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  • Writing Jam - Sign Up Now!
  • New Arena - Big Update
  • Patreon Polls - Vote for 2D & 3D Releases
  • 3D Print - March Daemons, Dwarves, Loyalty Rewards

Writing Jam - Sign Up Now!

The writing jam starts in only a few days, so make sure to sign up now!

The OPR writing jam is a 48hrs story writing marathon, where participants are asked to write a one-page story set to a common theme, which is revealed at the start of the jam.

The writing jam goes from February 19th to February 21st, and you can sign up here.

New Arena - Big Update

Since last week's update a LOT of work has gone into polishing the new version of arena, and you can now download the latest version by clicking here.

The structure of the core rules has been completely re-worked to make the game much easier to understand, and we've added a full rulebook with diagrams and examples to make the game even easier to learn. All of the warbands have been tweaked, and we've even added rules for playing without a hex board to make the games more accessible.

Patreon Polls - Vote for 2D & 3D Releases

Vote for the next 2D army here: https://forms.gle/94aTYwkvyqSVU1ab7

Vote for the next 3D armies here: https://forms.gle/sbnWqAg99SHVvJZN6

Note that the 3D poll is for the next releases coming in July. In March you'll be getting Battle Sisters + Dwarves, and from April to June you'll be getting the sci-fi Saurian Starhost and the fantasy Duchies of Vinci (as voted for in the previous poll).

3D Print - March Daemons, Dwarves, Loyalty Rewards

In February each week brings in the reveal of a new massive daemon model for the March release, and this week we're showing off the elegant Daemon of Lust. This bizarre monster is covered in gorgeous details, and comes with optional hatchlings that can be attached on the back, delivering a new level of carnage to the enemy.

We've already shown off the 20 Battle Sisters you're getting in March, so this week we're also showing off the additional 23 Dwarves you're getting. These have all been updated with new head variants, and will also come fully pre-supported.

Right now we're also working on a set of themed rulers, bases and objective markers for all of our armies, and above you can find a preview of the rulers for the Battle Sisters and the Dwarves. That's right, in March you're getting a total of 47 models, plus a ton of other stuff!

We know that it's impossible to make models that satisfy everyone every month, but there are people that stick with us despite that because they like our work. In order to show our appreciation for it, we will be giving out 2 huge loyalty reward models to those that stick with us for 3 consecutive months. This will start in April, and there will be new rewards every 3 months, so make sure to stick around. :)

Here's the concept art for the loyalty reward model for the Robot Legions, which features a large technomancer overlord that is chained to massive walker (used to harness his dark powers), with two additional huge walkers and their technomancer wardens that both protect and watch over their evil prisoner.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Jeffrey Ernst

Not a patron for long so maybe I just don’t understand but I are a lot of updates on March; but what’s going on with the stuff from this month?


The stuff from this month is coming along nicely, check out all of the preview pictures here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-post-46900632 Note that those are just early previews of what's to come, and will be replaced with the final renders as soon as we have them. :)


You forgot to mention probably the most significant thing - now some of the dwarves are not Brian Blessed!

Agent Dex

I really really can't wait to see what the blurred model is. I think I have an idea so I'm holding out hope.


Epic stuff incoming and it's really much appreciated, all of your work! These are massive loyalty models and I think they are totally worth it! :) Are there any news regarding the "Mystery Game" which was announced for february, or is it delayed? O:-) ...

Luc Brassé

Hey guys, amazing update! Do be aware that your Google Doc poll gives us an option after submitting to submit the poll again. I trust the people here to be cool about it, but be aware this could potentially skew your results if someone decides they want their specific army real bad :)


We are aware of it, and are hoping everyone can be mature about it. If we do see that some result get weirdly skewed, then we'll do a re-count and force a login to prevent double voting (although that's a bit annoying).


I was hoping to have the first playable draft ready before this update went out, but other things got in the way. In any case, I'm going to be posting a draft tonight and chat with patrons about it on discord, and then it'll be introduced better in the next weekly update. :)

Aaron Brown

Wow! I really like your take on the lust demon!


I really want to see you guys do alternate models fit the lizard salamanders and razordons.


Here's hoping for Ratmen Clan. Really want me some space Skaven. Btw. is there any examples for what the TAO coalition might? Really interested for what a OPR take on the T'au would be....


I want to see those to! And also Pterodactyl riders :)


I really love this lust demon. Wish it came in multiple poses though, I'd love to use a few as a pack of Dark Mechanicum Ironstriders.

Scott B

Wish I hadn't just bought the dwarves on MMF. I became a patron about 2 hours ago and immediately bought some of the back catalog. Lol


I love this large robot ship!