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Since I may be without power because of a hurricane, I thought I'd leave this up for some fun. This is a list of things in Fanfiction that I can't stand, and I'd love to hear what you all think as well. Feel free to agree, disagree, or add your own in the comments. 

1. It Harry! Just Harry! Changing Harry's name to Hadrian, or Harrison. I can't stand this to the point that, if I see it, I instantly close the fic. A bit irrational, perhaps, but I really can't stand it. 

2.Goblin healers. Why would Goblins know how to heal humans, or even care to do so? Honestly, this isn't that big of a deal, but it does irritate me when I see it. The same goes for Goblin suddenly seeing Harry as a friend or making an alliance because of a few nice words. There way too much bad blood between humans and Goblins for that to work without a huge concession by wizards. 

3. Nobody talks like that! We've all seen it. A good idea or story ruined by horrible dialogue where everyone is stiff and formal to the point Percy Weasley would shy away, or just so unnatural it makes you cringe away from the screen. The one that has stuck with me for years, is a fic where Snape said Mayhaps. That one made me cringe so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. No, just no!

4. Going overboard. This one kills me. A story that starts out great but the author just doesn't know when to stop. They just keep adding more and more, like they want to fit every idea they've ever had into one fic. The big one that comes to mind for this is Barefoot. I was so into the first few chapters, and then they just killed it by adding all sorts of Ideas like Pixie gold, the origin of Dementors, and making Hedwig human that it just died under it's own weight. Such a shame to see that happen. 

5. Everyone's evil. This is for stories where everyone, Dumbledore, Hermione, the Weasley's, are all slipping Harry potions, stealing from him, and using him for their own purposes. I'm all for a good revenge fic, but Harry's had enough bad stuff happen to him that you don't really need to add to it. The ones that turn this up to 11 really drive me crazy. Especially when there's so little justification for some of their actions. Hermione's evil because an authority figure told her to be, Ron's jealous, Ginny's obsessed, and Molly wants money. Come guys, you can do better than that. 

6. Soul bonds. I've seen this done well a few times, but the vast majority are just lazy excuses to hook Harry up with some witches and give him some power. It gotten to the point where even mentioning it can turn people away because of some of the more horrendous examples. That and it's been done to death so much that anyone that write about it is bordering on necrophilia at this point. 

7. Quit bitching. This is for every fic that tried to make Harry seem like a vengeful god, only to turn him into Anakin Skywalker at the end of Revenge of the Sith, nothing but a whiny little bitch that goes off the handle and either screams at everyone, or just murders them outright. Instead of raining down painful truths like they're hammer blows, he just flies off that handle at every little thing and it makes you hate him just a little more each time. 

8. Chose your words wisely. This one's just a small gripe, but we've all read a fic where the author feels the need to throw in big words just to show off. Any time someone needs to pick up a dictionary in the middle of your fic, you're probably doing something wrong. 

9. Lame! You're 30 chapters in, Voldemort finally shows up, and then dies in the lamest way possible. All of that build, all of that tension, gone in one or two paragraphs and in the most unsatisfying way possible. I'm seen him shot by a sniper rifle, had a pillow placed over his head and smothered, fade into nothing, and Obliviated by Lockhart. I'm all for creativity, but when you kill the bad guy, it needs to be well earned, hard fought, and worth the wait. 

10. Oh, the names. Moldyshorts, Gred and Forge, Flopharts, Dumbledork, Fumbledore, Moldywarts, The Order of the Fried Chicken, Death Munchers and many other names have been used to insult characters and groups for over twenty years now. Used sparingly, they aren't that bad. At least, the first few hundred times you read it. When you're the one thousandth person to use it, not so much. When you use those names again and again throughout your fic, it makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Top tip: Avoid!

Those are some of the things I find annoying in fanfics I've read over the years, now I'd like to hear what you think.



I am tired of fanfics with Harry being in a same sex relationship with Draco/Snape/ another male Slytherin. He has tension with the antagonists of the story. He does not need to have a sexual relationship with the male characters just because Dumbledore may have been in a relationship with Gellert or because of the current political climate. I also cannot Voldemort as a female antagonist. Why does he have to be a strong female character to make your feminist fanfic fans happy?


Don't forget the high society manners where everyone has to make specific greetings and if they don't they can be punished or have a duel to the death.


Also goblin tests where they list out abilities and tend to add animagus which is a learned ability not to mention all the other ludicrous options


The shopping trip. You know what I'm talking about. The Goblin Test that shows everything under the sun. Inheritance I find okay because they bank for the system and likely have bloodlines setup that way but if I see a story where a test shows a latent ability to be a metamorphmagus or other insanity I X out immediately. Anyway I get your number one. I had a pet peeve back when I read Naruto stories years ago where I could not tolerate Naruto with a face mask. It didn't really matter how good the story was I could never get over it. Don't know why really.


I know I'm guilty of at least one of those.


- Lack of punctuation. - Unnecessary changes in perspective. - shopping trips with explicit costs mentioned, or details of an object that has no further impact on the story


I personally don't care for Dumbledore bashing. He's a flawed character (as most good literary characters are) and disagreeing with some of his choices and actions could introduce good dialogue furthering character development, but outright bashing and saying he's evil is a deal-breaker for me. It's so common that I see more "good-guy" Voldemort stories today than good Dumbledores. I can imagine how it got this way; sidelining Dumbledore frees an author up to explore his or her own character and storylines, plus elements snowball in fanfictions over the years until they become fan-canon and then people only see a character in a certain way after they've read so many stories depicting them in that fashion. Anyway, that's one that just bums me out when a good story goes that route.


People are bringing up shopping trips, and that can certainly go to a bizarre and ridiculous extreme, but I rather like the world-building involved there. It's fun to imagine what all a wizard shopping district would hold. You have to think having magic that they came up with all manner of different items to solve problems, wares to sell, or even entertainment options. People certainly love the Weasley twins and their shop is often in stories even without a trip to Diagon Alley. I have to imagine there were other ingenious entrepreneurs or inventors coming up with all sorts of magical knick-knacks and gadgetry. But even beyond the useful aspects; the wonder of walking into a world of the unknown, unimaginable, and utterly unique is a fun part of fantasy. That all said, yeah, often shopping trip scenes in fanfiction are just to show off the insane wealth Harry's inherited or the purchase of the solution to all his problems. But the potential is there for a fun excursion and to flex some creativity chops for the author to make the world his or her own.


P.S. I hope you made it through the storm alright. Be safe.


Hmm some Interesting Points here, a few of them don't really bother me and some are very much overdone for sure although after this length of time its not all that shocking. Harry being Harrison or Hardian is not something I've ever really had an issue with personally but on a similar vane I'm a big Harry/Hermione fan so I've read a lot of stories where Harry meets or stays with the Grangers and despite Hermione's parents not officially having cannon first names given, if a fanfiction gives those 2 annoying names it turns me off of the fic in the same way or at the very least I try my best to read it as a different name.


100% Agree with this, very few flics expand much on shopping beyond harry splashing his wealth on already known items, would be nice to see some more Inventive or creative shops/items being developed. Hell even some of the known items never really get much use! (Vanishing Cabinets spring to mind)

Markus Hertle

harry nur harry kein anderer name bitte niemals


Just from having to deal with Gringott's human employees, I would expect at least basic knowledge of healing humans from goblin healers. Since some of those would be curse breakers, I rather imagine the goblin healers would have more specific knowledge in those areas. Beyond that, who knows how much they might have learned dealing with human prisoners during the various "rebellions"; they might even have had some acting the equivalent of hte Nazi medical doctors during WW II and their experimentations (not saying they did or that it was moral, but that would provide quite a lot of useful information which would be usable despite the source).