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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

January New Releases

Starting in January we're going to be releasing a new faction with the Eternal Dynasty, as well as continuing with the release of the Beastmen, plus we've got the Nomads Fleet for you. Then we've also got the Beastmen Sabertooth Titan legendary unit, as well as some new terrain for the Beastmen, Robot Legions and the Mummified Undead.

For 2D printing, we're continuing with the release of the Duchies of Vinci and Alien Hives, plus we got the Nomads Fleet available for you. We're still working on finishing the Fantasy Terrain set, which should hopefully be done this month.

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 62 models + 12 terrain + 88 bases + 18 game aids):

  • Legendary - Sabertooth Titan x1
  • Beastmen - Hunt Masters x2
  • Beastmen - Brute Boss x1
  • Beastmen - Hunters x18
  • Beastmen - Brutes x9
  • Beastmen - Hounds x3
  • Beastmen - Themed Bases x44
  • Beastmen - Game Aids x9
  • Eternal Dynasty - Captain x3
  • Eternal Dynasty - Warriors x19
  • Eternal Dynasty - Drones x3
  • Eternal Dynasty - Turrets x2
  • Eternal Dynasty - Dragon Bike x2
  • Eternal Dynasty - Themed Bases x44
  • Eternal Dynasty - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Nomads Fleet x4
  • Beastmen - Area Terrain x3 + Scatter x11
  • Mummified Undead - Small Terrain x4
  • Robot Legions - Medium Terrain x3

2D Print Rewards:

  • Duchies of Vinci - Set #3 (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Alien Hives - Set #3 (2 Colors + PSD)
  • FTL Nomads Fleet (2 Colors)
  • FTL Space Terrain (2 Colors)
  • Fantasy Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)
  • Hive City Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)

Games Rewards:

  • 4 New Missions
  • Sellswords (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 70% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

Now that the Robot Legions have seen their final release, we are ready to start a new sci-fi army with the Eternal Dynasty. This is the first time we're back at doing a new sci-fi army since we started releasing 3D minis back in 2020, and we hope you love it.

On the fantasy side, we are continuing with the Beastmen releases until March, and then are finally getting back to the Saurians in April, which we know everyone is excited for.

March will also see the release of a new Welcome Pack, which will feature the Duchies of Vinci and Alien Hives, as well as the release of two new Loyalty Rewards (but it's still too early to spoil what those will be).

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • February - Beastmen & Eternal Dynasty
  • March - Beastmen & Eternal Dynasty + Welcome Pack + Loyalty Rewards
  • April - Saurians & Eternal Dynasty

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Tim Schönfeld

Super excited for this release. Love that big kitty with the two handed sword.

Uncle Buck


Andrew Enns

Love it. Kind of wish the Dynasty was a little more mecha/anime but I'll live I'm sure. Definitely excited about Beastmen

Kris Grant

As usual it all looks great, how big is the titan?


This release looks great. I can't wait to get my hands on those Beastmen. In April are those going to be new Saurian models or resculpts of existing models?


Sounds like you're looking for TAO Coalition models, which we have some cool plans for, which go more in that direction. :)


It's quite big: 145mm wide, 162mm tall, 249mm long. It's cut to fit even on smaller printers of course. :)


Are there different weapon options for the ED warriors?


The Warriors come with Shotguns, Carbines and Rifles, plus a Flamethrower, Plasma Rifle, Fusion Rifle and a Shred Rifle.


Amazing release. I'm so happy about the FTL models.

Nicholas McCurdy

I might be excited for Saurians but these beastmen are my jam. Can’t wait to get these guys painted

Alex Leasenby

Love the new scifi army and am excited for the rest of it! Beastmen continue to be great, though I would say I'd love some alternate heads as they all seem to have the same head per race. The nomad ships are fun. Have a bit of a cruise ship or WALL-E/buy n' large feel, but I'm into it

Matt Tordo

What about the 10mm project?


It's going to take a while before it's ready. I wouldn't expect anything before mid-2022.


The heads actually all have different details: hair, fur, piercings, scars, ears, etc.


What about the Death Fortress?


i want big feudal asian style mechs


It's a shame that I already have that set, but I'm not complaining. I'm hoping they release some new factions for FTL in the coming months.


i want big feudal asian style mechs


you guys are the best!


The quality and style of the beastmen figures was what made me take the leap and subscribe. Seeing the cool stuff coming next month just makes me feel more assured in doing so. Excellent work, I can't wait to print these out.

Brandon Graff

Welp I think that's it for me fore a bit fellas. None of these look very good to me. I'll come back when ya'll start doing more stuff that will fit in with GW's lines more seamlessly.

James Meadows

Im kinda gonna miss the robots, I just got here last month. but its okay.


These recent beastmen sculpts are so damned cool. first fantasy models I'll be painting in years.

Barokai Rein

Big fan of these beastmen,personally I prefer the Charr-like heads in previous release but that's the great thing about your modular kits,I can just use the bodies of these more armoured guys and slap the heads of previous ones on them.


Just starting a new D&D campaign. Man these beastmen couldn't of came at better time


I'm noticing that you have a new logo for supports in the bottom of the images: Has your pre-support team changed?


I love the feudal oriental style of the Eternal Dynasty but the dragon skulls break the suspension of disbelief to be honest. It reminds me too much of LEGO Ninjago in a way. Could you consider alternative options for the nose of the bikes and the body of the artillery, perhaps a simplified or more stylized version that implies a dragon theme?


Are these going to be Tau Poxies?


They are their own army, with their own army list, but can be used to play TAO Coalition as well.


The Eternal Dynasty look very nice can not wait to print some of them :)

Agent Dex

I love how unique you are able to make each faction appear. Can't wait for more.


you were here for the wrong reasons lmao

Luca Reina

When on only-game for who don't have a 3d printer?


Models are only release on Only-Games and MMF on the month AFTER they were available on Patreon, so supporters have 1 month of exclusivity.