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  • 3D Print - New Previews, Dragon Bike Update, FTL Ship Cycling, New Videos
  • OPR News - Writing Jam Soon + New Videos

3D Print - New Previews, Dragon Bike Update, FTL Ship Cycling, New Videos

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in March, with the Beastmen Harpies, the Eternal Dynasty Scouts, the Duchies of Vinci Bull Titan, plus some new Robot Legions Terrain.

Today we have updated the Eternal Dynasty Dragon Bike files on MMF, adding a new weapon option with the hull mounted Heavy Auto-Gun. We hope you enjoy this free addition. :)

February has seen the last release of the FTL fleets with the Alliance, which sadly brings us to the end of the FTL line for now. We have some big plans for FTL in the future, including some new models that are tied in with our 3D models, but that could take 6-12 months to develop. In order to keep awareness of the game up, we're going to be cycling through our current FTL fleets until we have more news, so more people get to enjoy them.

Finally, we've got two new painting videos for you:

OPR News - Writing Jam Soon + New Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/02/11/writing-jam-soon-new-videos-2/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Those updates Will be avaliable in myminifactory


Love the birdies! They're awesome 😍 Same for the dynasties guys, you really nailed the look for this army!


Are these going to be released next month ( March)?


At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in March, yes.


Thanks for the reply 😊

Kyle Bentley

The new models look really cool, especially the fantasy ones. It's also appreciated to see you add new options to older models, and to keep the FTL fleets in releases to let more people enjoy them. I'm sorry to hear we won't have any more fleets released in the near future, but I'm very excited to see what's next for FTL!


Soldier figures are cool, basic usable poses, not excessively animated to look "frozen", excellent work. In other hand that massive bull-mecha however impressive in size and design complexity has very little value on a tabletop. I wish you would focus more of your energy on basic infantry and individual 28mm figures that are most used in wargames, including your own rulesets. I have yet to find anyone making STL files of simple space troopers, not gothic GW style or Star Wars knockoffs , but something modern or near future like Starship Troopers, generic useful across many rulesets.


Bird people are super cool, but how do you keep model like that from breaking - short of printing the whole thing 50% with Tenacious? They would be great for dioramas, but you wont see them on my tabletop in a OPR game, too clumsy, fragile.

Nicholas McCurdy

I disagree, I am super impressed with the bull-mecha. I’m definitely going to be printing that out and using it not only for OPR but for RPGs as well. They are doing an impressive job for the value. For me it’s what keeps me with OPR month after month. No one does basic models because they’ve been done so many times.

David Störmer

Love the harpies, very intricate Wings! Will there be a helmet option like in the concept you've shown in the january update?


Those Birdmen will make EXCELLENT aarakocra. Fantastic looking stuff!


Question- regarding Grimdark future, which is more up to date, the Army book, or the Army builder app?


The webapp currently has the latest beta version of the rules, however those keep changing because it's a beta. The army books on the gdrive are the more stable version.

Rae Farley

Is the Mecha bull for the fantasy, sci Fi, or both? It's great!!

Corentin de Radiguès

Hi, I really am falling in love with dynasty army and these posts just strengthens that love! Just curious if we were going to get another set of drones? The Shield, Gun and Standard are really sweet. But a sharpshooter (long distance support), recon (target spotting), communication (antenna, dish) drone would be amazing for storytelling/gameplay purposes. It feels great to support a Patreon who's core philosophy i stand behind, you seem to be the gift that keeps on giving. I just hope you have as much fun working on these projects as i have with the end results. Many thanks