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  • Point Calculator - Some Clarifications
  • GF:FTL - Saurian Starhost Fleet Now Available!
  • Mission Packs - New Missions
  • Only-Games - New Models Available
  • 2D Print - Updated 2D Sets + New Jackals & Saurians Minis
  • 3D Print - Blessed Sisters Re-Naming, New Previews, New Painting Video
  • OPR News - Weekly News: V2.50 Updates + Sirius Business

Point Calculator - Some Clarifications

We know that there has been some confusion regarding the army book versions and point calculators lately, so we wanted to provide some clarifications.

Right now, there are 2 versions of the armies and point calculators:

  • The old stable versions of the army books, available as PDFs on GDrive, have a PDF point calculator on Patreon, and a point calculator app.
  • The v2.50 beta versions of the army books, available on army-forge, have a v2.50 beta PDF point calculator on Patreon.

Some people have been confused, because they use the old stable PDF point calculator to create armies, and then compare the values with the new v2.50 beta army books, and get different results.

The reason this is happening is because they're comparing the old stable point calculator with the new v2.50 beta army books, so the solution is to use the v.250 beta PDF point calculator to create armies that fit the v2.50 beta army books.

As many of you already know, we've been working hard at a new version of the point calculator, that will be fully integrated with our apps. On top of that, we're also working on a new version of our website, which will be available hopefully this week.

Since most people are playing with the v2.50 beta army books anyways, we're only going to have a link to our new apps on the new website, and won't be having a link to the old PDFs anymore, in order to avoid confusion.

This means that for a few weeks, you should use the v2.50 beta PDF point calculator, until the new app is fully available, and we'll be switching to that. If you prefer to wait however, don't worry, the old GDrive links for the PDFs are still going to be available for you, until the full transition has been completed.

We know that periods of changes like these are very confusing, and we apologize for the inconvenience. We are confident that the new website and apps will be miles better than anything we have now, and so this little bit of turmoil will be worth it! :)

GF:FTL - Saurian Starhost Fleet Now Available!

By popular request, we are pleased to bring the Saurian Starhost to GF:FTL. These space dinos have a whole new set of ships to bring to the battle, bringing our total of available fleets up to 17!

Check them out here and make sure to leave us your feedback!

Mission Packs - New Missions

Here's the 8 missions you're getting this month:

  • Grimdark Future – Extermination + Dam Burst
  • GF: Firefight – AI Scrap Zone + Minefield
  • Age of Fantasy – King of the Hill + Favored Hosts
  • AoF: Skirmish – Storm-Tossed Vessel + Laboratory Breach

Make sure to download the missions before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

Only-Games - New Models Available

We've just uploaded all of the models from last month's release on our Only-Games store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can get them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://only-games.co/collections/onepagerules

2D Print - Updated 2D Sets + New Saurians & Jackals Minis

By popular demand, we've gone back and updated ALL of our previously released 2D print sets, so as to include the names of the units on each sheet. :)

This month we've released some new paper miniature packs for you to enjoy, with the Saurians Set #3 and the Jackals Set #4

These sets feature a ton of minis with front and back views in two different color schemes, as well as black & white. They also include black border versions of the minis, plus VTT tokens to play online.

Make sure to download the PSDs before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

3D Print - Blessed Sisters Re-Naming, New Previews, New Painting Video

In order to ensure that our factions and lore are original and distinctive from other products, we've decided that we will be using the name "Blessed Sisters" for our warrior nuns from now on. All hail the God-Queen! :)

Above you can see a preview of some more of the models coming out in April. Leading off with the much requested Ratmen Conscripts. These common rats go to battle with tools and slings. Next we have a preview of two of the Blessed Sisters' hero units: the Witch and the Canoness, who bring powerful support to the troops. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Also our friends at Haunts' Wargaming, who we've partnered to bring you sponsored battle reports featuring all of our minis, rules, missions, and more, has released a painting review video featuring many our Saurian Starhost models.

Check it out here: https://youtu.be/kCm7hKZvBNE

OPR News - Weekly News: v2.50 Updates + Sirius Business

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2023/03/03/weekly-news-v2-50-updates-sirius-business/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team



Kris Hyre

Nice looking rat slingers. Dig the conscripts too!

Jeremy Bernhardt

Blessed Sisters also separates them more from the Battle/Prime Brothers in naming conventions. It's good to have them stand alone. The Conscripts look excellent.


I love that you're forging your own lore path and getting more separation other IP's.

Zachary Petriw

Sweet! Looking forward to flying space lizards. :)

Damon Brown

Sorry if this has been answered previously, but is there an ETA on actual models for the GFFTL factions? Or did I misunderstand whether those were even going to be created or not?


We want to create them eventually, but there is no ETA, and with our current busy schedule it could take 12+ months before we get them ready. :(

Damon Brown

Fair enough. I figured it was probably more a distant goal due to the reasons you mentioned. I was just curious. So I'll just wait patiently and enjoy all the awesome stuff we get in the meantime.


Good call with the renaming, they are very distinct and deserve a label that better suits them :)

Joe Kundlak

Am I dreaming? 2D PDFs with names???? 🤗


I love the new PDF's and especially appropriate the names. It has changed the way I cut and fold the mini's, making them more stable with the name visible on the bottom, and printing out a 2D army while finishing up painting my Daemons has helped assuage some of that guilt about wanting more than I can reasonably paint. Two questions. 1. Do I need to buy the old pdf's from wargaming vault to get the updated versions? 2. In the future can we get a page to tidy up the number of models? I feel bad having to print another page I'd each different type of vulture just to bring it up to the 5 models a unit needs (if there is some obvious way to get around this that I just missed, let me know.)


I don't know if this has been considered, but perhaps you could contact one of your partners about making models "compatible with" the FTL game system? I know there must be some mini makers out there that are looking for ideas anyway, and would be happy to create minis for the OPR audience.

Nicholas McCurdy

Can’t wait for the conscripts. Perfect for a Ratfolk mob in my game while I wait to play some OPR.


I really like the Rat Slingers body poses. But, I couldn’t help but notice that they’re holding both ends of the sling in their hands. Normally one end has a loop that goes around a couple of fingers. I know it’s a nit, but being an historical gamer it stood out me. Probably no one else would notice.

David Halstead

The version 2.5 Ratmen rules are currently mostly off the page so you can't read them. I hope this will be fixed before it is uploaded to the new site :)


Too bad you didn't go with the 'Nuns of War'. If you did, you could rename the Battle/Prime Brothers to the 'Warriors of War' and 'Primes of War', and then have the NoW WoW PoW.

Sean Goodwin

Have all the combined supported STLS been removed? =( I have a elegoo 8k and I can fit avatars on it. which i understand why it wasnt combined but now downloading some of the medium sized minis like the DML Harbringer dont have any combined supported files either. Is there any way to get more combined files since more and more people are also using larger printers? I absolutely hate gluing/sanding minis together especially if they would fit 3 or 4 on a plate fully.


Has the 2.50beta Point Calc link been posted yet? Or was this just a clarification that we will need to use it once it becomes online?


1. All of the items on your WGV have already been updated. 2. The best solution is to just open the PDF in an image-editing software, cut out the models you want, and create your own custom page with what you want to print.


We're currently experiencing some bugs with the PDF generation, but are working on an improved version. :)


The v2.50 beta point calculator PDF is already available in the Tier 1 rewards post, but the online version is not ready yet: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60631647

Gordon Vincent

Just received an email reminder from MMF that there's a mini release, but it looks like there's nothing new up from when I downloaded the new files a week ago. Is there something new I should know about?


Nothing new, just an accidental extra email this morning when we sent out the files to the new patrons.

Lennart Missun

I got some additional questions on the points calculator. Can I use it for firefight and skirmish? What is the timeline on integration with the Webapp. Will I be able to add units to existing army’s and create completely new army’s or just one of the before mentioned? Thank you very much


Hop on our discord, there is a dedicated channel for the points calculator, best place for these sorts of questions.