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  • Final Post - Preview for 2022
  • Eternal Dynasty - Army Book Update
  • 3D Print - New Concept Art
  • OPR News - Merry Christmas from OPR!

Final Post - Preview for 2022

These past 12 months have been absolutely crazy, and I'd like to thank everyone for your support. Thanks to you we were able to release 350+ minis, 260+ bases, 50+ game aids, 10+ giant models, 30+ missions, 25+ paper minis packs, and much much more!

Whilst it has been really awesome to grow so much during 2021, we are planning for 2022 to be the year where things "settle down" a little bit. This doesn't mean that we won't be doing new stuff, and we are going to be increasing some of the content we release, but we do want to slow things down and make sure that any future growth is sustainable.

For those of you that don't know, OPR is very much a one-man project, with the help of a dedicated team of freelancers. Back in December 2020, the core team was made up of me + 3 freelancers, and now in December 2021 the core team is made up of me + 20 freelancers, as well as a ton of other people that are involved in one way or another.

Basically, OPR has grown into a full-blown company over 12 months, and now we need things to "settle down" and make sure we can keep delivering high quality products!

With that in mind, here's what you can expect from 2022:

  • New armies poll in January
  • Complete 6 armies over the year
  • Release terrain for all previous armies
  • Small-Scale minis as separate MMF Tribes
  • Finish AoF: Sellswords & release GF: Mercs
  • New small-scale rules for GF and AoF
  • Double number of monthly missions
  • Release new narrative campaigns
  • Release new game expansions

It's going to be a big year, with tons of stuff, but most of it is very much in line with things we're already doing. The only "different" thing will be the small-scale miniatures, which will be released as a separate project on MMF Tribes (probably towards mid-2022).

There's other things we're planning on doing as well, such as heavily re-vamping our website, bringing v2.50 out of beta, improving the art of our books, pushing our lore further, and much much more. We will be making a news post on our website later this week, where we go into a little more detail about that, so keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks again for all of your support, happy new year!

Eternal Dynasty - Army Book Update

Last week we showed off a preview of the new Eternal Dynasty army book, and this week we've updated it with all point costs for you to already start planning your army lists!

The army will go live at the beginning of January, and then this PDF will be available from our website, as well as its v2.50 version in the OPR WebApp.

Check it out and download it here.

3D Print - New Concept Art

At the top of this post you can see concept art for some of the models that will be released soon for the Eternal Dynasty and the Beastmen, plus the new Alien Hives legendary, and the new terrain for the Beastmen, Mummified Undead and Robot Legions.

OPR News - Merry Christmas from OPR!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/12/24/merry-christmas-from-opr/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Great stuff as always. You have done some of the the best content I have said it countless times if we even got half or less it would still be more than worth it. Take your time your system is brilliant, your models and quality is brilliant and keeps getting better and better. You guys take on feedback and suggestions. Do what you need to do you can grow, not burn yourselves out, update content, come up with ideas etc... Again thank you as always have a great new year 🙂


Oh man.... can finally have my own silver samurai! But like... with a railgun lol


Man… the Eternal Dynasty is something I never knew I wanted. Incredible concepts, can’t wait to see them printed out!

Barokai Rein

It's pretty cool that you guys are making a dragon now. Like yeah sure my library of dragon models is fucking massive already but I wanna see how your dragon compares to others.


Really excited for ED! Thanks for all the great work!


That dragon looks AWESOME and I can' wait to get it. I'm not that into fantasy armies, but I have to have that "mini" ^^

Martin Diaz

ED is AMAZING!! Can't wait to print myself an army


Love the sketches for the eternal dynasty. I'm really curious how they translate into 3D models. Keep up the amazing work :)


I am so looking forward to the small scale models and rules beside Sellswords/Mercs! The ED and Beastmen stuff looks amazing! I'll have a lot to print in the future! 🤩


My oh my are these beastmens exciting ! Really looking forward to them ! Quick question tho : Do you plan on doing some more things for the lizardmens, such as flying dinos, other big (herbivore or carnivore type) dinos, a fighting-type hero gecko or something like that ? And, of course, all my best wishes to your team, looking forward for 2022 with you !


That's not a dragon, that's a winged hive titan for the alien hives (although it could totally be used as a dragon). :)


That's not a dragon, that's a winged hive titan for the alien hives (although it could totally be used as a dragon). :)


"New small-scale rules for GF and AoF" I'm excited for this! Real Mass battles rules? Count me in!

David Sanchez Plaza

OPR cant be complete without space orks. not many creators out there with quality content either (one of them already highlighted by OPR thanks )


I really like these models - any update of when or if there will be a Eternal Dynasty GFF Army Book?


Ohhhhh hohohoho man. Can't wait to see a Samurailgun now lol


Have you looked at Blue Sky Minis or Geargutz? They both do quality Space Orks.

Costa Gauci

Looking forward to printing that dragon. Looks badass.


Looking forward to small scale rules, I really need some streamlined system to get someone into 10 or 6mm wargaming. Keep up the great work, I'm really enjoying your content.

Christopher Talbot

ROFLMAO....I am still a tier 2 patreon....so, I am not critiquing , just saying: The January ships remind me of the ship from The Fifth Element. (The one that blows up towards the end)

Erik Waring

Dude, this patreon is awesome. Im really looking forward to the Eternal Dynasty and plan to be here for all 6 armies of 2022. Would love to see your take on space elves.


Just signed up for 2021 and I'm very excited, definitely the best value patreon there is! Excited to see how the eternal dynasty turn out, Are there plans for new tao coalitions minis in 21?


Since we are doing the Eternal Dynasty right now, we won't be making TAO Coalition for a while, just to make sure we don't have two armies with similar themes one after the other.

Eric Steele

Can't wait for GSC aka soul-snatcher cult, and orkz.

Christopher Barnes

I’d love to see some “Orc Crule Fellows,” the ones with poison tipped weapons and face_like shields. Maybe both SF and F Orcs? Also an opportunity for some super cool terrain and ramshackle vehicles!


New to the show, but hell's bells, I am impressed! Thanks for all the hard work :)

Travis Abraham

That alien hives legendary looks amazing! Looking forward to it!


The concept art is always showing the models for the month after the next, in this case, the December concepts are showing the February models.