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Hey everyone, another fortnightly update is here. This time i'll have a super rough sketch of my next commission, and another update on the Patreon piece.

I sure am glad to be typing this in a much cooler office, now that the heatwave here in the UK is over. House moving has settled down now, and i've had more time to draw.  Goodness knows why I chose to do a three part sequence for patreon on the month I moved house, but progress has been okay - i've got the first frame finished ( and only the foregrounds left to shade on the other two frames )

What do you think about the sweat effect btw?  I can totally see myself fretting over her face for a while too, it's a  bit uncanny...  anyways, definitely on track to get this done before the month is out. 

Speaking of the patreon art, i've got a few ideas for next month's poll, but i'd love to hear more suggestions if you've got them:

  • Pokken Miltank TF via malfunctioning neural link, trainer doesn't realise they're changing
  • "Fourier Transform" maths teacher turning into some kind of anthro thanks to maths puns
  • "A Measured Response" Female WG, with tape measure holding back the boobs and belly

In other art news, i've done a little sketching on a commission for SkyCharger, who wanted to become a plush skunk lady. They've yet to appraise this super-rough sketch, so who knows how much it'll change before the end:

I managed to do another art stream on thursday evening ( follow me on picarto if you dare ) which was super productive and a fun time all round :)   At some point i'd like to get a decent mic so i can interact with people and so the stream isn't pure silence...

Lastly, we've got another super cool plant update!   My monstera's latest leaf has a hole in it - and that's a good thing for monsteras! 

I'm super stoked, this plant has suffered from a big pest problem and i've managed to claw it back and now it's growing fenestrated leaves :) 

Well that's it for this fortnightly update, thanks as always for the support - hopefully the art this month is worth the wait :)   Stay safe and well, and i'll be back with the art alts and poll!


Something Tanuki

The Miltank tf instantly has my vote. 👀 I really like the idea of a math pun-related tf involving Fourier transforms though. I don't know a lot of math unfortunately, so all I got was "Furrier transform" and "these are not the curves I expected".


Fourier handles the "furry" pun, but if it wins the poll I am totally stealing the "curves" line :)


Yeah Miltank!