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  • Darkness Within - Chapter 3
  • Arena S03 - New Test Version
  • FTL - Breakthrough Mission
  • 2D Print - Heroes & Brutes
  • 3D Print - March Daemons, Battle Sisters, Previews

Darkness Within - Chapter 3

The third chapter of Darkness Within, "The Pirate Duchess", has been released. You can download it by going to this post.

Arena S03 - New Test Version

Over the past week a lot of work has been done on the new version of arena, and all 13 warbands across both games have been updated to match, which you can grab here.

We've also set up an arena playtesting group on discord, so join our server and get together for some online matches to help improve the game!

FTL - Breakthrough Mission

Today we've updated FTL with just a minor change, namely a re-working of the breakthrough mission to make it a little more intuitive, download it here.

2D Print - Heroes & Brutes

Two new sets of paper models have been released with the Darkness Within Heroes and the Brutes Gang, which you can get in this post.

3D Print - March Daemons, Battle Sisters, New Preview

As we've been mentioning for a while now, March is going to be a bit of a different month for us, because we're going to make a special release in order to give ourselves some breathing room and improve our production process.

Starting in March all models will be released at the beginning of the month (instead of the end), we'll be showing renders of upcoming models before the end of the month, all of our models will come in single-piece versions (and modular versions), all of our backlog models are going to be fully pre-supported, and we've got some other secret stuff coming at you!

So, what are you getting in March then?

We already revealed that we're releasing 4 massive daemons, and today we're showing off our second monster, with the Plague Daemon. This beast is filled with delightfully repugnant details, and is a beauty to behold (don't be fooled by the picture, it's a big model).

On top of those 4 massive models, you're also going to get two big armies with the Battle Sisters and the Dwarves, and today we're showing off the new renders for our Battle Sisters, including 3 brand new poses for the bikers. Just the Battle Sisters alone are 20 models, which is more than what we usually release in a whole month!

We'll be back next week to show off the 3rd daemon, as well as all of the gorgeous Dwarf models that will be released in March, which are coming with updated head variants. In the meantime, here's a WIP preview of one of February's release models, the Flesh-Eaters.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Very happy with all this

Aaron Brown

I am so excited about the demons and getting sisters/dwarves supported. I've really wanted to paint some sisters but I'm lazy about supports. Guess I need to stock up on resin!


in april you are gonna return to make new models? i dont like sisters or have use for those daemons


Yes, in April we will start with the release of the sci-fi Saurian Starhost and the fantasy Duchies of Vinci (the faction that was voted by the community), and you can find more info in our latest roadmap: https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-post-46638097 We know that it's impossible to make models that satisfy everyone every month, but there are people that stick with us despite that because they like our work. In order to show our appreciation for it we will be giving out 2 huge loyalty reward models to those that stick with us for 3 consecutive months. This will start in April, and there will be new rewards every 3 months, so we hope you don't quit on us in March. :)


Any chance on expanding rhe alien bug sci fi fi guys in the future?


Yes, we are planning on expanding/completing all of our existing armies in the future.