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  • Mission Packs - New Missions Released
  • 2D Print - Release Delayed
  • Only-Games - New Models Available
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Terrain Releases
  • OPR Instagram - Follow Us
  • OPR News - Happy New Year!

Mission Packs - New Missions Released

This week we've released 4 new missions for our mainline games: Fire & Rubble, Spec Ops, Lost in the Mist, and Bloodbath.

Give the missions a shot and download them here.

2D Print - Release Delayed

Unfortunately, this month's paper minis are going to be a bit delayed. We're working hard on getting these done ASAP, and below you can see a preview of the new Fantasy Terrain that we've been working on. We're really sorry for the delay, and are doing the best we can in order to get you the models the earliest we can.

Only-Games - New Models Available

We've just uploaded the Beastmen and Robot Legion models from the December release on our Only-Games store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can get them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://only-games.co/collections/onepagerules

3D Print - New Previews, Terrain Releases

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in February, with the Eternal Dynasty Hunt Master with Cyber Beasts, the Beastmen Shaman and Raiders, plus some new Robot Legions terrain.

When we set out to make faction terrain, we were faced with a bit of a dilemma. Seeing how we release 2 armies each month, but we already have 3 other armies that we already completed, we had to make a decision on how to release terrain for our backlog.

We think that it's only fair that we give our long-term supporters a chance to get all of the terrain sets via Patreon, instead of having to buy them on MMF, and so we decided to release the backlog via Patreon as well. This means that until we have not completed our backlog, you will be getting terrain for 3 factions per month, instead of only 2.

This is an exception, and will only last until the backlog has been completed. Once the backlog has been completed, we will be releasing only 2 sets per month.

Because we're releasing new armies every few months, and we have this backlog to complete, this also means that the terrain releases won't be exactly in parallel to the monthly factions, and things will slide a little.

Here's our current plan for the terrain releases:

  • December to March - Beastmen / Robot Legions / Mummified Undead
  • April to July - Saurians / Eternal Dynasty / Alien Hives
  • August to November - Duchies of Vinci / Saurian Starhost / New Fantasy Army

In order to avoid misunderstandings, we are going to repeat this information periodically, just so that people don't get wrong ideas about our plans. :)

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Happy New Year!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/12/31/happy-new-year/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




I'm loving those weekly updates . Keep on keeping on ! 👍❤️

Jeremy Bernhardt

Saurian Starhost, you say? Sci-fi lizzies with lasers? You have my interest!


The dinasty creatures are odd...😢 A little bit like the veichles. Infantry is superb, again!


I'm sorry, but if you don't like the style of those miniatures, then you will continue to be disappointed as more models come out for the Eternal Dynasty. This is the vision we have for the faction, and it's not going to change, so you might have to adjust your expectations.


That means I'll have a full infantry army 🤣


I like the Eternal Dynasty Infantry a lot so far. It's really sending out these Space Communist vibes ;) Looking forward to the coming vehicles and bigger units. I felt the dragon bikes were a bit "in your face" with the chinese design elements and were lacking a bit on the "techy" details (could've used some more armor plates or cables imho). That dragon looks like it's scratching that itch more. Looking forward to that one :) Keep up the good work!

Nicholas McCurdy

I’m stoked you made the raiders the same species as the hunters. I really like the sculpts. I also personally like the eternal Dynasty stuff.


Wonderful work!

Ian Bennett-Whetzel

Is there a chance some day we could see some fantasy Gobbos from you guys? As always amazing stuff cant wait to see what comes next!

Rick Petersen

Really love the new factions. Keep that up.


August: New Fantasy Army. After I saw what you are offering with Eternal Destiny and Beastment Im really looking forward to it :)


Sorry, man the new ED look great but the robot creatures not so much nothing like what I was expecting.

Christopher Barnes

We’re fine.... I do like the updates. It lets us know that the project is still alive with many plans for the future! Take your time, we know you’ll deliver! :-}

Ted Soper

Beastmen continue to be delightful

Michael Galosi

Are those Eternal Dyansty guys going to be Pathfinders equivalent (Scouts?). Hoping they are that, but fearing they are kroot.

Michael Galosi

I agree, not the aesthetic I was expecting at all. Look out of place compared with the drones.


These are a completely different faction, so no kroot. The models shown are the Hunting Pack, which is not the Scouts.

Michael Galosi

Well are these guys going to have rail guns or will you have models that use railguns in the future?

Erik Waring

So Im loving the Eternal Dynasty. Im not a GW player in over a decade and im not looking for a proxy for tau so I am appreciating them on their own and I think they are pretty cool. There may be a tau flavor and ill probably paint them blue skinned so you could likely use some units as proxies but maybe not others. Again im more interested in them as a OPR faction than a proxy army though and I love their aesthetic.


If what you're looking for are 1:1 Tau proxies, you won't find them with the Eternal Dynasty. Will there be mechs and tanks with big guns? Yes. Will they be railguns like you might expect them from GW? No.

Christopher Talbot

Hmm...so the terrain for last years models will be repeated throughout this year...okay fine! As long as we still get terrain for any new armies introduced this year...


Just to clarify, the terrain is not being "repeated", those factions never got terrain, because we only started providing terrain last month. :)

Lorenzo Calvi

Really love the beastmen, a question: do you plan to make a fliying unit, birdmen maybe?

Christopher Talbot

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA....Oh wait....lol....I only joined last month....so I was thinking you always. had terrain. My bad. Great work then.