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Monthly art rough sketch!  Somehow the christmassy theme has been lost a little... does anyone mind? 

Leena's found a cute gal that'll make an even cuter sister. Christmas is a time for family after all!

Planned alts: True Twinning, Hypno, More Chubby, Nip Slip, Can't Stop Giggling, Different Outfit... maybe we'll sneak in a sweaty alt... 




I don’t totally mind the holiday theme being lost, buuut it definitely feels like it’s missing. All those alts sound good…. Especially the sweaty. Can’t wait to see how you handle the rest of this, as it already looks great! Love the tears you did on the clothing too!


I could swap out the shirt slogan and make the clothing on the rack into Christmas jumpers... I'll rescue it ;)

Something Tanuki

Oh my goodness that middle row of panels. Amazing!