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This month our friends at Oshouna Minis and Fleshcraft Studio were so kind to provide all of our Tier 2 patrons with the following gifts:

  • Oshouna Minis - Deep Hive Leaper Shrimp
  • Fleshcraft Studio - Plague Sage

Here are some words from our partners!

Oshouna Minis

"Hello there! I'm Moïse from Oshounaminis. I'm sculpting Wargames/RPG models for my Patreon and Tribes every month with OPR compatibility in mind. The Models I'm sharing with you are the « Deep Hive - LeaperShrimps » , I hope you'll like these creatures!

The Deep Hive is the main army I'm working on, but I'm also working on the Doomed Empire and have plans for other armies in the future . In addition to the miniatures I release monthly, newcomers receive a welcome pack including a sample of my armies.

Every model is delivered through MyMiniFactory and comes pre-supported.

That's all I have to say about me :) Wish you a wonderful end of the year !"

Make sure to check out these links:

Check out the Titan for the December Release!

Fleshcraft Studio

“Welcome to the home of the Undead! Fleshcraft studio designs beautiful monstrosities which are delivered in high-quality STL files, supported by Tableflip Foundry. All models come with datasheets for DnD 5e, also with Proxy Lists for OPR (and AoS).

We are currently running a season called Crimson Tide. A faction of Ghouls, which is a mix of Aos' Skaven and FEC factions, this season will eventually cover all models from both factions. These models can be used as Ratmen and Vampiric Undead for OPR, Skaven and Flesh-eater Courts for AoS, but will also very soon receive their own fanmade rules from the army forge! 

For this promotion, I present to you the Plague Sage models! Followers of
Arghourr the Blightfather, Priests of Pestilence, and Rot, Enjoy! “

Make sure to check out these links:

Don't miss out on their November Bundle!



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