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(Disclaimer: Hogwarts starts at 14, making Harry 18 at the time this story takes place.)

A Stroll Through the Halls

Harry was strolling through the halls of Hogwarts, on his way to the Gryffindor common room as curfew neared. As he took a short cut through the fifth floor, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Luna Lovegood walking placidly around the corner. It wasn’t the fact that it was Luna that made him stop, it was the fact that she was walking down the halls completely naked. Harry could only stare at her as she walked towards him. Luna was thin with light blonde hair, pale skin, and small, perky breasts, topped with hard, pink nipples. He couldn’t stop his eyes from drifting down, looking at the small strip of hair that decorated her mound, and the brief glimpses of her taught lips with every step. 

“Hello, Harry.” Luna said with a smile as she strolled past him as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. 

Shaking himself from his stupor, Harry turned around and jogged to catch up with her, glancing at her tight, round bum as he did. 

“Luna!” He called out to her, grabbing her shoulder to stop her. “What are you doing? Why are you naked?”

“I was in the Prefects Bath when my clothes went missing, I think the Nargles took them.” She said airily. 

“I didn’t know you were a Prefect.” He said.

Harry knew there were more important things to discuss, but he was having trouble thinking properly. Rightfully so in his opinion. 

“Oh, I’m not. Marietta told me I could use it. Quite nice of her, really.” She told him.

Harry grit his teeth in anger as Luna turned and began to walk off again. Harry stood still for a moment, not expecting her to just leave again, before he rushed to catch up to her. 

“Luna, where are you going?” He asked. 

“I’m going back to my common room, of course. I don’t think the professors would like me walking around the hallways naked.” She said, continuing down the hall, her small breasts jiggling with each step. 

“Wait.” He said, pulling her to a stop and reaching up to take off his robe.

“I don’t think they would like it if you got naked too, Harry.” She said as she looked at him. 

He couldn’t help smile at Luna’s quirky way of thinking. Holding up his robe, he draped it over her shoulders.

“Here.” he said. “Put this on.”

“Thank you, Harry. I was getting quite cold.” Luna said as she put on the robe, as if being cold was the biggest concern she had.

Harry regretted that she had to cover up her body, but shook the thought from his mind as they began to walk down the halls together. 

“Um, Luna, I don’t think it was nargles that stole your clothes. I'm pretty sure it was Marietta that took them.” He told her.

“Oh, well that wasn’t very nice of her.” She said, seemingly unbothered.

“Luna, why didn’t you just take one of the towels to cover yourself with?” He asked curiously.

“It seemed quite rude to make the House Elves do the extra work of putting it back. It’s not their fault my clothes were stolen.” She said as if it was an obvious answer.

Harry opened and closed his mouth, beginning to say something, only to stop after the first syllable left his mouth, unable to form a complete word, let alone a sentence. After a moment, he just shook his head and gave up. Continuing down the hall way, Harry followed Luna as they made their way to Ravenclaw tower. 

“Do you think I’m pretty, Harry?” Luna asked suddenly.

“What?” Harry said, being pulled from his wandering thoughts. “Er, yeah, I think you’re very pretty.”

“Thank you, Harry. I wish my breasts were bigger though, they’re quite small compared to some of the other girls in my year.” She said, coming to a stop.

Turning to Harry, she opened the robe, revealing her small breasts to him again. Harry stared, unable to speak or look away as she grabbed her breasts, the small mounds of pale white flesh just barely filling her small hands. She gave them a squeeze and then squashed them flat against her chest. Letting go of her breasts, she bounced up and down on her toes, making them jiggle wildly. Even after she stopped bouncing, it took a moment for her perky tits to stop moving.

“What do you think, Harry? Are they too small?” She asked, shaking her chest from side to side while looking at her chest speculatively. 

Harry shook himself out of his daze and, remembering where they were, reached forward quickly, pulling the robe closed around her.

“They’re lovely, Luna, but you really shouldn’t be doing that in the hallway.” He told her, looking around to make sure they were still alone.

“I suppose you’re right.” Luna agreed, and started walking toward Ravenclaw tower again.

Harry fell a step behind her and tried to adjust his erection as discretely as possible into a more comfortable position. The image of her bouncing, jiggling breasts would be burned in his mind for quite a while. Shaking his head again to clear his thought, he tried to focus on getting Luna back to her common room without any more mishaps. They barely made it halfway down the hall before he heard a familiar cackle up ahead, heading their way. Glancing at his watch, he realized that curfew had passed while he was busy staring at Luna’s rather distracting display.

“Shit!” Harry exclaimed in a harsh whisper. “It’s Peeves.”

Grabbing Luna by the arm, he pulled her into an abandoned class room and locked the door with a spell, before he remembered that the Poltergeist could move through walls. He added a silencing spell to the room and hoped the Peeves didn’t decide to check the room they were in for some reason. Leaning against one of the desks, he sighed, wondering how he always managed to get himself into these kinds of situations.

“Why are we hiding?” Luna asked, looking at him curiously.

“Peeves is out there, and it’s passed curfew.” He explained. “We’ll wait a few minutes for him to get bored and move on before we leave. I really wish I had kept my invisibility cloak with me.”

“Okay.” Luna replied. 

She climbed on top of one of the desks and cross-legged on it, humming to herself as she looked around the room. Harry smiled affectionately at her quirkiness and sat down in one of the chairs close to her. They sat for a moment in companionable silence, before Luna broke it.

“Would you like to have sex with me, Harry?”

He nearly choked on his tongue at the abrupt, blunt question, coughing as some saliva made its way down his windpipe. Luna looked at him calmly as he struggled to clear his throat and regain his breath, patiently waiting for an answer. 

“Luna, we can’t.” He said, as if it was obvious. 

“Oh, really? Why? Are you dating someone?” She asked placidly.

“No. It’s just, I-” Harry broke off, unable to think of an actual reason.

“Then why can’t we have sex?” She asked.

Harry opened and closed his mouth several times as he tried and failed to come up with an answer. He felt completely thrown off by her blunt demeanor, as usual. 

“But, I mean, don’t you want to do, that, with someone special?” He asked desperately.

Luna cocked her head to the side and looked at him as if he had said something that made absolutely no sense.

“But you are special, Harry. You’re my friend.” She told him.

Harry closed his partially open mouth with a click, any response he had being wiped from his mind at such a simple, honest statement. Thinking on it, Harry realized that he didn’t really have a reason not to sleep with her. Despite her oddities, Luna was a very intelligent young woman. She was more than capable of making her own decisions, and, as he had admitted to her before, she was very pretty. Harry swallowed to moisten his suddenly dry throat, coming to a decision.

“Are you sure about this, Luna?” He asked.

“Yes.” She answered, smiling at him serenely. 

“Alright.” Harry said with a nod.

“Yay!” Luna cheered, standing up and clapping her hands.

Luna dropped the robe to the ground, leaving herself naked once again, and skipped up to him, her breasts bouncing wildly. Once she reached him, she grabbed his tie, quickly pulled it off, and began working on the buttons of his shirt. In quick order, Luna had removed his shirt and pants, and grabbed his boxers to remove his last bit of clothing. With a yank, she pulled his boxers down his legs, and his cock sprang free, leaping up to nearly hit her in the face. Taking his shaft in her hands, she giggled while looking at his hard cock, making Harry look at her with a raised eyebrow.

“It looks angry.” Luna said once her giggles had subsided. 

Hary chuckled as she knelt down, examining him from all angles as her dainty hand ran up and down his shaft lightly. 

“It’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be.” She said while staring at his cock in fascination.

Leaning forward, she kissed the head, giggling when the contact of her warm lips caused him to jerk in her hand. Opening her mouth, Luna took the first few inches of his length into her mouth, her lips stretched wide around his girth. Harry knew he was quite large, but his cock looked almost monstrous when compared to Luna’s small, lithe body. Her lips only reached down the top third of his shaft before he hit the back of her mouth, stopping her from going any further. It was incredibly arousing to see little Luna on her knees, her mouth stretched wide around his girth and looking up at him with wide, innocent blue eyes. 

Pulling her mouth off of him, she continued to stroked his length while her tongue licked around him as if his cock were a lollipop. After running her tongue across his sensitive skin several times, she opened her mouth wide again and pushed herself as far down as she could. Holding the first few inches in the mouth, both of her small hands wrapped around his shaft, her fingers barely able to touch around his girth, and jerked his cock rapidly. Harry moaned and placed his hands on her head, his hips bucking lightly into her mouth, the head of his cock bumping against the roof of her mouth. After a few moments, she pulled off of him again and looked up at him.

“Can we have sex now?” She asked casually.

“Sure.” He answered, smiling as he helped her to her feet.

Once she was standing in front of him, he reached around her and grabbed the small, perky cheeks of her ass and lifted her easily into the air. Luna squealed and giggled happily, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the nearest desk and set her down on the edge. Looking down, his cock looked massive as it rested on her belly, and he wondered if he would even be able to fit inside of her. Seeing the tight, closed lips of her pussy, he knelt down between her legs and pushed his tongue into her slit, tasting her arousal as it covered his tongue. 

Running his tongue up and down between her lips, he could feel her becoming wetter as she cooed cutely at the feeling. Moving to the top of her slit, Harry flicked the tip of his tongue over her clit, causing her to squeak and grab his hair. Parting his lips, he sealed them over her clit and sucked lightly while pressing his tongue flat against it. While he continued to play with her clit with his tongue, he slipped one finger between her tight, moist lips and pushed it deep into the heat of her pussy. Sawing his finger in and out of her, it was quickly joined by a second, her hot, tight walls surrounding them tightly. Slowly, he added a third finger, stretching her tight walls even further. 

Placing one last kiss on her clit, he pulled his damp fingers from her slit and stood up. Grabbing his rigid shaft, he aimed the swollen head of his cock at her lips and slowly pushed in, her tight lips stretching wide around his girth. At an agonizingly slow pace, inch after inch of his long, hard shaft disappeared between her lips, the smooth, hot walls of her pussy felt incredible as they dragged across the length of his cock. Once half of his cock was buried inside of her grasping walls, he stopped pushing forward.

Harry began to rock his hips back and forth, sawing in and out of her, pushing a little deeper each time her moved forward. Looking down, Harry watched in amazement as Luna’s tight little body was finally able to take his entire length, her tight walls grasping every inch of his cock. Pausing, he savored to feeling of being completely buried in her hot, wet pussy, groaning as he grabbed her hips and pulled her firmly against him, grinding into her.

“I feel so full.” Luna said in wonder, staring down at where they were connected. 

Smiling at her, Harry leaned forward and kissed her on the lips tenderly. Moving one hand from her hips, he ran it up her body to her chest, grabbing her small breast in his hand, caressing the soft flesh and grinding his palm down against her hard, pink nipple. Rocking his hips, he started moving back and forth inside of her, her tight lips grasping the base of his cock tightly and stretching away from her body as he pulled back. Pulling back a little farther every time he pulled back, Harry was soon moving half of his hard cock in and out of her with every thrust. 

Letting go of her breast, he grabbed her hips in both hands again and began fucking her in earnest. Pulling half way out, he drove his cock back into her swiftly, and Luna let out a cute little squeak when their bodies connected. Harry felt powerful as he slammed into Luna’s small body again and again, causing her body to rock back and forth on the desk as she started to writhe on his cock, gasps and moans leaving her parted lips as she panted lightly. He could feel his climax building quickly as he watched her squirm in pleasure on the desk.

Suddenly, her already tight pussy clamped down around his cock, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she writhed frantically as she came hard. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her pussy leaked copiously around his thick shaft, soaking his groin in her arousal. Finally, a low keening noise left her throat as her hands clawed at the wooden desk. Seeing Luna consumed by such overwhelming pleasure while her pussy massaged his cock pushed him over the edge. 

Not knowing if she was protected, Harry gripped her hips hard, his muscles straining as he held her in place and pulled his cock from her grasping, leaking pussy. The moment he was free, he grabbed his shaft firmly and his hand flew up and down his length rapidly. It only took a few strokes for him to reach his peak, massive jets of hot, white cum shooting from the head of his cock to land on Luna’s stomach and chest, one shot going so far as to hit her on the chin. Harry had never cum so much or so hard before in his life. 

By the time he was finished, Luna’s chest and stomach were drenched in streaks and puddles of pearly whit cum. Harry leaned against the desk as he panted, and Luna collapsed onto the desk, her head hanging backwards off the edge. After a moment to recover, Luna lifted her head back up and rested on an elbow, her free hand playing with the cum on her chest. Scooping some on to her finger, he watched as she sucked the cum covered finger into her mouth, licking it clean. 

“Ooh, salty.” She said in surprise.

Harry laughed tiredly and smiled at her affectionately. 

“’That was fun. Can we do this again, Harry?” Luna asked.

“Sure, Luna. Anytime you want.” Harry assured her.

“There’s so many things we can try. You could tie me up, or you could bend me over and spank me for being naughty, or...”

As Luna continued to list the many things she wanted to try, Harry smiled and shook his head, wondering how he managed to get himself into the situation. Not that he was complaining.

“And,” Luna continued. “I’ve always been curious about anal.”


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