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NEW POST FOR FILE DELIVERY: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60631647



I think you make some very good points, and we'll have to find a way around that, thank you for your feedback! :)


Those are some good suggestions, thanks! This post is actually not the best place to discuss these things, so maybe we can continue this conversation on discord: https://discord.gg/djBydgk




Trying to download some of these files is failing with '{"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 6786314 was not found.","id":"29898828-1144-49cc-9477-25dc20713f4e","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}' errors (yes, I'm cutting it a smidgen fine, but it is still the 30th!)


Which files are you trying to download? Because we just removed the 2D minis a few minutes ago. If those were the files, please send me a PM and we can sort it out. :)


I like that these come with names for the units. I don't know much about Mantic forces and the names given them don't clue me in to which units are which.

Luis G Rodriguez

In my most earnest way, I really dislike the way you post new files and updates... I feel like I have to hunt them around and have to compare the list on the post with my download folders every time to see if I already have something or something have been updated.


Usually whenever we make an update we specify which files have been updated and what has changed. If there is a better way you can think of doing it send me a PM and we can discuss this and find a solution. :)


I have a question about the narrative campaigns per month. Will there be one narrative campaign per month for any of the 5 core games? So this month there was GF, next month it could be age of fantasy? As I am only playing GF, is there any info on when the next GF narrative campaign will come out?


We are tackling narrative campaigns as we develop them, so there is no set plan that there will always be a new campaign every month, although it would definitely be cool if we manage to do that. As such, we have no info on when the next GF campaign will come out, but as soon as we know we'll talk about that in our weekly updates. :)

Yeray Campos

Hi! I didn't get the wellcome pack to my email. Can you resend me, please?


Is there a place where I can acquire rules for Space High Elves for GFA, or for evil sorcerous space soldiers?


All of the rules are available on the website, simply go on the game page you want and then on "army books": https://onepagerules.com/


Sorry if it's a dumb question, but what are the cthulhu cult for? I would love to see some lovecraft skirmishes, but I can't see in which game they fit


Is there a Download All option that I'm not seeing?


Unfortunately not, we've tried to put everything we could into packs, but the rest will have to be downloaded individually. :)


Just subscribed! Are file downloads done through drive links posts here or over on myminifactory? (Which unfortunately appears to be down atm)


myminifactory is down so hoping the STL files will not be removed.


The files are going to be sent to you via MMF, check out this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43388557


The files are going to be sent to you via MMF, check out this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43388557

PUGDOG Enterprises, Inc.

Hi, am I correct in assuming that if you update something, you update the file with a new version number, or letter ?

Rob Gibbons

LOVE THE IDEA OF THE CALCULATOR PORTAL!! , I know it's beta, but without the ability to add more than a single special rule, it's presently not good for much.


You can add multiple rules by holding the CTRL key and pressing multiple rules, which selects them for the unit. ;)


Loving all these extras, well worth the donation. Are there plans to add Impact as a weapon special rule, as it is on Jetspears?


well... i get patreon the last day of the last month and didnt notice about this download 2D things.... now i check the payment for February.... but im sorry to lose the downloads cause miss this read.... can you teach me how to get for this month o even better, tell me if i can get this .....


If you missed anything from last month that you paid for, write me a PM and I will send you the missing files. :)


All rulebooks, expansions, etc. are available here: https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/16079/onepagerules?affiliate_id=2357452

Jim O'Keane

Getting an error trying to download rulebooks link {"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 7186092 was not found.","id":"2b7e834d-efcb-445d-b272-e204e11094b4","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}

Jim O'Keane

Another bad link - warfleets ftl {"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 7373856 was not found.","id":"b7beaca6-5a37-478b-8855-28cb2638d23d","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}

Jim O'Keane

Wait? What why the 27th? I normally make sure to grab things on the last day of the month!!!


We always set the deadline to 1 day before the end of the month, just so people don't miss the files. But don't worry, you still have about 10hrs to download them. :)


i wanted to download the files and now they are gone ... thought february release is available in february .... just heard today about you guys and felt happy to join today ... but that makes me not so happy that you removed the files before end of february


The files are still available for another 3.5hrs, so you can just download them from the attachments above. Also note that only these files are being removed: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-files-48083592

Jack Noron

Allright I am able to get rules and stuff which are attached in this post, but what about those 2D printed files? I cannot see any link to get them..


Those files are still to be done, and we will release them throughout the month. There will be a news post to let you know when they're available. :)

Joshua Kemp

Sorry, but is there a code for the MMF 50% discount?


Hi! Maybe this is a recurrent question. I've just signed as level2 Patreon. Where can I download my 3D Welcome Pack and the March 3D files ?


The 3D models are delivered by MMF within 48hrs of joining, check out this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47701084


Hey, is the rulebook for Gang Wars available here?


Are the alt color schemes for the Hive City terrain coming out this month?

Chris Haselnuss

I just started beeing a Patreon. I love your concept. Does the tier 2 also include the full Warfleets FTL rulebook?


How do I access the armies and weapons list


All of the armies are available on our website: https://onepagerules.com/

David Ross

Hi, I am not getting the WGV/DTRPG email. My email id matches for both. "Our PDF rewards are available on this page until the end of the month, and are then delivered automatically via WGV/DTRPG."


The May rewards will be delivered at the end of the month, if you didn't receive the April rewards please send me a PM. :)


Hello, unfortunately I miss the full rulebook for War Fleets FTL in the rulebook.zip. Have I overlooked something? The old 2D6 version was also included there. Can I find the new D6 version (full) elsewhere? Thanks for the help.


I am just seeing that Warfleets was removed in late February. Why was the full rulebook removed? Same question again: Can I find the new D6 version (full) elsewhere? :(


Hey. I have been patreon for a while now. Sadly i missed to dowload all my previous 2d rewards. Any way i can still get them?


Hi! quick question where can I find the army pdf where the army special rules are explained?


I forgot to download previous Mission Pack. Is there any way to get it now?


Hello, i am new and wondered if there's a way to get past Monthly Mission Packs on WGV/DTRPG or something? Not asking for Give outs, it just seems weird to me that one can get each Rulebook Separately but not additional Mission Packs. Or did i just miss them?


The mission packs are only available on Patreon for now, and once we have made enough we will then release them as a bundle on WGV/DTRPG.


Hello. I was wondering if there is a way to order print on demand ru,le books as I prefer hard copies.


We are currently working on that, and will make an announcement when it's ready. :)

Nathaniel Weber

New patron! I've been trying out your rules with historical miniatures (Japanese samurai and ashigaru) and it's worked really well.


So, this may be an odd question, but I just subbed to the patreon. Is there a way to access all of the older missions and scenarios they have put out as backer rewards, or is it only the current month that is available?


The older stuff is available for sale on WGV: https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/16079/onepagerules?affiliate_id=2357452


I missed downloading the Tier 1 rewards for June, is it possible to still get them?


You should have received an e-mail to redeem them on WGV, so no need to worry about missing downloads. I'm going to send you a PM to make sure you get them. :)


I'm not seeing the battlefield layout in the Sacred Temple mission. Is it missing or am I just missing it?


Sorry, i joined the patreon and i recived the stl files, but i didn't get the pdf, ther's something i should do other than making an account?


Check the attachments of this post, where you can download the files immediately. Else you can wait until the end of the month, where they will be sent to you via WGV/DTRPG.

Andrew 1

Also be sure to press the "Rewards: Tier 1" button to see the pdf stuff even if you are a Tier 2 pledge.


Brand new patron today, so apologies if this is an old question that provokes groans :D The points calculator insists I'm not a backer after I click allow on the patreon sso. Does it take time to propagate or is something amiss? Thanks


It can take some time to propagate, yes. Make sure to check again in ~24hrs and send me a PM if you have any issues. :)


Hi, I forgot to download the Mission Pack for June :( May I ask for it still, or is it actually included in the WGV mail?


The Mission Packs are not included in the WGV e-mail, just send me a PM on Discord and I'll make sure to send the missions to you. :)


hi there just joined, where can I download the rules ?


Check the attachments of this post, where you can download the files immediately. :)


Where do you get the mission packs from?


Brand new ... will the fantasy terrain be released later in the month, or am I just not seeing the link? I got the Hive City one, but to be honest my son and I only want the fantasy-related items.


Check the attachments of this post, where you will find the "OPR - Fantasy Terrain Pack". :)


Hello, I was patron since March, but sadly only became aware of how this post works recently and missed a lot of things (except ones sent to wargames store) is there a way to get the things I missed?

isaac crofts

LOVE THE POINT CALCULATOR!!! My SO and I had a blast making up rules for some of my printed up models and playing a quick game. I know its a beta but I want it to get better so I will offer my feedback. I would like to be able to create and save multiple model/squads rules then print them all out as a set of cards. Having to reference the spreadsheet I had to copy all of the rules into was the least enjoyable part of the experience.

Alexander Thomson

Hi been a Patron for a little while, love the content, love the 2D minis. One question though. We get the gangs but are we meant to have access to Gang Wars as part of the patreon? I want to check before I buy. Cheers


Gang Wars is only available on WGV/DTRPG now, since it left early access a while ago. :)

David Bennett

Sure this gets asked a lot. Where do I get the stats for the different armies for the skirmish game?


All of the army lists are available for free on our website: https://onepagerules.com/


I made the mistake of thinking the point calculator was actually a force builder. Is there a utility out there that will allow for the creation of printable rosters for AoF and GF?

Dawid Kaźmierczak

If I understand correcly, I will receive rulebooks and point calculators at end of the month?


You can already download the rulebooks and point calculators now in the attachments of this post, and you can already use the online point calculator by following the link. :)


Hi. I never got the link for WGV for August. How can I get the August content?


Hello, I became a patron this month, I love the OPR rules! I'm mostly a fan of narrative campaigns, and I wanted to know how I could get the ones that have been published so far. Thanks! Greetings!


The narrative campaigns can be bought here: https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/16079/onepagerules?affiliate_id=2357452


I I have not gotten august I have not gotten august rewards.


hi i tried the Grim dark firefight at teh weekend and loved it so signed up to the patreon do i need to wait untill the end of the month to be able to download the full rulebook


You can already download the rulebooks and point calculators now in the attachments of this post, no need to wait. :)


yeah juts realized i was being a muppet ha ha ha ha


Hey, I just tried using the point calculator and its not allowing me to add multiple rules to a unit/weapon. Is that a bug or am I missing something?


It's a weird system for sure, but if you're on desktop you can control+click to add multiple rules


I was checking for the rules on Wargamevault and I don't see them connected to my account. I did make sure the email was the same. Does it take a few days to connect after account creation there?


There is no connection between accounts, they simply have to use the same e-mail. Then at the end of the month you will receive the content automatically.


Yo love the artstyle of these paper minis and they are great for getting friends into wargaming. Do you think they will ever release Havoc brothers with it? Its kinda hillarious the one faction that isn't for sale is the one my friends want to get into


Since we're going to be making 2D minis to match the 3D minis, we'll only be getting to Havoc Brothers 2D minis once we get 3D minis done for them.

Joseph Colborn

just to clear this up on the army books page it has all these lists for things i cant seem to find on MMF have they just not been made yet? no big deal tbh adds to the enjoyment of playing with it as it releases already got all the mummies printed off but looking forward to the beastmen being finished or some elves being added sometime


Right now we have only made a small amount of models for all the available armies in the game, and we'll keep making more over the years until they're all covered. :)


OPR looks amazing! I was (and still am, to some degree) a big fan of the COMPANY WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED, but dealing with the constant change in rules and and the continuingly skyrocketing cost of new books and minis has really put me off of their product. I'm opening a new game store in North Bay, Ontario , Canada and plan to showcase and play Grimdark at my location!


I was looking at the sellsword rules and this game looks fantastic. I plan to give this a trial playthrough ASAP, however i noticed the included mission references a map to place things but there is no map image included. will this be released soon along with more content?


Hi sorry, Just want to check if I understand correctly.. as I have not joined much patreons. The last two patreons I contributed to, the download links for the models were downloaded direct from patreon page. For this, how it works is , you guys will send an email to me if I am not reading it wrong?


Correct, you will get an e-mail to redeem the models. Check out this post for more info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-3d-code-47701084


I cant find mission packs, can anyone help me? Thanks.


Hey all! This is my second month as a $10 patreon and I am very impressed with what I've gotten so far! Thank you for fueling my addiction and offering such wonderful minis! I was wondering if, at some point in the future, more of the paper miniature armies will be filled out? Maybe some vehicles too? I own a Community Center and love bringing OPR to the kids (and adults) of our town... and printing paper minis is a fast and easy way to get multiple people playing quickly! Thanks again!


Yes, we are planning on starting to release more complete armies, instead of just a few minis for each. :)

Anthony Acampora

All of my attempts to pre-supported files with my Anycubic Mono X have failed. Many of my self supported files have failed as well. I could use some assistane with setting. The extra in this monthe email included RGB for Anycubic machines but not Anycubic Mono machines. Help please

Asteroids Fred

Is there any terrain for the 2D Warfleets? Like asteroids or nebulas. That would be very cool


Yes, it's available on WGV... although maybe we could make it available on Patreon again as well... let me think about it. :)

Asteroids Fred

IT would be soooo cool. For those that missed it, a "flashback" gift to those new Patreons since you started making them again....

Kyle Bentley

Was there a scenario pack last month? I'm looking through my downloads and not seeing it. If there was and I missed it, could I get a download link somehow?


As per the post above, missions are not added to WGV/DTRPG library, please download them before they're gone.

Hal Hawthorne

Are the Rebel Fleet files for FTL available as part of the Patreon. It looks like everything else is and I have Wargames Vault links for them.


We are re-releasing one FTL fleet per month, so the Alliance Fleet will be out again soon.


Where do I find the "Narrative Campaign" pdf link? I'm having a hard time finding it :(


Hi, I'm looking for the Maximum Threat Mission Pack #1 but I can't find it anywhere. Where is it possible to find it?


Ok, I'm not the best one to navigate few new different websites. But the instructions and links are limbo. There is no clarity how and where to click to reach the 2d rewords. Somehow I managed the 3d, what are the steps for 2D Minis and PSDs?


Got it. May be, as other people asked, better identifications is: Bellow Important Notes (or below LOOKING FOR 3D MODELS AND DISCOUNT CODE? CLICK HERE!), where is a list of files in red font. I was looking for exact "attachment" text or something visible as at email, thought right section is referred as attachment. Nice job with the 2d content.

Tim Schönfeld

Hey friends, I'm looking for the Gang Wars rulebook, where can I find that?


Yes, I recently joined and was curious if the Gang Wars rule book was part of patreon

Kevin Hubert

For the points calculator tool, is there a way to add multiple qualities to weapons? Such as deadly AND AP? I can't quite figure this out.


Was the email sent out to patrons for the rulebooks in wargame vault or driver thru rpg dite?


Yes, but they can take up to 48hrs to arrive. Send me a PM if you don't get it. :)


When will this month’s 2d minis be available?


I second your comments! I ended up signing for the 3D tier while looking for the 2D minis. Still haven't figured out how to get the 2D armies. All I see as attachments are the full rulebooks, terrain PDFs, point calculators, and the sellswords rules.


The monthly release starts on the 4th of the month, although 2D minis are usually delivered in batches, as they are completed. :)


Baaaaaaah! I keep forgetting to grab the mission packs. Any way to get the older ones we missed?


Are the different fleets / factions for FTL detailed anywhere?

Joseph Colborn

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EXbQyWZ1FSX-o7m2wskiTtN_nH-z-bep/view?usp=sharing this will take you to the page


So I won't receive access to any of the content on wargaming vault until the last day of the month? If that is the case what a bummer I just joined on the 7th and I want to make some more of the 2d armies.


I was looking for the points calculator for Warfleets FTL. Did you guys remove it from the points calculator site?


There has never been a points calculator for Warfleets: FTL. If you're looking for the list builder, it's linked on our website, here you go: https://opr-list-builder.herokuapp.com/warfleets-ftl/build


Which minis are depicted in the new Alien Hive redesign?


Any plans for a printed copy of rules? Love the artwork by Hankerin!


Is there anyway of getting old mission packs? I’ve been subscribed since May but I haven’t downloaded a single one, I wasn’t playing the actual game just printing and painting but I played my first game with my kids today and we loved it!


My discount code is not working in My Mini Factory. It's not applying, not saying it's invalid, nothing.


If you're having issues with the MMF system, you need to contact MMF support directly, and they can help.


Am I able to get old mission packs at Tier 2?


Previous missions are not available anymore, and are not added to WGV/DTRPG library, download before they're gone.


Could I suggest compiling them into an annual book and releasing it on Wargames Vault for a few dollars? I’d happily pay or donate some extra money to get a hold of the ones I missing.


Noooo... forgot to download the November Mission Pack. -.-


Very cool and thanks for the reply, I will look forward to it in the future.

James Meadows

is all the paper terrain stuff the same every month????


are there instructions or pictures of how it's supposed to go together


i missed all the 2d and missions from november also lol


Is it possible to pick units from two different armies without unbalancing the game? I was mainly thematically thinking of Plague Havoc Disciples and Plague Rift Daemons...


Where do I find the gang wars pdf?


Gang Wars is not part of the Patreon rewards, but you can still buy it here: https://www.wargamevault.com/product/345680/Gang-Wars--Grimdark-Future-Firefight-Expansion?affiliate_id=2357452


When you do this, can transports from one army contain units from the other army? (if so, can they be deployed with units from the other army inside?)


If you're not playing with the competitive rules, then you can do pretty much whatever you want. The competitive rules can be found on our website.


hi i signed up for the full package the otherday and it wont show up at all om myminifactory. and worried if i dont download by tomorrow will lose this months one please help


The files are sent to you within 48hrs. Check out this post for more info on the 3D minis: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rewards-3d-code-47701084


Pretty cool to get some "Eternal Dynasty" rules. One more faction to be playable in this system :D


On the web app, I keep getting "Account creation and login is currently not working."


hi, where can i find the early access draft to sellswords ?


Hi all, I'm new to this whole patreon thing. My question is how do I get hold of the full rulebook now I've subscribed??

John Stempowski

Anyone know where I can find the AI rules?