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Today I've got just a small update for you, as I'm currently working on a bunch of different stuff, and don't have a lot to actually show you.

Games Development

Over the past few days I've been working on the new Darkness Within campaign, the new Arena Season 3, the new Skirmish Adventure Game and of course FTL D6.

The only one that I have a substantial update for is FTL D6, so I'm going to focus on that.

Generally speaking, finding time to do game design has been a bit tricky, and I'm not always the most organized person when it comes to it. I get excited about new ideas and start working on those even whilst still developing old ideas, which is fun and makes it so I never get bored of a game, but it also means that sometimes things drag on.

I feel that with FTL D6 things have definitely been dragging on, and it's now been over a month since the first test version has been out, with only small updates. I haven't been able to find a lot of time to playtest with a thousand other things going on, but I think that it's about time to get this game finally done, because we need FTL to be done before we can start working on WarMechs (yes, it's happening).

So, with that in mind, I've tweaked the rules further and have done a little playtesting, and here's the most important changes to the rules:

  • Overlap damage has been reduced to 1
  • Expert Sapper mines now deal 2 damage
  • Defiant now heals 2 damage
  • Mimetic Camo has been removed
  • Nuclear Ammo now gives +1 strength to turrets
  • Precision Rig now gives +1 to hit to turrets
  • Shield Booster now ignores damage on 5+
  • Stealth Rig counts as cover when over 12" away
  • Tractor Beam now moves ships D6+1"
  • Warp Drive now moves D6+2"
  • Re-worked all 8 core weapons

I have to admit that until now I wasn't very satisfied with FTL D6, and was very unsure if I should bother continuing to develop the idea, or just stick with 2D6 instead. With this latest version I feel more confident about it again, and after some more playtesting I think I'll be ready to give the factions a D6 makeover as well.

That being said, I want to remind everyone that even if we do stick with D6 for FTL whilst you prefer the 2D6 version, there's no reason to worry, because the 2D6 version will remain available under the Orion's Gate name as part of the one-off games.

3D Model Development

Before we begin, it's very important that you take the following poll, which is going to determine which original fantasy army comes next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45889838

Today we delivered the unsupported version of the Raptor Riders, and whilst one team is working on the supports for them, we've already got the 3D artists working on the new models for January. As soon as we have some pics we'll share them.

Aside from that, I've already contacted a lot of different artists for our March release, and hopefully I'll be able to share some pics from that ASAP! :D



I really enjoyed my First Game of FTL d6 much more than my First Game of the 2d6 Version. Even though I've played Battletech for more than 20 now, it was just way faster without adding up the dice.


Sounds great. Will there be any more 3D models for FTL?


There are plans for them, but the artist is currently going through a rough time, and we'd like to have them all done by the same person, so it might take a while, sorry.