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Starting in April, we're going to be releasing 2 original armies that don't have a GW equivalent, and now it's time for you to partake in the decision making!

For the new Grimdark Future army, we've already decided that we're going to be making a sci-fi version of our Saurians models, and we'll be posting more pics of that soon.

For the new Age of Fantasy army however, we've decided to sketch out 5 different concepts, and then see what the community would like us to explore. We'll then try to develop the idea further and come up with an awesome new army, which will then also get its very own army book for Age of Fantasy once it's ready.

Here's the 5 concepts, all with WIP names!

1. Semurai Tengu

This would be a faction of bird-like beastmen, with heavy asian influence. Think honorable shoguns, masterful samurai, deadly ninjas, etc.

2. Beetle 'Nids

This would be a faction of fantasy tyranids, but with a more grounded insectoid design. Think huge mantis monsters, powerful beetle guardians, swarms of ant-warriors, etc.

3. Dark Souls

This would be a faction of humans, heavily inspired by dark souls. Think of an army with lots of huge boss-like monsters, supported by infantry in heavy plated armor.

4. DaVinci Tau

This would be a faction of fantasy tau, focused on ranged fire and inspired by davinci sketches. Think intricate warmachines and lots of shooty infantry.

5. Shadow of the Colossus

This would be a faction of stone monsters, inspired by shadow of the collossus. Think of huge ancient colossi, stone guardians and tribal shamans that guide them.


The voting will only be open for one week, after which we'll start doing more sketches based on the results to see if we can take the ideas far enough to develop a full army with them. If it's good, then we'll keep it, else we'll go to the second most voted and so on.

Please note that we're really excited about all of these concepts, and so even though we only get to do one of these armies for now, there's no reason we can't go back and do any of the other ones in the future! :)


Uncle Buck

I'd love beetle nids, but my wife has an actual phobia of ants.. don't think they'd go over too well


Dark souls!

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

That beetle 'nid army looks a lot like the rules for an insectoid Tyranid-like army I made way back in the day when I thought all the WH armies should have a representation in both FB and 40K. I didn't have any decent models back then so I would love to see some now.


This was a hard vote I like all of this😁


Samurai Tengu will be amazing! Da Vinci Tau too!


I vote for "More Dwarfs".


The Da Vinci Tau are such a cool and original concept, I love everything about them.


Gah, I can hardly choose when they're all so cool! In the end, I'm gonna vote for Tengu Samurai, because birbs are fun, plus it'd be cool to have a properly Asian-centric force.

Joey Jar Jar Junior Shabadoo

Voted for Samurai Tengu as well. Looks like a great faction. 2nd choice for me was DaVinci Tau.


The Dark Souls idea would be great if I didn't have all the minis from the board game sitting in my attic... the rest look awesome, it's hard to choose.


Oooh, these are awesome! If we're doing fantasy tau and tyranids, and did sci fi skaven... any chance we can get sci fi lizardmen for grimdark in the future?

oejlen .

Not much of a fantasy player, but think all would look great.


For the new Grimdark Future army, we've already decided that we're going to be making a sci-fi version of our Saurians models, and we'll be posting more pics of that soon.

Sky Jones

Bring on the beetle nids!


This Tau concept is amazing.

Ignacio Ureta

I love the idea of shadow of the colossus!

Andy Nguyen

you guys need to do all of these eventually lol