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Hi everyone,

The submissions are in, and now it's time to vote for your favourites!

Vote here: https://forms.gle/EVrEEt1DL4SH7HEn8

Good luck to all participants, may the best ones win. :D

Happy Wargaming!

- Gaetano




This monthly competition is my favorite thing on this Patreon. I love how it lets me see other ideas on painting. It's so helpful and really builds the community. Great work to everyone!

Thomas Surey-Gent

i love that its all levels and styles of painting too, that it encourages those of us who arent shall we say professional level painters, everyone has a go :)


That Battlecat is pure He-Man™️ awesome!

Red Knows Rain

Well done, everyone. I envy your time management skills. :-)