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This month our friends at Puppetswar were so kind to provide all of our Tier 2 patrons with three extra models as a free gift, with their Jetpack Orc & Striker and Flying Bug.

Puppetswar make some of the coolest sci-fi minis out there, with a bland of classic tropes and their own unique style. By now they're veterans of the industry, making minis since 2010, and so you can expect the highest quality from them. Check them out!

Note: The cross-promo files are not added to your MMF library, and are only available until the end of the month. Make sure to download them before they're gone!




Oh they look really nice :D I'll definitely check them out :)

Andrew Enns

Puppetswar is amazing. I'm already subbed to them and plan on continuing. Then and opr are the only patreons I plan on keeping

Cody McMillan

OMG these are soooooo good! Jetpack Orc for the win!


The prime bro is missing his upper arms in the files, only has the forearms attached to the weapons

Tim Schönfeld

Hey friends. Very cool models. I think the striker is missing its arms? Can someone confirm?


We have already notified the creator, and are pending updated files. Edit: The files have been updated. :)


We have already notified the creator, and are pending updated files. Edit: The files have been updated. :)


Awesome models. Since OPR is not offering any Orc proxies I'll probably go with yours then <3

morgan light

Puppetswar are great...worth checking out for their non-stl minis - tons of great heads, torsos, and body bits in an array of themes.

Brady Inman

Quit partnering with patreons I'm already using! ...lol you have good taste.


LOL I am about to pull the trigger myself on their stuff. Really cool models!!!


Puppertswar is great, I already sub to you both. I love their Orc Bushi from a couple months back.


That moment when you back both creators and don’t get anything extra. It’s a good thing both creators are awesome!


Just signed up for their patreon. Why can't I resist...

Bartosz Badowski

Love it! Thanks! I printed ork on anycubic mono x with the same settings I print one page rules presuported models and they came out perfect! My settings: exposure 2 s (anycubic grey resin, with translucent or clear or plant based I use 2.2 s) bottom exposure 12s (full plate or big models - 15-20s) bottom layers 4 (full plate or big models - 5) lift speed - 60 down speed - 180 off time - 1s power - 60%

Bartosz Badowski

Just noticed that for ork model all hands are left hands, no right hand (presupported or no).

Tim Schönfeld

Sigh. My dear friends @puppetswar. I've heard and seen so much good stuff about your minis, so I'm genuinely excited to try these. Now, after downloading and noticing files missing, I was happy that you quickly updated the file. This is all very good so far. After printing the files overnight: The Striker comes with what I assume are two left arms, but two right hands. The Ork comes with two left hands. These are issues I can probalby fix in my slicer easyly, just mirror the parts. My experience: I have wasted print time, printer life time, resin, my life time. But I do like the models. I don't want to complain. This is a free item. But it's free in exchange for my decision to become your patron/customer, to give you money, regularly. So far I love the models, they are genuinely usefull to me, and I have put them on my list of models to consider if I find them on a MMF sale. I am genuinely grateful for the offer, I really like the models, please, if you want promos like this to work, check your files more thoroughly. Thank you.

Ian Martin

All there minis are like this just mirror them alot of patreons I'm with seem to be doing this with modular figures. When have a left and right and using more storage etc just mirror what you want and jobs done


Hi, we do not create folders with L or R parts. You can print them as you wish but you need to use mirror functionality in slicer sofware. You can do the same operation with all the parts as long you will plan what will fit what :)

Bartosz Badowski

Thanks, I'm new to 3d printing and didn't notice mirror functionality in my slicer, its quite obvious now when I look at it :)


I'm brand new to 3d printing so I'm glad I got to learn about mirror functionality before giving these a go

Ian Alexander

Does the GDFF Gang Wars expansion not come in the Patreon bundle?