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Welcome to Tier 1!

From the 4th of the month until the last day of the month, you'll receive all of these rewards, no matter on which day you joined (even before the 4th):

All of the Monthly Rewards*

*See links at bottom of this post to download at any time.

All of the Early Access Rewards**

  • AoF: Quest (beta)

  • Short Stories + Missions

  • Monthly Missions

  • Paper Miniature PSDs

**Rewards not added to WGV/DTRPG library, download before they're gone.

Don't forget to grab all of our Free Content

Some of our rewards are delivered via WargameVault / DriveThruRPG, where they will be saved in your library forever, even if you unsubscribe. Simply create an account on WGV/DTRPG with the same e-mail you signed up with on Patreon to get your rewards.

On the last day of the month you'll receive a link via e-mail to redeem your rewards on WGV/DTRPG. Please make sure to wait 48hrs and then check your spam folder before contacting us about missing files.

  • Step 1. Sign up on WGV/DTRPG with same e-mail as Patreon

  • Step 2. On the last day of the month, wait up to 48hrs for WGV/DTRPG e-mail

  • Step 3. Log in to WGV/DTRPG and download your rewards

Limited Time Rewards - Download Now!

Some of the rewards you get at this tier are Early Access only, as they are not quite ready to be published on WGV/DTRPG. This means that we can't share these rewards via those platforms. Instead we ask you to download them via the links at the bottom of this post right now, so that you get to enjoy them before anyone else.

Please make sure to download the files marked as "Temporary", as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.



All of the provided files remain the property of onepagerules; by becoming a patron, you are given a license only for your personal use of these files.

You may not sell, share, distribute, rent, transfer, copy, reproduce or republish the files in any way. You may also not sell, share, distribute, rent or transfer the prints that you make in any way, and you may not re-cast the prints either.

You may resize or cut the contents of the files for personal use, but you may not sell, share, distribute, rent, transfer, copy, reproduce or republish the result in any way. You may also not otherwise modify, duplicate, create derivative works of, disassemble, reverse compile or reverse engineer the files in any way.



Is there a way to get previous starter lists ?

Eric Steele

I forgot to grab Jan 2023 missions.


Hi. Is there a solution to create unit/army/weapon compatible with the 2.5 armybook, because the online and paper calculator are not up to date for me


the paper is. pdf is not here until the 4th. but if on the discord it is posted recently in #patreon-point-calc


You need to connect your discord and patreon account in your patreon settings.


Hi! is there a list with all the army special rules and their description for AOF, because its a bit of a hassle to look trough all the armybooks, when creating custom units


Hi. Are we likely to receive different terrain other that Saurons or Jackles terrain?

Max Brooks

The terrain packs match whatever the paper miniatures are for the month. So when they finish the Saurians and Jackals and make new paper minis we'll get new terrain for those factions :)


Those paper minis and terrain are looking fantastic by the way.


Does the paper sets give us all possible units of a army? i notice on the older sets some are missing


Hi OPR. I am loving the online army builder. Quick Question. Could there ever be images linked army builder? :) Thanks!


Is there a manual version of the point calculator, like a pdf or something like that? one that isn't automatic.


for stable (google drive) release :Permanent - Point Calc (date).zip for beta (web-app) release: Temporary - Early Access (date).zip


I don't think that's something they'll implement, since it's a mini-agnostic game

Torbern Klason

Hello. Is that super cool tank only for tier 2 patreons ?


Hi, particularly interested in AoF: Quest, is there a link I'm missing? Thanks! Love AoF:S with my son co-op, a full co-op game sounds exactly like something we'd love!


You can use the rules in this way. I did this with my daughters in the GF side. End result? Battle Sisters and Wolf Brothers armies got allied with factions of Knight Titan Lords... based on their favorite, "Game of Thrones", Houses Stark (wolves) and the also white-haired Targaryen with dragons... So now we have an excuse to have units of Dragons and huge Dire Wolves stomping around with huge robots, and our armies. We did this over 4 missions. 1. Skirmish to see who gets to play the Knight Titans first... 2-3. 2000 Point army Stark vs Sisters or Targaryen vs Wolf Brothers... (Get to play just the unique knights) 4. 2000 Point army where we could use a mix of our main armies with the knights. It was just awesome! But the parts between the battles is the narrative you create.


We also did a "Rescue Rasputin" raid... I found a model where Inquisitor Rasputin, a spell casting Psychic, (based off the Russian Rasputin, but an actual character in 40K lore) was now hooked into a dreadnought... In the 40K lore, he knew a green armored chapter's dark secret and he would need to be interrogated, so a half-dead Rasputin gets plugged into this for life-support and if anyone has enough charisma to talk down the Dark Angels and them to let him go, he would be the one to do it... so you end up with this. Librarian (psychic powered / spellcasting) dreadnought, in Dark Angels Green. Here's my painted model of this Rasputin Dreadnought https://cults3d.com/en/3d-printing/inquisitor-grigori-the-mad-monk-rasputin-surrogate-miniatures-october-release One page rules is so awesome because you can fill in the blanks, create new ones, or just have a blast... Enjoy!!!


I think the link will be posted on the 4th. We just have to wait until then.


Where is the pdf archive to make custom units??


Dear, in the online Builders, does the user login currently work? when I enter my name and password or register nothing happens. I'm mentioning this because if I set something up from my cell phone, then I don't have it from the PC's chrome. There is the option to export the list of course, but it is quite annoying, thanks.

Jefferson Thacker

Correct, the log in does not currently work. The software is in Beta and that is a feature that will launch at a later date.


The paper armies include most units, but some of the very largest units, such as legendries, aren't made in paper because they wouldn't fit on a sheet of paper.


Hi, I was hoping to see early access of sellswords in my rewards. Why is it missing? Did you guys drop this project?


That project has become Age of Fantasy: Quest. You'll find it in the Temporary - Early Access zip file.


Hello,i haven't the books on my drivethrurpg and it's the same adress on my patreon and my DTRPG account

Kent Matsueda

In your "Patrons-Only: March Update #2" you mentioned that the Saurian Starhost was coming to to GF:FTL, and you had a link pointing to this page, but I'm not seeing them. I'm sure I'm missing something, but where do I look?


early access zip. same as the gfftl rules always are

Kent Matsueda

Thanks. Found it on page 17 of the “GFFTL - Factions Book v1.15 - Playtest v1.9” in the “Temporary - Early Access (09.03.23).zip” for anyone else.


Hello, I am having trouble loading the online points calculator it keeps asking for a patreon login but im logged in and have relogged in repeatedly. Any one got a helpful suggestion?


that calculator is shut off. it is over 2 years out of date


Do we have any idea of when it might be back up and updated? It is amazingly useful.


Not being funny, but its the major reason i became a Patron.


Hi, the news letter box on your website appears to be none functional!


Thanks for the info, could you PM us the details? Also if you can hop on our Discord, we have a channel for website feedback: https://discord.gg/djBydgk


Soon, if you watch this week's stream we go over it and the upcoming soft test launch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLOj2weDVE0


Where is the link for the profile builder please ?


They were added to this post this morning at the bottom. Each month they're refreshed.

Max Brooks

War Daemons? Oh heck yes.


Hi. I just joined up. Where is the document for creating custom units?


It has been moved to the Army Forge Studio test that just launched, more information and links are on our Discord. We'll have some more to say about it in a post later today.

V Michael Patton

is there a way to download the pdf versions of the army books? I'm old...lol...i like creating my army on paper


Yes, the PDF of the army books is available to download inside Army-Forge once you open up the army you wish to build.


Good morning, I've been wanting to see the rules for the new FTL GF beta for a while now and I can't find the link to download it, could you give me a hand with this? Thank you so much

Jan Vostřel

Sorry but I have problem finding paper printable game tokens. They dont seem to be part of rules, mission card, armies, terrains, neither I can find them as alone file.


You'll find the rules in the "Temporary - Early Access (05.04.23).zip" attached to the bottom of this post.


You can find them in the quick start sets for the games: https://www.onepagerules.com/get-started

Jan Vostřel

Hi, my bad. I wasnt clicking deep enough on Gdrive. Thanks for patience.

Lord Hamster

Agreed, it was lotof fun making odd custom units. Even if you’d just fool around. ;)

Rainer Engerth

Hi One question. Is there anywhere a compliation of all Missions? I think i have missed a lot

Alceu Vitor Paixao

I liked the War Daemons. They can be use in Grimdark Future as well


Hi, where can I find pdf called v2.50 point calculator?


The point calculator is now an app, click on the "Custom Army Creator App" link above.


Good day everybody, we started playing OPR GF 6 months ago. We play 1-2 times a week and have already gone through all possible game modes. We wanted to throw in the idea for command points in GF: you could get 1 command point for every 250 army points at the beginning of the game. Each turn, each Hero/Titan can also roll Quality to generate a new command point. We've been playing it like this for a month and think it's fantastic. I say we because I speak for myself and my teammates. tetranet


command points are already part of the full rulebook...


sully, thanks for your comment. I would like to point out that this comment is under the Tier 1 post, which means the full rule book is in there. Which in turn means that you can talk about the command points.


Sebastian, glad you are getting so much play with your mates! (am I jealous? nah. I'll get more time, in time :D ) The OPR rulebook has quite a few additional "optional" rules within the full rulebook that may help you expand your game and challenge. For instance, besides command points, I *just* learned about suggested unit number/composition limits for play - was wondering why the Goblinkin were zerg-rushing the Eternal Dynasty so effectively. Happy playing!

Dire TheLawyer

How do you feel about adding a paper mini or two to the Monthly Newsletter? I exclusively use paper minis to play and i feel a little left out in the monthly excitement other than the amazing batch of paper minis you already release monthly!


Hello, I have found (I don't remember where) a book called "Cursed City". To do Mordheim like game with OPRFS. In the pdf, they But I don't find the complete book in my zip file. Did I miss something to do ?


OPR did not release that. could be fan work. could be you downloaded the WHQ Cursed City rulebook lol


How long do the Temporary files last? Just came to download the Mission Pack for April before 4th May releasenand I can't find it?


I was wondering the same. It may be gone because we're in the new month now.


I find the "download before they are gone" to be incredibly frustrating. Why aren't these links just kept here? And each month I get confused about how to download the monthly scenarios. They will be added to this post later? Am I just missing them?


Thank you. I have the February ones downloaded but since I missed the window for March and April those are just gone forever for me and I missed my chance?


Are we going to get a copy of the new Points Calculator in printable .pdf format? An updated one that matches the changes you've made to the special rules for the v2.50 army lists. That's mainly why I am subscribed to begin with.


Are we not doing monthly missions anymore? I can't find them....

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 12:33:19 There is a small period where the old stuff is removed & the new stuff isnt there yet(As stuff is removed at the end of month & added at the 4th). I imagine this is so they have a bit of a "transition" period but its honestly fairly frustrating. Wish they would just leave the old stuff until they upload the new stuff
2023-05-04 05:57:47 There is a small period where the old stuff is removed & the new stuff isnt there yet(As stuff is removed at the end of month & added at the 4th). I imagine this is so they have a bit of a "transition" period but its honestly fairly frustrating. Wish they would just leave the old stuff until they upload the new stuff

There is a small period where the old stuff is removed & the new stuff isnt there yet(As stuff is removed at the end of month & added at the 4th). I imagine this is so they have a bit of a "transition" period but its honestly fairly frustrating. Wish they would just leave the old stuff until they upload the new stuff


The information for the Points Calculator is now moved inside Army Forge Studio - use the 'Custom Army Creator App' link at the top of this post to get to it.


Most of the items are sent to you via Wargames Vault / DriveThruRPG emails - the missions however are not retained. But you'll still get the paper models / rulebooks etc.

Dire TheLawyer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 12:33:19 Daemons of War Set 2 A.psd has an error. It's 100% black and white. the "color" layers are empty.
2023-05-04 22:25:14


Could we get it as a PDF? I do not have access to the Internet at work, I have to do everything with pen and paper.


Any way to access the old online calculator? The new one in the app is ok, but I miss the old one.


the old one was over two years out of date already, and not even actually complete for that version either. AFS is your option

Dire TheLawyer

Thanks, I downloaded it and the colors are there now. had to uncheck the "BW" layer to see the colors.


Hi guys. Is there any way to get GF: arena?


Unfortunately our legacy games have been retired. I believe there have been some fan efforts to archive them. I would ask on our Discord: https://discord.gg/djBydgk


Quick Question: If I missed the download for the monthly mission, is there a way to get it, or will it be added at a later date to the DTRPG-account?


missed em you missed em. but theyre still available for a few hours more..

Arnoldo Garza

Hello! I just joined today and can´t see links to these files: All of the Early Access Rewards**: GF: Warfleets (beta) AoF: Quest (beta) Monthly Missions Paper Miniature PSDs Are they gone already? Thanks in advance!


Download the things on this post. Like.. the zip called Early Access. I can see them right this moment. They will be gone very shortly.

Arnoldo Garza

Thanks! Between being a noob and me being confused because cause it was in a second column but I thought it was part of the same filename in the first column. And the excitement too

Arnoldo Garza

Pro Tip : When in a hurry to download files from links about to be deleted, verify the ZIP / RAR file. Last night I downloaded several files and one was corrupted, so, I have one less file now.


The print to PDF function of the army creator app is busted: I get a 404 error when I click the button. This is the case for both new and existing armies, both for AoF and GF. It worked fine last week. Is this a known issue?


Is it against the rules for me to share missions I have downloaded that other people missed?


Hey OPR! So when going back to get the paper items in my DTRPG library, I noticed some of the links are not adding the items with a discounted price in the cart. Is this because of missing the months release of that item?


You could use your Smartphone instead, for ArmyForge studio? :)


Looking forward to more information on Grimdark Future Commander (GFC)! Love 6mm wargaming.


Yeah, same here. Grimdark Commander has my serious interest!


Can I create a private army book in the new app? I just want to mess around with individual units rather than creating a whole book for the community. Also, can we please have the points calculator PDF? It would be really helpful in understanding how the points are put together. Thank you.


The books are defaulted Private (which makes it even weirder that there are so many clearly unfinished stub lists with 2-3 default units)


where do we find the custom unit creator for the armies?


it is literally one of the first things in the post.


We used to have access to all the paper minis, did that go away? I can't seem to find them anymore. Thanks!


We release sets of them each months and they are also sent to your Wargames Vault / DTRPG account each month.

Matthew Jones

Is there a place to get old missions? I had been downloading them monthly but accidentally deleted the folder that had my missions saved in a couple of months ago


No. always keep backups of things. You can purchase the first 18 months worth of DTRPG or wait for the old missions to cycle back in


hi, I try to download the missions file but it shows me the error : {"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 14831547 was not found.","id":"8a86acfd-fb95-5f99-ab05-13797959bdbd","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}


The "Early Access" zip file is the same as last month.

sully (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-07 22:51:07 is that a problem? probably no ipdates
2023-07-07 14:15:37 thats pretty normal. probably no updates

thats pretty normal. probably no updates

Drew Houser

Do patrons not get the discount code for MMF anymore?

sully (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-13 19:58:52 It is on the Tier 2 post where it has always been
2023-07-12 21:30:24 It is on the Tier 2 post

It is on the Tier 2 post


Same here, especially since the game was scheduled for release in 2022 !


Will you put somewhere summary of changes in 3rd ed?


I've got 6mm rules I already play, but I'd love to have official OPR minis files...been converting them as is. :P


Because converting a 28mm to epic scale and supporting it myself is a pain, and OPR models are great. :)


Are there any updates to the AI Rules, specifically for AOFS?


When will GF 3.0 be officially released?


when will duchies of vinci #3 be added to drivethru?

Fernando Lima

Can’t we create our own Units without having to create a new book?

Martin Lysén

Recurring subscriber here. In previous editions there was a page or two with the numbers to calculate your own units, but I can't seem to find it now?

sully (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-13 17:43:15 that was usurped months ago by Army Forge Studio, the first link in the post
2023-09-12 11:28:19 that was replaced a few months ago by Army Forge Studio, first link in the post

that was replaced a few months ago by Army Forge Studio, first link in the post


how else would you make a unit without having a place to.. make it


How do I submit a bug report for the app or call out issues/typos in the rules?

Fernando Lima

Using an existing book and creating custom units for that one for one-of matches.

Martin Lysén

That's really bad. And are you the official contact/admin on here? Your tone is really off putting and your answers to people's questions come of as rude. I'll not be continuing supporting you, will find an older version to download for free.


? can you tell me which part? wasn't any intent there, and no i do not work for opr in the first place.. AFS is a great tool and has the points costs exposed if you want them.


There is no copy book function except for your own. You would just make a book for the unit you want, that is what most people do already


where can i find the discount code for MMF i have been staring at this page and cant seem to find it


that is a tier 2 reward >> https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-60635779


Sully, I see you posting to help others. Thank you Martin - Please take no offense, none appeared intended.


Hi. I noticed we are missing the ratmen terrain. Is it going to be uploaded?


Loving the Ratmen this month. Great art work guys. 👌

Alceu Vitor Paixao

The ratmen and the daemons of change are already my favorite! As a brazillian, I was expecting green as a alternate collors for the daemons of change look like parrots :D


In the "Discover Points Calculation" section of the Army Forge Studio, it says that one can find out how each special rule is calculated in the "Special Rules Section". Where is that? I'm interested in the math...

Eric Steele

I forgot to grab last months missions, oh well next year, lol.


I saw over on Wargame Vault, titles like Jakob's Path, Gang Wars, Max Threat, and Mission Packs. As a Level 2 Patreon, do I have free access to them? Are the monthly mission only up for awhile? I forget to download them too. :(


I completely forgot they weren't included and resubbed because I was wanting to check out gang wars, lol. Guess I'll go buy it on top of the resub. I don't personally field dwarves or vamps but oh well!

Renzo Crispieri

Sorry, no missions on november?


There were.. if you didn't download them, well, its been December for two days and you are out of luck.


Did the point calculator dissappear?


The Point Calculator is now a fully functional software app called Army Forge Studio linked above! You'll find it at https://Army-Forge-Studio.onepagerules.com

Robert Davis

oh man Have I been missing out on the story and missions this whole times? IF so where can I pick those up i missed?


i believe we are right at the point where the new stuff is about to be released so its gone for now I think you can get them somewhere possibly ass on the discord

Quentin Wr

Hi ! Is there any plan in the future about releasing Warfleets missions ? I would love that kind of stuff ! Warfleets is a blast of a game, it deserves to be known more ! It's my favorite OPR game :D


I really love the new short stories. I wished, they would spread out more over the factions. January and February both hat AoF Beastmen stories. Spread the love.


The Secrets of Tixal Narrative Campaign PDF Available in the Tier 1 Pledge where is kit


That is not a patreon reward. that is a myminifactory campaign.


No missions for March?


>From the 4th of the month until the last day of the month

Dire TheLawyer

There is a type-o in "AOF: Skirmish - A daemon's bond". the first sentence on page 2 reads "Quibblequill COULD FELT something dark and eerie..." it should read "Quibblequill felt something dark and eerie..." OR "Quibblequill could FEEL something dark and eerie..."

Jeffrey Ernst

Wish the missions where kept somewhere else than patreon. I never download the patreon stuff as most of it comes into my accounts by itself and I have no use for the paper minis. Forgot missions and campaign info gets temporary releases here so missed over a years worth of those 🥹

Jeffrey Ernst

Have this same problem. Always forget to download the missions. Got rubbed in the face with it on the builder website where they cost extra now 😅

Benjamin Schürmann

Temporary - Short Stories + Missions (04.05.24).zip 04.05.. ??


How do I access the Discord?

Jay Are

In the Grimdark Future, the alien hives are exactly like people, with exceptionally human feelings and perspectives - even more so than many humans, it would seem. I was really disappointed with how exceptionally human all of the alien characters are in "Faith in the Hive", heck they were more human than most 'augmented' humans in other universes. The story feels like it was written about a human group and then the names were replaced, which is such incredibly wasted potential. This could have been a great story for the Eternal Dynasty, Human Defense Force, Elves, or DAO but a waste of everything that that is inherent to the most intrinsically foreign race in the OPR setting.

Alexander Stang

How do I access the paper miniatures on tier 1? All I was able to download was 6 rulebooks.


You will find the paper minis at https://www.drivethrurpg.com create an account with the same email address you used for one page patreon.

Alexander Stang

The links became available mid day on the 4th. Thank you all for the helpful response and just to note I also messaged and received a reply from the creator with the same instructions. Awesome stuff from creator and community!


Oh shucks didn't realize all those missions weren't sent out other ways. :/


How do you get the scenarios - they are not in the linked pack?


We want scenarios, we want scenarios *** raising my pitchfork in the air ***

Guy Billingham

Hi, sorry this is my 1st month as a patreon, I'm really confused where I find the missions. In this post it lists them under the double Astrix '**' which is described as 'rewards not added to the wargames Vault' suggesting there is another way to download them. I cannot seem to find a link or download option. Please help


Some of the rewards you get at this tier are Early Access only, as they are not quite ready to be published on WGV/DTRPG. This means that we can't share these rewards via those platforms. Instead we ask you to download them via the red links at the bottom of this post right now, so that you get to enjoy them before anyone else.


How do I get access to the full rulebooks?


I've joined some time ago and was only attentive to the limited time availability of missions. I should have paid more attention of course, but it is very confusing with the many different delivery and time sensitive methods. Streamlining all of this would make it much easier and more enjoyable.

James Dunn

Hey there, new patreon here. So, I signed up on the 6th of Jan. This means that I will get a link through WV in 48 hours? (Same goes with MMF?) I have the same email address for Patreon, MV, and MMF.


That's correct, the MMF models are delivered within 48hrs, more info here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60635779 The WGV/DTRPG content is only sent out on the last day of the month, but you can already download it now via the attachments of this post.


Just tested both links, on different devices, and they seem to be working. Maybe try a different device? I'm assuming you're talking about the red links at the bottom of the post.


I missed the December mission pack. Any way to go back and get it?


New Parteon here, where can I download paper miniatures for FTL? Thanks!

Jonnyballday .

I cant seem to see the Paper minis files? I see the rule books and the point calculator


Unfortunately, this month the paper minis are delayed. We are working on getting them released ASAP.

Jonnyballday .

Ohh ok just didnt want to miss them again. Thanks for the response

Jared Rutledge

So, I just found the online point calculator. That is so cool. I just wanted to verify, we only have access to that while we are actively subscribed?

Kyle Bentley

I just saw that the files have been changed to just Permanent Downloads and Monthly Downloads .zip files. I really like that change, since it makes it easier to ensure we don't miss anything by accident.


hi ive been a patron since september and i didnt realise i needed a separate account on different platforms for the 2D minis, i have no issue with getting the 3d figs on MMF but i was wondering how i can get the back catalogue of 2d minis that ive not received


Are the PS files of the paper minis no longer being provided?


I have created WargameVault / DriveThruRPG accounts as per the instructions and utilized my proper account email and still have nothing showing on the account how can this be corrected and how do i gain access to items I have not received ?


I got my email to download a single army from drive thru, but I thought I got access to all the paper minis? I don't see them in any of the downloads on this post and the email I got only gave me the Duchies of Vinci. Could someone please help me out?


Sorry, I got these in the email: Duchies of Vinci Pack #3 - Paper Miniatures Nomads Fleet Pack - Paper Miniatures OPR Hive City Terrain Pack - Paper Terrain Space Terrain Pack - Paper Terrain


I thought based on this post that it was ALL the paper miniatures. "All of the Permanent Rewards* Full Rulebooks Paper Miniatures Paper Terrain" So I was charged on Jan 24th when I first signed up, and again on Feb 1st, and I only get one set of paper minis? Not worth.


In January you got the January paper minis + everything else, and in February you are getting the February minis + everything else. The release is published on the 4th of the month.


I became a patreon today but when I get the "llease log in with Patreon to access the Point Calculator" and I click "allow", I get an "Access Denied". Please help?


Ok, so how do I access the previous paper mini rewards? The permanent rewards file only has the rulebooks and point calculators in it?


Sorry, my previous post came across more aggressive than I meant it to. I'm new to patreon and I am finding the delivery of rewards confusing. Is there a back catalog we get access to for the other armies?


The Point Calculators takes the login data from the Patreon API, so if there are any issues with the validity of your pledge, then you'll have to contact Patreon support directly.


Each month you get access to that month's release, which may include some backlog minis. We make a post with a preview of what you're getting on the 25th of every month (https://www.patreon.com/posts/61423825), as well as a new release post on the 4th of every month. Please refer to those to see exactly what you're getting.


Ok, I misunderstood. I'll support by buying the models themselves from drivethru, but that's all I cared about. So I will close my patreon account. Thanks for your time,


I would highly recommend you wait 24hrs until the new models are uploaded, before buying them on DTRPG and get doubles. :)


Hey, I became a patreon today. When or where i can find the STL files? They gone be send, uploded on WRvault? What with the welcome pack? Do i have to wait a whole month for the files? Sorry for stupid questions im new to patreon - u are my only reason to make a patreon acount :)


Regarding the 3D models, please read this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60635779


Hi, I've been a Patron lvl 2 since October or so with only 1 month break. Is it possible to get the monthly missions still? I was not aware I need to dl them each month... Sorry.

John Stempowski

Is there somewhere I can get the AI rules?


Monthly Rewards for 3D print: 1x Alien Hives Legendary Model 17x Beastmen Models 30x Eternal Dynasty Models 4x Alliance Fleet Models 9x Terrain Pieces 88x Themed Bases 18x Themed Game Aids What does this mean? Do we get access to this stuff early? All of this has inspired me to buy a 3d printer but seems hard to navigate. Is there a FAQ or a “begin here”?


Dear friends! Is there a tutorial for Point Calculator? I can't add Banshee Howl to my squad :(


Please contact us on discord, where you can get live help: https://discord.gg/djBydgk

John Larkin

Boo, just realized I forgot to download the mission packs and PSD files for February!


Upgrade of the AoF point calculator to 1.25 is planned soon?


Should I have something in my library at drive through?


On the last day of the month you'll receive a link via e-mail to redeem your rewards on WGV/DTRPG. Please make sure to wait 48hrs and then check your spam folder before contacting us about missing files.


Hello, is there a pdf for the GF competitive ruleset? I keep on seeing list building restrictions when using the free list builder and I would like to read up to help me appproach list building.


Hi - the monthly rewards zip files are blank for me when I open them. There are no files there. Not the case for the permanent rewards. Should that be the case?


Just downloaded and opened all of them without issues, so it seems to be a problem on your side. Maybe it's a problem with the software you use to unzip them?


Ok, thank you for your response. I will have a play around with my software and see if that helps.


Hello, I don't think I'm receiving the email's stated above, "Some of our rewards are delivered via WargameVault / DriveThruRPG". I have the same email address for both Patreon and DriveThruRPG/WargameVault. Is there another step I need to take or have there not been any such emails for 2 months?


We send the e-mails every month, please make sure to check your spam folder. If they're not there, message me on discord so we can troubleshoot. :)

Sumire AO

alright, am new to patreon, i subscribed cause i wanted to get the full rule book of AoF-Regiments. am confused. is it on patreon, or do i have to buy it on the website, excuse my stupidity


What can I do if I have a different email address on drivethrurpg?


You have to change either your DTRPG or Patreon e-mail address to match, the system is automated, and we have no way to go around that, sorry.


Just checked and got it open, has the rulebooks in the zip


This sytem is infuriating!!!! I can't find ANYTHING that the T2 pateron comes with, ie full rule books of welcome packs


The rulebooks are in the tier 1 permanent rewards link.


If this has been asked and answered before I apologize, but where do I find the monthly discount code for patreon members? Thanks for the help.


you're literally looking at the post that has them lol


its on the tier 2 post https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-60635779


Hey, you have to go to the tier 2 rewards and expand that post, should be right on the top

David Bennett

How do you add more than one special rule?


Could I humbly suggest on the monthly rewards download file names you label them so we know what file contains what. As I am only after the mission packs and not after the 2d paper models. I have to download them individually to open them to find out if they are in there or not.


It used to be like that, and then people complained that they had to download too many things individually, and that the names were getting too long. Unfortunately Patreon doesn't allow for the upload of a single zip that's over 200mb, so we have to split the releases into multiple zip files. We're trying to find a better solution, but haven't been able to work it out with them so far, sorry.


Hello, been a fan for a while, where was the pdf point calculator for fantasy regiments? Wanna run a vampire coast thingy


Thanks! Vampire coast incomming! How's the epic scale going?


Basically, this style of naming is confusing, I just realised that each update is a different file and not the previous plus a new file.


That way I have lost a lot of files, since I always downloaded the last update of each month. I was asuming that file contained everything since it was the last update. Now I must check from which months I am missing files.

Charlie Partis

I hear ya, I luckily double checked to make sure. I wish there was like a final zip that had all of the zips in one or something so that it can be less confusing


Can you add multiple custom units to a point calculator list?


Not right now, you have to calculate them one at a time. In the future, we will have a new app, which will make everything much easier. :)


How do you add AP to the Point Calc, or is it not implemented yet ?


I am so glad I signed up for this!!!


What is the current game version that the online point calc support, since we've seen a lot of changes in both AOF and GF lately?


The online point calculator covers the pre-v2.50 beta rules. Once the beta is over, you'll get a new point calculator for it.


Ah! at last. Now I know what I'm downloading. I'll check what I have missed from previous months


hello, how does the MMF discount code work? I insert it when I have the product in my cart and it doesn't work


You should be able to put the discount code in at checkout, if it doesn't work, please contact MMF support directly. :)


Hi! is it right that the Hive City Paper terrain is the same set every month?


Yes, the terrain sets are always there, until they are replaced by new terrain sets (currently in the work). :)

Kevin Derrington

Where do I find the army lists for grimdark?


Hey i Need the German ruel Book


We only provide rules in English, but if you check our forum, then you can find some German fan translations there. :)

Old Catweazle

Es gibt aber eine Übersetzung. Gehe mal auf der Seite wo Du die Regeln runterladen kannst auf Spielerressourcen, dort findest Du auch einige deutsche Übersetzungen ;-)


I just joined today and I can't find the link to the May files. Can someone direct me to the correct link or post(s). Ty.


The rulebooks can be downloaded via the red links below the post, regarding the 3D minis, check out this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60635779


Where do i find the Paper-Minis for Tier 1 supporters? I cant find free sets on wargamingvault…


Yeah I know, but it doesn't seem to be able to select ap with blast or deadly combined. I know it is just a beta build so I was just wondering ?

Charlie Partis

when you set up your war gamming vault, you will get a notification and in the mail section you get a list of links to where when you click on them it will direct you to "purchase" but it will be for free. Alternatively, you can come here either on the 4th of the month (some times they are late), or about a week before the last day of the month - the last day of the month. to download the zip files. they appear above the comments section. I recommend downloading all of them since it can be kinda ambiguous on which one to download.


Where are the mission packs for this month?


second line of the post edit: they're out now, in case you didn't catch my meaning.


My subscription is active? Because I didn’t see anything on MMF or drivethrurpg…


Check out this post about Tier 2 rewards: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-tier-2-60635779


On the last day of the month you'll receive a link via e-mail to redeem your rewards on WGV/DTRPG, but you can download the files already today via the red links at the bottom of the post.


I've been really off-track on downloading all of the missions. Is there any way you could provide a catch-up on all of the stuff we may have missed?


Every month you get 4 new and 4 throwback missions. Once we have released enough missions, we will package them all for sale on WGV/DTRPG. :)


I just joined recently and can't wait to pick that set up once they are live! Do we have a current rough estimate on how many months worth of content you are hoping for before releasing? (or just a rough ETA)


Hi there, I don’t get a link to go get the things from drive thru rpg, can someone send me it or point it out to me please

Vex (Mark) Vocalord

May I ask how does your team print out the paper items? What kind of paper/printer do you use to get them nice and rigid? Sorry if that seems a silly question.


Honestly we are not experts, and it may be best to check out some paper minis forums or other resources online, who will be able to give you the best advice for what you seek. :)

Eric Steele

I just went over v2.16 rules, liking the all the extra ways to play, specially the CP doctrines. Hoping for ork clans at some point, any plans for something similar to 40k ?


Also https://webapp.onepagerules.com Click the little anvil in the top right.

Kevin Derrington

Thank you. Yep, I found and bookmarked that page. Currently really enjoying playing GrimDark with my couple of gamer friends

jacob blackburn

Thia is in reference to sellswords I feel like the goblin warrior should have defense 5 instead of defence 6 so that it's not a strictly worse version of the goblin shooter.

Mr. Honey

Just wanted to say that the newer naming system for the teir 1 stuff is much better. Little by little things are getting better.

Samuel Durfee

I've Activated the Points calculator but the system isn't letting me add Mutiple special rules,


Ohhhhhh thanks OPR


Is there a way to export the completed unit from the online calculator?


Greetings, I am new to the OPR, but looking at the July mission pack (Temporary - Missions (04.07.22).zip), I think there is an issue with the Firefight mission (GFF - Cash-Grab Back-Stab.pdf) in that the deployment map is blank on the pdf, or is that by design (I did try multiple PDF readers just in case, and in all instances it was blank)?


That's correct, the mission has no deployment zones (units are deployed within 3" of objectives instead).


My best results have been with a card stock in a color laser printer, but also use inkjet and rarely inkjet photo paper.


80-110 lb paper, but if you are going to fold it over and glue it you could go 65 lb stock or better.

Joseph Fredona

Where do I download the beta gf:ftl ?

Joseph Fredona

Which of the attachments contains the FTL beta? I don’t see it listed on the attachments

Joseph Fredona

I have downloaded all of them except the paper models and now be of them contain the ftl beta


hey I’m French and I’m sad that the rules are only available in English, I’m not very good at Shakespeare’s language


We don't currently have the capacity to translate all of our rules, however there are fan translations on the forums, make sure to check there. :)


my two bits. I just joined but i HATE limited time rewards...not everyone lurks around their PC in a high bandwidth area 24-7. Should archive them for patreons if it actually means anything. I work overseas in a country that barely has internet and get home on a month gap and am losing that value. It's your patreon but just saying-worth a thought for people who's lives dont revolve around internet based activities.


We totally understand the sentiment, and are looking into solutions for the future, but for now, this is how it has to be, sorry.


Hello, just one info... Is Sellswords beta no more avaible to download?

Asteroids Fred

Any way we can get a copy of "Gang Wars" in the rulebooks this month?


How? I don't know where to find the early access rewards.

Asteroids Fred

Somebody needs to do a video on how to play your new sellswords. I can't seem to find one on you tube.


It's unlikely that a game in early beta is going to have any videos for it out there. Once it goes out to the public, you can probably expect some coverage. :)


So I joined OPR in July and I have to wait until the end of August to get paper copies?


Hi , just joined , is there a more in depth orc marauder army book to download?


Make sure to check the zip files that are inside, which contain the PDFs and the VTT assets. :)


I DID UNZIP BOTH FOLDERS! CONDESCENDING MUCH? :) This is what my computer says when I click on the file: File not found It may have been moved, edited, or deleted. ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND


is the stuff sent on DDRPG/WGV the exact same as whats downloadable from the links at the bottom of the post?


It wasn't meant to be condescending, sorry. We just downloaded the files on different devices, and they've worked on all of them, so this seems to be a local issue on your device.


Yes, the only difference is that once it's on WGV/DTRPG, it stays permanently in your library.


files are all in there, this is a you problem mate. way to immediately assume the worst lmao

Jonas Hans Prinzing

Hey, I didn't see the dowloadable missions until now. Is there any way to get the older ones? I would buy them in a digital compendium or something.

Joe Kundlak

Perhaps a Box.com account (or the like)? The free I have is 10 Gb, which might be more than enough for the Rules etc., even the Paper minis+terrain... and even the paid ones are not that expensive, the Personal Pro for Box.com is I believe 100 Gb...


I have a seedbox if that's what you mean but not sure how that would work.fornthese purposes. It's just I work in a country with little to no internet access so I miss all those perks. Just a shame is all but my choice for now.


I am probably being stupid, but how do I get the STL files. I have made an account on Wargame and DriveThru but both sites are not exactly intuitive. Thanks


Thanks, sorry I found that later and then could not find my post to delete it hoping I could destroy it before the world saw evidence of my inability to read further than one post.


Thank you for making the file labels clearer. A great time saver.


Oh well, I was hoping that the online points calculator was able to make multiple units set up like the premade (Grimdark) lists, instead of the one unit that currently isn't updated to the latest version of the points with no option to save as a unified list. I thought I would finally have a use for my old DUST minis without having to do a huge amount of calculations by hand or set up and test a spreadsheet.


Currently you can make one unit at a time, using the non-beta points, and just copy/paste each unit into a word file. We're working on a more streamlined version, but need some extra time, sorry.


the hand maths super easy, just give it a whirl


I just created a wargamevault account with the same email as my patreon. Will it know to download my subscription for this month or do i need to sync the account somehow?


Simply create an account on WGV/DTRPG with the same e-mail you signed up with on Patreon to get your rewards. On the last day of the month you'll receive a link via e-mail to redeem your rewards on WGV/DTRPG.


Just got August update but still no July update.


The e-mails are sent out every month, if August worked, then you should also have gotten July. Please check your spam folder, and send me a DM if it's not there so we can fix this. :)

Joe Kundlak

Great September 2D stuff! My 750 pt. Robot Legions army is printed and ready (just have to glue them on the washer bases), so will check the 3rd Robot Legions paper minis! Just too bad they are not named on the pages, for me noobs :-)


Ah, I just set up the spreadsheet and got to work. Right now I'm slowly working through the units and weapons and will have to redo some to account for some of the abilities. I'll be adding at least one new special ability (Commissar, a T1 "hero" who must be attached to a squad but gives the Commissar ability from HDF to that unit, as well as a little more punch).

Darth Visari

how i get the full rulesbooks?


Just to verify, if I miss the 4th, I would have to wait for 48h for the links to reach my email after signing up, is that correct?


On the last day of the month you'll receive a link via e-mail to redeem your rewards on WGV/DTRPG.

Matthew Pierce

Is there a version of the point calculator anywhere that is up to date with the beta armies?


it should be up tomorrow in the Temporary - Early Access zip file. or named something similar. theres a slightly older one that will be up that is 99% accurate if not a completely new version. if youre in the discord it was posted in the patreon point calc channel earlier today


I just downloaded and tried to open the Mummies and Robot files and either I can't view it or it's empty, not sure what the problem may be. The temporary beta pack opened without issue, and assistance would be appreciated! Thanks, also super excited to see Sellswords finished, I've been looking for a game just like it!


We were able to open the files on multiple devices without issues, so this seems to be a local problem, sorry.


Hello so I just subscribed to this Patreon based on the amazing minis alone. But I am now seeing the rulebooks, so you guys not only make these amazing minis but have also put together a table top game to use them in? Are there solo rules for the table top game by chance?


Thanks for the prompt reply. I've been looking over some of the game books and can't seem to find which one contains solo rules. Maybe I just missed it, could you point me in the right direction please? :)


Click on the Rulebooks link for your game system of choice. That will take you to Google Drive. Open the Expansions folder and look for the pdf with "AI Rules" in the name


No worries, I'll try on a different machine in the house. I appreciate you checking though. Adjacent related question, in the weapon profiles in Sellswords does the "A2, A3" in a weapon profile mean how many times that a character can attack with that weapon?


Hi, is the gang wars expansion only available via wargames vault or is there a pdf download somewhere on the patreon site?


Thanks, just to confirm, is it included in the email at the end of the month or do I just buy it separately?

Mo Schlz

When is the update for the Warfleets Rulebook coming? Rulebook Rewards are still from February. Edit: found them in early access…

Mo Schlz

Are the GF FTL factions coming to the fleet builder or the Web App soon?


Paper Mummies #4 link is throwing an error: "Attachment not found"


Just tested on two devices, and was able to download both fine. I'm going to re-upload them, hopefully it should work. :)


Wil there be 2D paper GD:FTL ships coming ?

A Kilgannon

There is no way to get the Missions from 4.10.22 is there? I missed the download window from last month. Thanks in advance

Eric Gaillard

Not from Patreon, but you can buy collections off the previously released missions on WGV: https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/16079/onepagerules

patrick hudson

A discount code or more importantly auto delivery of the missions would be GREATLY appreciated. They are easily one of my favorite parts of the Patreon every month even if that month's models aren't relevant to my favorite armies.


Some of the rewards you get at this tier are Early Access only, as they are not quite ready to be published on WGV/DTRPG. This means that we can't share these rewards via those platforms.


Hello! New to your patreon, thanks for the great game system! Same style of question than Matthew here, if I want the most up to date points calculator accessible right now, do I choose the one in the ''Monthly Rewards'' or the one in the zip files?


Will Patreon supporters ever get the "Playing with mission packs" page of the mission packs or is that going to remain exclusively part of the retail purchase?


That's only part of the retail purchase, but anyways it's just suggestions on how to make simple campaigns with them, which you can already find on our website. :)


Ah, gotcha. When you talked about the extra page(s) during the hangout stream it wasn't clear that it's effectively the existing campaign rules so I was thinking it was completely new information. Thanks for clearing that up.

Cédric Gesquière

Hi, do we already have access to AoF - Quest?? I cannot find it... it’s Still sellswords on the early access folder...


Do the rewards from Tier 1 end up somewhere? Or if I miss out that's it?

Max Brooks

Loving those Jackal minis!The fox colour scheme looks really cool!


Hi! I am super excited about AoFQ and can't way to play it. The beta rules mention a campaign book, which I guess does not exist just yet? Or did I miss it in any of the downloads? Cheers!


Amazing! Thanks for the quick reply and awesome work.


Hello, I became a patron yesterday and played my first two games today of Grimdark Future: Firefight - we had a great time. Where can I find the link to the full rulebook? Thanks!


Ah, wow - I was looking right past it. Thanks for the response!! I see it now.


Is Gang Wars included in the Tier1 files? Or is that purchased separately?


Are Eternal Dynasty special rules going to be integrated into the calculator at some point?


I've been a subscriber for a few months now and I have yet to receive anything through WGV, did I do something wrong?


Make sure to check your spam folder, and that your account has the same e-mail on WGV and Patreon. If you still have issues, please send us a PM on the 3rd of January.


Thanks for the reply, are things supposed to be added to my WGV account automatically like they are on MMF, or is there an email that I missed that I have to use to get the OPR content into my WGV library?

Troy Davidson

What if we use a different email for Patreon than we do for WGV? Is there another way to get the files?


The files are also posted to Patreon to download, Information about the releases are available here: https://www.patreon.com/onepagerules/posts?filters[tag]=Rewards%3A%20Tier%201


Where can we discuss Grimdark FTL rules? Have a few questions / comments...


Hi, I was wondering about the point calculator. I remember there was a website patrons could go to to create units, I find the pdf a bit of a faff. Thanks in advance


Hey there! A new website is being worked on that we hope to launch soon at webapp.onepagerules.com that will take care of that. The older site is not up to date with the 2.50 beta armies and creation rules.


You should join our discord! Lots of people chatting about the game there and eager to answer questions you might have: https://discord.gg/djBydgk


I realise this is probably a no (and it's totally my own fault) but - I just realised I forgot to download December's PDF rewards, is their any way to get a hold of them?


You should have received an email so that you can redeem them on Wargames Vault. Information on this is available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60631647

Quinton R.

what if someone forgot to download last months pdfs?


At the end of each month, Patreons are sent an email to redeem the PDF Rewards from Wargames Vault. Look for that email.

D Stephen McIntyre

I just realized that neither the Saurian Starhost or the Jackals have fleets in GFFTL, are you just waiting till you have finished everyone else or were they accidentally looked over?


The Jackals don't have a fleet of their own, but the Starhost will be getting a fleet added later.