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oopsie i accidentally uploaded this out of order

heres ep122n123 yall





Ku Nilsen

Also, yes Gintoki in a tanktop. And yes dadtoki teaching Kagura silly life lessons at the end there😂

Ku Nilsen

One last thing about Gintoki giving up: Generally we have seen Gin have a lot of willpower when it comes to certain things, but it's not like it's endless and directed at everything. He is known to be lazy, and we have seen him give up before. Gintoki is someone who accepts reality for what it is. Take Gin and Katsura, one living(relatively) peacefully and have adapted to this completely new and modern world. Even his clothes are a mix of modern and traditional. While Katsura is still fighting to get the old world back. His clothes are all traditional as well. So getting his di*k back is certainly something Gin wants lol It's not so essential that allows him to be endlessly determined. When the end goal is lost like it was for most of the last episode (0 leads to find the aliens that can be in any galaxy), Gin continues his life. Accepting the changes and moving on.