembling moan left her lips. Harry groaned as she wiggled in his lap, the cuffs rattling against the chair as he tried to raise his hands. Licking her lips, Amelia leaned back against him and smirked.

“Do you wish your hand were free?” she asked. “Give me the code word, and I’ll let you go. Think of all the naughty things you could do to me.”

Amelia grinned when Harry groaned and strained against the cuffs. She continued rotating her hips teasingly as his magic built up in the air. The feeling sent a shiver down her spine, but she knew it wouldn’t do him any good.


Amelia’s eyes widened as the cuffs fell to the floor, and Harry’s hands were suddenly on her breasts. Her walls tightened as she thought about the amount of magic it would take to overload magic-suppressing cuffs like that.

Harry stood up, supporting her entire weight with a tight grip on her breasts. In one long stride, he reached the table and bent her over it, pressing her against the cold steel. He pulled his hips back until only the tip remained trapped within her folds before harshly snapping forward.

“Fuck!” Amelia cried, throwing her head back.

Taking advantage of her position, Harry grabbed a handful of her hair. With a growl, he used it as a handle to pull her back into his next thrust, his hips clapping loudly against her thighs and ass. Amelia whimpered as he plowed into her roughly from behind, his other hand groping and squeezing her breast roughly.

After only a handful of thrusts, she screamed out, legs shuddering as she showered Harry’s legs with the evidence of her climax. Groaning, he continued hammering into her mercilessly as her hands scrambled uselessly at the smooth table for something to hold on to. Amelia gasped for breath as her climax just kept coming for several long moments until her arms gave out under her.

Harry let her collapse to the table, his hands moving to her wide hips for a better grip. In her hazy mind, she felt like she was being taken by some kind of beast as his savage thrusts continued to grow harder and faster.

This was everything Amelia had ever hoped for and more. She wanted to be taken and used by a strong, powerful wizard. She wanted someone worthy of devoting herself to.

With an animalist growl, Harry threw his hips forward with enough force that the table screeched across the floor. Burying himself as deep as possible, he exploded in her depths. Amelia gasped as she felt a torrent of hot, searing cum splash against her insides. Moaning tiredly, she reached behind herself and tried to pull him even further into her. He came so much she could feel it leaking out around his shaft to drip down her leg. With a final groan, Harry collapsed onto her back, causing Amelia to moan contentedly under his weight.

Far too soon for her liking, he sat up and pulled out of her.

“No,” she groaned, reaching for his hips.

Chuckling, Harry ran a hand over her bum and up her back. Gripping her hair firmly but gently, he pulled her up until she was standing.

“I’m not even close to done with you yet,” he told her softly.

Spinning her around, he kissed her passionately and lifted her up. Amelia moaned into his mouth as he sat back down in his chair with her in his lap. Already, she could feel him hardening against her. As she lifted herself up to aim him at her entrance, Harry’s hands and lips latched onto her breasts. Dropping down onto his length, Amelia hissed pleasurably while cradling his head to her chest.


Two hours later, Amelia dropped back down to her knees and swallowed Harry’s length whole.

“Fuck, Amy,” Harry gasped.

Purring at the nickname, she bobbed her head quickly, knowing he was already close. She was already exhausted and aching all over, but she just couldn’t keep her hands off of him. This strong young man was everything she’d ever wanted in a partner, and she wanted to give him a damn good reason to come back for more.

Grabbing her head in his large, powerful hands, Harry guided her up and down while thrusting his hips. Amelia relaxed under his grip, allowing him to use her however he pleased. Her fingers rubbed her clit furiously as he fucked her throat with long, deep thrusts. Gagging around his thick length, she reached up with her free hand and caressed his abs, her nails raking lightly across his skin.

Holding her with her lips wrapped around the root of his shaft, Harry groaned as he came. The first shot went straight down Amelia’s throat and into her stomach. She tried to hold herself still, but by the second burst, her body forced her to pull back.

Gasping and coughing for breath, she grabbed his shaft and stroked it lovingly. Harry’s overwhelming magic kept him virile, leaving him able to coat her face and breasts despite all of the orgasms he’d already experienced.

When he was finished, Amelia opened her eyes cautiously and smiled up at him.

“You’re incredible,” Harry panted while stroking the clean part of her cheek softly.

Kissing his palm, Amelia scooped a bit of cum dangling from her chin into her mouth. Chuckling, he cleaned her off with a simple wave of his hand before pulling her into his lap. Leaning into him, she kissed the side of his next while tracing her nail over his chest.

“Will you have dinner with me tonight?” Harry asked softly.

Lifting her head in surprise, Amelia smiled warmly.

“I’d love to,” she said, kissing him on the lips. “As much as I’d love to stay like this, we both have work to do.”

Nodding, Harry stood up and helped her collect her clothes. Once they were both dressed, they shared one last kiss before he slipped out the door. Sighing with a smile on her face, Amelia felt like a schoolgirl again as she leaned against the door. She reveled in that feeling for a long moment before turning to the observation room.

Pushing off the door, she straightened her robes and walked over.

“Hey, boss,” Tonks grinned, leaning back in her chair completely naked.

From the smell in the air, Amelia knew she was the only one to enjoy herself. Running her hands down the front of her robes, she put on an air of professionalism.

“I trust you can keep the details of Mr. Potter’s interrogation to yourself, Auror Tonks?” she asked.

“Maybe,” Tonks grinned. “I want a copy of that recording.”

Amelia narrowed her eyes.

“And why would you want that?” she asked.

“Because that was bloody hot,” Tonks said, rolling her eyes. “Come one, boss. I’m not going to blackmail you. You know me better than that.”

Amelia sighed, “Alright.”

“And I want a night with Harry,” Tonks added quickly.

Amelia smirked as she looked over the fit, busty Auror.

“I think that can be arranged,” she said thoughtfully. “We know how Harry holds up under interrogation. It might be a good idea to see how he does as the interrogator.”

Tonks grinned as she sat back in her chair and stared off into the distance, her hand slowly drifting lower.



I know you said that this was a one shot, but we need a sequel where Harry interrogates Tonks and Amelia or where Amelia helps Harry to interrogate Tonks


Lmao, you're definitely going to get prompts asking for sequels to this. But I don't think it ended on a cliffhanger. Its a great story. It does fine as a standalone too in my book. Harry in a relationship and killing it as an auror trainee is all you really need here. Its a nice wholesome story. I love it.


Holy Hogwarts, that was scorching hot. And of course, there's no such thing as too much Amelia. This is definitely one of my favorites out of everything you've written. I'll eagerly await a sequel even if it's never to come.


Yeah. Imma need a sequel to this.


Goddamn. This is one of the hotter things you've written and I loved every second of it. Definitely joining the chorus for a sequel, Amelia and Tonks need to brush up on their interrogation resistance, after all!


It works as a stand alone, or the start of a whole series. I feel like Harry needs more hot stories with hot older women.


This is excellent. While I respect the decision to make it a one shot, I also really want to see Harry interrogate Tonks and Amelia.


Very enjoyable and hot story that definitely creis out for a sequel or three. One has to wonder how Susan will take Harry being with her aunt and whether she will go after him or seek to join them both.


There are some typos that need fixing as they can be a bit of a distraction, but that's my only complaint.

Chichi son

“Because that was bloody hot,” Tonks said, rolling her eyes. “Come one, boss. I’m not going to blackmail you. You know me better than that.” Come on


Wouldn't mind seeing Susan get some training in there as well. He's bound to be their expert trainer for pleasure interrogation.