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Hey everyone! This update i'll have a couple of WIPs to share, mention of a secret project that's ready to go and some festive photos from the current UK cold snap :)

Art Stuff

First up, you'll hopefully have seen the rough sketch of the Monthly art yesterday. I've gotten to work on it, very much hoping to have the base art done before the 20th:

Next up, i've gotten more intouch with the guy I like's (i'm just gonna call him BF, fuck it) DnD group after a failed attempt back in October - apparently they've got two campaigns on the go so i'm designing a new Luma (pigeon) boy:

I also doodled a random furry gal while bored in a work meeting. Chickened out on the boob window:

And lastly for art stuff - i've finished a cutesy present (separate to the commission/gift mentioned last time) for my BF's birthday. I'm not posting it here just incase he bothers to read one of these updates for once. I've scheduled the rough sketches to be posted on Monday and the main thing will hopefully be posted on Sunday :)

Life Stuff

We're now deep into festive season and I am probably about 50 Mince Pies deep at this point. To distract myself from the weight i'm putting on, i've decorated the shelves behind my desk at home:

The weather's been feeling festive too - on my walk to the shops this morning I tried to take a fancy macro shot of a frosty fence post. Glare on my screen made it hard to set focus, but check out them crystals:

Mental health update: my art workload is feeling good right now, I've only got one week of Real Job work left before Christmas, and aside from pining for my BF i'm feeling good :)  Hopefully the sparkly lights and cheery music is lifting your mood too, i'll be back with another blog on Christmas Eve (probably written beforehand let's be honest) and very hopefully the Monthly art beforehand.

Thanks as always for your support, seeya next time! 



AWWW!!! So happy for you, congrats on the bf!! Sounds like it's been great month so far, hope it continues to stay that way!