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Hi everyone,

Patreon is full of awesome creators, but sometimes it's a bit hard to find them amongst the clutter. In order to bring more visibility to small creators, we're doing a monthly spotlight of three Patreons that we think deserve more attention.

This is not an advertisement, and we want to let the creator's work speak for itself, so make sure to check out their pages for more info. We haven't planned this with them either, and we're hoping that the increase in subscribers will be a pleasant surprise for them. :)

With that out of the way, here are the creators for this month:

That's it for this month, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Matt Neick

Thanks for these posts! They are excellent finds 😁


Hi! This has been amazing! Thank you very much and we have been fans for a long time. The main reason I started doing sci-fi was to play Grimdark Firefight! Love you guys! 😍

Marco Klitzing

Thanks for the Post, can't have enough Mutants 😁👍 really love the community, but it get's harder each month to sort out whom to support... So many great artists out there 🙈



Rob Fraser

Nice selection

Goon Master Games

Thank you for the spotlight its much appreciated ❤ Keep up the great work.