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(Disclaimer: Hogwarts starts at 14, making Harry 18 at the time this story takes place.)

Chapter 3

Things were a bit awkward between Harry and Hermione for the next couple of days. Hermione was incredibly embarrassed about walking in on him and Susan, and he hardly saw or spoke to her for two days. Every time she saw him or Susan around the castle, she would end up blushing brightly and leaving to room as fast as possible. Harry finally had enough of her avoiding him and pulled her into an empty classroom, and they were able to talk things out. Although, Hermione and Susan would both still blush and look away from each other when they were in the same room.

While Susan was embarrassed about Hermione walking in on them having sex, he knew she was also very turned on by it. Her excitement at someone watching them gave him an idea. Now, he was sitting in the Quidditch locker room, waiting for the other guys to leave. Ron was the last one out, waving at Harry as he left. Standing up from the bench he was sitting on, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves and walked over to the door separating the boy's section from the girl’s. Raising his hand, he knocked on the door.

“Hey girls, are you decent?” He called out loudly.

“Yeah, Harry. Come on in.” Alicia called out.

Opening the door, he stepped in to see the Chaser trio of Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell, all sitting on a bench, dressed in their school uniforms. Angelina was tall and thin, with straight black hair, dark skin, and a large bust. Alicia was a few inches shorter than Angelina, with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, small breasts, and a thick, curvy figure. Katie was about the same height as him, and a couple of inches shorter than Angelina. She had long, dark hair, warm brown eyes, and a thin but muscular body with large breasts.

“Hey, girls.” Harry said with a wave. “Listen, I was wondering if you would help me with something.”

Later that night, Harry was walking with Susan to the Room of Requirement. It was fifteen minutes before curfew on a Friday night, and the halls were bustling as students rushed to get back to their common rooms in time. Fortunately, the seventh floor was deserted, as there was no reason for most students to be up there at this time of night.

“I have a surprise for you tonight.” Harry told her once they were clear of the other students.

“Really?” She asked excitedly. “What is it?”

Susan was smiling at him and bouncing on her toes as they walked, causing her breasts to jiggle up and down. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at her exuberance.

“It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you, now, would it?” He said teasingly.

“Is it, chocolate?” She asked.

“Nope.” He told her.

“Is it...”

Susan kept up the guessing game for the rest of the walk until they reached the door to the Room of Requirement. As soon as he opened the door, Susan bounded past him and inside the room. Harry smiled as he walked into the room to see her standing still a few steps inside the door, staring at the three girls sitting on a couch. The room looked similar to the Gryffindor common room, only with one couch and a large comfortable looking bed taking up most of the space. He walked up behind Susan and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Surprise.” He said quietly into her ear. “Hey girls.” He called out to Angelina, Alicia, and Katie.

The girls greeted him back and waved from their place on the couch.

“Um, Harry?” Susan said, looking at him in question.

“Well, you seemed to like the idea of someone watching us. So, I invited the girls to come watch tonight.” He explained.

“Really?” She asked, nervousness and excitement mixing in her voice.

A flush ran up from her neck and up to her cheeks as she looked over to the girls on the couch, Angelina waving back cheekily. Harry smiled at Susan, glad to see she wasn’t as nervous and embarrassed as she usually was. It seemed like she was getting more comfortable with her own sexuality. Still standing behind her, Harry reached around her body and undid the clasp of her robe, pulling it off of her. Tossing it to the floor, he did the same to her tie, and started working on the buttons of her shirt. Susan’s breathing came faster as he stripped her in front of the other girls.

Soon, he had her shirt opened and slid it off of her shoulders, exposing the powder blue bra she had on underneath. Moving his hands around to her back, he unsnapped her bra and slowly pushed it off of her shoulders, exposing her huge breasts, wide areolas, and stiff pink nipples.

“Wow, and I thought Angie’s tits were big.” Alicia said.

Susan fidgeted as she stood facing the girls, looking away with a blush. Harry smirked and reached around Susan’s body. He grabbed her breasts and fondled them roughly, squeezing the soft, pliable flesh as it spilled out around his hands. He then grabbed her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. With her nipples gripped firmly, he shook her breasts up and down, the smooth skin rippling wildly with the movement. Susan whimpered and closed her eyes as the girls giggled while he played with her breasts. Letting go of her breasts, Harry grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around so she was facing him, then turned them both so they were side on to the couch.

Quickly, Harry removed his shirt and tie, throwing them into the growing pile of discarded clothes. Once his shirt was off, he reached up to caress Susan’s cheek tenderly, his hand running across the smooth, pale skin of her face, and into her hair. Suddenly, he grabbed her hair in a tight grip, tilting her head back harshly. Susan gasped at the rough treatment, her lips parting as he leaned down to kiss her fiercely, slipping his tongue into her mouth to slide along hers. The kiss was brief, but intense. When Harry pulled back, her face was flushed and she was panting lightly.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he pushed down, and Susan willingly dropped to her knees. Harry reached down and unbuckled his belt, undid the button, and lowered his fly before pushing his pants down his legs and stepping out of them, and his shoes. Left standing in only his boxers, he took a step closer to Susan.

“Take them off.” He told her in a low, husky voice.

With trembling hands, she grabbed the sides of his boxers and pulled them down his legs. Harry’s cock, half hard, looked an impressive size as it hung between his legs, garnering cheers, whistles, and giggles for the girls on the couch.

“Bloody hell!” Angelina exclaimed. “If I knew he was that big, I'd have invited him to take a shower with me after practice once in a while.”

Angelina’s statement got more laughter from the other two, and Harry felt his ego, and his cock, swell from the attention and compliments he was getting. Placing a hand of Susan’s head, he pulled her forward, towards his cock. She reached up and grabbed the base of his rapidly hardening shaft, lifting him up and kissing the tip. Under her ministrations, he quickly grew hard, his rigid shaft standing up straight and pointing at Susan. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked lightly, stroking his shaft as her tongue swirled around him.

Using the hand still on her head, he pulled her forward, feeding more of his cock into her warm, wet mouth. Susan’s lips were stretched wide around the top half of his cock, her tongue massaging the underside of his shaft. Holding her head in place with both hands, he stared thrusting his hips back and forth, her lips and tongue sliding across his skin. With each thrust, he drove more and more of his cock into her mouth, the head of his cock entering her throat and making her gag. Harry groaned as her throat convulsed around him, and pulled back until his cock left her mouth.

A line of saliva connected Susan’s bottom lip to the head of his cock as she cleared her throat and caught her breath. Once she had caught her breath, she looked up at him and opened her mouth invitingly. He smiled down at her as he pushed the head of his cock back between her plump, pink lips. Slowly, he pushed his slickened cock deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat, holding her at the base as she gagged and her throat spasmed around him.

“Wow, look at that slut go.” Katie said.

Harry looked over to the couch. The girls had all loosened their ties and opened the first few buttons of their shirts. Angelina had one legs bent with her foot on the couch, her legs spread open as she rubbed herself over her red panties. Seeing him look, she pulled the gusset of her panties to the side, showing him her moist slit. She ran her middle finger between her lips, giving him a glimpse of her delicate pink insides.

“Like what you see?” She asked teasingly.

“Definitely.” He said, smiling at her.

“Angie, you are such a slut” Katie said while Alicia giggled.

A tap on his leg brought his attention back to Susan. Looking down, her face had turned red and tears were leaking from her eyes as she continued to choke around his cock. He quickly pulled back, and she took in a deep, gasping breath. As she caught her breath, her hand stroked up and down his spit slickened shaft with one hand. Her free arm was moving rhythmically up and down. His eyes trailed down her arm to see her hand, buried in her panties, rubbing herself excitedly. Smiling down at his kinky girlfriend, he caressed her hair affectionately as he led his cock back to her lips.

Susan opened her mouth and he pushed half of his length back into her mouth, the head tickling the entrance to her throat. Grabbing a handful of hair in both of his hands, he looked down at her.

“Ready?” He asked.

“Mh-hmm.” She mumbled around his shaft, nodding her head slightly.

Harry smiled down at her, and pushed the rest of his cock deep into her throat. She gagged around him again, and he pulled back before pushing in again. Thrusting back and forth, he fucked her face, forcing his cock down her throat again and again.


Susan gagged loudly around his cock, spit running over his shaft and down her chin, her eyes watering as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her throat spasmed around his head and shaft, massaging his cock as he thrust in and out of her throat. He yanked her off of his cock for a moment, giving her a chance to take a deep breath before driving back into her voracious mouth. Harry felt his end rapidly approaching, the feeling of brutally fucking his girlfriend’s throat while three other girls watched and cheered him on was incredibly arousing. Pulling Susan down to the base of his cock, he held her there for several long seconds, groaning at the feeling of her tight throat, before yanking her off again.

“Where should I cum?” He asked, looking over at the girls on the couch.

By now, Alicia and Katie had their hands stuffed down their panties, playing with themselves. Katie had entirely lost her shirt, her black bra was pulled down under her breasts, and she was teasing one of her long, pink nipples. Alicia had her shirt till on, but it was completely unbuttoned and laid open, her white bra covering her small breasts. Angelina was now in just her skirt, having lost her shirt, bra and panties. Her large breasts with big brown nipples jiggled on her chest as she drove two fingers into her tight, wet pussy. While her breasts were quite large, they were still nowhere near as big a Susan’s massive tits. All three had their legs spread open wide, Alicia had one of her legs draped over the top of one of Angelina’s due to a lack of room.

“Mouth.” All three called out in unison, making them laugh.

“We want to see the slut swallow it.” Angelina explained.

Harry smiled at them and felt Susan take the head of his cock between her lips, sucking hard as she swirled her tongue around the sensitive tip. He loosened the grip he had on her hair as she started to bob her head up and down the top part of his cock, her hand wrapping around his spit-soaked shaft and stroking it in time with her mouth. Harry groaned at the pleasure of her hot, sucking mouth, his orgasm quickly building. Grunting, he came into her mouth, his cock pulsing against her tongue as his cum filled her mouth. Susan milked every drop from him until the pleasure became almost painful and he was forced to pull back, panting lightly.

Tilting her head back slightly to keep the cum in, she turned to the girls and opened her mouth wide, showing them the large pool of pearly white cum that sat in her mouth, covering her tongue. Closing her mouth, she swallowed it all in one big gulp. When she opened her mouth again to show them that it was empty, the chaser trio cheered and clapped. Susan smiled at the praise, but duck her head and blushed shyly. Reaching out a hand, Harry helped Susan to her feet and kissed her lightly on the lips, not caring about what had just been in her mouth. Turning to the bed, he focused for a moment on what he wanted, and watched as the bed grew bigger, until it was big enough to fit all five of them on it easily.

“You’re more than welcome to join us on the bed.” He told the girls.

Grabbing Susan by the hand, he led her over to the bed. He took a moment to take off her skirt and panties, leaving her completely naked, before climbing on to the bed with her. Once on the bed, he sat behind Susan, facing the couch, and wrapped his arms around her as he waited to see what the girls would do. He didn’t have to wait long as they all got up and walked over to the bed. On the way over, Angelina dropped her skirt, revealing her wide hips and large, jutting ass. Seeing her strip naked, Alicia and Katie looked at each other and shrugged before doing the same.

Katie undid her bra and tossed is to the floor, her large, perky breasts bouncing slightly as they were released. Next, she took off her skirt and panties, showing her long, toned legs, and, whereas Susan and Angelina were shaved bald, she had a small strip of dark brown hair above her tight slit. Alicia was next, losing her shirt and bra, displaying her small but perky breasts, topped with brown nipples and very small areolas. Dropping her skirt and panties, her thick, muscular thighs and ass came into view. One by one, they climbed on to the bed, lounging in various positions as they watched Harry and Susan.

Watching the incredibly sexy sight on three beautiful girls stripping while he played with Susan’s breasts, quickly had him getting hard again. Letting go of one breast, he trailed his hand down her body to her slit, pushing two fingers into her wet, hot cunt. Susan moaned as he moved them lightly inside of her, his palm grinding against her clit as it moved back and forth.

“So, what position do you want me to fuck her in?” He asked, making Susan gasp and her pussy flutter around his fingers.

“Doggy.” Angelina said immediately. “Fuck her like a bitch.”

Susan whimpered as her legs tightened around his hand. Harry raised an eyebrow at Angelina, surprised at how dirty she was talking to Susan, then turned to Alicia and Katie to see what they thought. Both of them shrugged their shoulder at him. With a shrug of his own, he kissed Susan on the shoulder, and climbed on to his knees.

“C’mon, Susie, you heard her.” He told her.

Susan climbed on to all fours, facing the girls with Harry on his knees behind her. Harry’s hand shot forward, slapping her wide ass and making it jiggle from the impact. She moaned at the light smack, gripping the sheet in a tight grip and looking down shyly. With one hand on her hip, his other hand grabbed his cock at the base and ran the head of his cock up and down through her wet lips. When he was completely hard, he pushed between her lips and slowly sank his entire cock all the way into her pussy, groaning as her tight, wet heat surrounded him. Susan let out a long, low moan as his length filled and stretched her walls.

Harry knew she wouldn’t last long with how aroused she was, so he didn’t bother to start slowly to warm her up. From the first thrust in, he started a rapid pace, his hips slapping against her ass as he bottomed out on each thrust, drawing cute little grunt from her lips. Having just cum not too long ago, he knew it would be a while before he reached his end again, and was now just trying to get Susan to reach her peak. Susan dropped down on to her forearms, resting her head on her arms as she moaned from the quick tempo. Angelina crawled over to Susan and, sitting on her knees with her legs spread wide, she fingered herself just inches away from her face.

“You love Harry’s big, fat cock, don’t you slut?” Angelina asked.

Susan whimpered, but didn’t give a verbal answer. Angelina reached out and grabbed a handful of Susan’s hair, roughly raising her head, and forcing her back up on to her arms. Susan moaned in pain and pleasure, and Harry’s cock jerked as he watched.

“I asked you a question, bitch. You love his cock, don’t you?” She asked again.

“Yes.” Susan answered in a quiet voice.

“Hey, Harry.” Angelina called out to him. “Since your little whore doesn’t have much to say, do you mind if I use her mouth?”

Harry paused in place, holding himself buried in Susan, her pussy clenching around his cock as a gasp left her lips. He looked at Angelina in surprise for a moment, not expecting for things to take such a turn. Quickly, he got over his surprise and smile at her with a shrug.

“It fine with me.” He said, beginning to thrust again.

Angelina gave him a predatory smile as she moved her legs under Susan’s body, spreading her legs and moving into place until her pussy was right under her face.

“Well, get to work.” She told Susan demandingly.

Susan hesitated and Harry wondered if they were pushing her too far, despite the signs of enjoyment her body was giving. Angelina wasn’t going to give her time to think it over however, as she grabbed her by the hair again, and jerked her head down to her slit roughly.

“I said, get to work, slut.” She ordered.

Hesitantly, Susan moved her head forward and placed a kiss on her pussy. Harry slowed his thrusts to watch as she placed a few more kisses on Angelina’s slit, getting more comfortable each time. Finally, she stuck out her tongue and licked her pussy. His cock throbbed inside Susan as she continued to lick and kiss Angelina’s hairless cunt, who was directing her where to go by the grip on her hair. Mentally shaking himself from his daze, Harry started thrusting again, driving his cock in and out of her slick pussy, trying not to jostle her too much.

A moan to his right drew his attention. Looking over, he saw Katie watching the three of them with Alicia laying on her stomach between her legs, face buried in her crotch. When she noticed him looking, Katie gave him a bright smile as she played with her breasts, pulling one up and moving her head down to suck on her own nipple.

“That’s it, right there you stupid whore.” Angelina said loudly, throwing her head back as Susan hit a sensitive spot.

Harry smiled and thrust into Susan little harder, pushing her face against Angelina’s slit every time his hips collided with her ass. He could feel her tight walls begin to flutter around him as she started moaning, muffled by Angelia’s thigh. Feeling Susan getting close to her peak, he raised a hand and brought it down on her ass with a slap, just hard enough to sting, causing her cheek to ripple from the strike. As he continued to fuck her, he smacked her cheeks again and again, leaving the pale flesh a light pink from the abuse.

“Fuck!” Angelina yelled as she came, locking her legs tightly around Susan’s head and pulling her face into her pussy hard by the hair.

A moment later, Susan reached her peak as well, her walls spasming around his girth and soaking his shaft in her arousal even more. A muffled scream left her mouth as her legs shook from the intensity. Suddenly, Angelina unwrapped her legs from around Susan’s head, and pulled her head away from her pussy. With one hand, she held Susan in place by the hair, just a few inches from her slit. Susan panted, open mouthed as her own orgasm raged through her. With her free hand, Angelina moved it to her clit and rubbed it furiously with her fingers, throwing her head back with a scream, the tendons in her neck straining as her muscles tensed. A jet of fluid shot from her pussy and splashed hard against Susan’s face, much of it going into her open mouth.

Angelina squirted twice more, long jets of cum shooting from her quivering cunt to drench Susan’s face and chest, drops falling from her hard nipples. Harry stared in awe, his cock throbbing and almost painfully hard with arousal. Angelina let go of Susan, sprawling on the bed, spent from her incredible orgasm. Susan collapsed forward when she was released, her face resting on Angelina’s stomach and his cock falling out of her. Kneeling on the bed, with his red, angry looking cock jutting into the air proudly, Harry took a moment to catch his breath and give her time to recover. Susan had cum quite hard as well, though not as spectacularly as Angelina had. He was surprised by how much she seemed to enjoy being degraded.

“Sorry, Harry.” Susan said, breathing heavily. “I just need a minute.”

“It’s fine, take your time.” He assured her, leaning over her back to kiss her cheek.

“I wasn’t too rough on you, was I, Susan?” Angelina asked. “I might have gotten a little carried away.”

“I’m fine.” Susan answered, tilting her head to look up at her. “I kind of liked it actually.” She admitted quietly.

Angelina smiled in relief and caressed Susan’s face in a surprisingly tender gesture.

“Hey, Susan.” Katie called. “If you’re too tired, I can take care of Harry for you, if you want.”

Harry looked at her with wide eyes, surprised she would make such an offer. Susan had turned to look at her too, but more in contemplation than surprise. She pushed herself up until she was sitting cross-legged on the bed, smiling at Katie.

“Sure, go ahead.” She said with a shrug, her breasts bouncing with the movement.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked, looking at her intently.

“I’m sure.” She said, smiling at him. “I, I kind of want to watch.” She admitted hesitantly with a shy look.

Harry stared at her for a long moment, looking for any sign that she was unsure. Satisfied that she really was okay with it, he leaned forward and kissed her, tasting Angelina’s arousal on her lips. Pulling back, he smiled at her affectionately before turning to look at Katie, who was waiting anxiously.

“Alright Katie, how do you want me?” He asked.

Katie gave him a brilliant smile. “Mind if I go on top?” She asked, crawling over to him.

Harry smiled at her and laid down on his back. “Hop on.” He told her.

Katie climbed over him and sat on his hips. Grabbing his cock, she stroked him a few times before raising herself up and placing him at her entrance. Slowly, she sat down on his cock, sinking down until she had taken his entire length. She moaned as his girth stretched her tight wall, rocking her hips on him as she began to ride his hard cock.

“C’mon, Angie. Time to put that big mouth of yours to use.” Alicia said.

Looking over, he saw her kneeling over Angelina’s face, pressing her pussy into her mouth. Susan was still sitting on the bed between Angelina’s legs, watching him and Katie with one hand gently play with herself. Turing his attention back to the beautiful girl on top of him, Katie smiled at him and leaned down over him, her breasts brushing against his chest as she kissed him on the lips. They kissed for a few moments, their tongues dancing, before she pulled back.

Placing her hands on his chest, she pushed herself back up and began riding him in earnest, bouncing up and down on his cock. Harry groaned at the feeling of her tight, hot pussy around him, watching her perky breasts bounce wildly with her movement. Reaching up, he grabbed her breasts in a firm grip, squeezing them in his hands. Sliding his hands down her chest, he grabbed her hips and raised his knees behind her, planting his feet on the bed. Using the leverage, he thrust up into her hard, desperate to reach his end as he pulled her down onto his cock.

Harry’s hips slapped against Katie’s ass as he pounded into her, her hot, wet walls gripping him tightly. Katie began to gasp and moan on top of him, her body tensing as her climax built. Harry panted as his own orgasm began to build up inside him.

“I’m close.” He warned her.

“In me.” She panted. “I want to make your girlfriend clean me out.” She said as she writhed on top of him.

The naughtiness of the image that popped into his mind spurred him on even more. Grabbing her hips to hold her still, he slammed his cock into her rapidly from below, his muscles straining with effort and his breathing sharp and heavy. Katie’s body tensed, her muscle locking up as she let out a long cooing sound, her voice vibrating as her body quivered on top of him. Harry continued to drive his cock up into her at a brutal pace, desperate to reach the climax that was rapidly building within him. With a loud groan, he reached his peak, holding his cock deep into her grasping pussy as he fired jets of cum against her walls.

Harry bucked his hips in time with the pulses of his cock as he came inside of her, a primal urge driving him to get as deep as possible. Katie collapsed on to his chest breathing hard as they both came down from the bliss filled hazy that filled their minds. After resting of a few moments, Katie got off of him and crawled over to Susan. She laid down on her back with her legs spread wide, her wet pussy facing her as some of Harry’s white cum dripped out of it. Susan stared at it raptly, a flush running from her chest and up her neck to her cheeks.

“Come on, Susan. Your boyfriend left a big load in me for you to clean up.” Katie said.

As Harry watched Susan crawl forward to lick his cum for Katie’s pussy, he thanked Merlin for giving him such a beautiful, kinky girlfriend.


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