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Hello everyone, starting this month we're going to try something new, by providing 2 special Reward Minis for the top 3 winners in each category. These minis won't be available for sale right now, but every few months we will swap them out for new ones, and then these will be released via MMF for you to buy! :)

Additionally, we're changing the way our Army category works. From now on, there will be a Unit category on a monthly basis instead, and then on the last month of each army's release we will have the Army category to show off everything at once.


Contest Categories: The contest is split up into 3 categories, each with its own submission criteria, and each contestant may pick only one category:

  • Legendary - Paint this month's legendary model
  • Solo - Paint one single model from this month's release
  • Unit - Paint a unit of 5 small or 3 large models from this month's release.

Rules: To participate, pick one category, and share a high resolution picture in square format via the Dropbox link below (leave a margin on the sides for re-sizing). Only one picture may be submitted, and you must use your Patreon username as the file name, or the submission will be discarded!

Submissions: https://www.dropbox.com/request/BMBL9T0bwz9fX4dh0pH7

Deadline: March 25th

Not Allowed: Welcome Pack Minis, Loyalty Rewards, Terrain, Game Aids

The miniatures should be painted by you, no re-sizing over 5% is allowed, and only minor modifications are acceptable. By entering the contest you give OPR permission to share the pictures on our website and social media.

Prize: The community will vote for the best submissions, and the top 3 of each category will get Two special Reward Minis, plus a special 75% Store Discount. As a bonus, one other random participant from each category will also get the special store discount!

Happy Painting!

- Gaetano

Note: The special Reward Minis are not available for sale for the time being, but every few months we will swap them out with new ones, and the current ones will then be released via MMF for purchase.



We've read your comments and concerns about the new painting contest prizes, and we're going to try to find a solution that works for everyone. Please give us some time to formulate a plan, as we were not expecting this response. :)

Now, let us quickly explain why we changed the prizes, so that you can better understand how we came to his situation.

Until a few months ago, we had a partner that provided resin as prizes for our painting contest. This was a big logistical problem, and we eventually had to stop doing it with them. We had already spoken to other companies before, and it was not viable to do it with them either.

Because of logistical reasons, we can't buy resin and ship it across the globe. Because of accounting reasons, we can't buy amazon coupon codes and provide those either. Because of technical reasons, we can't give away Patreon subscriptions either.

We asked our community what they think we could provide as an alternative to the resin prizes, and the top response we got would be to provide time-exclusive minis instead, which is exactly what we did.

The idea is that these minis would be available as prizes for things such as the painting contest, potential gaming leagues, participation at conventions, and so on. The minis would then be made available for purchase on MMF after some time, and then a new set of minis would be cycled in.

By making the minis available in multiple ways as prizes, and then later on MMF, nobody has to miss out just because they didn't win a painting contest, participate in a league, come to a convention, etc.

As you can imagine, this situation is a bit confusing for us, because we followed what the community told us, we've come up with ways to prevent FOMO, however this is still not being well received.

We're going to think this over, but in the meantime please leave your thoughts in the comments, so that we can get a better sense of what to do. Thanks!



Dawn Jackson

Question I know it says small modification only on the Capt Rat orge? Can I substitute the capt on its back for another Capt Rat from OPR? Or is that too big of a model change up?


Not fan of this :/ Ive already felt forced into these contest when other patreon did minis for participation and it felt awful. No enjoyment of peinting & painting, just feeling of never slowing deadline which had to be completed alongside sometimes draining life. Hard pass and point against supporting you guys...


you can just buy them, yknow? with all the big discount codes, and how cheap stls are in general, unless you're in a 3rd world country like i am, then it's probably fine for you to just wait and buy them. i guess it is lame that you can't get them immediately, but you gotta reward the people who care, and if you don't care that's fine too!


So in your opinion feeding on FOMO and depending it is good practice?

Dawn Jackson

Ok I understand stand. I will print and just paint the one with out the Rider on it. Not a problem.


Not a fan of that at all. Why not offer the mini to all the contestants instead? It will motivate people to enter the contest, and will not restrict the access so much. Wining the contest is out of anybody's control, especially if winners are purely decide by votes.

Ben uWu

When the prize models hit the store will they be in a collection so talentless casuals like me can find them

Mitchell Kadolph

Giving it to all participants seems like a much better option and is more likely to actually increase engagement, which is what I assume the goal is.

Jeremy Bernhardt

Ghamak does contest-exclusive sculpts for Patrons. I would much prefer that model instead of your proposed model of giving exclusive sculpts to WINNERS.

Mike Davies

Not a fan of this. I joined the Patreon in part because you got all the things for the month. Having to go back later and pay for ADDITIONAL pieces is insulting. Give them away for free with the contest, or at least add them to the loyalty rewards.

Quinton R.

so does that mean they are exclusive to buying and winning the comp?

Brent Tomlonovic

As someone who has a business that periodically gives away items, I can say this is a no-win situation. No matter what you give away, the other contestants/customers will be upset if they do not win. Every my business does give aways, we lose customers because they get upset and when they do not win.

Brent Tomlonovic

I think the current system works just fine. Prizes for the winners and the models are available for purchase if you don't win. You are still getting a heap of models each month for your money. I don't think that everything One Page Rules designs has to be given to me as a patron. It makes sense that they might have other items that are available through other channels. With the store discounts, the STLs are not even that expensive.


It seems like some people dislike the idea of the models being only available to winners or purchasing on MMF. Instead why not have the models be given to the winners and then when they are placed on MMF for purchase they are added to that months patrons? It seems like it can be an early reward for people that more actively participate on the patreon while also still being made available to people who just participate through their subscription at a later date.


Not a fan at all of "winners" only getting models.. we all support you on Patreon, in my opinion you are punishing people who dont enter contests. very lame.

Jolyon Dodgson

I enjoy entering the contest each month, but I have more STL files than I will ever print. Not really that interested in another one for winning (if I ever manage to do that). I much prefer resin as a prize as I can use that with what ever models or armies I want to at that time.

Deyna Moonbringer

"These minis won't be available for sale right now" Meaning they will eventually be available to everyone. Winners are basically getting "early access". Please don't whine about not getting something immediately because you feel entitled to it.

Ronald Smith

I just wanna say thanks for all you do, and for the contest opportunities, whether I utilize them or not. The entitlement level of people commenting here is beyond cringe-worthy, and more like outright embarrassing as a fellow human being. This is the direct result of the participation trophy era, and it's just sickening. You do awesome work, and the contests are a special event you give us as motivation to print and paint what we're paying you for, but some people don't just look the gift horse in the mouth, they shove their fists deep inside and rip out it's stomach, looking for more more more. Thank you, again, regardless of what anyone else may say.


As cool as I think the idea of exclusive miniature is, I also get that resin comes with a cost (and also for the winner, depending on where he lives and how much taxes he has to pay) If the reason of change is cost reduction (again, I completely get it), couldn't it be an option to give extra reduction on MMF for example? Or even a coupon for another Patreon (like for the gifts we get so often ! :) ) For the rest, don't listen to angy people, there will always be there. We're all grateful for the work done !!


eat a dick, its not whining its called an opinion and you can shove it up your ass. How do you expect people to provide feed back? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you..


With 50% discount all the time on MMF + one single model (~5$) that only change every 3-4 month, I don't see it as a problem. It's just a bonus to help OPR.

Zachary Petriw

How about if you win the contest - one month free OPR subscription? No shipping, no taxes, no customs charges. :)

Nathan Gerardy

I want all the doodz. I feel the effect of FOMO and I don't really like it. I would rather you gave us all the doodz consistently. I stay on the patrion because I want all the doodz and this one and the ones that come after it, I won't get with my membership. I'm not really mad about it but, would rather this wasn't a thing.

Uncle Buck

I'm pretty sure you can't win in this one. Despite the amazing value you're giving the community, it seems people always want more. Personally, I'd cancel painting contests going forward despite the enjoyment some get from it.


For all the negative here. I think the way you guys had it was good. A few extra miniatures to encourage some competitive spirit and the ability to buy in later. Not sure why everyone feels so entitled and they deserve participation trophys and that no one should get anything extra for doing extra. Very sad to see.


Why not a refund for the winner like Artisan Guild does it? At the end it’s not the prize we paint for, but the love for our favourite minis of each release and the challenge to deliver on time ❤️


We used to offer refunds for Patreon pledges, but that broke the loyalty rewards, so we had to stop.


Ah okay, this can’t change then. What about the winner can choose a single non legendary model by OPR in MMF. This way he/she can pick something existing he/she loves with no extra effort for you to design and support.

Josh Bell

I think a problem with this solution is that if the prize model is cool and unique the community will be disappointed it isn't in the patreon. But if the model is a minor variation of a current release it won't interest people. This doesn't motivate me like a coupon would, but I'm not bothered by the idea. People will get used to whatever you decide in a few months. Thanks for the great models this month.

Riley Sacdpraseuth

The refunding the Patreon for the month or some such would be an easy solution. The contest is more for community engagement/doing a cool thing than for the actual prize, and that's a neat enough reward. If you wanted to do the miniature reward, and were perhaps unreasonably ambitious, you could try something like giving the winners the option to suggest a new mini to be created for everyone. Or multiple minor additions, like each winner suggests a new pose/head/or something. One or two models that act as a sort of celebration of that month's designs, or a few smaller, simpler things that act as reminders of each winner (such as simple re-poses or minor alterations to an existing mini). That would result in the winners still getting something unique, but not result in FOMO for the rest of us. Downside is that it could be prohibitively costly. As such, any attempt at this should be kept very small scale. Perhaps as an excuse to use designs that didn't quite work out or were cool but had practicality issues that prevented them from being mainline releases.

Eventide Saga

That's a real Kobayashi Maru situation. Personally, I was a little bummed that I'd have to buy it later rather than catch it in a future loyalty release, but I'm also not opposed to paying for things I really enjoy. It's not as enticing and probably more work, but what about interviewing winners of the contest during hangout streams and gleaning some painting information?


We used to offer refunds for Patreon pledges, but that broke the loyalty rewards, so we had to stop. About the winners getting something unique, it sounds like the type of thing that will get more complaints. :(


I could always go for something like this, but maybe you could do something along the lines of releasing a named character for these that gets released immediately to all people that participate, then the winner of the contest gets to name the character or something. Then, when you switch the models out they get added to MMF for other patrons to grab.

Riley Sacdpraseuth

My idea was that the winners would get to provide input on a thing that would be provided to everyone. So the unique thing/prize would be... Putting a fingerprint on the project, as it were.

Isaac Nanney

I liked the prize you guys did last month, where you gave a 75% off code to the winners

James McDougal

Personally I think the solution you came up with is the best you can do and I dont think people should be as bothered about potentially having to pay extra for a single model. Patreon is about supporting you guys because we belive in what your making. Having to pay extra for a model (one we will be getting a discount for if we support you) shouldn't be that big of a deal

Danger Draper

Regardless of how this ends up, thanks OPA for making the effort in the first place

Mike Davies

I understand I came across as entitled in my last post. In the light of day, I read it that way too. It was a knee-jerk reaction from dealing with GW in the past. Limited production runs and short store allocations had left me a little chapped about not being able to pick up new minis. We do get a ton of amazing files in the OPR Patreon, no doubt about that. I'm still not happy with the intentional delays for these minis. One of the benefits of OPR has been that armies were available and complete with a few bundles. If you did not follow the Patreon you could still buy just a couple bundles and have all the files for the army of your choice. I joined the Patreon because of the Jackals, and it was easy to get caught up to the full release of them. Picking up the whole previous Beastman army was as easy as buying a few bundles. I do not want to see OPR falling down the same exclusives rabbit hole that GW keeps blindly stepping into.

Ne Obliviscaris

What if the winner could have a bit of input of the design of a future model?

Bozz Connelly

This seems eminently fair to me. Don't understand what the problem with it is 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like... It's a contest? Ya know, with prizes for winners of said contest? And you can buy the mini later if you actually really want it? Because if you remember, we're actually here to support OPR, no one is forcing you to stay and buy things you don't want to buy. Look at all the amazing stuff we get every month, really go and look at it. Then ask yourself "Am I being an entitled jerk for whining about this?" Be honest. OPR, you're doing great. You'll never please everybody. Case in point, you ask the community for their opinion and get blasted for going with it. Just keep doing what you do, which is provide stupidly high quality minis alongside awesome games at a stupidly low price. If you lose a few patrons over this, that's their loss. And honestly, reading through some of these comments I'd be just as glad to have some of these folk spewing their angst someplace else.


As a refinement for consideration, winners get the model as a prize, then add them free to the Loyalty award (3 months) and then a little later to the welcome pack? Also for those that want, add as purchasable on MMF when the loyalty award goes live. That way the winners get them for uniquely for a bit, longer term subscribers get them next, everyone else after that but still part of the Patreon reward?


The problem is when we pretty regularly get 70% for hitting numbers it's basically just 5% off.

Ronald Smith

Thank you. It's sad, though, that it even needed to be, but at least some folks took it in a positive way and applied it to critiquing their own responses.


I recently joined this Patreon and have been excited since I first saw the competition. I wasn’t at all bothered by the prizes and I’m a little shocked others are. I would still compete even if it was a pat on the back. I joined this Patreon for the value. I pay each month for a horde of great models and don’t feel that paying for models on top of that is a bad thing. The way I see it is this. I have a chance of challenging myself to become a better painter and printer. On top of that I am showing the community as well as others what I can do with the models you sculpt. The more revenue you bring in the more value I receive monthly with great models. I say don’t change the prizes because a few people complained and keep the competitions going. Let the community showcase your models. Plenty will still buy them if they don’t win ( we get 50% off on MMF…)

Sam Draper

Probably going to get flamed for having an opinion, but seriously some of these comments are shocking. OPR, it’s your company, do what you fancy, it’s all cool and a bit of a Brucey Bonus for those that want to have a go, and available to those who don’t a little further down the line. You can’t please all the people all the time, and if you put 10 war gamers in a room you can sometimes end up with at least 11 opinions! People subscribe because of your awesome ruleset and value for money on your releases, not your painting competition prizes. Hope this all resolved well for ya 👍👍


I agree that the models should go to all participants, as I believe the intent is engagement. For the winners it should mostly be about recognition. Perhaps showing off the winning submission on the livestream and listing them as examples on the OPR Wiki of the models (with a stamp showing their winning placement).


I am fine with the prizes being what was proposed. It gives something to compete about, which is a bit more substantial compared to what is often just an additional 5% off in the store. I don't really paint to win either, it is just a fun community thing that pushes us to actually put some paint on the models, and experiment with new techniques. It is great to see how others interpret the models and what they decide to do with them.

Ville Kemi

I really dont see any problem here. Just do it. The stupid amount of value you get by subscrbing to your patreon is more than enough. I get more stuff than I will ever need or have time to print or paint. Keep up the awesome work!


so inflated price compared to "usual" is right on point? i get we get awesome value with what we are getting every month. At same time its git gud or pay (after quick look at MMF store) we are looking for extra 5-45$ for "exclusive" model. (5-15 range if its "rank and file", 20+ for those single epic creatures). sure, we still have 50% discount but sorry, i cannot see value for some of what currently sits on store considering items/details to cost ration. OPR overall quality is good-very good, but hardly justifies very good-excellent pricing. if you can budget for single mini release every quarter or so im glad. but for some getting just patreon is stretch and then this FOMO... At same time after giving it a bit of thought, if those reward minis are not affiliated with any faction and just work as decorative pieces then yea, nothing lost there. Otherwise it does trigger my FOMO. 3rd world country piece is irrelevant due to too many variables (income vs cost of living changes you know?)

Sebastian Baumruker

I get where the FOMO reactions are coming from but after thinking about it for a moment instead of furiously typing I realized something: The patreon realeases cover the whole range of an army. I don't need any additional models to play any version of an army I have all patreon releases for. This is not a game piece its a cosmetic. Let's say its a rat man assasin as an example. I already have one from OPR. What exactly am I missing out on that could cause me fear? Maybe this one looks cooler? Well that highly subjective. If not having all possible varaints is already FOMO inducing even when they are functionally the same then the total amount of stls out there should leave you in a constant catatonic state. If it were an actual game piece I would feel different. As it stands I don't need it but if I want it anyways I'm more than happy to fork over some cash to support a creator that is doing so much rigth in a markted place dominated by companies that (imho) are doing so much wrong. If anyone actually bothers to read all the way through my rambling, I tip my hat to you ;)


Stick to the original plan. Offering a model as a reward is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. I think the negative gut reactions come from so many who have been strung along by FOMO and exclusive releases by other wargame companies. They have kinda lost sight of what an exceptionally customer positive, value for money set up OPR is.


The loudest ones are not always the voice of the community. If anything, do another poll to see if this is negative or positive. I love the idea of a competition and the prizes. I'm not the greatest painter but I'll still submit my work cause it inspired me to try. You know what categories don't have a lot off submissions? Army and epic. So put your work in and see your hard work pay off. Accomplish something great! Submit your work no matter how it looks! Gain glory!!

Luka Pavlović

As a mediocre painter: having a trophy (as an exclusive model) is perfectly fine. Crying for participation trophies identical to best painters in the community is insulting to the painting winners. These minis are fine to stay exclusive for the painting winners, as winning should have real benefits. We should be admiring the winners, not be jealous of them for the prize the won fair and square.

Luke Brown

Having a timed exclusive mini is a fantastic way to inspire people who are on the fence about submitting a paint job take the plunge. I certainly know I'm going to try if a little 'trophy' is up for grabs!


Ignore the whiny nay sayer. That formula is great! Nobody is missing anything and it's a great incentive to paint your minis. I wish I had read the rules better before investing time in last month canon but it's fine. Keep up the good work! I hop we get to see the God Queen soon!

Andrew Cairns

I think a 'prize only' stl, while is a good idea is a bit meh... early access to a big model is good. Could even say send in a picture of it painted and we will use it in a post🤷 What about "store credit" where there's an amount that is the prize, the winner choses a model from your prev releases and you either share it on mmf to them or email it to them?


I second this, getting some stl's from the past would be cool, sort of like a "throwback" pack.

Michael Leyden

I think that this prize idea is fine. Even though I know I'll never win it. As it is, I own nearly every stl that you've released at this point and I have no intention of canceling my Patreon any time soon. I will never print the entirety of it, so I'm not terribly bothered about this timed exclusivity. And I'll just pick up the models that I like from MMF when they officially release. (Lookin' at you Ratman!) That being said, I'm also not going to get on your case if you try to rework the idea. That's entirely up to you. You may lose a few people if you don't, but that would be an incredibly small amount of people all things considered. And you can't please everyone.


Just put in my first submission to any paint competition ever! I had a ton of fun looking up how to take good pictures and printing an item to get good backdrops. Thanks for the fun challenge! I look forward to competing in the future.


Same here, I'm excited to see what all of the other entries look like and how my work compares!

Zachary Petriw

At what time is the link taken down? It isn't working for me. I didn't see a time zone listed for the deadline.

Andrew Parsons

Yeah - I tried to submit before midnight and it said it was closed. So freaking upset. I was away at a conference all week, and I spent every spare moment I had before and after to get the ratgod done. And now... no point in the stress. :(


OPA is on GMT

Alex Trukhan

shoot... thought that deadline is a bit later :( was able to make appropriate photo only today and submission is closed :(

Christopher Barnes

Dang, I misread. I thought it was the 28th.....